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Point of view is important in a story. This story deals strictly from the wife’s point of view from learning about her husband is bisexual and how she should deal with it.
This started off as a normal Saturday; I did the routine chores in the morning and a couple of loads of laundry. When the morning was half over Jim, our neighbor, showed up to watch the game with my husband John. They got some chips and beer before they went into the family room to watch the pre game show and I went back to my chores. I went through the supper menu for this evening and figured I needed to go to the store to get some extra items for the evening meal. The trip to the store was pretty uneventful and I managed to get in and out of the store in good time, which was surprising with it being a weekend. I just had a few things to bring back in to the house so I didn’t bother getting John to help me bring in the groceries. After a few minutes I managed to get the stuff put away and start getting organized for the evening meal. I then went back to our bedroom to get changed and get a load of laundry to the laundry room. As I walked past the family room I looked in on John and Jim to see if they would like me to get them something from the kitchen.
I could not believe what I saw; there was Jim on his knees sucking John off. At first I was repulsed beyond belief but at the same time it was as if my feet were nailed to the floor; I literally could not move and I could not speak even if I wanted to. I didn’t know what to say or if I should say anything at all. After 20 years of marriage I could honestly say I had no idea my husband would even consider this, but there he was standing with his pants around his ankles with his best friend on his knees sucking him off. From the way Jim was going at it you could tell he was really enjoying it as much as my husband. After a few minutes I could see my husband tense up and his whole body started to jerk in spasms. Almost collapsing to the floor with each spasm filling his friends mouth with come. As if that was not enough to take in for one day what happened next really floored me.
I watched as my husband got on his knees as his friend stood up and let his pants fall to the floor. He then took hold of Jim’s cock and put it in his mouth and started to suck on it. He looked like he was really enjoying himself. With just a few strokes he had his friend hard as a rock. Then he started really going at it with his friends cock going in and out of his mouth. Jim then put both hands on my husband’s head and John grabbed his ass with both hands. It was hard to tell who was doing the pumping! From when my husband started mouth fucking his best friend it only took three or four minutes for him to fill my hubby’s mouth with come. Then I saw my hubby look up at his friend and with one big gulp he swallowed his full load. It was then I noticed that the house felt about 15 degrees warmer than it should and that I had fluid running down my leg. I was also breathing extra hard and my heart felt like it was about ready to leap out of my chest. Without thinking I stepped out of the doorway to the family room and made my way back to the kitchen where I sat down for a few minutes and thought about what I had just witnessed.
I just kept thinking, “Wow!” I had no idea there was this side to my husband. Then the real dark thoughts came over me. What if he is gay? Is he going to leave me after 20 years of marriage? Does he even still love me? The most devastating one of all, am I still able to satisfy my husband? I love my husband with all my heart, I’m devoted to him, and being with him all these years has made my life worth living. Why would he want to stay with me if he is gay? How could I as a woman make him happy? These thoughts were flooding through me like a torrent and the more I thought the worse I felt. Within seconds I just felt like total shit and I didn’t know what to do.
I finally regained some sort of composure and got up to finish my chores before starting supper. I worked in the kitchen for a little bit. Then I went back to our bedroom to straiten up a little. As I walked past the family room an irresistible urge came over me to go in and be next to my husband. I sat next to him on the couch and just cuddled up close to him. I did not care if Jim was there nor did I care what he would think of my presence. I just knew I needed to be close to my husband at the time. John knew right away something was upsetting me. He started to hold me in a reassuring way which made me feel safe and secure. After a few moments he looked down at me and said let’s go and talk in the bedroom.
