Adventures with Suzy

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This story started out simply enough but seemed to take on a life of its own. It continued to flow out of me and as I write this it’s still not done! If you’re looking for a quick read, this isn’t it! If you’re looking for something longer and hopefully very hot, give it a try! Be aware though that the first chapter is mostly foreplay. Doesn’t most good sex start that way? If you bear with me though you’ll be treated to EXHIBITION/VOYEUR, LOVING WIVES, FIRST TIME, GROUPSEX, EROTIC COUPLINGS, TOYS&MASTURBATION and who knows what other tasty treats. I don’t even know. Maybe some lesbian action? As I said, it’s just flowing out of me, in spurts, like a long drawn out orgasm! ENJOY!


At one point in my life I had moved back to my hometown, found a good job with a prestigious company and went through a bad breakup with a girl (who I had spent too many years with anyway). All this happened in about a year and a half.

The new job involved a lot of the same type of work I’d always done, but in an entirely new environment. I found myself working in a huge office building, surrounded by beautiful women. Did I mention I was recently single again? My duties required me to be familiar with the entire building. And I soon had the offices or work stations of all the hot women memorized. There were tall girls, short girls, skinny girls and heavy girls. There were beautiful women and the plain Jane types. There were some that dressed to kill and others who were more conservative. Some were outgoing and friendly, while others were stuck up and conceited. Some were my age or even younger, and some were older. Blondes, brunettes and redheads. Long lean legs and short muscular ones. Fat asses and skinny asses and many that were just right. There were huge pendulous breasts and small perky ones. We had women with pouty, kissable lips and others with wide mouths that looked like they could suck cock all day. Whatever you’re preference or fetish, it was there.

All in all, for a guy in his late twenties who was a dedicated girl watcher it was heaven on earth. My mind swirled around every day with visions of cleavage, sweet asses in tight business suits, stocking clad legs supported by high heels. And don’t even get me started on the sound of high heels on a hard floor. That sound still gets me aroused.

I was always on the lookout for a glimpse of leg or breast. I swear some women would purposely move certain ways when guys were around to give them a show. That was fine by me. If you want to show it baby, I want to look! It was difficult to concentrate on work when the redhead in legal was wearing that snug black skirt and would put her foot up on her chair to tie her tennis shoes before going out to lunch. Or when the blond bombshell in P.R. would wear her low cut blouse and need something out of her bottom desk drawer when you were around. Or the way a woman walks in heels when she knows she’s being watched. Some women seem downright uncomfortable with that, while others seem to get as much of a thrill as the person watching. I was in a state of constant arousal to say the least, and I’m not ashamed to tell you that I walked into more than one wall or filing cabinet due to distractions. But when the distraction in question turned around and flashed a knowing smile it was well worth it.

And that my friends, brings me to my story. I know you’re all expecting an office tryst at this point. Maybe a quickie in the stock room? Maybe a blowjob in the locked office, or some cunnilingus under a desk? How about a handjob in the mailroom? No, this isn’t one of those stories. Yes, I had all those fantasies and could relate one or two of them here, but I’m not going to. Because, you see, not only was the office filled with gorgeous women but the streets at lunch time were an endless parade of beauties strutting their stuff as well. Every day the guys from the offices and banks would hang out on the corners or by the park like a bunch of very well dressed thugs, leering as the parade of women went by. It was almost comical. The girls knew the guys were watching them and the guys knew that the girls knew, but every day the spectacle went on with nobody acknowledging it.

Well, almost nobody. Some girls as I said love being watched. And that is where this story truly begins. I wasn’t really part of any of the cliques so I tended to sit apart from all the other voyeurs. I found myself a small wall to sit on at lunch time and staked my claim to it. This little piece of wall was at a busy intersection in the center of downtown and afforded me with plenty of visual entertainment.

It was on this perch that I saw a lovely lady go by that almost knocked me over. I had been watching a girl across the street in a skirt with a slit up the leg when I heard her heels coming from the other direction. She was moving quickly and I barely caught a glimpse of her beautiful face and tits as she went by. She flashed me a brief smile and her eyes twinkled in a way that acknowledged my reason for being there. This was a woman who knew she was hot and loved showing it off. She knew I was going to check her out and was more than o.k. with it. She walked in a way that demanded it.

