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“Well, this bites!” Candy Hardison said as she snapped her cell phone shut. Laurel came out of the kitchen where she had been baking to see what had upset her eldest daughter so much.
“What’s got your feathers so ruffled?” The elegant and attractive brunette asked her daughter. Candy spun around and Laurel could see the anger in the pretty blonde’s normally-happy face. “It’s ELLIOT!” She said so venomously that she almost spat.
“What, again?” Her handsome father had come out of his den to see what all of the commotion had been about. Hearing the name of his daughter’s boyfriend usually set off his usual litany of complaints. He didn’t think much of Elliot, who came from a rich, spoiled, privileged background and thought of himself first and others, second. Wisely, Tom Hardison kept his opinions to himself this time out.
“That — that — fucking PRICK!” Candy shouted out, knowing her parents wouldn’t chide her about language at a time like this. She wasn’t prone to profanity unless she was really upset, which she clearly was.
“We had two tickets bought and paid for, we were going on a romantic vacation to celebrate my passing my bar exam,” the spanking-new attorney continued. “I bought some all new, itsy-bitsy bikinis and I was looking forward to — rekindling my romance — with my dumbass boyfriend in a tropical paradise,” Candy told her parents.
“It all sounds perfectly lovely to me,” Laurel said as she sat down beside her husband. “So, what did dumbass do now?” She said with a gentle laugh, trying to lighten things up a little.
“A bunch of his buddies got football tickets, supposedly really good ones and he’s going to some games with them,” Candy griped. “Which leaves me high and dry, with two tickets to Bermuda going to waste.”
“Oh darling, don’t be foolish,” Laurel told her daughter. “Call a friend or sell one of them.”
“You’re not allowed to sell them mom, they’re a package deal and it’s one of the conditions,” Candy told her. “All of my friends are either still in school or working, or in Bethany’s case, six months pregnant,” she sighed. Bethany was their daughter’s best friend since the 5th Grade, a statuesque redhead who was practically a member of the family.
Laurel could see her daughter’s situation and almost as quickly, she had a solution. “Take your dad,” she told Candy.
Candy’s face twisted up and so did her father’s. “Take Daddy?”
“Why would she want to do a crazy thing like that?” Tom asked.
“Why? Because you two are the best of friends, you’re almost joined at the hip,” Laurel laughed. “I’ve never seen a father and daughter as close as the two of you. Candy, you knew from the time you were 7 you were going to be a lawyer, because Daddy was one. Take your father because he needs to get away from the office and get some sun,” Laurel suggested. “I don’t want to be married to Casper the Friendly Attorney.”
“I had a vacation six months ago,” Tom argued.
“A working vacation and Sheila says you barely had any fun,” Laurel said. She knew that wasn’t entirely true, but Tom and Candy didn’t know all that she knew about that trip. “You have no pending cases and if you go away, I’ll take a trip to my parents’. Sandra, you know you’d love to have some alone time with your Daddy, so stop fighting me on this.”
“Who paid for the tickets?” Tom asked his daughter. He saw her face break into a smile.
“Elliot did.”
“A free trip to Bermuda on dumbass’ dime? Hell yeah, count me in,” Tom smiled as he hugged his gorgeous daughter. He went into his den to call his secretary and tell her that he’d be away for a week. Candy turned to her mom.
“Mom, when you and dad go on holidays like this, doesn’t he get a little — you know, amorous?” She asked. Candy and her mother were very open about sex, including the fact that her parents were still quite active. Laurel nodded. “Aren’t you worried about us? You know I have a little thing for Daddy, romantic setting, skimpy bikinis and Daddy’s still buff and handsome, it could be risky.”
Laurel spun around and hugged her daughter. “Sweetie, you know my background. If something happens between you and your father, well, it happens. Maybe you’ll get it out of your system or maybe your father will realize what a hot, gorgeous daughter he has. I don’t know, but I’ve got a little secret. I’m not going to visit your grandparents, I’m going to visit your Aunt Marcia and your Uncle Edward.”
Candy gasped because she was the only one in the family who knew what that meant. Two short years ago, while slightly inebriated after celebrating Candy’s birthday, Laurel had confessed a long-hidden secret to her daughter. That was the fact that her older sister and her brother-in-law had been her first and second lovers, in that order, far before her Daddy. “When did it stop?” Candy remembered wanting to know.