In the bedroom he asked what was wrong? Before I could answer he asked if everything was ok with the kids, our parents, then he asked if everything was ok with our brothers and sisters. It was like he was asking if someone had died, but could not bring himself to ask whom. I just looked up at him trembling with fear of the questions Bycasino I was about to ask. I just said with my voice quivering, do you still love me? Do you still desire me? He just stepped forward reaching out with his arms and pulled me toward him. Holding me tightly to his chest he just said “Baby your everything to me, you’re the one who makes my life worth living.” My husband then lowered his head down and kissed my neck then he gently scraped his teeth against it. My legs started to grow weak with this and it was getting difficult to stand on my own. He then raised his head a little and sucked on my earlobe gently chewing on it rubbing my earring with his tongue. It was then my legs gave away and I would have fallen completely on the floor if it were not for his strong arms holding me up. He then grabbed my head with both hands and gave me a long powerful passionate kiss probing my mouth with his tongue I could still get a hint of taste of Jim’s come in my husband’s mouth. One would think I would be repelled but just the opposite; it fed a deep hunger inside of me for my husband. It was as if I had been starving a long time and I just could not get enough of my husband.
Passionately I began kissing and caressing him. I was on the verge of ripping our clothes off and ravaging him right then and there but I got my composure back, remembering we did have a guest in our house. “John we have to continue this later tonight, after Jim goes home.” I whispered in his ear. He then gently backed away kissing me lightly before he let me go. As I watched him leave our bedroom to go back and watch the game with Jim I realized my underwear was soaked again. “Geeze!” I thought. It’s the second time today. If this keeps up I will run out of clean underwear before I go to bed tonight.
That night, as we were just getting into bed, John must have been able to tell there was still something bothering me as he turned over and just held me for a bit. As he was holding me all I could think of was the image of him on his knees with his best friends cock ramming in and out of his mouth. I didn’t know what to say or to even think. On one hand society says I’m supposed to be repulsed by the idea of him doing this with his best friend. On the other hand I was getting so wet just thinking about it. After a couple of minutes I returned his embrace, then I slowly started to gently give him wet kisses. The next think I knew I had him on his back while lowering myself on his engorged cock. We started off slow and easy at first with me just enjoying every sensation of him inside me. I was working my hips and my vaginal muscles to milk his manhood. As the passion built he reached up and pulled me down on top of him and he started to ram his cock in and out of my pussy with such force I thought I was going to split in two. Then I started to shutter with a flood of orgasms one after another, each one more powerful than the one before. I thought I was going to pass out on the last orgasm but my husband would not let go of me. After my last orgasm I went limp then I saw his face turn red felt every muscle in his body tense up and he had his (as far as I know) second orgasm of the day. It seemed it went on forever shooting stream after stream of come in side of me. Then the tension totally vanished from his body as I lay on top of him. He was breathing very hard for a few minutes afterward. He just could not get enough oxygen out of the air and I could also feel his heart pounding in his chest. It was beating so hard I thought it was going to bust out through his rib cage. Within just a couple of minutes we both fell asleep with me on top of my husband.
I woke up he next morning still on top of my husband I could feel the gentle rising and falling of his chest as he was breathing the cool morning air. Listening to the soft rhythmic beating of his heart in his chest. God it just felt so good being next to him like this. I lowered my head and gently kissed him on his cheek then I worked my way down to his neck, chest and then his belly softly kissing him as I worked my way down. I had no idea what I was going to do next but I just wanted to satiate the emotional hunger that was still eating at my soul.
Soon, there I was with my face was in his crotch. I was kissing and licking around his pubic area and without thinking I took his semi hard cock in my mouth and within a few sucks he was getting hard, and with just a couple more sucks on his man hood he was hard as a bar of steel. Then I really started to work on him with my jaw muscles and my tongue. Appling suction and pressure as my head rose from his pubic region. John started to moan with pleasure as he was struggling to wake up to such extreme pleasure while wanting to remain in his peaceful slumber.