I tried to return the smile through the stunned expression on my face in the space of time I had before she was past me and her sweet ass filled my vision. The girl across the street was completely forgotten as I gazed at that ass and those full hips in the snug green dress. A slit up the back revealed her firm inner thighs with each step and my eyes followed that slit down past those thighs to her well toned calves.

My eyes began to make the return trip back up those luscious legs when she stopped dead and turned part of the way around to enter the sandwich shop next door. She had apparently almost passed it up or it was a spur of the moment decision. As she turned and stepped onto the shop stoop she looked my way, only I didn’t realize it at first as I was still looking at her legs. When she had stepped up to the one step of the entrance with the foot that was farthest from me her green dress distorted to accommodate her actions.

My eyes were filled with the best leg shot I’d had in a long time. With one high heeled foot on the step and one still on the sidewalk she paused. The hem of her dress was pulled tightly around her ass and thigh nearest me. While her other leg, the right one, was stretching out of that dress like it wanted to escape. Nearly her entire inner thigh was exposed and I swore I saw the hint of the top band of a thigh high stocking. My eyes caressed the length of that leg from the firm thigh down to the taut calf in the brief moment available and I thought I was looking at a magazine.

She had only paused for a second or two and somewhere in my mind I guess I thought she was waiting for someone to exit the shop. Suddenly those leg muscles flexed. She didn’t continue up the step, she simply tightened and released the muscles in her exposed thigh and calf. It was as if that leg had winked at me! I forced me eyes away from that leg to look up to see why she hadn’t continued up the step. Not that I wanted this view to end. I could spend the rest of my lunch here looking at her. It just seemed that a view like this was usually very brief and this was too good to be true.

As my eyes traveled up her body I realized my first brief glance was pretty accurate. Flat tummy, lovely medium sized breasts, suntanned arm (This was before the tanning bed craze). Her blond hair was pulled up in the back revealing her also tan, sensuous neck, with a few wisps left to dangle alongside her earrings. I took in the pouty lower lip and wondered why she was smiling. Was she being gracious to whoever was taking so long to exit the shop? No, her face was angled not towards the door but more in my direction.

I forced my gaze from those smiling lips, up to her eyes and THEY WERE LOOKING STRAIGHT AT ME! I know my heart stopped. I think my head even snapped back as if I’d been slapped. And I’m pretty sure I gasped audibly. I blush easily so I know I could’ve stopped traffic had I been closer to the intersection. My eyes automatically averted from her gaze before something in my mind told me to return her look. Her eyes, like her mouth had been smiling. She wasn’t pissed off that I was looking at her. She was pleased, happy even. Actually her whole face had seemed lit up in a mischievous grin.

I forced myself to return my eyes to hers and her smile broadened. Her look seemed to go from just naughty to include something else, something akin to pride. It was as if she was proud of me for taking up her unspoken challenge. She held my gaze a moment before her eyes seemed to change again. They still sparkled with mischief but now seemed somehow serious, challenging. She raised her left hand and brushed her stray hairs behind her ear. Her wedding ring glinted in the sunlight as her eyebrows rose to ask if it mattered.

I chuckled to myself and a small smile came to my face as well. In my mind I was just girl watching. It didn’t matter to me that she was married as I never thought I’d get the chance to hook up with such a lovely creature. I was just looking. Like browsing in a store when you have no money.

She caught my smile and her eyebrows rose in a surprised, yet pleased, question. I simply shrugged as if to say “I’m only human”.

This entire unspoken exchange took only a few seconds and as I was shrugging I noticed the occupants of the table by the shop window nearest me begin to leave. When I looked back to this hot woman she had ascended the step and was entering the sandwich shop. As she entered and the other customers left I saw a cute waitress come over to wipe off the table.

