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Heath and I were engaged and waited about a year and a half before we married. We had a beautiful church wedding and all the girls were in the wedding and they were paired off with Heath’s friends who were great guys and all but one were black. The girls were carefully partnered with Heath’s friends and some of them actually went on to date for a while.
We saved our money for this great wedding as I couldn’t see my parents paying for my wedding because I was older and had the money saved for it. Since we paid for the entire wedding, my parents gave us the money they would have spent on the wedding and also a small trust fund they set up for me that I completely forgot about. With their wedding gift, my trust fund and the money that Heath has been saving, we were able to purchase a house for cash and just be responsible for paying our monthly bills and our real estate taxes. We were living really good.
About a year ago, I asked Heath if we could adopt a child because I always wanted one and I was told I could never have any and at my age it wouldn’t be healthy for me even if I was able too. Heath was thrilled to hear that and we happen to be looking at the right time for us but the wrong time for his niece as she had just had Maltepe Escort a beautiful baby boy but was diagnosed with lung cancer and the girl never smoked a day in her life. She had asked her Uncle Heath if he would look after her son James if she becomes unable to care for him and give him a good home and a good life and he asked me first and I agreed.
Sadly his niece passed away 6 months ago and we now have full custody of James who is a wonderful little boy. He looks a lot like Heath and enjoys being with Heath. I was told by someone at work that I am too old to be a mom at my age and I told that person to “Go fuck yourself”. I know she was jealous because she had her eyes on Heath as I found out a few months ago and it would bother her to see me, a white girl, with Heath a black guy and she was black and so nasty.
James is growing and getting so smart and I know that it comes from all the time he spends with Heath. I’m so happy that in an odd way that Heath has become a father. I would have been heart broken to know that this little boy would have been put up for adoption and that Heath would have never had the chance to be a dad while he was married to a woman that couldn’t give him any of his own children.
We Kartal Escort are thinking about getting James a baby brother or sister so he will not have to grow up alone. It would bring happiness to all of us to have another in the house. James is a blessing and a treasure that we will always have and adding another member to our family would be great. We have our application into a few adoption agencies and actually have an appointment to meet with a one of their people later this week.
We were told briefly that there is a little girl that was put into their agency because her mother could not find a job and support both herself and her little girl. The girl is just a year old now and they were afraid that she may be under fed and have signs of having some health issues, but she is doing very well. The little girl is a single parent because her father took off after finding out that he was going to be a dad. He is a much older man and her father was just 20 when she got pregnant too.
I really would like to see us give this little one a home. She needs love and food and a family to love her and I believe we are the family to help make that so. We wanted this little girl in the worst way. We Kurtköy Escort met her and fell in love with her immediately. They told us they had three other couples in which to interview and by the end of the week they would make their decision.
I was thinking all week about how I would love to spoil this little one with dolls and pretty clothes and try to make our relationship special like I had with my mother. I couldn’t eat and I couldn’t sleep and Friday could not come fast enough for either Heath or myself. That morning we sat at the kitchen table with James and said how this little one would make our family complete having a little boy and a little girl. We sat by the phone in hopes for an early phone call and it seemed like the day was dragging and finally at 2:00 we got the call to come and get our baby.
Heath and I cried in each others arms. Heath asked me if I wanted to name her anything special and I told him I wanted to name her Corine after his late mother with her middle name Anna after my mother and that was our little girl’s name. We couldn’t get there fast enough and I was glad I went out and bought her an outfit for her ride home. I didn’t want to get too much stuff for her in case but I knew what I was going to do if we didn’t; I would have given everything to the new mother.
Our little Corine was getting so big and loved it at our place. James loved his little sister and it was such a beautiful sight to see. I never knew I could be so happy as I am right now.
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32