First Time Bi

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I was in North Carolina stationed in the military. There was a series of outdoor music festivals held on a farm. Being young, single & a lover of live music I went to them.

During one of them in the middle of a heat wave, people were wearing a minimum of clothing. Women wore bikinis, guys wore shorts with no shirts. There were no cops what so ever, so people were smoking weed, buying the beer sold there & in general having a great time.

As I got my buzz on, I was eyeballing all the fine ass on the women running around in small bikinis. After a while I began to pat them on the ass or goose them as they went by. I was getting hotter, harder & hornier by the minute.

Finally one of my favorite bands came on stage & I went up to the mosh pit in front of the stage. As I have a low tolerance for alcohol, I was a bit unsteady. I bumped into the guy in front of me while I was swaying to the great music. I told him, “Excuse me.” He was cool & said nothing.

I kept swaying & bumped him another couple of times, all by accident. He then looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He was in his early 20s, like me. While I was slim & muscular due to my military exercise, he was simply slim.

I was wearing cutoff shorts, no shirt & no underwear (I never wore underwear outside of work).

Then the guy I had bumped lowered his hand & kind of flipped his fingers backwards, flipping my dick thru my shorts. I don’t know if he saw my lack of underwear or he was thinking I was hitting on him due to my bumping him. But he made his move, apparently.

My first thought was “WOW! Another GUY is bursa escort bayan playing with my dick!” I had NEVER had this done before. What do I do? I knew I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it. I knew I wasn’t going to scream at him or anything.

So I did what seemed to be the most natural thing in the world: I did nothing but groove to the music.

Seeing my lack of lack of negative response must’ve encouraged him. He them reached down again with his hand, again curling his fingers back, flipping my dick. By now I was getting a first class hard-on.

He must’ve felt it (or saw it) as he then reached under my VERY short shorts & wrapped his hand around my dick. Keep in mind, we’re in the middle of the mosh pit, with people all around us & this guy is fondling my dick! A GUY is fondling MY dick! Holy Shit, I thought.

I kept looking straight ahead, letting him feel for all he wanted. He then let go & I thought, “Hmmmm. Wonder what *I* could do?”

He had on runners shorts; light nylon shorts with a loose lining. I decided to do what I would like done to me: I ran my hand up the back of his shorts, seeking the crack of his ass.

Finding easy access to his ass due to the looseness of his shorts lining, I began to gently rub his anus with my finger. I kept watching the stage the entire time, as if it were someone else’s finger on some guy’s ass for the very first time & not mine.

I gently pushed my index finger into his ass, up to the first joint. As I have large hands, I didn’t want to just shoot my entire finger into his ass. I didn’t know anything gorukle escort about another guy’s ass but I knew enough to not just slam my finger into it.

After a moment or five of playing with his ass, I withdrew my finger. I didn’t know what to do next, completely clueless. Thankfully he DID know.

“Let’s take a walk”, he said to me. I was so confused, horny & hard, I simply nodded & followed him out of the crowd. We walked over to some woods that bordered the side of the crowd area. There was a creek in the woods where people were cooling off throughout the day, so it wasn’t odd to see people going into the woods.

As soon as we got into the woods, he turned to me, put his arms around me & French kissed me. WOW! A GUY frenching ME! I didn’t know what to think or do, so I simply frenched him back. By now I would have fucked a buffalo, I was so hard & horny.

When we came up for air, I knelt down & pulled down his shorts. Bang! A large 8″ dick slapped me in the face. Apparently I wasn’t the only one hard & horny. Lust overcame me & I stuck that beautiful dick in my mouth, savoring my first ever taste of another man’s dick.

Since I was wholly inexperienced, I knew it must’ve been THE worst blowjob of all time. After a moment or two, he reached down & began playing with my dick. I stood up & he quickly undid my shorts & yanked my pants down. We hugged again, letting our dicks rub like two swords.

Holy shot, I was SO HOT!!! I wanted to cum so badly & so fast! He must’ve sensed it as he knelt down & swallowed my hard on. I had never really had bursa merkez escort bayan a proper blowjob before, always using head as foreplay. This was an incredible experience! He licked, sucked & swallowed until I was a quivering mass.

It was then he did what is THE most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced in my life before & since then: he slid his finger up my ass! My eyes rolled back into my head with pleasure. I probably would’ve have dropped to the ground had he not had his finger up my ass supporting me.

“OH…… MY….. FUCKING…. GOD!….” was all I could think during all this. Why has a woman never done this to me before? I felt pleasure unlike ANY I had ever had before in having hot monkey sex with women!

He deep throated me while continuing to root in my ass. At the time, I didn’t know to mention that I was going to cum but he no doubt could feel me shaking & knew I wasn’t going to last any longer.

I began to shoot great huge gobs of cum out my dick, almost peeing cum constantly, my orgasm was so great. His finger rubbing my prostate gave me an intensity I had never felt before with any woman, ever.

As my squirts died down & my breathing returned to normal, he gently slid his finger out of my ass. He then slowly slid his lips off the end of my dick & stood up. He must’ve swallowed all of my load as he didn’t spit anything out. I was too embarrassed to tell him that was my first blowjob to orgasm or my first time with another guy. I was simply floating on a huge orgasmic high I had never felt before.

Not knowing what to do next, I simply pulled up my shorts & fastened them. I walked out of the woods & back to the most pit. Looking back, I know now I should’ve helped the poor guy get his rocks off but I didn’t know that then.

I wished I had told him he was my first, so he too would remember that time with great fondness. Perhaps he does anyway?

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