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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Her brown eyes were penetrating, framed by her curly hair, she didn’t take her gaze off of me and neither could I mine off hers. My hands rubbed along her bare thighs, wanting to take in as much of her as I could, moving them back to her ass. Squeezing I could feel how firm her ass was, I could feel her muscles flexing through my hands and began moving on to position my hands on Chelsea’s hips. I could feel her energy pulsing through her as she lifted up and then came crashing down onto me. I couldn’t help but admire her bare beautiful body as she rocked back and forth against me, my cock deep inside of her. I reached my head up to suck on her nipples but was pushed back down by her as she took control of me. I could feel the heat from her body, hitting my chest and warming every part of me.
Never losing focus of her I could see her as she stared into me with an animalistic desire. Her hair was bouncing around her, she began to bite her lip as she rolled back, allowing me to see all the way from her pelvis, up her toned and flat stomach, up to her breasts, shaking with each thrust down. Perfectly shaped and hungry for attention. I could see beads of sweat coming from her neckline. I could feel her taking every part of me into her. I wanted to flip her around and have my way with her but I was not in control. She pulled herself back in tight against me, looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes and demanded of me, “Cum inside of me!”
I reached for the wad of tissues and was barely quick enough to catch my explosion as I used my other hand to keep pumping my cock. My hips tensed and I let out a low moan as I emptied myself. ‘Fuckkkk,’ My thoughts had been blown to the wind but part of me was still on fire. It had been the third time that I had to jack off after what I had seen last night. I had seen Chelsea touching her self, and she had known I was watching. I had tried to go to bed last night but only managed a few hours of sleep. Was I in trouble for spying on her? It didn’t seem like it, she had texted me that she saw me! God, every possibility was running through my head.
Once the sun was finally up and it was acceptable to get out of bed I went to grab a glass of water. Bringing it to my mouth I could see how much I was trembling. My mind was still focused on one thing. Taking a few gulps I started to pull some semblance of a plan together. I had to text her back and I had to see her, beyond that I couldn’t fathom what she might do to me, or what I might do to her. I started walking back to my bed with water in hand, thinking about what had happened last night, how I had seen her touch herself, touching herself for me?
“Fuck!” My nerves escaped me as I accidentally knocked my foot into a moving box with something heavy in it. The sting coursed through my foot and water splashed onto my legs. “God damnit.” My mind had been fixated on one thing and I had completely forgotten that I had yet to finish unpacking and that my new job was starting in just a few days. ‘Well that’s just great’. So now I had to figure out how to get my new apartment ready in time to be ready for starting at my new job, grab groceries, become acquainted with a whole new city and then find time to romance and fuck Chelsea. Just great, and on top of that I hadn’t been able to find my coffeemaker in the boxes.
I thought to go get my phone to text Chelsea but I needed coffee first. My mind was not fully functioning. I was lucky enough to have a complementary coffee station as one of the “amenities” at my new apartment complex. I didn’t bother to put on underwear and slipped on some athletic shorts and a t-shirt from a box I had so eloquently labeled “Clothes”. I grabbed my keys and headed to the lobby of my building, somewhat hoping that I would run into Chelsea again and we could start fucking at first sight. I was so turned on and kept running through every erotic scenario in my mind as I rode the elevator down. Stepping out of the elevator I could already smell the coffee and feel my senses further awakening. Turning a corner into the main lobby area I could see the leasing agent was at the coffee station.
I hadn’t forgotten about her, “Beverly, good morning!” How could I have forgotten about her, that blond hair and those large breasts of hers had unfairly enough swayed me to pick my apartment here. I defended myself by saying that even though the rent was a little more than my other option, it was closer to some parks, and there was the chance that I might have something with Beverly, no that was dumb, the boobs had done their job.
“Good morning..James!? Yes, James! So great to see you! How is your new apartment treating you? Any problems?” Beverly had swiveled towards me and god I was treated with a welcome sight, she was wearing a pencil skirt and a blouse that did not try to hide her cleavage. My eyes were working overtime to stay focused on hers.
“None whatsoever, I just wish I was already done with moving in!”
“Oh well just let me know if you need anything at all! I do hope you’ll join us for the resident get together just a week from now! You just missed the last one, and let me tell you, people were so happy to let loose!”
“Well I do consider myself a wild and crazy guy so I won’t miss it!” I tried to add a little flare, moving my eyebrows up and down with a wild looking smile.
Beverly laughed, “Oh you are too funny!”
Not being sure if that was sarcastic or if she was being overly nice to the a new resident I waited for her to continue. “Well I’m done and need to get to a few showings today, the coffee machine is brand new, kind of fun, let me know if you have any questions!”
