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Casey glanced out at the sea of pretty faces before her. Girls had come out in droves, and many had driven for hours from towns and cities all across the State. There must be almost a hundred here! How could she choose just twenty five? Did they all really accept the possibility of becoming nudists and porn stars? She remembered what it had been like for her when Jolene had first tricked her into it. It was unbelievably humiliating, an impossible thing to do. Yet, here they all were, apparently of their own free will, and excited about it.
They’d decided to conduct the auditions in the lobby at The Crescent. It was awesome to at last see a presence in the resort along with all the girls’ cars parked outside in the car park. It was a taste of things to come for everyone. Luckily the Crescent was equipped with a PA system so they’d set up a mic and gathered seats from the restaurant for the girls to sit on. Casey prepared herself to address the audience while Jolene, Cassandra and Amelia stood off to one side. Amelia had even chosen to disrobe before everyone started arriving so she was as naked as the rest of the team. Greg was absent. They’d decided it would be best if he sat this one out so the visiting girls might feel more comfortable.
It was time. Casey nervously swallowed and approached the mic. A hush grew over the crowd as she stood in front of it and all faces turned to the naked woman about to speak.
“Good afternoon ladies. My name’s Casey Reine.”
Applause suddenly erupted and Casey was forced to stop and wait for them to finish. To her surprise it didn’t. Instead, one by one the girls got to their feet and cheers joined the clapping. What the hell? Casey had no idea she was this famous or had made such an impact. At last it finally quietened down again and they settled back into their seats. Casey was blushing now.
“Um… Err… Thanks for that,” she started. “Ok, first I just want to say thanks to everyone for coming here today. I had no idea we would get so many. I wish we could take you all but unfortunately we only have twenty five scholarships on offer this first year. However, being our first year we’re not quite sure just how things will go. On your application forms please do put down any other skills you have as there may possibly be other opportunities for some of you to join the staff at the resort on a full time basis. Plus there is always next year if you miss out this time. If you’re not successful it doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful. I look around and I see we may have to make our choices by drawing names out of a hat. You’re all absolutely gorgeous!”
“We love you Casey!” someone called out.
“Err.. ok I love you too,” Casey replied somewhat amused. “Ok, first things first. I assume you all read my post asking for expressions of interest and you know what becoming a Crescent Girl will mean. The first thing we need to address is that these scholarships and everything else we’re offering involves registering as a nudist. You might wonder why that is? Well, it’s a very important part of what we’re doing. It shows the world that we are female and proud of it…”
Casey was forced to pause after everyone started clapping and cheering again.
“Ok thanks,” she continued with a smile. “Being nude identifies you as a Crescent Girl and that comes with a lot of privileges including opening doors for you in your future careers, but I want you to really think about it. I want you to consider that it is for life. You’ll never again wear clothes and everyone you know, including your families, and everyone you meet for the rest of your life is going to see everything you have. That won’t be easy, but you won’t be alone. As a Crescent Girl you become part of a sisterhood. I promise that you will always be loved, cherished and treated fairly while in my care, and you will always have a sisterhood here for life, but I want you to consider that once you make that commitment, you can’t get out of it again.”
Casey looked around and saw a lot of faces nodding. Some were smiling but others appeared to have concerns.
“OK, let’s all get naked!” she went on, “I want you to experience what it feels like to be nude in a place outside of the privacy of your homes. For anyone who doesn’t want to, please don’t feel that you have to, but also recognise that becoming a Crescent Girl won’t be for you. I thank you for coming anyway and I wish you well.”
Casey waited as the audience responded. One girl in the front row immediately stood up and stripped. Others around her followed her lead and started removing their clothes as well. Casey noticed only two decided to leave at that point. At last everyone present was as naked as she was.
“Ok, look around,” Casey suggested. “Get used to being seen. Imagine walking in the street. Imagine your families seeing you. Your parents. Your brothers, sisters. Your grandparents. Imagine being photographed. Are you ready for that?”
Some looked nervous and stood awkwardly but others were taksim escort completely unashamed and moved as naturally and normally as if they were still clothed.
“Ok, look at me,” Casey continued. “You may notice certain other things about me. The first thing is that I have no pubic hair. As a Crescent Girl you too will not have pubic hair, or hair anywhere on your body. There is a treatment that everyone will receive that will remove it permanently so you will never have to shave again.”
