Lost and Found Ch. 18

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Lost and Found

Chapter 18 – When the clock strikes midnight

As she took her seat back at the table Candy had a huge smile on her face, which was immediately noticed by Pamela who had been sitting by herself, waiting for her friend to return.

“You look happy,” she commented, “was it because Daniel called, or did something else happen?” she asked with a cheeky wink. Candy immediately blushed, covering her face before responding.

“Yes, it was Daniel on the phone…,” she explained before trailing off.

“And?” Pamela asked leadingly while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, “come on Candy, I’m your oldest friend, there’s no need to keep secrets from me.”

“Well,” Candy continued reluctantly, “Alastair came to find me outside.”

“And?” Pamela asked again, leaning forwards in her seat, hooked on every word from her friend’s lips.

“He told me that he thinks I’m beautiful and that…, he wants to take me home,” Candy confessed, a smile creeping in at the corner of her lips as she recalled Alastair’s flattering words and the way he had looked at her as she stood in the pale moonlight.

Pamela literally squealed with excitement before speaking as her prediction became reality before her very eyes. “And what did you say?” she asked, literally bouncing in her seat as she clapped her hands together with glee.

“I said…, okay,” Candy replied bashfully, looking down at the table out of embarrassment as she admitted she intended to sleep with a virtual stranger before the night was out.

“Hell yeah, you go girl!” Pamela whooped encouragingly, before noticing people at the tables next to them turning to look over because of her loud outburst. “I told you that there would be handsome, eligible guys here, didn’t I?” she whispered smugly, happy to have been vindicated but more importantly, overjoyed that her friend would be receiving some long overdue male attention from someone that wasn’t a complete scumbag. If only she knew the truth about her best friend’s sex life over the past few months, it’d make her head spin.

“I’m excited about it,” Candy replied honestly, “he seems like a really nice man.”

“Yeah, he does,” Pamela said, “but if he puts a finger wrong, you let me know and your girl Pam will whip his arse, okay Candy?”

“Okay Pamela, okay,” Candy replied as they both laughed together before noticing Ava and Alastair making their way back to the table from the bar, another bottle of wine in hand. “Quiet you, they’re coming!” Candy warned and Pamela slyly checked over her shoulder before doing her best to look relaxed.

“Ladies,” Alastair greeted them as he and Ava took their seats, his eyes lingering on Candy as they shared a knowing smile, which Pamela did an awful job of pretending not to notice.

“So Ava, what award is it that you’re nominated for again?” she asked as she struggled to think of something to say to cover up the obvious tension that was growing between Candy and Alastair. Pam knew that she’d been told the answer to her question several times already, cursing her inability to think on her feet, although being more than willing to look the fool if it would help Candy out.

Ava replied politely while Alastair gave Pamela a curious look from across the table. “It’s the Young Business Owner of the Year award,” she explained as she poured herself a glass of wine.

“That’s so wonderful,” Pamela replied, “your Dad must be so proud…,” she trailed off as everyone around the table looked at her with varying expressions. Candy showing grateful sympathy, Ava polite confusion and Alastairs face wearing a wry smile. Somebody needed to jump in to make things less awkward and Candy decided it should be her that did it.

“So what’s classified as a ‘young business owner’ then? I assume I’m too past it to be eligible!” she giggled, drawing laughter from the rest of the table.

“Ah now,” Alastair interrupted, “I shan’t sit here and listen to a beautiful woman saying she is past it! Besides, if you’re past it I must be ready for the care home, or the grave!” he quipped, causing another swell of laughter to engulf the table

“It’s for anyone under thirty,” Ava explained once the merriment had died down, “I’m the youngest nominee this year, which is very flattering,” she admitted.

“Yes, I’m sure it must be,” Candy replied, doing her best to hold a poker face as she felt Alaistars hand creeping onto her thigh, squeezing it gently before gently rubbing up and down. She couldn’t deny that it felt nice and she was quite happy for his palm to stay there, tension continuing to build with their physical touch, electricity bristling along her skin. Candy poured herself a glass of wine and offered to do the same for Alastair and Pamela, but they both politely declined, explaining that they wanted to be able to drive home after the event had concluded. Sensible, responsible and handsome, Alastair really was quite the catch.

