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Brian and Briana 0002
The Wilson Chapel High Swap Club
Part Two
I would like to thank the Literotica author Schuppinzigh for his help and advice.
No part of this story may be reproduced for profit without the express written consent of the author.
All characters portrayed in this story are at least 18 years of age.
When they got into the house, Brian closed and locked the door and said to Bree, “Come here sexy,” Bree threw her arms around his neck and gave him the biggest sexiest kiss he had ever experienced. Their lips sucked each other’s lips individually, their tongues wrestled with each other’s and Brian reached down, pulled her green dress up over her butt, grabbed her bare perfect ass and lifted her off the floor, her legs wrapping around his hips and they humped each other frantically.
Bree cut it short dropping her legs to the floor and told Brian, “if we keep this up, we will never get dinner and we are going to need our strength.”
Brian, breathing hard said, “Ok, I’ll get the steaks started, you get everything else.”
Bree saluted and said,”Yessuh, Big Mc, my love!”
Bree fixed a salad, baked potatoes with sour cream and green beans, put her mom’s best china out, lit two candles and opened the wine by the time Brian had the steaks ready.
They ate in relative silence side by side on one side of the table. They could hardly eat from looking at each other and touching each other. And, they had silly grins on their faces the whole time. They were genuinely in love.
Finally, they had finished eating and Bree got up to clear the table. Brian told her, “Let that go. We’ll take care of them in the morning.” He took her by the hand, walked her to the center of the room, looked into her eyes and asked,”Are you sure you want to do this? Are you ready? There will never be any turning back!”
Bree gasped in a breathy voice, “Oh yes sweetheart. I’ve never been more sure in my life!”
Brian picked her up and carried her to his bedroom and they faced each other then slowly started undressing each other gazing at each patch of bare skin as if it would be the last they would ever see of it. Brian gasped when Bree’s glorious breasts were bared. He couldn’t help but lean over and kiss them all over equally. When he put his lips around a large nipple, it was Bree’s turn to gasp.
They were both naked now except for Brian’s underwear. His large erection was waiting to be unleashed. Bree pulled his shorts over his cock and it shot straight up when freed from the restriction. Bree gasped again and thought “How will I ever be able to get that monster inside me?”
Brian had never felt his cock this big. It was throbbing with anticipation as he gazed at Bree’s totally bare pussy that she had shaved for him. He was thinking,”How will I ever get my cock in that stunning little pussy?”
Brian had no experience and Bree had only what she had learned from Mary Jo but something is better than nothing so she took control. She lay back on the bed and told Brian to kiss her then her breasts and then everywhere else to get her ready to accept his now 10 inch cock. Brian followed her instructions by default to the letter because he didn’t know what to do. But as he kissed and caressed Bree’s body, he learned what pleased her from her reactions and soon he was operating on instinct, searching for places that provided pleasure and moving on when he received no reaction. Soon, Bree was moaning and moving her body around in pleasure and her juices had started to flow. Brian felt the dampness in her pussy and was drawn to it. He slid down so he could examine it and was met by the fresh smell of her pussy. Instinctively, he lowered his head and tasted some of Bree’s nectar and found he liked the taste. It was a little salty but sweet, surprisingly so, and he dipped his tongue into Bree’s pussy and quickly found that she apparently liked it very much for she moaned and undulated her hips pushing her pussy tight against his mouth.
Brian may be inexperienced but no one ever accused him of being stupid! Bree was reacting so much to his mouth on her pussy, he decided to explore this some more…a lot more! His goal was to please this gorgeous sweet woman who just happened to be his twin sister. With that thought his cock grew even harder-he had not thought that were possible-he was making love to his sister!
His cock jumped and twitched and for a minute thought he was about to cum.
Brian rolled his tongue to a point and stuck it into Bree’s pussy hole, using it like a little dick thrusting in and out. The walls of Bree’s pussy closed around it and squeezed. It was so tight! He wondered how he was ever going to get his dick into his sister’s tight little pussy. He inserted his index finger into the hole where his tongue had been to test the size and discovered that Bree’s pussy adjusted to accommodate the larger size. Aha! He added bursa escort bayan a second finger to his index finger and confirmed the pussy was apparently elastic and Bree immediately started writhing and moaning under his touch.
