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As predicted, Ms. Vanessa Lawrence’s plan to improve his grades had proved itself in spades. Thanks to his thorough fuck session with his voluptuous guidance counsellor, (and the several since then), Paul had pulled his grades out of the gutter. His confidence had also increased considerably. He suddenly found it easier to talk to girls, who, in kind, reciprocated with mutual interest. Apparently, Ms. Lawrence had kept her promise of spreading the word about his well-endowed 10 inch dong that hid beneath his pants.
Acting almost like it was on instinct, Paul noticed he was receiving more flirtatious interactions with the girls in his classes- and not just any girls- the popular cheerleaders- the truly developed, busty ones who typically pursued the football breed of douchebag. Paul was on top of the world. He hoped he’d soon be able to apply the things his goddess, Ms. Lawrence, had taught him.
That following Wednesday, Paul was finishing up with his habitual after-school love session with Vanessa. Despite her sexual insatiability and prowess, Ms. Lawrence had lost none of her tact. Once again he had her mounted among the papers and computer on her desk. He had her legs spread wide and dress bunched up about her waist as he sawed in and out of her with his huge member. His throbbing cock was soaked with the juices of her countless orgasms. He loved it.
“Ooooooh, Paulie, your penis is so good.” She began panting heavily as her immaculate C+ size exposed boobs rose up and down hypnotically with every powerful thrust she received. Ever since their initial passionate encounter, Vanessa had broken it off with her boyfriend. She didn’t want to keep living a lie with him- and besides, her home was a far more subtle love pad for her and Paul’s illicit encounters.
Once again, Paul had hit his limit. With a final grunt, he emptied his hot load into Ms. Lawrence’s welcoming vagina. Vanessa pulled herself off his member with a slurp and took it in his mouth, licking off the last hot remnants. She looked up at him and smiled.
“I think you’re ready,” she said, grinning in approval of her eighteen year old lover. She gave his cock a playful, well-meaning pat.
Paul was confused. “Ready for what?”
Vanessa looked at him incredulously as she began doing up the buttons on her blouse.
“For Mrs. Davis- your Health teacher. The Academic Improvement Plan. Remember?” She winked at him and began the enviable task of stuffing her perfect melons back into her blouse. She stuffed her bra in her handbag, not bothering to put it back on. She then sat onto the desk and began pulling on her soaked panties.
“Oh, yeah…” Paul said, hesitantly.
“What’s wrong, hun?” Vanessa inquired, stroking his hand. “We’ve been practicing for weeks. You’re more than ready.”
“Yeah, but is that even necessary now? I mean I’m already doing way better in class.” Paul said.
“Let’s not get ahead of yourself now, Paulie. You’re squeaking out 70s. You’re capable of much more than that.”
“I guess so… But Mrs. Davis seems so experienced. What if I can’t compete?”
“Honey, once she sees what you have to offer, you’re a shoe-in!” She gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. “Besides, maybe you’ll be able to learn some new techniques to share with me.”
“Now that,” thought Paul, “is an excellent point.”
“I’ll do it!” he announced in total naked glory.
The following day seemed to shoot by. Paul now found himself in his Health class with Mrs. Katrina Davis. The whole class seemed to be a sensual blur. He couldn’t concentrate to save his life. He was way too fixated on his after-school meeting to learn anything. He became focused on the tight teal sweater that clung to Davis’ curvatures. Even though she was in her mid-thirties, she was still one hot number. Paul had no doubt that Vanessa too would possess such sexiness ten/fifteen years from how. Thanks to Ms. Lawrence, Paul was trained to drink in every nuanced jiggle that breasts had to offer. Though they were not as large, Mrs. Davis still showcased sizable boobs in her low cut top that showed the tops of her cleavage. It wasn’t until he heard a slight gasp that he realized he was sporting a huge boner under his jeans. Despite his best efforts, one could easily see the outline of his enormous schlong.
He looked over to see the source of the noise. Beside him sat Emma Lord, a dazzling blonde, who apparently, had grown impressive breasts over the summer. She had also just turned eighteen the previous week, so she was open for business as far as Paul was concerned. Shocked by her neighbour’s package, she snapped out of her daze as she noticed Paul timidly smile at her, red-faced. She gave him a smile of approval and winked. Paul’s boner swelled. Emma tried to suppress her awe, overcome by the unexpected discovery.