Candy took the opportunity to relax back into her chair, taking a sip of the cold wine and giving Alastair a little glance and a smile before the awards ceremony rolled on, with more gongs handed out to various people pornolar of all different ages and backgrounds until finally, it was time for the penultimate award. ‘Young Business Owner of The Year.’ The Towns Mayor would be presenting the final two awards and he gave a short speech before reading through the names of the nominees. Once Ava’s name was read out Alastair, Pamela and Candy all clapped and cheered for her and she gave them a grateful but nervous smile as thanks as she clutched at her napkin anxiously.

“And, the winner is…,” The Mayor teased for dramatic effect as he opened up the small envelope and pulled out the piece of card inside. Everyone held their breath, waiting to see who would be the worthy recipient of the award. “Ava Simmons!” he exclaimed loudly, eyes searching the room to locate the winner.

The young woman leapt from her seat, throwing her arms up in the air and cheering with joy as Alastair darted over to give her a huge hug and a kiss, the perfect image of a proud father and a successful daughter. Candy and Pamela clapped for their new friends and once their embrace was over, Ava walked to the stage, shaking the Mayor’s hand and taking the award from him, before stepping behind the plinth and adjusting the microphone so she could speak to the assembled crowd. She was clearly surprised to have won and so her speech was a little disjointed, but she managed to thank her colleagues and shouting out a few other businesses that they had close ties with before finishing off by thanking her father. “Ever since Mum passed away, he’s been my hero. My protector, my adviser and my carer. I couldn’t have done this without you, I love you Dad!” she said emotionally as a single tear rolled down her cheek, looking up to the heavens before taking her leave from the stage as the assembled crowd applauded her while Candy and Pamela wiped their own tears from their eyes.

“That was so sweet,” Candy commented to Alastair, but he didn’t even reply, eyes locked onto his daughter as she made her way back to the table, smiling widely and bursting with pride. Ava was straight back into his arms for another big cuddle before giving quick hugs to Candy and Pamela too and taking her place at the table.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it!” Ava exclaimed, staring at the award in her hand as if it was an extra limb that had unexpectedly sprouted from her body. Everyone congratulated her before quieting down so the last award could be distributed. Alastair discreetly called over a waiter and asked them to bring the best bottle of champagne they had, all three women bristling with impressed excitement at the kind and generous gesture.

Once the final recipient had received their trophy, delivered their speech and left the stage, the compere wrapped things up by congratulating all the winners and thanking everyone for attending before introducing the DJ for the rest of the evening, a young looking lad with a shaved head and several colorful earrings who immediately started spinning some party classics to set the mood. The bottle of bubbly arrived at the table shortly afterwards and Alastair gave it to his daughter to open, a spray of frothy booze shooting from the tip and landing on the table before glasses could start to be poured. They all toasted and drank together in a hubbub of excited happiness. Alastair and Pamela only had a mouthful each, but despite everything going on, Candy was still thinking about being alone with Alastair later that night and how much fun it was going to be. The sexual urges deep inside her were scratching at the door, but she hopefully wouldn’t need to wait much longer to let it out.

The champagne was quickly drunk and Ava And Pamela made their way to the bar to order more beverages, leaving Candy and Alastair alone at the table momentarily. “Care to dance, pretty lady?” Alastair asked, extending his hand towards Candy, a physical extension of his offer as he flashed her a smile that could reduce even the most demure woman into a tittering mess.

“I hope you’re good,” Candy replied, taking his hand and standing up from the table, pulling him towards the dance floor.

“At dancing?” he asked as he trailed behind her, taking the opportunity to ogle her body in her hand made dress as she walked.

“For a start,” Candy replied as she looked over her shoulder, flashing him a cheeky wink as she found some space in the middle of the pack of dancing people. Turning around she took Alastair’s other hand and they quickly pulled each other into a tight embrace, Alastair’s hands finding their way to Candy’s lower back while her arms wrapped around his neck. “Show me what you’ve got,” Candy whispered seductively, resisting the urge to kiss him right then and there in the middle of the dance floor.

Alastair took her challenge on with aplomb, shuffling and twirling with his new beau all over the dance floor amongst all the other happy attendees. They laughed together as they danced, time losing all meaning as they enjoyed the touch of each other’s bodies and the shared feeling of freedom as they shucked and jived together. After around half an hour of cutting xhamster a rug Candy needed a break and so they made their way back to their table to find Pamela caring for a substantially worse for wear Ava. As she saw them approaching Pamela explained what had happened with her glass of soda in hand, one hand still gently massaging the young woman’s back. “When we got to the bar people kept offering to buy her shots to celebrate her win, I think she’s had a few too many.”