Laurel grinned at her daughter. “Who said it did? Your Daddy has his secrets and I have mine. Antep Bayan Escort Aside from that, we have a wonderful marriage.”
Candy was not yet privy to the fact that her Daddy had the sex drive of a rutting bull. He had fucked his way through 3 secretaries and a number of attractive law clerks and paralegals. One of her father’s bedmates had been Bethany, who had raved to Laurel about what a great fuck Tom was. In fact, the timing of their little fling was so close, Laurel still wondered if Bethany wasn’t carrying Candy’s little brother or sister. Everyone thought the child belonged to Beth’s fiancé, but Laurel wasn’t convinced. Ray wasn’t nearly the virile stud that her husband was. Her illicit, year-long affair with her best friend’s mom was evidence of that. The more she thought about it, the more Laurel realized that Candy’s going on this holiday with her Daddy was the chance of a lifetime. If it went the way she and Tom both wanted it to, Elliot would have one less girlfriend when she returned. Laurel didn’t care for Elliot any more than her husband did. She thought her daughter was sex on wheels and deserved someone more compatible with her. Why not? She was the child of two hot parents and she needed someone who could maintain the same erotic pace Tom and Laurel had for many years.
Candy was slightly conflicted about her choice to seduce her father because she knew it might cause him some inner conflict. Her father, to her knowledge, had never cheated on her mom. Yet despite all of that, she knew that she was going to do it. Her mom’s blessing had been all that she needed and her idiot boyfriend’s initial actions had been the catalyst. Why should she let the tickets go to waste? Daddy was right, a sexual adventure on Elliot’s dime would be the ultimate revenge. She went upstairs and rummaged through her wardrobe. Not only was she now packing her sexiest suits, she was adding some of her more incredible lingerie, short dresses and her most outrageous heels. Aside from their departure, Candy didn’t want to spend a minute of her time away with her father in anything that was not sexy. She wanted his resistance to be low, she wanted Daddy in heat for the entirety of their vacation. Candy wanted her Daddy to need to fuck her almost as much as he needed to breathe air.
While he was mentally deciding what to pack for his unexpected holiday, Tom himself was truly conflicted. He enjoyed vacations like this with Laurel because his wife let her hair down completely on such holidays. She turned into a sexual beast and was up for anything. Laurel had even gone as far as to suggest a threesome on one occasion with a girl who was about the same age as their Candy. Tom couldn’t go through with it and backed out at the last minute. Now, he found himself wondering what would have happened if he had let things proceed as Laurel had planned. He got very turned on at the thought of seeing his gorgeous wife and another girl in the heat of the moment. Of course, he knew that she would only be doing it to turn him on. Laurel was not a lesbian, their incredible sex life had proved that time and again. Still, it would have been hot, but he was sure that he would have felt guilty about having sex with someone so young.
Now, he wasn’t so sure he felt the same way about it. There were a number of attractive law clerks at his firm and despite his best intentions, he had slept with a number of them. They seemed to be getting younger all of the time as he was getting older. He realized why, he liked being a “daddy” to all the pretty young things. Some of those pretty young things liked him for exactly the same reason. Something inside of him liked being with women young enough to be Candy’s age. Now that Candy had developed curves in all the right places and was flaunting them a bit more, he didn’t know what he might say or do. No one in Bermuda would ever know of their true relationship. He could easily act as Candy’s “sugar daddy” with no one being the wiser. Only he and Candy would know the truth. If he decided to sleep with his beautiful daughter, only his own moral center would be at risk. Tom got a mental image of his daughter in his head, wearing a bikini she had worn just a few weeks earlier. It made him horny then and it was making him horny now. He tried to shake the image from his head and it wouldn’t leave. It was almost as if it was branded there.
Tom knew right there and then. If the opportunity presented itself, he was going to fuck his daughter, and consequences could be damned! He checked his bank account and made sure that he had enough money so that they could do everything first class on their holiday. They would go to the best restaurants and clubs and drink and party like he was half his age. He and Laurel used to love dancing when they were dating and he was sure that he could keep up with Candy on the dance floor. His daughter was going to see an entirely new side of her staid, lawyer father and he hoped she would find him sexy.