As he was waking up he started to moan, ” God that feels good … oh God don’t stop. Oh man, I love you babe don’t stop … don’t stop! Oh God, please don’t stop … Oh God! Oh God, I love you Jill! Oh Bycasino giriş God, I love you so much!” It was then I went for broke and dove my head all the way down on his cock until I had it all in my mouth swirling my tongue around it sucking on it as hard as I could. Then I felt my husband tense up and start to shoot is hot load of juice in my mouth filling it completely. I released his cock when he started to go soft and rose to be on the same level as him. I took his head in both of my hands holding him gently and lowered my lips to his and passionately kissed him sticking my tongue in his mouth swirling it around as I released the load of cum he had just given me into his own mouth. I kept kissing him making sure to not release him until he had swallowed his own cum. I rose up and looked him in the eyes and said, “Honey, I love you to.” then lowered my lips to his again and kissed him.
I told him it was time to get up and get some stuff done around the house and he agreed. We got out of bed and got dressed and I went to the kitchen to fix breakfast. When John arrived at the table I asked what his plans were for the day and he said that he and Jim were going fishing and leaving about 9am. Jim arrived about a quarter to nine, running a little early as usual. John and I got up from the table and cleared away the dishes and then John got his fishing gear together. As they were leaving I asked Jim what Sue was doing today and he replied he didn’t know but it would be ok if I went over to see her.
After the guys left I went over to see Sue. I knocked on the door and Sue came and cheerfully let me in while only wearing a terrycloth bathrobe. It was evident there was nothing on underneath it. She had a frazzled look about her so I ask if there was anything wrong while she was pouring us some coffee she replied, “No. Jim left me hanging this morning.” I gave a chuckle and said I didn’t have that problem in fact I was still a little sore from John’s love making. He really gave me a thorough workout. She commented that she wished she had that problem today but now she was just really frustrated. I asked what she was going to do about it and she replied she had not decided yet. Then she started to ask what John and I did last night so I thought what the hell. I told her all the details of what we did when we went to bed. The one thing I did not expect though was how turned on I got telling her about it. Then she asked about this morning so I told her about waking up John with the blowjob. Now my underwear was soaked through and through.
I then ask what she had in mind for her situation she said she might watch a video later. “Really” I said, “Could I watch also?”
“Of course.” she replied. We then went into the living room and she asked if I had any preferences and I just said you pick what you and Jim like. The first tape was an all girl tape when it first appeared I asked her, “Is this Jim’s favorite?” and she said “Not really … the second one is what gets Jim hot!” Then I asked if she ever did this for real and she replied yes she liked the taste of a woman from time to time. That floored me! I had no idea there was this side to her but there she was sitting with her robe open watching a lesbian tape lightly fingering her self. To be honest; it was more fun watching Sue satisfy herself than it was watching the tape. She looked like she was really getting into it, but it was also evident she was not in a hurry to get her body where she wanted it to be. I have to admit that seeing her sitting on the couch, semi-naked, with her robe open baring her flesh for me and watching her little fingers delicately work on her pussy got my juices flowing to the point I was getting uncomfortable.
This must have become evident to sue as she looked over to me and suggested, “It would be ok for you to get more comfortable and enjoy myself more …” I was too shy and scared of what that might lead to. I just sat there in my tee shirt and shorts hoping I would not have a wet spot in my crotch when it was time for me to go home. Just as the movie was about to end Sue had a series of small orgasms. I looked over at her and asked if she felt better now and she smiled at me and said, “Yes, but just a little bit.”
When the movie ended, Sue asked if I would like to watch the next one with her.
“Sure,” I said, “why not? Lets see what makes Jim hot.”
Sue said, “This is a little different and not many people are in to it. All I ask is that you give it a chance.”
I said, “Okay …”
She put the disk in. When the movie started it was evident from the start it was an all-guy affair dealing with oral sex. I just sat there in silence, watching the guys sucking each other. It just kept reminding me what I saw the day prior. Before long my juices where flowing out of me. Sue noticed I was getting real uncomfortable and asked what I thought of the movie I replied it was ok, but I had no idea that Jim would Bycasino güncel giriş be in to this kind of thing. Then I asked “If he ever did it for real?”