“I’m fiiiiiiine!” Ava slurred as she reached out to try and put her finger to Pamela’s lips, instead colliding with her cheek with much more force than intended, causing Pamela to wince and recoul in surprise.

“I think I should order you a cab home sweetie,” Alastair suggested softly as he took a seat next to his daughter while gently rubbing her back. Ava took some convincing, still in a good mood and wanting to party despite her drunken state, but ultimately her father managed to convince her that it was for the best. He poured her a glass of water and encouraged her to drink it before turning his attention back to Candy and Pamela. “Do you two mind keeping an eye on her while I call a taxi?” Alastair asked as he stood up from the table

“Of course,” Candy replied, taking the chair next to Ava and trying to coax her into drinking some water, lifting the glass to her mouth and tipping it upwards so she could swallow some of the cool, refreshing liquid

“Wanna know a secret?” Ava asked groggily as she swayed in her seat once she had finished drinking.

“Sure,” Candy replied, unsure of what to expect.

“I think my Dad likes you!” Ava whispered, bringing her finger up to her lips and making a ‘shhhh’ sound before nearly toppling out of her chair and onto the hardwood floor. Quickly catching her and holding her in place, Pamela and Candy waited for Alastair’s return and after a couple of minutes he was back.

“Okay, there’s a taxi on the way, come here sweetie,” he said gently, helping Ava up from her seat and kneeling down so she could climb onto his back. He carried her like this through the ballroom, down the foyer and out into the brisk evening air. It made for such a cute visual, the father carrying and taking care of her daughter and for a moment Candy wondered how many of these moments she had missed with Daniel because of her stupid decision when she was only a teenager. They waited for the car to arrive and Alastair gently placed her inside, making sure she didn’t hit her head and giving the driver instructions. He returned to Pamela and Candy and reassured them, “she’s okay, her boyfriend will be waiting for her at home and he’s going to let me know once she’s home safely. Thanks for your help,” he added, smiling at them both warmly, eyes lingering on Candy, which Pamela took as her cue to leave.

“I’d love to stay for a while longer, but my little lad has a football game in the morning, so I better get going. You okay to sort yourself a ride home?” she asked Candy, fully aware that it would be Alastair that her friend would be riding before the night was out.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it Candy replied, I think I’ll stay for a little while and try to network a bit. Thanks for coming with me sweetie,” Candy answered, giving Pamela a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Alastair offered his hand to Pamela and gave her a kiss on the opposite cheek and while he didn’t see it, Candy noticed her blush and smile slightly.

“It was a pleasure meeting you,” Alastair said classily, “get home safely.” With that Pamela made her way down to the car collection point, one of the staff drove her vehicle over and she climbed inside, waving at Candy and Alastair before driving off into the night. They both waved her off until finally it was just the two of them standing on the steps of the grand old building. Turning to her, Alastair reached out to wrap his arms around Candy’s waist, pulling her close, making a girlish squeal fall from her lips. “Finally alone,” he rumbled in a deep voice, desire dropping from every syllable.

“Finally,” Candy replied, pushing up on her tiptoes so that she could press her lips to the dashing older man’s. They kissed intimately on the steps in what looked like a scene straight out of a movie and when they parted, Candy was slightly out of breath, the need inside her building to an almost intolerable level.

“So, do you want to get another drink, or should I bring the car around?” he asked with intent. A chance for Candy to change her mind if she wanted to, or at least put off the inevitable for a while.

“Let’s go,” Candy replied confidently, taking Alastair’s hand and leading him down the steps and towards the valet station. Once the car arrived Alastair opened the door for her, taking her hand to help her inside as Candy smiled, she’d never been treated like this by a man before, other than Daniel of course, and it made her feel like a princess.

“All ready to go?” Alastair asked as he took his seat and grasped the wheel to which Candy nodded in response, slight nerves settling in as she thought about what was to come once they reached his place. The japon porno car trundled its way down the long private road and back onto the public street ls where they could pick up speed. “Don’t worry, my house isn’t far from here,” he explained, although it feels a bit empty since Ava moved out.”