Candy was on the phone with Bethany. “I can’t believe I’m really doing this,” she told her friend. “I’m sure I’m just acting crazy, but I can’t get the image of my Daddy and I fucking out of my head. You’re the sensible one Beth, go on, talk me out of it.”
Bethany almost blurted out her little secret, but remembered Laurel cautioning her to keep that to herself. Her gorgeous lover had suggested that when things calmed down, she might organize a threesome between herself, Tom and Bethany. Bethany knew that was still several months in the offing and believed that if Candy succeeded in her goal, a foursome might even be possible. She had not slept with Candy, her friend seemed oblivious to Beth’s lesbian overtures.
“Elliot is a fucking loser for letting a babe like you go on a trip like this without him. Go baby and fuck him blind,” Bethany told her. “I wish I could come with you, wouldn’t the two of us together blow his fucking mind?” She laughed. “You won’t even have to worry about protection, so ride that fucking big cock for me and when you get back, I want all of the details. A play-by-play description with color highlights,” Bethany said before she hung up the phone.
Candy was puzzled when she hung up the phone, but she shook her head and laughed. That was Beth, always a free spirit. She often wondered what Beth saw in Ray, her fiancé. He wasn’t as self-involved as Elliot was, but he wasn’t a ball of fire either. Candy thought things through and decided that perhaps when Bethany had her baby and could find a free night, she and Beth could go out clubbing again. Beth’s family were loving and supportive and would much rather she be a single mother than marry a dud. Candy and Beth’s mom were almost as close as Beth and Laurel were. The four women often went out to lunch together and the girls would joke that they could switch moms and not be able to notice the difference. Their moms hung out all of the time and were like sisters themselves. Candy knew that Beth’s mom would be happy to babysit her new grandchild so that she could let her hair down with Candy. Yes indeed, a night out with Beth, prowling for hot studs, was definitely something she would pencil in for the next six months.
Deciding to dress demure for their flight was a smart idea on Candy’s part. She wore a nice pleated skirt and heels and kept telling her father how thrilled she was that they could spend time together. He had no idea how she wanted to spend that time with him. While she wanted to enjoy Bermuda, the beaches and all of the sights, she wanted to spend an equal amount of time having sex. Lots of sex, even some things that she had not done with Elliot. Anything her father wanted from her, she was going to do. Daddy was going to be treated like a King for the entire vacation.
Candy was a bit inebriated by the time their plane landed. Their flight had been delayed, so she had a few cocktails in the lounge, free of charge. She also enjoyed a few during their flight. That was okay with her, she wanted to be a bit loose when they got to their hotel. Some liquid courage just might help her.
Tom was just barely holding it together and he decided that he had better not do any more drinking. Candy was acting very flirty and the alcohol seemed to have loosened both her inhibitions and her tongue. She wasn’t prone to profanity, but she had used a few words that weren’t normally in her vocabulary. Every time she said “fuck”, Tom’s cock jumped a little. Even dressed in a somewhat sedate manner, Candy set his loins on fire. He didn’t know too many girls that compared to his gorgeous daughter.
Candy had second thoughts about how much drinking she had done on the flight. The alcohol had loosened her libido to the point where she wanted to jump her father’s bones when they got to their hotel. Her father looked great in a nice shirt and dress pants, even casual, Tom always looked like a million bucks. Their room was huge with almost every amenity and it was spotlessly clean.
Tom looked over at his daughter. “One room?” Was all that he asked.
Candy giggled, desperately trying to sober up. “Of course Daddy, I was supposed to be coming here on a romantic getaway with my boyfriend. It wouldn’t have made much sense for us to have separate rooms, now would it?”
Tom grimaced a bit. “It would have made me a bit happier, but I suppose you have a point. I do see that there’s only one bed, maybe I can have them send something up or we can change to a room with two beds?”
Candy’s eyes rolled as she looked at her father. With hands on hips, she stood her ground. “Oh Daddy, don’t be ridiculous. You could hold an orgy in a bed that size,” she told him, trying hard not to giggle at the thought. “You and I can share the bed and sleep on opposite sides.” Candy had no intention of playing her hand this early and letting him know she had no intention at all of doing that.