She thought for a few seconds then looked at me and said “yes”.
Before she could continue I asked “What she thought of the idea of her man being on his knees servicing another gu?”
She was apprehensive at first then replied ” Jim was not the first man that she had been with nor was he her first husband. He was the first man who did not beat her, drink to excess, do drugs or gamble the family money away. He was on the other hand the first man who respected her as a person and a woman.”
Then I asked “But what if he was gay”.
She replied, “Jim is definitely not gay. Being gay has more to do with who you are emotionally attracted than it does with whom you have sex. Although he does like to have sex with men I think it is different for him than when he is with a woman.”
“What do you mean?” I asked?
“With me I can feel an emotional intensity with him. Sometimes it seems like he drains a little of his soul when we make love. With men I think it is more like he is playing or sharing a deep bond of friendship, besides, he once told me there is no way he could live with a man.”
I sat in silence for a minute while I thought about what she said then with a smile on my face I asked, “Have you ever been able to watch him with another guy?”
She gave me a wicked smile and said, “Yes.”
“How was it?” I asked
“Hot! Hot! Hot!”
“Any one I know?”
“Yes, but we both promised to never tell, I hope you understand?” she replied back with a real wicked smile.
We watched the movie some more making comments to each other about what was going on all the while I kept hoping that John cuts his fishing trip short as I was beginning to need some real relief.
Sue looked like she was about to have her second series of orgasms when she looked at me and asked if I would go to the kitchen to get her a glass of ice water. When I returned with a couple of glasses it did not look like she had made any progress in her actions she motioned for me to come and sit next to her, she said it would make it easier for her to get off and she would really appreciate it. I sat on the couch next to her which did feel uncomfortable at first, but watching the movie with her while she sat next to me fondling her self was, in a weird way, erotic to me. Before long I reached down and touched her thigh. I could feel a little tension release from her body. I slowly began to lightly massage her leg working my hand toward the inside of her thigh. With each stroke my hand when a little higher till I was actually rubbing the outside of her pussy. She then reached down, gently grabbed my hand started using it to rub herself while directing me without words as to what she wanted done to her. I started to work her clit with my fingers rubbing softly at first. Gradually I increased the pressure until I was rubbing so hard I thought I might hurt her. Her body then went stiff kicking her legs strait out and arching her back; she went limp then tensed up again. She did this about four times gasping for air each time it happened. When she finally relaxed I looked over at her and asked if she felt better now.
She just looked over at me, smiled and replied, “Of course, and thanks for being here for me.” The movie ended and we straitened up the living room and kitchen. As I was leaving Sue hugged and kissed me, thanking me for being here for her I then hugged and thanked her for our little chat saying in a way it awakened me to be more open-minded and understanding in the future.
It was late in the afternoon when John came home he looked tired which was normal after a full day of fishing. Without thinking I went over to him and gave him a passionate kiss sticking my tongue in his mouth probing around, again I got a faint taste of his best friend. I withdrew looked at him and said honey I’m ready to talk now.
I looked across the table at him and said, “I do love you with all my heart and I can’t imagine life without you. I need to know what you think of me and our marriage?”
He looked at me and said, “Where is this coming from?”
Cool and collected I looked at him and said, “When I came home from the store yesterday I looked in to the living room and saw Jim sucking you off. After you came in his mouth you got on your knees pulled his shorts down and stuck his cock in your mouth. I watched you suck him ‘til he filled your mouth with cum. When I kissed you a few minutes later I could taste him in your mouth and when I kissed you last night I could still taste him. Just like I could taste him when we just kissed, I need to know if you’re gay and if you’re going to leave me?
He looked at me the way a suspect looks on television when the police line all the evidence before them, and he looked scared. He was turning white with fear.
“Honey, you need to know I still love you! I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I just need to know if you’re going to leave me for your best friend?” I tried to say in a reassuring and understanding tone despite my angst over the answer he could give.
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