“Yeah, it’s the same for me now that Daniel isn’t at home,” Cindy replied sympathetically, reaching out to place her hand on top of his on the gearstick.

“Look at the two of us, on our way for a night of lewd debauchery and we’re here talking about our kids,” Alastair exclaimed with a warm chuckle.

Candy joined his laughter before replying, “the curse of being a parent I guess, although I guarantee you won’t be thinking about Ava by the time we get to yours,” she said with a naughty grin.

“Oh, what makes you so sure?” Alastair asked. His question was quickly answered as Candy’s hand reached out and touched his thigh before sliding to his crotch and searching for his cock hidden within his smart, immaculately pressed trousers. He moaned softly as her hand pressed against him, Candy biting her lip approvingly, feeling him harden under her touch. “You better be careful,” he commented breathlessly, “you don’t want us to crash before I get you home so you?”

“So you’re asking me to stop?” Candy asked wickedly as she leant over to kiss him on the neck while her fingers simultaneously wrapped around his shaft and squeezing, drawing another lusty moan from the silver fox as he tried to focus on the road in front of him.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Alastair answered as sweat began to form on his brow, wiping it away with his hand before returning it to the steering wheel.

“Good,” Candy answered confidently as her hands found the zipper on his trousers, pulling it down and reaching inside to find his straining prick. Once her fingers finally met his flesh she could feel how hard he was for her, throbbing beneath her touch as his breathing got heavier and heavier by the second. Reaching underneath her chair, Candy found the lever she was looking for, pulling it upwards so that she could pull her seat back as far as it would go. Getting onto her knees in the footwell, her eyes burned into Alastair’s throbbing cock before looking up at him as his eyes flicked between her and the road.

“Wh… what are you doing?” he asked, although suspecting that he already knew the answer.

“Have you ever had road head?” Candy asked as she shuffled to get comfortable, continuing to slowly stroke her new friend’s phallus, which was now glistening with pre-cum as it dribbled out from his tip.

“I… I haven’t,” Alastair replied between moans, breath catching in his throat as he lifted his foot off the gas a little. If she was going to really do this, he needed to make sure their speed was as low as possible. Thankfully the roads were virtually empty out here on the outskirts of town at this time of night, but it was still going to be an immense challenge to drive while having his cock sucked. He hadn’t expected this from Candy, she had seemed so quiet and reserved when he first met her, but he couldn’t deny he was enjoying seeing this side of her come out. It was going to be a far more interesting night than he had expected.

Leaning down between Alastair’s torso and the steering wheel, Candy took a sniff of his prick as she licked along his shaft. Manly, musky and tantalizing. God she had missed the feeling of a swollen cock in her hand, a man shaking from her touch, desperate for her to give him the pleasure they needed. It wasn’t the same as being with Daniel, it never would be, but it would do for now. Sucking Alastair’s head into her hungry mouth, Candy flicked it softly with her tongue, feeling his body relax into his seat as he let out a long moan, the car veering to one side slightly as he unwillingly let go of the wheel. Candy smiled with half of his prick down her throat, this was reckless, dangerous and absolutely exhilarating. She’d never done anything like this before and even she was shocked at her boldness, but there was no way she was stopping now. Taking him deeper into her throat, she could feel him pulsing inside her, pussy dampening with arousal as she moved her hand between her legs, pushing her dress aside so she could press her fingers against her sex through her panties. A moan rumbled up from deep within, sending vibrations along Alastair’s cock that only intensified his pleasure further as his arms shook while trying to hold onto the steering wheel.

“Fuck…,” he whispered as Candy released him, strands of saliva falling from her lips and onto her chin, “that feels amazing.”

“Mmm, glad to hear it,” Candy replied before taking him into her mouth once again, bobbing up and down like a woman possessed, spurred on by Alastair’s moans and grunts of pleasure. He clearly had a good amount of stamina as Candy gave him everything she had, using her tongue to drive him crazy with every journey down his shaft. As incredible as it felt, Alastair was actually relieved when he saw his house coming into view, trundling up the driveway before reaching for the handbrake to finally deliver them to their destination safely, despite Candy’s best efforts. Noticing that the car had stopped moving, Candy came up for air, cheeks flushed red, panties soaked and ready for more. “Are we here already?” she asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

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