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I talked about myself but briefly talked about my insanely gorgeous and attractive daughter’s.
There’s Heather Margaret Frons now age 28.
She carried a lot of similarities of my ex wife having her near knock out figure….and assets.
Not that I was looking….on purpose at least.
Heather, like my ex wife, stood a hair or two in the 5’3″ range which I guess is average for most female’s.
Not saying I’m not average as I stood a hair or two in the 5’10” range….definitely average for males…..I think.
Heather had nice long flowing hair that went to the small of her back that was dark brown, like me, with flecks of blonde here and there giving a natural highlight effect. She had my brown eyes and had a lot of her mother’s assets though I wasn’t entirely sure exactly her size….or measurements.
She’s my daughter not my lover so I didn’t know her measurements beyond that she liked wearing large shirts to hide her fair chest and that most of her clothing was either small or had some numbers on them that was in the single digit range depending on the clothing designer. The only thing I knew about her body was that it was about average if not a little slim here and there and curves where they should be.
She graduated Cum Laude from Yale University in law and works for a law firm in town where she specialized in marriage disputes….mainly for men wanting to end a nasty marriage from their spouse.
Guess she saw what happened to me and wanted to help me with their marriages instead of fighting for women.
There have been plenty of times where she would bring her work home to research.
Now the triplets Savanna, Nicole and Mackenzie were the aloofs at the moment in their professional careers.
All three stood about the same height, roughly about 5’2″ give or take a millimeter. They all took from their mother having her blue eyes but made them more distinct that was more gray than blue. They all had different hair cuts so it was easy to tell who was who.
And the tattoos and piercings helped distinguish who was who.
Mackenize had the full sleeve on her right arm with the short haircut and faded green hair. And thanks to her clothing style….or I should say lack there of I knew my little Kenzie had her nipples pierced.
Trust me more than once I have had to add alcohol to my morning coffee when Mackenzie waltzes around the house in her g-string underwear and low cut top that did absolutely nothing to hide what she was gifted with as her perky pierced tits poked out.
I’ve yelled and begged Mackenzie to wear clothes when she’s around me but she laughs at me and still does it.
If it weren’t for the fact that she showed off her body for money I would say she was the deadbeat of the three.
Then there’s Savanna who was just as bad as Mackenzie if not worse as she was more playful and flirty. Savanna, unlike Mackenzie, kept her blonde hair long and straight and only had one tattoo on her right ring finger of her initials. Savanna was more……how do I put this…..more free with her clothing style as she always walked around the house in just a pair of underwear and nothing else.
And finally Nicole who was the most conservative of the three as she always wore spandex completely covering herself up and spent most of her free time at the gym just so she could do the circuits where I guess she makes a nice coin for her weight class and body frame.
She wasn’t freaky muscular that made her unattractive nor was she frail looking. She had that nice bod that you could tell she kept herself nicely toned without being overly muscular.
Nicole always kept her blonde hair up in a tight tirebolu escort pony tail when she went to the gym and when she was home would let her hair down or in a loose bun.
All three had their own jobs and career paths that I couldn’t argue with…..though due to Mackenzie’s lifestyle I have had to avoid certain clubs…..and websites for my ‘ ahem ‘ adult entertainment when I need to have my ‘man to hand’ time.
Really don’t want to masturbate to my daughter(s).
Which, thanks to both Mackenzie AND Savanna floundering around the house in almost nothing, I’ve had to excuse myself to either my room or man cave to take care of what their bodies do to a certain piece of my anatomy.
I’m a man, not a saint.
I can say that their willingness to walk around the house in almost what they were born with disgusts me and I’m higher than objectifying my own daughter’s but I’d be lying.
I can swear all day long that my daughter’s are my daughter’s and I can’t look at them beyond anything else but my dick doesn’t know that as it agrees with their openness to flaunt their bodies.