I had seen this waitress before and noticed that while she had great ass and cute face she had no tits to speak of. She was also still rather young and now, as this stunning blond approached her she seemed like a mere child. The woman spoke to her, motioning towards the table and the waitress nodded affirmatively. With that the woman set her purse on a chair, staking her claim to the table. As she reached into her purse to grab her wallet I was greeted with a hint of cleavage from those lovely tits. I returned my look to her face and realized she was still watching me. She was checking to make sure she still had my attention and appeared pleased to see that she did. I did my best to smile back.

Maybe it was the different lighting of the shop, or the contrast of her standing next to the young waitress, but as I watched her ass again as she went to the counter it occurred to me that she was older than I had thought. No, that wasn’t right; I actually hadn’t given any thought to her age. I had only seen her beauty and that was all my brain could process at the time. Now, as the initial shock had worn off and I had time to process the last few moments while she placed her order, I came to the conclusion that she probably was older than me. As I was in my late twenty’s, she was probably in her thirty’s. It was obvious she took great care of herself and her attitude also could be misleading. So it was hard to say how old she was. But as I said before, I was just looking. Her age and marital status were irrelevant. I was simply enjoying the view and saving memories to draw upon later. When I was alone.

While I was considering this I had been checking out her calves again as she placed her order. I was grateful for the window in the side of the shop. And I was sure this sexy ladies husband was a very lucky man. As she placed her order she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, giving me varying views of that sweet ass. It was almost as if she were performing a slow sensuous dance just for me. While I’m sure any other man who happened to be in the shop eating at the time also enjoyed the show, I knew it was for my benefit only.

After she received her order she sauntered back to the table and sat facing the door. She had to bend over to place her purse on the floor so she could sit down. She seemed to draw out this process to give a nice long view of her cleavage. Once in her seat the single table leg prevented her from crossing her legs so she turned slightly in her seat, towards me. As she shifted and crossed her legs her dress rode up and she glanced my way to ensure she still had my attention. I just smiled and gave her the slightest confirming nod which brought that devious smile back to her face.

I glanced at my watch to see how long I had left of my lunch hour. I saw that I only had five minutes. Knowing it was a three minute walk back to my office and that she had only just sat down to eat, I decided then and there that I would be late today. I knew I couldn’t leave this spot until the show was over. Having seen me check the time she raised her eyebrows in a question and I shrugged again in answer.

It was crazy how we were communicating without ever having spoken but we were certainly in tune with each other’s thoughts. We were playing a game and we were both winning. I had no doubt that she was as aroused by all this as I was

She continued to adjust her seating and cross and uncross her legs as she ate, as if she could not get comfortable. But I knew better. I knew it was all for me, as was the way she licked her lips between bites, or how she licked her fingers slowly when she was finished. Or the way she bent, pointing her lovely ass at me, to retrieve her purse from the floor as she got up to leave.

When she came out of the sandwich shop, she smiled slyly at me again as she came towards me. I knew she was going to speak to me but was unprepared for how sweet her voice sounded to my ears. I guess I also wasn’t expecting the forwardness of her question when she asked “Did you enjoy the show?”

I actually recovered pretty quickly and answered her with”I think I enjoyed watching it as much as you enjoyed giving it”.

“So it doesn’t bother you to spend your lunch break looking at other men’s wives?”

“Well I’m sure your husband knows how good you look. He has to know other men look at you. I hope he takes it as the compliment it is. The question is; does he know you’re such a flirt?”

“He knows.” She said simply “He knows other men look AND he knows I’m a huge flirt! He says it turns him on knowing other men want me.”

If I had been unprepared for the forwardness of her first question, I was totally unprepared for the direction this conversation had quickly taken. “Huh.” Was all I could manage as a reply?

She sensed my shock and another naughty smile lit her face. She seemed to feed off my discomfort as she asked “Do I turn you on?”

Still at a loss for words I simply put my arms behind me on the wall and leaned backwards as if stretching. Her eyes followed mine down to the bulge in my pants and she let out a small growl. My cock twitched at the sound.

“I guess I do. It’s nice to know I can still arouse a young man at my age.” She commented, still smiling broadly.