She grabbed him by his ears and placed his mouth on her clit and told him, “Oh, right there! Lick, lick, lick it right there!” Who was he to turn her down? So he did as he was told, and Bree went off! His tongue working on her clit and his finger fucking had pushed her to the edge and over.
Bree was laughing! And, at the same time she was making unintelligible sounds. Her whole body was convulsing, her groin was jerking and thrusting and with every jerk, she made a grunting sound, “Ungh-ungh-ungh-uunngghhhhh-ahhh!”
Her hands were still wrapped in his mangled mop of red hair and he thought that she might pull it all out. He was thinking, “Hot damn, Bree, my lover, my sister is the most beautiful, absolutely the hottest thing in the world. And,I did this!”
Bree finally released his hair and collapsed back to the bed, breathing fast, gulping air as if it was the last she would ever get. Brian lay beside her, cuddling and kissing her breasts and face. Just when Brian thought she had gone to sleep, Bree opened her eyes, looked at him and said, “Oh Brian, I love you so much! You are wonderful!”
“Cock-a-doodle-dooooo”, thought Brian.
Bree sat up, and said to Bryan, “Now it’s your turn Bro.” She rolled him over to his back, crawled between his legs, took hold of his massive erection and covered the entire cock with licks, up and down the shaft, all around the head and stuck her tongue into the large opening of the urethra. She suspected that Brian would come pretty quickly and prepared herself to accept a massive load of his cum. His cock was already beginning to jump involuntarily and she could feel it beginning to swell. “Good”, she thought. “If he cums now, he’ll last a lot longer when he finally fucks me.”
Bree licked a small run of pre-cum from Brian’s glan then sucked in the entire head and rolled her tongue around and under it before lowering the fleshy part of her lips around the shaft and took in about 5 inches of Brian’s cock. As her head went up and down, she sucked vigorously with her tongue sliding along underneath. Every three or four strokes, she would take in a little more of his cock until the glan was hitting her throat and she was taking about 7 inches into her mouth. But, his cock was so massive and her throat so small, there was no way she was going to be able to take it all. She was already gagging, saliva mixed with pre-cum was dripping from the corners of her mouth and her eyes were watering, running down her cheeks.
All of a sudden, Brian started moaning and sucking air through his lips,” whss, whss, whss.” He started pushing his cock into her mouth, fucking her face and excitedly declared, “I’m cumming, omygod I,m coming!” Bree tightened her lips and kept right on sucking as Bryan let loose with “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh-uh-ahhhhhhh!” Brian froze and sent spurt after spurt of cum, hard and straight to the back of Bree’s mouth. With each spurt Brian would grunt, “Unh, unh, unh.”
Bree lost count of the spurts at 6. “Geez,” she thought, “I’m being drowned!” She swallowed as much as she could but she could not keep up. Her mouth around Brian’s huge cock filled with cum and ran out of the corners of her mouth and down her chin, hanging there in white strings before finally dropping to the bed.
Brian was so excited, he reached down and pulled Bree up to lay on top of him and planted a huge sloppy kiss on Bree’s cum soaked lips, mouth and chin-his cum, he realized and thought, “not bad” and licked the rest from Bree’s face. Brian said to Bree, “Oh baby, I love, love, love you and I always will. Don’t ever leave me…please?”
Both Brian and Bree were so overcome with emotion, they started softly crying and just lay down on the bed holding each other and fell asleep without ever taking each others virginity.
Brian awoke about 8 the next morning from the sunlight filtering through the curtains. Bree was cuddled into him with her head snugged into his neck, her arm laying over his chest and a leg thrown over his body right on top of his cock.
What a wonderful and glorious sight and feeling he had watching his beautiful sister, now the love of his life, sleeping peacefully at his side. He was overcome again with the love he felt for her and tears leaked from his eyes.
Brian slowly untangled himself from Bree’s embrace, so as not to wake her, and went to the bathroom to pee, brush his teeth and shower. He had just stepped into the warm water when Bree opened the shower door and stepped in with him saying, “Thanks Big Mc! You don,t think I could use a shower too?”
Brian replied, “I just didn’t want to wake you, Sis. Besides, I really had to pee and the inside of my mouth tasted like…ahem…fish!”
Brian ducked, just barely avoiding bursa bayan escort the slap aimed at the back of his head.
Bree laughed and told Brian, “Here, soap me up and wash me up good all over. You need to get rid of that fish smell because you are going to be back down there Bubba before you know it. We have yet to take care of our virginity problem.”