Paul closed his eyes and tried to imagine dead puppies, or that time as a child when he had walked in on his grandmother getting out of the tub. He thought himself in the clear when suddenly he felt a Escort hand underneath the desk. He almost screamed in shock. He looked down to see that Emma had begun to run her hands over his rock-hard penis. Paul did his best to employ all of his preventative-ejaculatory tricks that Ms. Lawrence had taught him. The exhibitionism of the situation was too much. Thank god they were in the back row and Mrs. Davis had her back to the class.
He put his hand down to stop her. He was again caught by surprise as Emma grabbed it and shoved it under the depths of the short skirt she was wearing. What he felt was a wet blissful warmth. Emma was not wearing underpants. “What is going on?” he wondered.
Seizing the brief second of opportunity, Paul returned the favour to Emma, expertly locating her clitoris and rubbing it gently between his fingers. His thumb and forefinger moistened at the touch. He looked up to see Emma’s nipples, now hardened and strained agains the white fabric of her shirt. He began to suspect she was also going braless.
Suddenly Mrs. Davis spun back round to the class, her brilliant blue eyes pierced the crowd. In a flash, Paul withdrew his hand from Emma’s pussy and began working on his class assignment. His penis was on fire. Emma looked positively elated.
After what seemed like hours, the bell for lunch finally rang. The class rose to bustle out of the room. Still swollen, Paul waited for the others to leave, trying his best to look nonchalant. Gazing out the window, his attention was drawn to the sound of something being dropped on his desk. It was a note. Eagerly grabbing the paper, Paul read it. It said:
Dear Paul, where have you been hiding THAT?
I’m very impressed. I’ve been holding out for the right guy.
I think you’re it. I’m ready when you are.
Come and get it,
Em. XO
Although he was not a religious man by any means, Paul couldn’t help but look up at the ceiling and thank whatever righteous God of Sex was up there, looking out for his cock.
From the front of the room, he heard Mrs. Davis ask, “Are you ok?”
Caught in the awkward pose of looking at the ceiling with his arms spread wide in unparalleled mirth, Paul had to come up with an excuse quick.
“Oh yeah… I’m fine. I… I thought I heard something in the roof… What is that? Maybe we should get these pipes looked after.
“Yes… maybe…” Katrina Davis echoed, unimpressed. “Maybe you should skedaddle down to lunch, young man. Go eat, interact with your peers. Be social.”
“Yes… yes ma’am.” Paul got up to go embarrassed. He placed his binder over his rampant erection, silently hoping Mrs. Davis was the one person on the planet who wouldn’t know that he was trying to hide something.
“Alright then, see you later Paul. Don’t forget, we’re still on for today. Four o’clock sharp.” Paul nodded. Mrs. Davis continued. “Be sure to bring that along.” She pointed casually at his dick, as if the binder wasn’t even there. Paul was flabbergasted. He had no idea his teacher who he’d known for four years was so direct. He made a beeline for the door.
Just as he was grabbing the door knob, Mrs. Davis added, finally looking up, “One more thing. I’m not sure what is going on between you and Ms. Lords, but try to do it on your own time. This is a classroom.
Once again, Paul could only nod. He scrambled through the door to the bathroom where he proceeded to have a mini heart-attack.
It was 3:50 pm. Not wanting to be late, Paul arrived early, standing in front of Mrs. Davis’ door. His heart was pounding and he could feel sweat beading through his dark brown hair. He didn’t think he had sweated this much- even when he had banged Ms. Lawrence in her steamy office room when the AC had broken down. The anticipation and wonder was killing him. He didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, miraculously, he felt a familiar hand run down his back. The angelic smell of Vanessa’s perfume informed Paul that she had come to see him off.
Paul turned to face her. Vanessa instantly sensed something was wrong. “What is it? You like you’ve seen a ghost!”
“I’m really nervous. This feels different than when I’m with you. I feel like I have no mojo right now.” He stared at the ground in dismay.
“Then maybe this will help,” Vanessa purred in his ear. He looked up to see her open the top buttons of her shirt, revealing her brilliant braless breasts, topped with their spectacular hot pink aureolas. “Better hurry,” she said, in her seductive tone that drove him wild. Vanessa was continually astonished by how sexually awakened she had been of late. And she liked it.
Paul obliged, mauling her handfuls with the same amount of zeal and ferocity he had the first time they had hooked up. Upon instant contact, Paul felt his loins stir. The tension in his pants soon became noticeable. Vanessa looked down and grinned. “Worked like a charm. Go get ‘er, babe!”
No sooner had she said that did the door fly open. It was 4:00 on the nose. Once again, Paul was caught in another compromising sexual predicament. Katrina Davis was greeted by the sight of both Vanessa and Paul staring at her awkwardly. Paul also happened to have his hands on Ms. Lawrence’s boobs. They both looked like deer in the headlights.