“Thanks Beverly, will do.” Beverly walked away with a successive set of clicks from her high heels, she was really nice but I figured she was off limits, I was just another customer to her and moved on with my primary purpose for being down here. I started selecting the dark roast when I heard more footsteps, maybe two sets of them, from behind me. I put my cup in place and pressed brew, making sure to see that the coffee was actually going into the cup and not all over the floor, before turning to see who had approached.
Two women in sweatpants were approaching, obviously a little annoyed that someone had already beaten them to the machine. One of the women was quite pretty, wore glasses and a pony tail and had on an “Evil Dead” shirt, the other woman was blond and sported some university tee shirt emblazoned with “School of Psychology Alumni”.
“Morning.” I attempted to be social.
“Hey there!” The woman in glasses piped up, her counterpart fainted a smile at me.
“I love your shirt, Hail to the King baby!” I commented, how could I not? Bruce Campbell was groovy. The woman in glasses suddenly had a big smile and looked at her friend.
“I told you it’s a popular movie!” The blond woman had a smirk this time and looked at me.
“I haven’t seen you before.”
“Just moved in yesterday, well still moving in! Getting my morning fuel. I’m James by the way.”
“James, I’m Alice, and this is my friend Danielle.”
“Hey!” Danielle, the glasses girl, piped up again. I heard the coffee machine start to sputter a horrible noise and saw it was finally ready. Grabbing the coffee I raised my cup to both of them.
“Well it’s all yours, but let me know if you two ever want to watch a bad horror movie, I’m completely new to town and desperate for company.” Alice smiled at me.
“I’m sure we’ll see you around James, have fun with the moving and have fun with that erection of yours.” I must have looked puzzled until I looked down and saw that my decision to forgo underwear had backfired. I wasn’t rock hard but it was not hidden. My face plummeted to a deep shade of red and I let out a muted “fuckkk.”
“Thank you for bringing that to my attention!”
Alice got out one last jab, “Don’t worry James, it was hardly noticeable.” I may have shot my middle finger back up behind me as I walked away with giggles in the background. I could help but be turned on though, there were so many beautiful women here! Had I died and gone to heaven? Spilling some coffee on my hand and letting out a welp as I went back to my apartment I reasoned, ‘No, but this is shaping up to be the best move of my life.’
I had put off texting Chelsea because I had no clue what to fucking say and busied myself with organizing my closet instead. After several hours of unpacking I found myself running through different possible texts as I wrapped up hanging all of my dress shirts. With the last set of five nearly identical oxford dress shirts put up I finally headed over to my phone on the bedside table.
Having finally settled on the most hopeful lined I typed, “About last night…I did end up finding that bottle opener” I sent the text off and walked away. Hoping the words I had spit out were just right. I walked over to pick up the bottle opener that I had found earlier and fiddled with it in my hand, a special memory now attached to it, not for what it had been used for, but for what it signified as possibly happening. I was startled by the vibration sound of my phone. My heart skipped and I raced back to pick up my phone.
“I wish you had found it last night, I’ve got plans tonight, maybe later next weekend? I have to head out of town for work for some shady/illegal business. Don’t snitch!”
Damn, just my luck, at least I had more unpacking to do…yay.
I had settled in for the night after picking up takeout and some much needed groceries, including coffee. God, I can’t believe Alice and Danielle, maybe even Beverly had seen me half asleep and half erect earlier. I was ready for this day to be done, especially since I wouldn’t be seeing Chelsea. I paused, looking out the window I could see her light was on…Was tonight going to bring the same luck as the night before? I hurriedly shut things down in my apartment, brushed my teeth and slipped out of my clothes and into the darkness of my room, making sure to leave a light on in the background so she could hopefully see me. God. I was already hard just thinking about having a repeat of last night. I pulled my binoculars from the nightstand and peered into her apartment, not being able to see anything initially. I had to tell myself, ‘Last night was a wild once in a lifetime memory, not going to happen ag.’
Just then I saw Chelsea appear, laughing, laughing at what? I was desperate to be in her room with her until I saw another person step into view. Another man was in there..what? Was that her other plan for the night? Another man?? Ugh, I knew it was too good to be true. My fantasies of being with Chelsea were vaporized in an instant. The harsh reality of the world had swept back into view and I had to accept that I had just moved up here, I wasn’t just going to fall straight into a perfect romantic and sexual affair.
I had pulled away the binoculars to take a breath and accept that things had been just too good to be true. I shouldn’t have been surprised that a woman as sexy as Chelsea wasn’t already spoken for or had her own sexual conquests to attend to. Good for her, not as good for me. I went to turn off the light I had left open for my fantasy round two and crawled back into bed. But I didn’t just go to sleep, I found myself reaching for the binoculars. Pulling them up to my face again, the scene had changed.
