A New Office Jade Ch. 02

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This is the second chapter in the Office Jade series. All characters are over 18. Some of this may seem plausible, some not but try to enjoy the story based on the merit of the story by itself.

As always constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged so I can provide better reading. Peace.


Following a brilliant evening of, then unknown, vengeance-based sex with one of his office coworkers and then a wonderful morning that started with a blowjob from his boss, the CEO of the company he works for, Bernard was finding the ‘everything’ in his recently exploded life changing dramatically: living space, detail orientation, consideration for other humans, care for work or friends or, really, just about anything.

The rest of the morning, following the visit from Dahlia and her fantastic mouth, was generally quiet and nearly wistful for Bernard. While he was eventually able to concentrate on what needed to be done there was much more that he missed. He completely forgot to go to a meeting about the show coming up. The other attendees actually had to come and retrieve him as he was the integral part to the showcasing of the designs from a computer standpoint. There would be models for the currently released and upcoming releases but the computer presentation was for the next year. There was a time just after the meeting that he completely lost all of the world – time, work, other people, himself…

Bernard was still caught up on his loss of fiancée and then sex with one of his office mates and then oral sex from his boss. It was as though his cognitive thought processes were shorting out. During the meeting he missed every eye that held him until the very end when he raised his eyes to look around the table and saw eleven women all staring at him with a quirk in the deepness of their gaze. He tried to set it aside but as the meeting came to an end and he was rapidly writing and rewriting notes hands brushed across shoulders as the ladies left the room.

When he was finally finished with his notations he looked up and saw a mostly empty room. The only other occupant was his boss, Dahlia, sitting at the other end of the table just staring at him. Her face was sharp but her eyes held an empathy he could feel from where he sat.

“Are you okay, Dahlia,” asked Bernard. His tone was concerned with a tiny mote of the sardonic.

Dahlia looked at him without moving her head and replied, “I was going to ask you the same thing. I suppose the changes are going to take a little getting used to but can I count on you Bern?”

An embarrassment stole over Bern at that moment. He thought maybe he was keeping his losses of conscious consideration better hid but, obviously, he was incorrect. “I’m sorry, Dahlia. You can count on me and yes…it has been interesting, these changes are a bit out of my immediate understanding. I really am glad for some of the changes,” he said pointing at Dahlia, “but it may take me another little bit to get me back to a hundred percent.”

At that Dahlia stood, a look of forced acquiescence on her face. Her tall frame made Bern think she took up all of the important space in any room – she was beautiful and powerful and was always impressive to Bernard Lampson. She walked around the table, aiming at the door behind Bern, but stopped when she reached him, bent down to his ear and said, very quietly, “You see, Bern, I need you running at full force because you are important to this company. I also want your cock in two other holes on my body.”

Bernard’s jaw dropped and as Dahlia stood he looked up to the sky at her, she was so tall, and saw her blink at him before she, too, touched his shoulder and left the conference room. He felt himself cornered in the metaphorical room of pure and total confusion. Had the women in this office always felt this way about him? He supposed that since he was betrothed they had to hold themselves back and now that he was free they could go for broke. While the immediate idea of all this new sex and the bodies it could be attached to was extremely pleasant, and, let’s face it he told himself, wanted, could he let himself go enough to enjoy it all? He’d always been a monogamous individual when it came to those he was courting but these women weren’t necessarily looking for a relationship. They just wanted his body.

That couldn’t be all bad, right? Bernard felt that ending up the office slut, so to speak, could be a good thing but he wasn’t sure as this was all new to him. At no time in his life had he had sex so fast with a woman. Lisa was only a few minutes after she followed him home and Dahlia took him down her throat the next morning.

An odd thought of titling jumped in his thoughts just then – is it the “Office Slut,” “Office Gigolo” or, in the old archaic version for men, “Office Jade?”

Whatever, Bern told himself, he needed to get back to work.

