Carrie’s Pussy

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Public Sex

Like so many stories this one has elements of many categories. If you take the time to read the whole thing please vote. A comment relating similar experiences would be appreciated with a reply when appropriate!


I graduated after Spring semester in 2013. The job market was not good, especially for a history major. What was I thinking? If I had any sense at all I’d have studied something more marketable but I’ve always been interested in history; the Civil War era especially. No matter. After nearly eighteen months of living at my parents home outside Columbus, Ohio and spending all day, every day applying for just about any job I finally was offered an in person interview with an insurance company with positions open in customer service. It wasn’t related in any way to my degree but it was a job; or at least an interview.

So that’s how I came to Northeast Ohio. The job was there and the commute from my home town of Newark wouldn’t be possible so I packed up my things and left home, family and friends behind. It was an entry level position with entry level pay so naturally I looked for an apartment that I could afford. My search took me to the older neighborhoods and I settled on a one bedroom third floor walk-up in the Coventry area. Not a bad area; just not new. There were six apartments in my building. Three were occupied by young women and the fourth by a middle aged couple. They were the quasi-managers and might have been the owners. I dealt with a real estate management company so I was never really sure.

My neighbors were pleasant enough. We exchange greetings when our paths crossed but that’s as far as it went until one day shortly after the new year. There was a soft knock at my door. A first for me actually. In the first three months in my new home there had been no visitors. I was acquainted with a few people from work but any social activity was limited to an occasional drink with my office mates. I’m not usually shy but the weather here has been brutal this winter and I spent most of my evenings reading waiting for Spring and a chance to explore my new surroundings.

When I opened the door it was the young woman a crossed the hall. We rarely saw each other because she worked the night shift at one of the hospitals downtown. She apologized for bothering me but asked for a favor. There had been a death in her family and she had booked a flight to LA that left in three hours. Could I watch her cat while she was gone?

Of course I agreed. Even if she wasn’t a striking blond with blue green eyes. Even if she wasn’t almost as tall as me and very athletic looking. Even if she wasn’t so sad and vulnerable I would still have done it, just to be neighborly. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her apartment. She showed me where the cat food was and the litter box and handed me a key. She said she might be gone three or four days but there was money on the kitchen table if I needed to buy anything for her cat “Hook.” The cat was named “Hook” because of his annoying habit of using his claws to get attention. And, one more thing, could I please take her to the airport she didn’t think she could make it on time using public transportation. On the way to the airport she fussed about the cat, asked if I could bring in her mail too, said she had forgotten to take out the trash could I do that too? I could tell she was uncomfortable, nervous, concerned about her parents; they were ok, it was her uncle that had died. As she got out in the pre-flight check-in area she promised to call with her return plans. She thanked me for being so nice and promised to repay me with a nice dinner when she returned. I half heartedly stammered that wouldn’t be necessary as she grabbed her bag and left. She took two steps turned and opened the door. She needed my number if she was to call.

That’s how I came to be in Carrie’s apartment. If I were a nice boy I would have just fed the cat and changed the litter box and disposed of the trash while she was away but no, not me. I had to give in to my sick perverted heart. I had to snoop. I couldn’t be a good boy and do a good deed. She was gorgeous and I had access to her apartment while she was in LA. Who would know? I went back to my apartment and waited. Just in case her flight was delayed and she came back. After about five hours she called and said her flight had left on time and that she was already in LA. It would be safe to explore her apartment.

The first thing I looked at was her closet. It was full of all manner of feminine garments; blouses, skirts, dresses, slacks and sweaters. I was in heaven. At home I had tried on some of my mother’s clothes but this was different, this was better, this was a dream come true! I felt the pounding of my heart that produced the throbbing sensation in my cock that would eventually lead to a very satisfying orgasm. With my left hand I rubbed my crotch as I fondled the clothing in Carrie’s closet. I stepped back and looked around the room.

On the far side between her dresser Escort bayan and the bathroom was her hamper. Could I be so lucky? It was Friday night. I seemed to recall that she did her laundry on the weekend. Could there be a hamper full of a whole weeks worth of underwear? I was almost trembling as I crossed the room opened the treasure trove she had unknowingly left for me. I gasped as I saw yesterday’s panties on the top of a very full hamper. I knelt before this unbelievable treasure and rubbed my crotch as I leaned in and sniffed female sweat and the slight hint of female urine and maybe, just maybe the sweet, slippery pussy juice she might have left on these delicate undergarments. I thought I might cum just thinking about it.