Chelsea’s shirt was off, and so was her bra, and she was on the bed, in the same position as last night but she was looking down between her bare legs..the man whom I had previously seen was also on the bed, mostly naked but between her legs..I kind of felt guilty last night for watching but part of me felt even worse watching two people making love..but I also couldn’t look away…I threw my worries out and reached down with one hand to wrap my fingers around my cock. Slowly stroking, feeling my cock swell even more, my body wanted this, it need it.
Whatever the man was doing to Chelsea’s pussy seemed to be working. I couldn’t hear what was happening in that room but I could see her mouth wide open in a smile, looking lustfully at her partner, God I wished that was me. I gripped my cock even more tightly, my stroking up and down moving more quickly with my pre-cum. Without warning Chelsea pushed the man’s head and body up while she swung forward onto her knees. She looked up at him as her hands gripped and tugged at his underwear. His cock sprung out as she tugged them all the way down to his knees. Not even stopping to let him take off his underwear completely she grabbed and then began to suck his cock.
Jesus I couldn’t believe this was happening. My body was tingling, I didn’t even know how to concentrate on my own cock at the sight of this lust. I couldn’t see everything from the angle that they were positioned but I could see Chelsea’s curls swaying as she must have been pulling his cock in and out of her mouth. I could only imagine what she might be doing with her tongue, how hard she was sucking his cock or how deep his cock went into her mouth. I must have only had one bed sheet on my legs but I was on fire. I swung it off of me and re-focused on pumping my cock. I could feel a nervous sweat across my whole body and my hands trembled through the binoculars, disturbing my view.
I had to set down the binoculars yet again to take a breath, but when I brought them back up there was still a shake to my view, but the two lovers had switched to a new position already. The man had positioned himself behind Chelsea who was now on all fours, his hands on her hips as he was positioning to fuck her from behind. I was close to cumming but not yet, after some fumbling I could see the man start thrusting into Chelsea. What was she saying, what sounds was she making? How much did the man fill her up? How wet was she? Was he fucking her in the ass? I had so many questions but I did not care for any answers. I just wanted to see Chelsea get fucked, I wanted to be fucking Chelsea.
She started to arch her back and place her hands on the headboard of the bed. I was losing track of time and my mind seeing this incredible woman be fucked to her heart’s content. I saw the man reach and pull some of her hair back, revealing a face in pure ecstasy. The man gripped her tighter and I could see every muscle defined as he had one purpose in life at this moment in time. Their hips kept colliding together, oh if only that was me, feeling my cock bury itself in and out of Chelsea, feeling her wrapped around my cock, desperate to feel me cum deep inside of her.
Instead I was in this apartment pumping my own cock even faster as Chelsea dropped down onto her face on the bed, her legs quivering, the man increasing his intensity. Was she cumming? I had stopped breathing. I wanted her so badly to myself, I was so jealous of the man making her cum but for now I was relegated to my own apartment, left out of every sensation in that room except for what was visible through these binoculars. I didn’t know if she had cum but she got up, turned around and forced the man to sit upright on the bed as she mounted him, facing him.
She never lost eye contact with him as she came to a rest on top of him for a few seconds before starting to rock up and down on him. They embraced and kissed passionately, never breaking rhythm. I could see her hips bucking against his, their bodies wrapped up into one another’s and their lust culminating in total ecstasy. I could feel how close I was to cumming, my body ached to let go. I was living vicariously though that lucky man who was getting to feel Chelsea wrapped around him in every way. I saw her break away from kissing him without missing a beat of rocking her body against his, his arms helping pull her ass back into him, her breasts rubbing against his chest. She turned..was she looking at me again??
This time she did not break eye contact with who I thought had to be me, I had to assume it was me…I saw her mouth what I thought were the words. ‘Cum for me’. I lost it, I didn’t try to catch the mess as I felt all of my pent up pressure explode, my hand kept up its pumping, the pleasure growing so intense as each shot of cum brought on wave after wave of pure ecstasy. My cum landed all over my stomach, my thighs and my chest.
I had dropped my binoculars to enjoy the last few seconds of this numbing joy sweeping through my body. Gasping out, “…Holy shit…fuck..”. My senses returned to me as I began to feel my heart beginning to slow down. I thought I had died a little bit, but what I had seen had turned me on so much I knew I would be hard pressed to hold back from pleasuring myself again.
Dismissing the mess I made I looked again through the binoculars to see both bodies motionless now. They too must have climaxed at the same time as me. I was still in disbelief but noticed a bit of movement from a slender feminine arm, Chelsea as she reached to turn off the light near her bed. She pulled herself up some to make up the last bit of distance but paused once she reached the light switch. I saw her curly hair that blocked her face turn to reveal a pair of eyes looking right at me. I don’t know if I saw it correctly but I could have sworn that right before Chelsea flicked the lights off, she winked at me…
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32