“Yeah! Bring it on!” exclaimed the girl who was first to strip. She was a fit looking girl with her hair in pigtails, brown eyes and a very cheeky smile. Casey noticed she was clean shaven already. She was obviously a strong contender for one of the first twenty five girls.
“The next thing is you may notice my piercing. You all will receive those too. Around behind you’ll see I’m wearing a butt-plug. These too are important whenever you’re in the public eye. And the final thing is high heels, perfect hair and makeup. All of these things identify you as a Crescent Girl and will be what we expect to see whenever you’re conducting Crescent business or representing the Crescent Girl image, which is pretty much anytime you’re outside of your homes. They are Crescent Girl trademarks which will identify you in society and show the world that you are proud of your female body and your sexuality, and what those things actually look like in order to destroy patriarchal oppression of the real female form.”
Everyone started applauding again. Once it had died down again Casey continued.
“As you know, we are asking you to sign a two year indenture. During that time we will cover all of your living and educational expenses to receive your diplomas, and you will live here at The Crescent. Outside of your studies, you will be trained and rostered on to perform duties within the resort to ensure you are proficient and experienced in all of the day to day running of a resort or hotel so you will finish as the best of the best in your fields. Now, I want you to understand that an indenture is not the same as an employment agreement. Once you sign, you are committed until the end. Counselling and assistance will be provided for anyone struggling with either their duties or their studies but you may not quit, legally, emotionally or otherwise. You will be committed as nudists then so we can’t let you back out, for your own good as much as ours. And yes, one of those duties you’ll be performing will be porn, and lots of it, but only of a certain kind. You will be doing photoshoots, videos and daily webcam work, but you will not be doing anything involving sex with men. Crescent Girls do not work with male talent. The porn you will be doing will mean you will need to lose any inhibitions you have about your bodies. Crescent girls do not have boundaries when it comes to displaying their bodies. And yes, that includes your vagina. You are going to be showing it off in graphic detail and doing things with it you’ve probably never even thought of. We show what most other girls won’t.”
Casey paused and looked around. Most girls were nodding. Many, including the pigtailed girl were smiling excitedly. No one raised any objections so she went on.
“Why do we do porn? Because fuck the patriarchy! We are taking their money and reclaiming our bodies! They can look, and pay through the nose for the privilege, which keeps us in business, pays for your educations and gets you a high paying career, but they cannot touch without your permission.”
They all started clapping and cheering again.
“What do you get out of it? At the end of your indentures you will leave not just with diplomas and a wealth of work experience, but with a cash bonus of 10% of your porn profit, and you will almost certainly have several high-paying career offers to choose from. You will be our first alumni in two years’ time and enquiries from prospective employers willing to pay well above standard wages for the privilege of employing a Crescent Girl are already piling up. Your nudist registration and all of the experience you gain here plays no small part in that.”
More clapping and cheering.
“Where do we sign already?” asked the pigtailed girl in the front row.
“What is your name?” Casey asked her with a smile.
“Ellie Eadie ma’am,” she replied.
“Casey is fine,” Casey responded. “Ok, after this I’ll have everyone complete an application form, and we’ll also take a Polaroid picture of you to pin on it. That will be destroyed or returned to you afterwards if you request it. No digital copies of you will be kept or distributed anywhere, and no one else will see it apart from me, and Cassandra, Jolene and Amelia you see over there. Does anyone have any questions?”
“Um… Casey?” a red haired girl in the second row with a colourful tattoo on her left shoulder and pierced nipples asked. “Are tattoos ok?”
“Tattoos are fine provided they are etiler escort tasteful,” Casey responded. “If you make it through the selection process with one already, you’ll know we like it too. If you want to get one afterwards we ask that you come to us first for our approval, but once you finish your indentures we can’t stop you doing whatever you want. We do ask however that you represent the Crescent Girl image of beauty and femininity and any tattoos are professionally done.”
“How about piercings?”
“Piercings are the same. You do you. If you like it, chances are we will too. Yours look nice and you’ll notice my sister Jolene has nipple piercings as well, and we of course all wear the Crescent Girl VCH piercings as I mentioned.”