“Well, if I’m not interrupting, maybe you should put those toys back in their box and get this started.” Mrs. Davis ordered.
Paul nodded in strict obedience and scooped Vanessa’s breasts back into from whence they came. She gave his hand a quick squeeze and scooted off down the hallway, leaving Paul to fend for himself. Abandoned, he entered the room. Katrina closed the door and drew the curtains closed. “Take a seat,” his teacher commanded, I’ll be right back.”
Leaving Paul to find a chair, Katrina went into the adjoining, one person bathroom and shut the door.
Waiting for her return, Paul proceeded to give himself a pep talk. Since fondling Vanessa, he felt more relaxed. Ms. Lawrence had trained him well. He was ready for anything. That was until he heard the door open. His confidence evaporated once again as he drew in a breath of air.
Mrs. Davis had substituted her clothes for a slinky, burgundy silk robe. Tied at the middle, it parted widely, advertising the fact that she didn’t have much, if anything, on underneath. Her dirty blonde hair had been let down so that it tumbled around her shoulders. Paul had never seen it like this before. Usually, it was kept tied tight in a bun on the top of her head. This new look gave her a new ravenous, smoldering look. She had also discarded her glasses so that her blue eyes blazed with mystery. She was in complete control.
“So Paul,” she said, taking a seat on her desk. She began to fiddle with the string of her revealing robe, toying with the heavenly option of showing him so much more. “Ms. Lawrence has been talking to me in the staff room. Apparently she’s been concerned with the academic tailspin you’ve been taking as of late. She also says she’s been actively helping you resolve this situation. Is this correct?”
“Yes, ma’am”
“Have you two been fucking?” She asked, point-blank.
Paul stared at her, mortified. How did she know? Vanessa wasn’t the type to gossip about sex, nor had he told anyone, as he was convinced no one would believe him anyway. His worried face betrayed him against any answer he could have given.
“Don’t worry. It’s no big surprise.” She ran her fingers absent-mindedly down the hemline of her garment. “I work late hours too. Your sweet ginger doesn’t exactly like to keep things quiet, does she?”
“No… I suppose not.
“No. She doesn’t. She’s a screamer- and those walls aren’t sound proof. Anyways, you’re here today because I respect Ms. Lawrence. I respect her goals as an educator and I know that she’s too much of a prude not to play with your man parts unless she really believed in you. That’s a rarity for her, so you should be thankful.”
Paul felt a newfound appreciation for Vanessa. “Thank you?” was the only thing he could think of to say.
“You’re welcome. Now down to the matter at hand. As you probably have deduced, this is my Academic Improvement Plan. It’s been tried, tested, and true. Ask your principal.”
Paul was shocked. “Wait? Mrs. Freeman knows about this?”
“Of course, we thought of it together. What better way can we honestly improve the marks of horny teenage boys than with the promise of hot, X-rated, discrete, intercourse?”
Her logic was sound. It did make perfect sense. “Good point.”
“Of course it is. I’m not the only teacher to do it here. Haven’t you wondered why we’re the highest academically performing school in the state?”
Paul’s worlds were colliding. He didn’t know what to think of all this. He looked at Mrs. Davis. Her breasts jiggled enticingly under their flimsy home and her naked feet kicked back and forth. He smooth, shaved legs were flawless. He needed to get that robe off of her.
“So, this is a reward-based program. If you work hard, study lots, and perform well on tests you can have all the good times you want. Do we have a deal?”
Paul only needed half a second to consider this. He knew Vanessa was obviously okay with this as the whole venture here had been her idea. He nodded vigorously.
With that Mrs Davis stood up and threw open her robe. Completely naked, she wrapped her obsolete garment in a ball and tossed over her shoulder. She leaned against the table, completely comfortable with her resplendent nudity. She twirled her hair as if to further demonstrate her casualness. Age had taken no toll on her. Her breasts were juicy and succulent. Her light brown, medium-sized, nipples complemented her tan skin tone. Like Ms. Lawrence’s, her tits moved excitingly with every little movement she made. Her stomach was flat and fit. Paul guessed she did yoga. Her pussy was trimmed into a triangular dark brown muff, matching perfectly with the rest of her body. Mrs. Davis gazed at him in silence, letting Paul drink in the view.
“Cat got your tongue, young man?” Katrina asked, squeezing her boobs together with her arm. She could feel her cunt moisten over the control she was having over Paul. She walked towards him, taking her sweet time to advertise the natural gifts of her body.