Slowly I unbuttoned my shirt. My hands cupped the breasts on my chest and I pinched my nipples through my t-shirt. Would her bra fit me? Could I be so lucky? She was trim and athletic but nearly my size! I took another deep breath. Slowly I picked up her panties. They were pale blue cotton briefs with an absorbent panel. I draped them over the edge of the hamper and gazed at the crotch. There was a hint of a stain. I leaned in and sniffed the pungent aroma of her pussy. I realized I was rubbing my crotch and smiled at my good fortune. I resolved to take full advantage of the situation. Instead of stripping down and hurriedly beating my meat like a teenager afraid of being caught I was going to make myself wait. I would “edge” myself mercilessly! This opportunity might never come again. Why waste it with a quickie? I’d have all day tomorrow and Sunday if I could hold out that long. Besides, there would be time for a couple of quickies on Monday and Tuesday before she returned.

After a few moments I stood up and laid the panties on the edge of her bed. She had made it quickly before she left so I got out my cell phone and took a picture so I could remember just how everything looked when she left. Next I took a photo of her hamper. A skirt was on top. I removed the skirt and laid it over the panties. That wasn’t right. The panties should be inside the skirt! I arranged the panties and skirt on the edge of the bed. I found a pair of nylons in the hamper and got a pair of heals from her closet. I took a picture of the shoes to make sure I could put them back just so. My hand was rubbing my crotch again, small wonder! I was so excited, almost drooling with anticipation. I knelt before her skirt and imagined her sitting there on the edge of the bed. I arranged the stocking and shoes and leaned back. She smiled at me. “I know what you want Louis. It’s ok.” My head was resting in her lap. Her hands were stroking my hair. I was inhaling her scent. Images flashed between fantasy and reality.

“Kiss me, Louis.” I looked up at her smiling face. “You know where, Louis. Start with my foot.” I leaned down and stroked the foot of her stocking on my cheek. “Kiss it, Louis. Kiss Mommies foot.” I kissed the stocking. “That’s a good boy.” She cooed. “Mommies little darling. Now a little higher, dear. That’s right, take your time. A little higher, dear.” Slowly I worked my way up her stockings and under her skirt until my cheek was nestled on the crotch of her panties. I slowly inhaled her scent as I rubbed my crotch.

Reality crept back in and I regained my senses. It was late; tomorrow was another day. A Saturday; an entire day of playing with Carrie’s clothing. Everything went back in the hamper. I held her panties to my nose for one last sniff and then put them back before closing the hamper. I grabbed my shirt and put it back on before leaving. Moments later I was in my own apartment.

My heart was racing and I was short of breath. It wasn’t physical it was all in my head. Finding Carrie’s clothes. Holding her panties. Sniffing them. It was all so unexpected but so exciting. Better than the porno I always watched when I dressed up. I had my own bra and panties and a robe. Once or twice a week I enjoyed putting them on and watched “Mommies Panty Boy” a porno about a nasty step-mother and her daughters who humiliate and sissify a young man. I went to my bedroom; disrobed and put on my girlie things. Back in the living room I put the porno on. My panties were much sexier than Carrie’s. Hip hugging red lace. They strained to contain my aching hard-on. I could feel my balls clenching and throbbing as I lightly brushed the tips of my fingers along the underside of my cock. It was all I could do not to grab myself and empty them as I watched the wicked women force their step-brother to masturbate. Not tonight. Not with Carries sexy things waiting a crossed the hall. I would save this load for a real woman’s panties!

Morning Wood

I woke up the next morning with a serious hard-on. Little wonder. I showered and shaved paying special attention to my balls and ass. I always left most of my pubic hair so as not to appear too much the sissy when I showered after working out. Yes, I am conscious of my weight and physical fitness but as much as I like Escort feminine clothing I’m not at all interested in attracting attention from men. A bit of a cross dresser I freely admit to being but I adore women and hope that one day one will come along that will understand and appreciate me as I am. Isn’t that what we all want?