When Bern settled himself in his own office a couple of minutes later and began to find a type of rhythm in getting the show presentation prepared there was a knock anadoluyakasikadin.com on his office door. He looked up and saw that standing just outside his office window was Kerry Trannle, one of the designers for the company. She waved at him through the window with an odd look on her face and after a heavy sigh Bernard waved her in.

When the door opened Kerry stepped in. She was wearing her dark brown hair loose to her shoulders today. The dark green blouse with a just past the middle of her thigh toward the knee black skirt was about what she usually wore so Bernard thought there was no immediate danger of anything.

“Hi, Kerry,” Bernard said flatly. “What’s up?”

Kerry, who was usually about as quiet as a bucking bull in a China shop, seemed pensive and uncertain of what to say or how to say it. “Say, uh, One, do you think you could look at my computer? It turned off and won’t turn back on for some reason.” She couldn’t raise her eyes to meet Bernard’s.

Bernard listened to the moniker of One and was reminded of the why she started that, stupid it was but – he was the One man in the office. No, there had never been any other male at any time as far as Bernard was aware but it was still a silly name. Bernard also knew that Kerry was about as apt with electronics as was a chipmunk with an airplane in its cheek. He tried to be nice as he asked, “Kerry, is it the computer or the monitor that turned off this time?”

Kerry tried to raise her eyes to his but for reasons unknown to Bernard she couldn’t…or wouldn’t? Was something else going on?

“Both, I think,” she finally said. “The screen is black and the coffee cup tray won’t even come out anymore.”

Bernard knew that Kerry had been a brilliant hand to paper designer. She still did much of her work that way. In the end, though, this is a computer age and while the touch screens had helped they didn’t help Kerry very much. She was not unintelligent by any means; just not computer savvy. The coffee cup tray was the DVD optical drive. When Kerry tried to burn her designs to DVD she couldn’t find the slot like her car stereo had.

Granted, optical drives weren’t used much anymore as it was all the cloud, SSD JOBD NAS and huge flash drives but Bernard always determined that the discs were easier to catalogue when you were working with a team who were all smart people but the creative folk frequently lost that technical ability.

As all of that information screamed through Bernard’s brain he rose from his desk and motioned for Kerry to lead the way to her workspace. The politically correct term was now workspace because the word ‘desk’ sounded too impersonal and took away from the individualization that creators needed or some such nonsense. Bernard told himself a desk is a physical place to work. You don’t go to work in an office to be an individual as you’re working for a company and your work belongs to the company so any personalization is pure frippery and a desk is where you work – Bernard had to force his thoughts into a modicum of nonsense when working for the ladies’ as they liked to make fun and rarely asked questions he cared about.

Finally, though, they reached Kerry’s desk and, indeed, the power to the whole table was out. No lights, no monitor, no computer. He flipped a few switches and nothing. That meant that he’d have to check the circuits for any burn outs around the desk and underneath it and then check the breaker in the power closet.

As he bent over the desk and checked the reachable outlets he saw that none were blackened in any fashion so he had to get into the kneehole and see if there were any issues there. As he bent his knees Bernard did not see the work stop from every other woman in the room. They all turned to look at Kerry. Some in disbelief, some in pure shock, some in collusion with what was about to happen.

When Bern put his head into the kneehole to search for the power strip or any other outlets he did not see Kerry sit down in her chair and scoot it closer to the opening under the desk. As his back went under the desk Bern noticed that the opening under the desk was very wide and he actually had to search further back than he recalled. This meant that nearly his entire physical frame was under the desk – only his calves and feet were not underneath with the rest of him. As a peripheral feeling he could sense the movement of the chair with a body in it but he paid it no mind as he searched for anything that may be a problem.

Looking under the eaves of the back part of the desk, through the many cables that flowed down through to the power strip bolted to the underside Bernard noticed a switch with a small red LED next to it. The LED was currently off and a quick follow of the power bar it was sitting on showed where the problem was: someone has turned the switch off. With a reach of his hand he pressed the switch in the other direction and Bernard could hear power strumming through it. Everything should turn on now, if it wasn’t already on.