Paul couldn’t believe his luck. Mrs. Davis’ body was even better than he envisioned. He did everything humanly possible not to drool. As his seductress approached, she began running her hands over her taut breasts, tweaking her nipples. His cock began to harden rapidly. He needed to get out of these pants asap.
Reaching his seat, Mrs. Davis straddled his lap, dangling her soft tits enticingly in his face. “What do you think, Paul?” she rubbed her pussy against his cock, grindingly it slightly, “Would you fuck me?”
“Yes.” Paul replied immediately.
“Yes, what?” Davis whispered in his ear.
“Yes ma’am.” Paul indulged her. His cock was ready to explode. Her dry humping was working too well.
“Very good. And no, you can’t. Not yet anyway.” She pushed herself off of him. She stood up and gave him a slow spin, showing him her scrumptious ass. She turned back to him and spread her legs slightly, “You’re wearing far too many clothes.”
“Well that can be easily changed,” Paul retorted bravely.
“Well, get to it!” She snapped suddenly. Her breasts jumped with the unexpected demand.
“Umm, okay.” Paul stood and began to remove his shirt. He pulled it off and placed it on the desk beside him.
“Not bad…” Katrina said, “But what I’m more interested in is what you’ve got down there,” She pointed to his crotch. “It’s honestly all Vanessa ever talks about. To be honest, I’m not sure if I believe her, she’s kind of a prude.”
“Ah, well… I can show you, I-” Paul was cut off as Mrs. Davis pushed him back into his seat and began unbuckling his belt and pants.
“Here, let me help you.” In a flourish, she whipped off his pants and underwear and threw off across the room. Paul’s raging cock was left exposed, standing up, huge, thick, and proud.”
Mrs. Davis looked impressed. Without asking, she took it in her hands and gave it a couple quick strokes. “Girth is nice. Length… not too bad. I’ve seen bigger, but better than I was expecting and you definitely have an edge over most of the other male students. You must’ve split Ms. Lawrence in half. You’re also trimmed and cut, and that turns me on.” She reached down to unabashedly rub her pussy and shuddered. Without warning, she grabbed his dick and proceeded to jerk him off hard. Her tits bounced furiously.
Paul writhed in ecstasy. He was practically frothing at the mouth.
“Your stamina is impressive, Paul. Most men would have come by now. Vanessa’s been training you well. I think your mark has already gone up.”
Paul smiled and did his best not to blow a load into Mrs. Davis’ face. Her hands were like a blur of lightning as they flew up and down the length of his shaft. Paul now understood what heaven felt like. That was until Mrs. Davis asked him the next question.
“Does Vanessa suck your dick, Paul?”
“Um… yes.” Paul answered sheepishly.
Mrs. Davis placed her succulent lips around the red head of his cock and gave it few powerful pumps. “Like this?” She purred. Her tongue wrapped around his length.
“Yes ma’am.”
Katrina slid Paul’s cock even deeper down his throat, taking half of his massive mast as if it were nothing. Paul let out a huge involuntary moan of intense sexual pleasure. Mrs. Davis’ expert mouth felt so good. He tried in desperation to string a sentence together.
“She… uh… has never…. ah… gone that far… oh my god… BEFORE!” Paul could barely keep his composure.
Davis offered no response. Looking at him with a slight twinkle in her eyes, she slurped away contentedly. Using only her mouth to suck him off, she ran her fingers up and down his thighs and tickled his big balls. Paul was at the height of ecstasy. “You’re too amazing…” were the only words that he could utter. Katrina pulled her mouth from his raging dick with a gasp. A string of saliva trailed off the cock that she had so masterfully worked.
“That’s very kind of you to say, Paul.” Mrs. Davis smiled, playing with the shaft in her hands. She leaned towards him, so that Paul’s dick now rested between her breasts. “Would you like to see more?” his teacher asked.
Once again not waiting for a response, Katrina took his cock into the warm recess of her mouth. Paul could only gasp in shock as his teacher slid the entire towering mass down her throat. Waves of passion erupted throughout his body as he felt Mrs. Davis’ tongue move up and down and all around.
“I’m… gonna… gonna cummmmm….” Paul warned aloud.
Mrs. Davis withdrew her mouth instantly. She squeezed his cock hard so that the impending load tha Paul was about to eject subsided for the time being.
“No, you’re not, young man. It’s too early for now. I don’t know about Ms. Lawrence, but my men need to laster longer than ten minutes.” She pointed at the clock. Paul stared at it in disbelief, slightly ashamed.
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