“Ok thanks. What about her over there?” she asked, gesturing towards Amelia. “Why isn’t she pierced?”
“Amelia will be joining the rest of you as a Crescent Girl very soon,” Casey replied. “She will be working full time at The Crescent and you will come to know her well. Amelia?”
Amelia stepped up to the mic.
“Hi ladies,” she began. “You’re all so brave! Yes, I’ll be joining you once we’ve made our selections and I’ll be there with you to get the legal documents and our nudist registrations signed. After that we’ll go to the salon to get our body hair treated and then our new piercings. I’ll be with you every step of the way. Ok?”
“Does the piercing hurt?” asked a petite brunette girl in the front row.
“From what the others have told me, it doesn’t hurt very much at all. It just goes through the skin over your clit, not actually through your clit. You feel a little pop which is no worse than getting a needle at the doctor’s and then it might sting a little bit when you wash it for the next few days, but it’s only through the skin so it heals fairly quickly and doesn’t hurt much.”
“Oh, ok. Thanks Amelia. I thought it went through your whole clit. Thank God for that!”
“What about the butt-plug?” another girl asked. “That doesn’t look very comfortable.”
“Um… while I’m not wearing one today, I have tried it,” Amelia admitted. “It’s a bit awkward to get in the first time but once it’s in it doesn’t feel too bad. Casey tells me you get used to it pretty quickly and forget it’s there after a while. Ok, I’ll hand the mic back to Casey now and she’ll answer any other questions you have and introduce you to the rest of the team.”
“Thanks Amelia,” Casey responded as she stepped up to the mic again. “Ok ladies, I’ll hand you over not to my big sister Jolene. Jolene?”
Jolene confidently stepped up.
“Good afternoon everyone,” Jolene began, “My role at The Crescent is business manager and financial controller. Any issues you have with money, I’m your woman.”
One of the girls put her hand up.
“Yes?” Jolene asked, nodding towards her.
“Dorothy. Most people call me Dottie. Um… I have a car and I assume a lot of the girls here also have cars. I assume as Indents we won’t have any incomes coming in. Will we have any sort of allowance for fuel and stuff like that?”
“Unfortunately we won’t have room for private vehicles here once guests start coming,” Jolene explained, “but we will have a fleet of bicycles plus two Crescent cars you will have access to as needed. We’re also looking at getting a minibus. Your transport needs will be covered so I guess you can sell your cars or just keep them aside until your Indentures are finished.”
“What about makeup and shoes and feminine hygiene stuff?”
“We’ll cover all of that for you. You won’t have to worry about a thing,” Jolene assured her.
“My family is poor so this is an opportunity for me to get a diploma and training that I otherwise wouldn’t have had,” a brunette girl began. “I thank you for that but I have to wonder are we being exploited? Are you getting the better end of the deal?”
“I’m glad you asked that,” Jolene replied. “Yes, we are asking a lot from you but you are getting a lot in return and that costs money. Plus we have to make a profit. However this also goes well beyond what you’ll be doing for us during your two year indenture. As a Crescent Girl we’ll be working hard to set you up for life. As Casey mentioned, we expect that you won’t just gain employment at the end, but you’ll be paid well above what you might have been paid otherwise, and we already have a number of employers queuing up to do just that. That’s what we want Crescent Girls to be about. We want you to be recognised, respected and overpaid.”
“I worry about being naked though. Is it even safe?”
Casey stepped back up to the mic.
“We’ll be equipping you for that as well,” she began. “While being nude doesn’t necessarily mean any greater risk than if you were clothed, I think it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and avoid putting yourself into risky situations. My partner Greg will be giving you all martial arts and self-defence training, and a lot of besiktaş escort that is as much to do with prevention as it is about actual fighting. In my time as a nudist I have had a couple of overly enthusiastic fans get a bit handsy but a well-placed kick or elbow can work wonders.”
Everyone laughed.
“You’ll all be bad-asses in no time,” Casey continued. “Ok, I’ll hand you over to my other partner Cassandra to talk about your other training.”
“We love you Cassandra!” came a voice from the back.