Then there’s my last hope….Abby and Haley. Both were my small girl’s as they both stood about 5’1″ and hadn’t fully come into their own bodies as they both were petite and small framed…..for the most part. They still had my ex’s body type of having a fair amount of curves on their small frames in one key area.
They both had Heather’s problem as their hair couldn’t decide if it wanted to be blonde or brown so they looked opposite of each other. Haley was more brown than blonde while Abby was more blonde than brown. They both had the triplets problem of having near gray eyes than blue but both had different flecks of color in their eyes that it was hard to tell which color they wanted to be or not. Abby had my brown flecks in her eyes while Haley had more green flecks in her near gray eyes.
Both girls were attending college here in our fair city and though both were sisters in a sorority on campus they spent a lot of their time at home though they would attend the occasional party or did the events for their sorority.
Haley was going to school majoring in business while Abby was going to school majoring in finance.
So that’s my daughter’s…..and yes they all live with me.
All six bring something different to the table.
Nicole and Heather were my cooks of the house though Heather cooked more flavorful food while Nicole cooked more healthy flavorless items.
Mackenzie and Savanna were my shoppers in all forms. Need food Mackenzie and Savanna were your girls. Need alcohol Mackenzie and Savanna were your girls. Need more ‘ahem’ adult items….Mackenzie and Savanna were your girls. Granted my girl’s don’t know that I have such items hiding in my room…or man cave….or at work for my current problem.
Abby was my little reader who preferred keeping her nose in a book than in life.
And Haley was my all around girl.
I want to say I feel blessed that my daughter’s want to live with me but I knew the truth…..they didn’t want to live on their own and they currently weren’t paying rent.
The only thing they paid for was their ‘wants’.
Everything else I took care of.
For the most part we have our own lives and are constantly in and out of the house at all hours of the day. Though Mackenzie and Savanna are out all night long and pretty much sleep all day until about noon or 1pm before they are even semi functional, usually I just leave a pot of coffee brewed on standby for them. Heather is out most mornings and is usually home and cooking dinner. The twins tokat escort are usually out the door roughly at dawn to get to school and are home usually about the time Mackenzie and Savanna are out the door.
However, one day a week we all take the time to have a family night and basically spend a few hours on Friday nights together and basically catch each other up on what is going on in our lives.
Usually Mackenzie and Savanna talk about work and how much money they usually rake in. Heather is selective on her words and her clients. Nicole constantly talks about the gym and her ‘gains’. Abby talks about a new book and Haley…well she talks about everything.
Some nights we’ll do a movie night and other nights are a game night. But we always take the time to spend with one another.
Now normally I love spending time with my girls….if a few weren’t so free with their clothing making my concentration so damn hard to not see those two beyond more than my daughters. Usually I cross my legs and hide what their freeness is doing to my trousers.
Then I go hide in my room and take care of business.
And usually I put on my headsets so I can hear what I’m watching so no one else can hear and I try to be quiet as I take care of myself.
Sure I may groan and pant while I’m taking care of business but usually I know I’m fairly quiet.
I’ve had a lot of practice being quiet.
Hell, not even my secretary at work knows when I’m taking care of business….though I’m sure the camera’s may catch something now and then. But usually I’m discreet and try to not make my business handling a frequent thing at work. At home that’s a different story.
So let’s see, here I talked about myself and my predicament.
I’ve talked about my willingness to make a simple decision that explains a few things about me….mainly my body’s refusal to actually age correctly. though that seems to be my only residual issue with the experimental formula…..unless you consider my increased problem as another residual effect from the formula.
I talked about how I went from married to divorced.
I’ve talked about my escalation at work.
I talked about my girl’s and their appearances, along with why I have a problem.
Did I miss anything?
Hmmmm I may have to fill in some gaps here and there when it comes up.
Ok now that I think I’ve covered everything….it’s time to talk about my problem.
After the divorce, and watching my girl’s blossom from girl to woman has been a god-send….though I still argue I wish I had boys. Sure as fuck wouldn’t have a problem if all my roommates were my sons.