Being on his knees under the desk Bernard had to either back out butt first, which, unless impossible to get away from, he felt was very rude. Since there was more than enough room he turned his body and sat down on his backside and began to scoot forward. As he did a meager shade appeared in front of him and when he looked up he saw two legs spread in front of his eyes. At the apex of the legs was a very uncovered and very open pussy. Bernard froze. What could be seen, and that was quite a bit, was a beautiful bald pussy spread wide open before him with two fingers spreading the lips apart.

What the hell were the women in here doing?

From an outline he could also see that the skirt that was supposed to be covering that pussy was almost all the way pulled back to the hips. He also saw that the pussy appeared to be a little moist and that, more than anything else, made him a little excited in his pants.

Bernard wasn’t entirely certain what he should do now. Should he reach out, pull the chair in and shove his face between those lovely legs and begin lapping, licking and fingering? Would it be considered mean or embarrassing to say something to Kerry – “Say, uh, Kerry, your pussy is out for me to stare at. While beautiful and all you may want to put that away.” Was she just showing it to him because word got around that he was single again and now, without the need for having to hold back, some of the women of the office were going for broke?

He was very confused so he decided to do very little about it. As he emerged from under the desk Bern found he was very close to the edge of the chair between Kerry’s legs. He just stopped and stared for a moment before looking up into Kerry’s face and quietly said, “Very nice.” He winked at her, trying to remain cool under the pressure, and then grabbed the front of the chair just an inch or two from the exposed labia – if he had reached only a little with his middle finger he could have tickled her – and pushed the chair back on its wheels.

Considering he was on his bum Bernard had to roll to the side to be able to get up. As he got his knees under he was able to quickly rearrange his pants to try and hide the bulge that had begun to grow. When he had his knees underneath him he reached to the side and pressed the power button of the computer and breathed an inward sigh of relief when it powered on and everything seemed to be back to normal. “There you go,” he said to the air.

Arms were suddenly around his neck and a kiss was placed on his cheek. “Oh, thank you, Bern. I don’t know what we’d do without you here. I know that we’d all be in trouble so you let me know if you need anything from me, ok?”

The inflection on the word ‘anything’ was not missed by Bernard. He simply nodded, though. When he was back on his feet, confident that his half-erection was not completely visible, he turned to the group of ladies in the design office and asked if anyone else needed help. With no answer forthcoming he told everyone he was going to lunch and left the room.

Several of the ladies around Kerry’s desk who were unable to see everything jumped at her asking if she did it and what did he do. All Kerry would tell them was that yes, she did, indeed, show the One her pussy and that he winked at her. There were other questions thrown but Kerry Trannle was cool enough to let any supposition simply hang in the air.

She reached into one of her desk drawers and retrieved her panties and with no compunction about who was around slipped them on and then looked around for the retreating form of One. Through the glass she saw him turn the corner to go down the small hallway to his own office.

There was something about him that she really liked and after hearing an unconfirmed rumor that Lisa got to have sex with him she wanted that too. If, for no other reason, than to get back at that bitch Diane Tenner for cheating on the guy she thought was so cool.


While it was a little later than normal for Bernard to have lunch he needed to get something in his body. The staring into space and loss of time and not getting things done was wearing on him. He felt he really needed something to help him get back into his routine but he had no idea what that was. Sex with all of the ladies of the office, maybe? Saying what it could be was currently escaping him.

As he entered his office he reached for the blinds cable next to the small window and lowered the blinds down. Normally this wasn’t allowed but Bernard had convinced Dahlia to let him do it every once in a while if he was really heavy into something and disturbing him was tantamount to not getting things done. He just needed a little bit to have some of his lunch and maybe let his mind go before he got back to work.

Finishing the drop of the blinds he also placed a laminated sign on the window, in front of the blinds but inside his office, saying “Do Not Disturb.” Bern shut the door, locked it, thankful that only Dahlia had a key, and went and sat down at his desk. He didn’t even grab his lunch box, despite the need, but just let his head fall back to the headrest and closed his eyes.

