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Brian and Marta split up just after their daughter went to school. It was sad, of course. Divorce is just about the most awful thing any family has to deal with but like every black cloud it came with a silver lining. We, my husband Charlie and I, really didn’t like Marta much. How could you not like Brian though? He was just an adorable happy little guy. He seemed to just enjoy everything and my Charlie, being one of those glass half empty sorts, needed someone like Brian. We kept him in the divorce, or he kept us I guess. He and Charlie bonded over beers and golf and all those sorts of things guys do. By the time winter rolled around and the snow fell and the streets froze they were inseparable. Charlie was like one of those teenage girls with a BFF.
The storm hit the weekend between Christmas and New Years. If you are going to have a storm shut down the city, it was the best time of year for it. No one was really working anyway and there was tons of football on television. We braved the frozen streets once to slip off to the warehouse store where we loaded up on beer and chips and meat and everything else we thought we might need. We filled the back of my van until Charlie couldn’t see to back out. We headed home to lock our little family in and spend the weekend trying to stay warm.
Charlie’s mom called before we even got home. We were supposed to drive up to Colorado Springs to pick up the ten year old. She had taken him home Christmas afternoon for a couple of days. She had made one of her grandmother decisions. The governor had said we were supposed to stay off the roads. She did not think getting him home to spend the weekend with his video games could be classified as an emergency and had simply gone online and ordered a PlayStation for her house. Amazon had just delivered it and she was keeping our son.
Charlie made an unexpected turn that caused my little van to shudder and slip a little. I asked him where we were going and he smiled at me. I knew then exactly what he was planning.
The dispensary was packed and the cupboards were bare. We ended up with some edible gummy candies and a quarter ounce of something called trainwreck. We drove home giggling despite not having opened either little sealed plastic envelope.
I was in the tub enjoying the hot water and bubbles, slowly feeling the high creep over me. He was in the kitchen putting away the supplies and putting a beef brisket into the oven. I heard his phone chirping from time to time but didn’t think much of it.
No. That’s a lie. There is no reason to lie here. I only mentioned his phone chirping because each time it did, an insidious little thought crept into my head. It was the type of thought I only have when I am stoned. Since they had legalized it, Charlie and I had only partaken of the stinky weed a couple of times. When they had campaigned for it, they had listed all sorts of things marijuana was good for. From my point of view, there was just one. Charlie and I used it as a marital aide. In the 18 years we had been married we had gotten high less than a dozen times but each of them ended the same way, Charlie and I naked for hours, humping, sucking, kissing, toying, and coming until we fell asleep grinning from ear to Escort Bayan Gaziantep ear.
Stoned, warm, wet, and horny I listened to his phone chirping and each time hoped for something almost impossible to admit, even to myself.
With my eyes closed and my hand nestled between my parted thighs my finger moved in little circles as I imagined my husband offering to share me with his friend.
“You didn’t drown in here, did you?” His voice was deep and quiet and far away.
“Mmm… not yet.” I answered. I didn’t know how long I had been in the tub but I had added more hot water a couple of times and the bubbles were gone. My hand was still in the same place. I hadn’t let myself orgasm, I just kept myself posed right on the edge as fantasies, little dirty images, flashed through my mind’s eye. “Who were you texting?” I asked him. I heard my voice as if someone else had been speaking. It was slow and quiet and lusty.
“Your son.”
“Benji wants to come home?” I asked dejectedly. My hand slipped out of the water and was cold and wrinkly.
“Not Benji, the older one.”
Fuck, that was even worse. Our 18 year old was supposed to be home for the weekend. He was at CSU as a freshman. He had been home for Christmas but had gone back to campus for a couple of days. He said he had work to do but we were sure it was probably more about some blond co-ed.
“He should not be driving today.” I said, disgusted with my own selfishness. Still, even if my motivation was selfish, it was the right thing for him to stay on campus.
“That’s what I told him. He was pouty. He was bringing someone for us to meet. I told him next weekend would do.”
“The one from Instagram?”
“No clue.”
“So… he isn’t coming? Or he is?”
“Oh good.”
“Why is that good?”
“Isn’t it good?” My fuzzy head suddenly wondered if he had different ideas than I was having.”
“No, it’s good. I was just a little curious. You seemed to be… enjoying your bath? I was wondering what you were thinking about for this weekend.”
“I was thinking about those gummies.” I admitted.
“And your big fat cock!” I said as sultry as I could manage.
“And sucking it.”
“And?” I couldn’t help but wonder if he was daring me. He was puttering around my bathroom sink. It was weird and curious and too much to try to figure out at that particular moment.
“And you licking me?”
“Licking you where?”
“Licking my pussy.” I said, the emphasis on pussy. It felt so dirty. He turned from my sink and kneeled beside the tub. “Oh god yes!” I muttered when he placed his hand in the water on my pussy. His fingers knew me so well. He went straight for my clit. I had been diplomatic about it, trying not to touch it too directly. He went straight at it and it felt like an electric shock as a short sharp orgasm hit me.
“You fucking me?”
“Me fucking you?” His finger had stopped moving. He was just pressing down on me firmly. It held me in a sort of orgasm coma almost unable to move. “You gonna let me fuck you?” I was refereeing to his ass. It was really the dirtiest filthiest most salacious thing we had ever done and it seemed appropriate. It was not however what I wanted or, I would soon learn, what he was trying to get me to say.
“You don’t want me to get my strap on out?”