“Oh fuck yeah girl! I got you!” Cassandra responded. “Yo’ ok, I’ll be taking you chicks through the resort process, teaching you reception, bar and wait duties, as well as gettin’ your asses out on the cams! That’s somethin’ I personally dig about all this and I can’t wait to see you all doin’ the same. I ain’t never had orgasms like it. It’s a total fuckin’ rush!”
“I’ve seen your performances Cassandra and I have to say you really seem to get into it,” one girl responded. “Are you saying it isn’t all just an act? You actually enjoy it? I’ve been trying to imagine myself doing it and I’m kind of scared.”
“Yeah, you’re scared at first for sure,” Cassandra admitted, “but that’s part of the rush as well. Your adrenaline’s pumpin’ and you can’t believe you’re doin’ it but then you’re cummin’ buckets and it’s all good. You’re getting’ your female thing on and showin’ the world! I’ll be there with you to help you out, and you can always come talk to me if you need to or you want some more ideas. You ain’t alone girl. Never will be after joinin’ with us.”
“Thanks! I still worry though,” the girl continued. “I never imagined myself as a porn star before but I really love Casey’s message and I agree about letting go of inhibitions. I guess it’s one thing to agree but quite another to be actually doing it.”
“Yeah, maybe it ain’t easy the first time but there’s also a lot about that first time you’ll wanna take a minute to appreciate and enjoy,” Cassandra explained. “It won’t ever be quite like that again. Just chill a bit in the moment and remember all the reasons you wanted to do it. Remember it ain’t a bad thing, just a new thing and there’s a lot of good stuff in it. I can’t wait most days for when I switch on that cam and get ready to strut my stuff. Even now I’m gettin’ a girl boner just thinkin’ about it.”
Everyone laughed again.
“You go Cassandra!” Ellie yelled out.
“You got it girl,” Cassandra responded. “Ok, you all got nuthin to worry about. We’ll be here with you the whole time, and you ever have problems you come see us ok? Ok, I’ll hand you back to Casey now and we’ll start gettin’ some applications filled out.”
“Thanks Cassandra,” Casey replied as she took position at the mic again. “Ok, if there’s no further questions we’ll move onto filling out the applications and getting Polaroids of you. Please feel welcome to come and see me in private or PM me in the forums if you have any concerns that you don’t want to ask out loud here. After we have your Polaroid please feel welcome to dress again and leave. Once again, thank you all so much for coming. It’s been a pleasure to see you all here.”
Casey wasn’t surprised to see Ellie come straight up to her.
Ellie Eadie loved sex. She’d discovered it early in puberty and barely a day went by when she wouldn’t masturbate or enjoy the attentions of a boyfriend. Unlike most women who went through life quite oblivious to the effect their curves had on men, Ellie relished it. She gave her hips a little extra swing as she walked and noted with a smile as men watched her ass as she moved. A male cashier could always expect to be treated to a glimpse of her breasts as she “forgot” to do her top button up and leaned forward a little more than necessary to look straight into his eyes with a cheeky smile to watch his response. After she’d heard Casey’s message and saw the post asking for expressions of Interest, she was immediately sold on the idea. She hadn’t stopped masturbating every night for almost a full week just thinking about becoming a nudist and a porn star. She was born for this!
“OMG Casey! I’m such a fan,” she began. “Thank you so much for this opportunity. I so hope I’ll get in.”
“Thank you so much,” Casey responded. “So tell me Ellie, what is it that appeals to you and why do you need a scholarship?”
“Well my folks aren’t doing so great but mostly I just fell in love with your message and I want to live my life just like you are. I love the idea of being a camgirl and becoming a nudist.”
“That’s great to hear. What about your family though? Are they going to accept you doing this?”
“Um… no, I expect I’ll get a bit of flack, especially from my Nan,” Ellie admitted. “Nan’s a bit old-school and she carries a bit of clout around town, but I can deal with her.”
“Why, who’s your Nan?”
“Um… my Nan is Eunice Bernstein. She used to be the Dean of the college we’ll be going to but she just retired.”
“You’re Dean Bernstein’s granddaughter?” Casey asked in shock. “What the fuck Ellie? She’s never going to be ok with this at all. Are you sure this is what you really want with your life? It could mean becoming estranged from your whole family. I almost lost my relationship with my parents when I started doing this.”
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