“Okay hon, point taken, I suppose it will be alright,” Tom answered, wondering how the hell he would control himself. He was eventually going to make a move on Candy, but he didn’t want to tip his hand too soon. There was something about his daughter that let him know she would be receptive to his advances, but he had to be suave and debonair. That was her image of him and he didn’t want to shatter it. “Hey, I’m going to shower and then we’ll go and have dinner,” he suggested. “Their dining room looked great and I’m starved. Unless you want to shower first?”
Candy shook her head. “No, that’s okay Daddy, I showered before we left the house, you go ahead,” she told him. She was going to use the time to find a sexy outfit to tantalize him with at dinner. As far as she was concerned, the game was on.
Tom went into the shower and debated whether or not he should take the edge off. He decided against it but it took him a few minutes to make that decision. He was getting a weird vibe from his daughter and he wasn’t sure if he was reading her wrong or if things were heading where he hoped they were heading.
Candy found her outfit. An indecently-short black mini, a glittery sequined top, matching earrings and heels that were so high, she’d had to teach herself to walk in them. It had been worth the effort because everyone noticed the sway they added to her hips. Even Beth had commented on her friend’s “killer heels”, but then again, Beth noticed even the smallest details. It was just the way Beth was wired. Candy thought often that Beth should also have been a lawyer, she was so details oriented that her cross examinations would have been superb.
Just as that thought flitted through her head, something else Bethany had said occurred to her. How had Beth known that she wouldn’t have to use protection or that her Daddy was quite well-endowed? Oh no, there was no way! Beth and her Daddy?
Tom wrapped a towel around his waist as he got out of the shower. He wished that he was bold enough to go out naked and see what Candy’s reaction would be. Again, he was sensible enough to play it slow. The game had to be played properly, too soon, and it could all blow up in his face.
Candy got a good look at her dad’s torso when he came out of the shower. She knew he still had a great physique, both he and her mom kept in shape. Still, it took a lot of her self-control not to playfully yank the towel away and see if, just perhaps, Beth had been right? Candy was almost on fire from wanting her father so much. She told herself to be patient and she knew that their first fuck would be incredible from anticipation alone.
“Wow sweetheart, that is one incredible outfit,” Tom complimented her while trying not to stare. She was so goddamned gorgeous that he wanted to throw her on the bed and fuck her right now. He wondered if Laurel had told their daughter that he had a thing for short skirts and high heels? Probably not. Most men liked those things, right? He went into his luggage and found what he wanted to wear to dinner, returning to the bathroom to change. One more time, he resisted the urge to “take care of business”.
Tom came out of the bathroom in a sports coat and a nice shirt and pants. Candy resisted the urge to whistle at her father, but he did look yummy. She linked her arm through hers as they went to the dining room. No one would suspect he was her Daddy, so she allowed herself the luxury of getting a bit closer than she might normally have done. She saw the look in his face and it made her smile. Before this night was over, Daddy would be fucking her itchy pussy! His resistance to her charms was failing him miserably! She caught him checking out her ass as she walked ahead of him and into the dining room. Good! What was the point of wearing a skirt this tight and this short if you didn’t get noticed?
Candy looked around the dining room at the other patrons. There were a few other nicely dressed people, but being it was a casual atmosphere and such a warm climate, many were dressed in an appropriate manner. She and Tom stood out from the crowd and they both knew it. Candy never underestimated herself or her own sexual allure. There were a few people in the room who noticed them, although she herself had eyes for only one man. She and her father seemed very comfortable throughout their meal and Candy couldn’t be sure, but she felt as if her father was flirting with her. Okay, deciding two could play at the game, she flirted right back.
“We seem to be causing a bit of commotion,” Tom smiled at his gorgeous daughter. “With you in that skimpy little dress, it’s not hard to understand.”
“Don’t kid yourself, Daddy,” Candy smiled. “A lot of the girls are paying just as much attention to you. It’s nice to see you out of your usual work clothes and a bit more casual.”
“I’m not arguing in front of a judge today,” Tom laughed. “But honestly Candy, let’s be serious. Why would a girl look at an old man like me?” Tom wanted to see if he and his daughter were on the same wavelength. He knew all-too well why younger women liked men his age.
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