“Anything you want,” he answered. “We have the whole weekend for anything you want.”
Did he want me to say it?
“Anything?” I asked.
“Anything.” He said calmly.
“Rub it.”
“Say it.”
“Oh baby. I’m so close. Rub it.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“If I say it, you’ll make me come.”
“Right now. You will make me come right now.”
“Say it.”
“Say what?” I was so close, so hot, so tense, it was hard to think.
“Tell me what you want.”
“You won’t be mad?”
“No matter what it is?”
“Anything you want.”
“And you’ll let me come?” I had even tried rocking my hips but he had held me in place with his giant hand.
“What if I want another cock?”
“Is that what you want?”
“Oh baby, make me come.”
“Tell me.”
“Oh god. I want another cock. I want two cocks in me. I want to be a slut. I want to be a cock filled slut.” His hand began to move. He was inside my pussy and on my clit and the orgasm was crushing down around me like a monster wave that hits you while you are wading in the ocean, knocking you down and tumbling you about in the surf out of control as you gasp for breath trying to survive entirely out of control at the mercy of the gods. “I wanna fuck another cock and fuck your cock and suck him as you fuck me. Oh god, I just want to be a total slut. Anything you and Brian want, all weekend. I want to be a total fuck toy. Passed back and forth until I can’t take it anymore and then I want you to fuck me again, just to prove that you can.”
His hand slapped in and out of the water and I couldn’t talk, I squealed out. My hands slapped to my chest and as he fucked me with his hand I pinched my nipples as hard as I could intensifying the whole thing until I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Oh fuck, stop. Stop, ouch!” I squealed.
I was relieved but disappointed when he did. I told him so. He kissed me on the forehead.
“You are out of control.”
“Maybe a little. Still. You shouldn’t stop just because I said to.”
“Then you need a safe word.”
“Actually, it’s a pretty good idea.”
“What do you mean?”
“Okay. So. If you say… no… butterfl… no… broccoli. If you say broccoli, then I will stop.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I am just going to pin you down and fuck you harder.”
He had stood up again. He doddered around a little as I soaked and relaxed and got my high back.
“What are you doing?”
“Just putting some stuff out for you.”
“What stuff.”
“Stuff you need to wear… or use. Good stuff. You will see.”
“Honey…” I moaned disapprovingly. I imagined weird lingerie and sex toys and I was way too lazy for any of that.
“Just be a good little fuck toy and do what you are told. I think you will be happy with the results.
“Fine,” I said, not really fine at all.
He knelt down again, this time at the head of the tub. He kissed me.
“Trust me.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Don’t start that I dream of Genie stuff. I have to finish cooking. You should get out pretty soon though. Your water isn’t hot anymore. You’ll catch a cold.”
He left me to pout. It took a minute for me to realize he was right, the water wasn’t hot anymore. I went ahead and did what he asked. I got out and dried off.
Charlie is a way better husband that I give him credit for. Wrapped in a towel I analyzed what he had laid out for me. He is an organized sort of guy. It went from right to left.
I started with my good body lotion. It was self tanner with sparkles. It made me smile to put on, reminding me of vacation.
He put out the bright red lipstick. It was the waterproof kind. I wondered if he had raided my whole travel bag. I’m not a real lipstick girl but he likes it. I was still fuzzy headed and thinking about why he liked it. It reminded me how he particularly liked it when I gave head so I gave in and put it on.
He put out eyeliner. I would wear that tomorrow. I was too high to put it on now.
He set out a scrunchy and I let my long hair out of the ball on the top of my head and put in a ponytail. I looked at my naked self in the mirror. He would be happy enough. When he was happy enough it made me happy.
The nightgown hung on the towel rack. It was long but sheer. He had even found the robe that went with it. He called it my fifties vixen outfit. The sirens in the old movies always wore robes. They were satin and their nipples didn’t show the way mine did at the moment but I understood what he was getting at.
Properly prepared I needed a drink. I needed a tall glass of iced tea. I needed cookies. Oh… and I needed another one of those gummies.
The hallway to our bedroom opens up to the kitchen. On the island was a pitcher of tea – such a good husband – a pile of cookies, the little pouch of gummies and a bowl of Cheetos. I downed two tall glasses of tea and three cookies and gathered up the bowl of Cheetos and moved to the living room. I had heard the game on.
“Who’s playing?”
“Indy,” Said Charlie.
“And the Titans. Boring game but it matters for the wild card,” said Brian. Then, looking over at me he said simply “Damn.” It was quiet, almost a whisper. His mouth dropped open.
“I didn’t know you were here,” I said. I was speaking to Brian but looking at my Charlie.
“I didn’t… I’m sorry… Am I disturbing something?” he stuttered. “I should go.”
“Charlie? Should he go?”
“Anything you want,” he said proudly. What a dirty little cuckold. I loved it. I loved him. In some small way I loved both of them. Of course, that could have been the weed talking. I realized I still had the gummy in my hand. I popped it into my mouth, set the Cheetos on the coffee table and passing Charlie in his chair moved to the sofa where I nudged Brian into the corner. I settled down, stretched out with my feet raised on the arm and my head in his lap. I couldn’t be sure but I figured the lump behind my head was an erect cock.
“I just need a minute,” I said, closing my eyes. I felt the fuzziness around the edges and knew, in a few minutes, maybe half an hour, there would be fuzziness everywhere. I smiled and let the images roll back through my mind.
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