I want to say I was a good father as I wasn’t overly protective nor really strict.
And I tried to let them have lives though I knew my girl’s weren’t exactly angels nor were they celibate.
Though looking back maybe I should have been a little more strict on a couple of them….like Mackenzie and Savanna for example.
Sure as fuck would be nice if they didn’t parade their bodies in the least amount of clothing as possible….especially around me.
But I have been blessed that though my daughter’s are free….in more ways than one. I have never been told I was going to be a grandpa.
Really don’t think I could handle my little girls becoming pregnant…..though I’m not entirely sure of their protective measures.
The only thing I can say about their openness around me is that they feel secure that I won’t judge them.
Still……doesn’t help with my problem.
And for the last two years we ALL had been living under one roof. We had somehow made it work….though there topkapı escort was more than one moment someone wanted to kill someone.
Sure my girl’s have had the occasional beau but for some odd reason their ‘beaus’ never stuck around for very long.
I think I heard a fight between maybe Savanna and one beau but when I heard the fight I tried to go somewhere else though I caught enough to figure out that either A.) Savanna wasn’t ready to settle down, which is very plausible or B.) Savanna wasn’t exactly honest with her beau about something….once again something that was probably plausible.
Like I said I tried to not pry into my daughter’s life’s.
And for the most part they pretty much leave me be….especially when I go handle some business.
The first few times I took care of business I was so paranoid to where my door was locked, my headsets were on the lowest setting, I was careful on my grunting and movements so there was no loud WET or SLORPING sounds coming from my location. Then after I was done handling my problem I would check on my door to make sure no one was listening.
Hell I would even check the camera’s and usually found my girl’s were none the wiser.
But after two years some things become lax.
Like my door wasn’t always locked.
My moans weren’t exactly muffled.
My toy was unusually loud without me knowing.
The more I became lax the more indicators could be heard…..heard by random passersby….like one of my daughter’s.
At first I didn’t care about my random loud nights as I took care of my ‘usual’ problem because I wasn’t as paranoid…..until one night when I noticed my bedroom door was slightly cracked but I was too involved with my usual task that I really didn’t care.
I just wrote off the crack as to me not exactly closing the door properly.
Just these little indicators that I had written off as not being a big deal and being too trusting.
A crack here. My door seemed to be closed one moment and cracked the next.
Some added muffles that I thought were mine.
Some extra SLORPING that I thought was coming from my toy.
That is until one friday night after our usual family night and Mackenzie was wearing an especially alluring outfit that she was going to be wearing at the club after family night causing my loins to rise to a level DEMANDING I take care of it….like normal.
I let the girl’s go to their corners of the house as I excused myself to retire to my bedroom for some tension release. I had closed my door making sure they wouldn’t crack. I connected my noise canceling headsets. Put on a random film. Grabbed my toy and some lube. Drenched my manhood in the lube and forced the toy down as fast as possible causing me to groan in my throat while I wished it wasn’t a toy.
After the initial beginning I started my normal process of stroking my toy along my dick until it spasmed so uncontrollably, which I loved doing though it can take some time to get to this stage.
I was a few strokes away from my normal when I heard a muffled moan…….a muffled female moan.
Causing me to freeze.
I looked over at my closed door to find it was no longer closed….it was cracked.
And the only thing I could see was a female form and an eye…in the dark.
The moment our eyes connected I heard a muffled curse as I pulled my headsets off getting the last syllable hearing the clear CK and movement to where the silhouette was no longer there.
I tried to rip off my headsets and toss my toy but whoever was behind the door was too quick to where they were gone by the time I reached the door.
The only thing I was certain of was that it was one of my girl’s that had watched me and two, the only thing they left behind was a scent.
I looked at the empty corridor and poked my head out of my room to see if I could catch whoever it was but they were completely gone.
One thing was certain…..I had a problem.
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