Brian looked up wide-eyed and said, “Oh..My..God! I had completely forgotten about that! He went back to washing her with renewed energy, paying especially good attention to her pussy.
Bree chuckled and said, “Oh, you’re such a silly goose sometime. You’re lucky you’ve got me to keep you straight, with emphasis on straight.”
Brian’s cock was already at half mast just with the thought of fucking his sister.
He looked at her and said, “Shucks, and I was so looking forward to some bacon and eggs!” He had to dodge another blow from Bree.
Bree picked up a bottle of baby oil from the bathroom, took hold of Brian’s 10 inch cock, now hard as a rock and said, “C’mon Big Mac, heel” and led Brian back to the bedroom.
Brian laughed at the dog reference and said, “Oh, you want to do it doggy style!”
Bree admonished him saying, “No fucking way! With the size of your cock I want to be on top. That way, I’ll have better control of the depth and I can use my own weight when needed.”
Bree sat on the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor and had Brian get on his knees in front of her. “Eat me out Big Mc! Eat me out. Make me all wet and horny for you babe. Use your tongue on my clit and finger fuck me,” Bree said, and grabbed Brian by the front of his hair and roughly pulled his mouth to her pussy.Then she lay back to let Brian do his thing. Brian started out licking her clit and put two fingers in her pussy very gently but Bree was having none of that. She was worked up and wanted it rough. She showed Brian how Mary Jo had used her fingers to massage her G-spot and exhorted him to do it harder and faster.
Bree had started moaning and talking to Brian, telling exactly where, how and when. She also started talking “dirty” to him, “Oh, yes, right there, harder. Give it to me, fuck me you bastard…fuuuuck mmeeeee! Oh, that’s sooo gooood! I love youuu.”
All the talk from Bree excited Brian to no end. He was becoming more and more adventurous. He tried 3 fingers in her pussy which was met with a groan and an “Oh shit! Go..go..go..go baby go!” from Bree who was moaning continuously and Brian sensed she was close to cumming. He removed his fingers from her pussy and reinserted his index finger and spit into her ass and inserted the middle finger up to the first joint pumping both holes at once. Catching Bree unaware, she tightened her butt and went “Ummpff”. Brian continued pumping his fingers in an out and Bree said, “OOOOOhhhhhhh, I’m cumminnngggg!” Her legs stiffened, coming off the floor and pressed them together viselike around Brian’s ears while she was, apparently, trying to pull his hair out with both hands. Her pussy released a copious amount of creamy white cum and Brian slurped it up and swallowed it, loving every drop.
Bree recovered, if that,s the right word, from her orgasm and said to Brian, “Oh sweet baby, you are so wonderful…so great! I love you so much! I feel so good! How did you know I liked a finger in my ass?”
Brian replied, “Endstinct, my darling, endstinct!” Whoosh, there goes another one, over her head.
Bree had Brian lie down on his back in the center of the bed. His 10 inch cock sticking straight up like a flagpole. She thought it looked even larger than she remembered and had a brief moment of concern which was quickly dispelled by her envisioning a flag waving from the pinnacle. She giggled and Brian wondered what she thought was funny. When he asked, she replied, “Oh I was just remembering a game we use to play when we were kids, King of the Mountain.”
Bree took the bottle of baby oil and liberally covered Brian’s “mountain”. She then poured some in her palm and rubbed it into her vagina and all around her lips. She stood up on the bed straddling Brian directly over his cock and began to lower herself down to meet it. She had Brian grab her ass with both hands to help support her.
Brian suddenly remembered something that had been in the back of his mind for a long time and said, “Ah, Bree, honey, this may not be the best time to bring this up but better now than too late. Um, exactly what are we going to do with my cum?”
Bree really shook Brian to his core by responding with, “Oh sweetheart, brother of mine, we are going to make a baby!” When she saw the look on Brian’s face, she added, “Goofus, I’m just kidding! Mom put me on the pill when I was 14 to help control my periods. You are going to fill me up with your precious cum!”