I remembered we were on Main St. and sat back up as a bus stopped at our corner to offload its passengers. She giggled at me trying to hide my erection. It sounded like tiny bells ringing. Then she asked me “I saw you check your watch. What time do you have to be back?”

Checking my watch yet again I replied “Oh, about 15 minutes ago.”

Again that cute giggle as she asked “Wont you get into trouble?”

“Nothing they could do would make me miss this.” I answered honestly.

“That’s sweet.” She sang. Then added “If you want I’ll try to shield you so you can, you know, fix yourself. Then I’ll walk with you back to your building so you won’t be any later, and we can talk some more.”

I could not for the life of me believe my luck. “That would be great.” I told her. She stepped a little closer and I caught just a hint of her perfume. She stood slightly to my right and held her purse out beside her to my left and pretended to look inside it for something. I quickly pulled my shirt out of my pants and readjusted my cock so it wouldn’t be quite as obvious. She again giggled. She was really enjoying this.

“So let me get this straight, your husband knows you flirt with guys, and he likes it?” I asked as we started walking.

“Oh yeah, he loves it! When I tell him about this he’ll fuck me silly.” She told me as she slipped an arm through mine. “But he knows I don’t do this type of thing with every guy I encounter.

I was blown away. To hear this beauty talk so casually in that sweet voice about getting fucked silly, and that she doesn’t do this with every guy, meaning I’m somehow special. Her perfume was as intoxicating as her melodious voice. Not to mention the fact that she kept rubbing her breast against my arm as we walked. She really was an assault on all my senses. Well, all except taste, but I knew that one would be even better. It was all a bit much to process. My brain scrambled to think clearly, to find something to say. Then something else she said came to mind, “What did you mean when you called me a young man and talked about ‘at your age’ I don’t think you’re that much older than me.”

“Oh you are soo sweet!” She sang again. “I could just eat you up!” She told me with that naughty smile. “How old do you think I am?” She asked as she rubbed against me some more.

“Oh no. I never answer that question from a woman. Let’s just say I’m pushing 30 and I don’t think you’re much past that.” I answered.

She got even more excited at that and told me “If you get any sweeter I’ll have to find a place to eat you right now!” Her eyes flashed and she licked her lips. My cock pulsed in my pants showing no signs of going away. “Let’s just say that I’m a little older than you seem to think.”

“Well whatever your age, you look……great!” I replied, trying to avoid the subject of her eating me. “And I thought that when I first saw you, even before you started teasing me.”

“Well I appreciate that but let’s get one thing straight. I DON’T TEASE. I mean I like a flirting, but when I get this far into arousing a man, I’m usually after more.” She looked me in the eye as she said this and the expression on her face, while still somehow naughty, was now very serious.

Looking into her baby blue eyes while she said that I’m sure my face revealed my shock. I began to stutter, searching for a reply. “Uhh I, umm, but what about your husband? I mean, if you’re saying what I think you’re saying….Uhm, I am seriously flattered, but I have a rule about married women.

“It’s o.k.” She told me. “I never cheat on my husband. I told you he loves the fact that other men want me.” Her serious expression lightened as she said this but she still had that naughty look. Her eyes seemed to sparkle.

“So,” I paused, realizing I was at the side street that led me to my destination, and trying to make sense of what she’d told me. “You’re doing this so you and hubby can discuss it later and get each other off?”

“Well sort of,” she replied, her expressive face getting serious again. She looked as if she was sympathetic to my struggle to understand, and her sweet voice reflected it “but there’s more to it than that. Look, you get back to work and I’ll meet you when you get off,” She giggled at that before adding “WORK. And I’ll explain it better over a drink later.” She rubbed her firm tit on my arm once more before releasing me and I could feel her perky nipple through her bra and dress. I thought that she was as turned on by all this as I was.

I was also shocked by her suggestion and tried to clarify it. “So, you want to get together again and talk,”

“Yes.” She stated firmly. “You’re already late and I don’t want you to get in trouble and have to work late. Do you always use the back door?” She asked, smiling at the double entendre. “Do you get done at 5?”

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