I dressed in a sweater and slacks, commando. Soon enough I would be checking out Carrie’s things I wouldn’t need my own underwear. I crossed the hall and entered Carrie’s apartment. The cat was either still sleeping or avoiding me on purpose. I went to the kitchen and opened a can of cat food; still no cat. “Here kitty, kitty. Breakfast is served!” Still no cat. Her apartment was dark. It was after nine but it was one of those dark winter days that depress Clevelanders so much. Plus, her drapes were drawn. That was good! I’d be able to move about her apartment in various stages of dress or undress as the mood hit me. I turned on the light in Carrie’s bedroom, still no cat.

I went back to the kitchen and tended to the litter box. Carrie was very clear about that. Cats like a clean litter box. She wanted me to clean it twice a day. My cock and balls felt good moving freely as I moved about. Maybe I should consider getting some boxers. The waste from the litter box wen into the trash bag next to the refrigerator. I closed it and put a new one in the trash bin. I took the trash out through the back of the down stairs hallway. The lot was already plowed and Mr. Stewart was shoveling the walkways. I put the bag in the dumpster on the far side of the parking lot. My little nipples were getting hard as rocks and my cock and balls were trying their best to disappear.

“Mornin’ Lou, what brings you out so early? You usually sleep in on Saturdays.” I had no idea that Mr. Stewart had any interest in my comings and goings. Lucky for me his apartment was on the first floor and the young woman below Carries place was a waitress at a sports bar and worked from noon till closing most Saturdays.

I explained about the death in Carrie’s family and about caring for her cat while she was in LA.

“Well, wear your jacket when you come out, Lou. You don’t need to catch cold.”

“Good advice!” I said as I hurried inside.

Back in Carrie’s apartment I closed the door and locked the deadbolt. I slipped both security chains in their holders. My wasn’t she security conscious, I thought. I looked about the apartment. No sign of the cat. I checked the kitchen; the food dish was empty and there was fresh cat pee in the liter box. So far, so good. The cat was still alive. It was time to start indulging my fetish, girlie things.

I went straight to Carrie’s closet and found a robe; three of them actually. One was a very heavy terrycloth knee length bath robe. Another was a full length red satin robe. The one I chose would just barely cover my butt. A satin and lace wrap around. It was baby blue. I kicked off my shoes, took off my shirt and trousers and laid them neatly on her bed. I sat down and removed my socks. I was completely naked in Carrie’s apartment. My shriveled little dick that had tried to escape the cold when I took the garbage out was coming back to life all by itself. The effects of the cold weather were giving way to the dirty thoughts that now occupied my mind. I smelled the robe; her perfume was sweet, floral, vaguely familiar.

On the far side of the room was a dressing table complete with mirror. On it I found a tin of powder, I opened it… lavender, a common scent. My mother used it and hers. Women have been using it forever. How, I wondered. It was meant for the body I supposed. I took the powder puff in my fingers and brought it to my nose. I sneezed. Obviously not meant for such close contact! I dabbed my shoulders, under my arms and my tiny tits. It felt nice. Cooling. Smooth. My cock was so hard it was pointing nearly straight up. I powdered it. I sat down on Carrie’s bed and opened my legs so I could powder my balls. I leaned back and spread my legs and powdered from my ass to my belly button teasing my cock all the while.

Maybe later I’ll take a bath in her tub and give myself the full treatment, I thought as I sat up and pulled the robe on. It fit loosely even on me. On Carrie it must be really loose, I mused. I closed it around my mid section and tied it loosely with the belt that was conveniently provided. I looked at myself in Carrie’s mirror. She would fill it out much better than I but still I felt sexy! I stood and turned and glanced over my shoulder. Her butt is better than mine, I thought, but my clit was so much bigger! That’s right, I was thinking of my cock as a woman’s clit. I loved to eat pussy, especially for a woman whose clit seemed to grow like my cock!

Carrie’s robe covered my cock and balls but my hard on was doing it’s best to peek out from under the robe. I took two steps and turned. There it was! Peeking out at me. Five steps in front of the mirror and another turn. Little Louie was teasing Bayan escort me! Flopping to and fro, back and forth as I walked. “Hold me,” little Louie whispered. “You know you want to.”