Much relieved, Brian’s cock quickly returned to it’s full size and Bree reached between her legs and held her pussy lips bursa merkez escort open and she placed her pussy right on top of Brian,s cock and moved down tentatively and met with immediate resistance. She backed off and tried again with more pressure and Brian’s cock slid in about two inches. She waited a couple of minutes and lowered her body some more and gained another inch. Bree followed the same pattern of up and down until she figured she had taken about 4 inches into her vagina. She remembered that she had taken about 7 inches of the dildo and the next time she would not stop but apply continuous pressure. She did so and Brian’s cock slid in to about 7 inches when it felt to her like it had hit her cervix.
She felt no pain or real discomfort, only an incredible feeling of fullness, both physically and psychologically. She kept still for a few minutes and she could feel her vagina adjusting to Brian’s size.
When she felt comfortable, she leaned forward holding on to Brian’s shoulders, making better contact with her clit and started rhythmically “grinding” her pelvis onto Brian’s cock. God, she thought she would not last long at all. But she wanted to get Brian there too and her legs were getting tired. She asked Brian to sit up and she pulled on his shoulders as she lay back. Brian wound up on top of her in the missionary position without ever losing penetration.
Brian was content to let Bree just do her thing while she was getting adjusted to his size. He just lay there thinking that, “this can’t be real! I’m really fucking my own sister and loving every minute of it!”
As Brian fucked, the better it felt and the faster and harder he fucked. Pretty soon, he had lifted Bree’s legs to his shoulders and was pounding away at his little sister. She was now undulating, thrusting her pelvis hard into him now and moaning to beat the band. She started talking dirty to him again and he gave it right back much to Bree’s delight, “Take it brother-fucker! Take all your brother’s big dick! Where do you want my jism sis? In your mouth, in your pussy or maybe in your ass? I,m going to suck my cum from your pussy. Are you going to suck your brother’s cock to clean it off?”
As he talked, his hips looked like a blur they were moving so fast and hard. With every thrust Bree’s body would slide several inches.
Suddenly, Bree screamed, “Fuuuuuuuucccckk mmmmeeeeeee”, and was thrusting up like a banshee to meet his own violent thrusts.
Brian felt his cum begin building and he said, “Oh sis, I,m coming too! Aaaaaaaaaaaa, yesssssssssss, cum with me baby, cum with me, Oh my god, you are so fucking hot.” As he started pumping his massive load of cum into Bree’s pussy, Bree went over the edge, screaming, flailing and convulsing so much that she fell from the bed to the carpet and rolled around the floor with both hands between her legs, her knees at her chest, her head back and thrusting forward with her mouth open wide and you could only see the whites of her eyes.
Brian’s cum was everywhere! He was still pumping squirt after squirt when Bree went wild with her orgasm and pulled off his cock. He squirted all over the bed, the headboard and the floor when he went to help Bree but, he could do nothing to help except hold her and try to prevent her from hurting herself. Bree passed out and just lay there quivering. Brian lay down next to her and just held her, talking tenderly to her. She was still breathing and he reasoned that she would come out of it in a little while. Bryan had been scared witless but when he had calmed down, he knew absolutely that he had just witnessed, and been a part of, the most beautiful thing that anyone would ever have the privilege of seeing. It would be burned into his memory forever. And neither he nor Bree would ever be the same again.
He looked over at Bree. Hers eyes were open and normal and she had the most beautiful smile on her face. She said, “I guess I passed out, huh? See what you do to me! I love you Brian with all my heart…and now my body too! It was worth the wait. I feel so good…and so tired.” She tried to get up but her legs would not hold her.
Brian picked her up, kissed her, carried her to her room and placed her on her bed covering her with a sheet. “Sleep for a while babe. I’ll clean my bedroom up and do something for dinner. I’ll wake you in a couple of hours,” he told her.
Brian showered and dressed quickly, stripped his bed and put all the cum soaked bedclothes into the washer, wiped down the headboard and finally spot cleaned the carpet. As an afterthought, he then sprayed some air freshener and opened his window to let in some fresh air. It would not do to have his parents come home and suspect something. He and Bree were going to have to have a talk about their parents. He wondered how in the world they were going to have some free time without their parents finding out.
Brian drove to the Lee’s Chinese Restaurant for some take-out. He knew Mr and Mrs Lee from a couple of other trips to the restaurant. Mr Lee was a retired urologist who had started the restaurant so he and his wife could keep busy. His license plate on his car read “2PCLEE”
Mr Lee said, “Hello Blian. What I get you today?”
Brian said,”It’s Brian, Mr Lee, B-R-I-A-N, Brian.”
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