As he hadn’t completely rolled under the desk it took Bernard a moment to realize that something was happening between his legs. With his eyes still closed he felt something crawling up the inside of his thigh and running over the still not completely soft cock – all on the outside of his pants. He was never one to panic so he just leaned his head forward and opened his eyes. If he needed to kick some ass he’d be ready but that wasn’t happening around here just now.

Instead, what he saw was a small pair of hands reaching out from under his desk. The hands reached for the flap covering his zipper, lifted it and then grabbed the slider and began to pull the zipper down and open. Bernard rolled his eyes but didn’t stop the hands from their work. Rather, quietly, he said, “At least let me see who’s down there.”

Slowly, and with no stoppage of that hands’ work, a small face appeared from the semi-darkness of the kneehole. Junie Lee’s face was the epitome of Chinese beauty – high cheek bones, a Dorsum of perfect pleasance, pouty lips and a rounded chin with no cleft. She reminded Bernard of Chrissy Teigen but with the lighter shade of skin common to those of the Chinese nationality. While not a completely fair statement the paleness was honest.

When Junie’s hands reached into the open zipper and went searching for his cock, which wasn’t hard for her to find, pun intended, since it was protruding again nicely, Junie said in a sultry voice, “I know things have been bad, Bern. Why don’t you just let me take care of you for a few minutes.” When the man’s cock was finally out Junie’s eyes widened and continued with, “It will really be my pleasure.” The smile on her face was an interesting view – as though she had never seen, held or done anything with a slightly larger than average cock.

Junie had to bring more of herself out of the kneehole in order to reach up to Bernard’s member. As if in reading her mind Bernard reached down to one side of his chair and pulled on the lever and the chair dropped so low that Junie’s head was again below the edge of the desk. When she eyed him her thanks she took him in her mouth and Bernard knew another modification of bliss. Sure, having your boss blow you and then titty-fuck was one thing – and a good thing don’t doubt – but Junie seemed to have brought the blowjob to another level.

Slowly up and down the shaft she went. Bernard felt like her tongue was wrapping completely around his entire rod. That sensual slowness and continued caress was causing him to maybe have to release very quickly but as if she could tell Junie wrapped her small hand around the base of his shaft and cut off any need to release anything.

Junie’s short, pink and black hair left her face free for Bern to look at and he stared at her with short peeks at her mouth doing this phenomenal action. She stared back at him with an intensity that made Bernard think she might be a Dom somewhere else in the world.

Junie’s thoughts were only partially near the current action she was performing. They were more concentrated on making this guy who had been so nice and helpful to her feel excellent. The action, in and of itself, wasn’t overly important – just the results. Bernard had helped her move into her new apartment after her boyfriend had done the same thing that Bernard’s ex had done – cheated. He was always helpful, if tightly professional, to every question she had about computers and all of the other business he did around the office. He never hit on her but was always ready with a ‘good morning’ or a compliment on something she designed.

When she heard that he had also been cheated on there were thoughts in her mind to offer simple condolences or a coffee if he needed someone to just let go to. When she then heard, via rumor only, that he had sex with Lisa she wanted the same thing. Not for any charity or pity, she just wanted to fuck him like every other woman in the office. Her diminutive size allowed her to climb under his desk without anyone noticing and now she had his cock in her mouth. This was going very good for her right now. While she had no illusions that they’d be a couple after this she knew she’d be a little happier and maybe he’d feel, too.

Junie knew the contradiction of not caring about what the action was versus actually wanting a specific action but she made it to this moment. She didn’t really think she would suck and try to fuck this guy but he deserved it so she was more than willing to try.

After only a couple of minutes of sucking on him Junie took him out of her mouth and climbed out from the under the desk. She went straight for his face where she wrapped her hands around his ears and stuck her tongue down his throat. It took Bernard a moment to respond but when he finally let go and let the kiss really start Junie realized that he had a very nice mouth and a sweet, if halting, kiss. His lips were soft and tasted nice. His tongue tasted sweet and she wanted more of it but the time and the position she was in only allowed for a certain amount of exploration.

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