“Yes! I do so want to hold you and stroke you,” I whispered to myself. “But there is so much more to discover. Panties, and stockings and bras. Oh my!” I pinched a tit as I admired myself in Carrie’s mirror. I turned and walked towards the hamper but passed it and went to the kitchen. I felt so sexy parading through Carrie’s apartment in her robe. I need heels, I thought. Slippers maybe but something to give me a more feminine walk.

Carrie had a tea kettle on her stove. I filled it with water and turned the stove on before looking for her tea. I found a small box of tea bags in the cupboard next to her meager spice collection. I preferred an Earl Grey that I bought in bulk from a tea vendor at the farmer’s market downtown. I made a cup and took it to her couch and sat down, demurely crossing my ankles so that prying eyes couldn’t see up my skirt! Who was I kidding? I wasn’t wearing a skirt and there was absolutely no one to look up it if I was. Still, I must be a lady. Only a slut would flash her pussy. I picked up a copy of Glamour magazine and leafed through it as I sipped my tea. Ads for makeup and lingerie, all things feminine. My “clit” was still hard as a rock and still begging for attention.

Finishing the tea I looked for a towel. There was a small linen closet next to her bathroom. In it was just what I needed. A small linen towel. Just perfect for dusting! Back in the living room I went from table to table, carefully dusting Carrie’s furniture. I’m sure this was a chore she loathed but for me it was a chance to openly display myself, if only to an imaginary audience. My only desire was to please my mistress but she ignored my every move preferring to read her magazine. My “clit” had been hard for an hour and a half without relief! What did the ad say? Call your doctor if you experience an erection lasting more than four hours? I wondered if one that is all natural would be problematic.

Back in Carrie’s bedroom I sat down on the small bench in front of her dressing table. I picked up her brush and began brushing my hair. I noticed one of those cloth elastic things young women use to put their hair up in a pony tail. My hair was too short but what else could I use it for? It was obvious, of course! I spread my legs and captured my cock and balls. It was like a cock ring but feminine! I stood up and raised the hem of her robe to admire my creativity. It slipped off, it didn’t want to stay on no matter what I tried. Suddenly I remembered the cat toys on the end table next to her couch.

With the toys was a tiny pink collar! It was just the right size for forcing my balls away from my body. They had been drawn up tight waiting to explode for almost two hours now. I pulled and rubbed to loosen them and finally had the collar in place. Back in front of the dressing table I admired my creativity! Why hadn’t I thought of this before? A bad boy’s balls should always be shaved smooth and collared.

I slipped the elastic thing (what are they called?) over my cock and balls and walked back and forth in front of the mirror. This time it stayed in place. I took a deep breath. I’d been teasing myself for two hours. I went to the hamper. I opened it and carefully took out each item of Carrie’s dirty laundry. I was looking for something special. Not her every day underwear but something she may have worn to go out. It didn’t matter if it was for a date or just her girl friends. Piece by piece each item was carefully removed from the hamper. Some examined more closely than others. I brushed my cock with some, sniffed the crotches of her panties, even kissed them while enjoying her musk. All the while my cock throbbed.

Finally, near the bottom of the hamper, was a bra and panty set that was not her every day cotton. These were special. A matching black lace set. Hip hugging panties and a lace demi-cup bra. A sleeveless white V-neck knit top and a black mini-skirt. Something she obviously wore when she wanted to look and feel sexy!

I slipped out of the robe and stepped into the panties. They were made of a stretch material but would there be enough room for me? There was! Just enough actually. I admired myself in Carrie’s mirror. My cock and balls stretched the front panel of the panties that were cut for the female form. They held my cock against my belly making it peek out above the waist band. I walked out to her kitchen feeling the lace with every step. Back in her bedroom I picked up her bra and tried to hook they clasp in front but it was too small. I slipped the straps over my shoulders and put on the knit top.

I imagined her in a bar. She was leaning over her drink talking to a man she had just met. Her arms were folded under her breasts as she leaned in giving him just enough to look at. She smiled knowing what he was thinking. She straightened up and brushed the hair away from her eyes with one hand as she picked up her drink to take a sip. Putting the drink down she touched his hand. Was he man enough to read her signal? Was he bold enough to bed her tonight? She smiled and licked her lips.

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