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It was one of those chance groupings you get every so often. We were all holidaying at the lake, each family having their own rentals up there.
We, the younger generation, that is, all sort of knew each other, enough to nod and say hi, but that was about all. The four sets of parent all knew each other a bit better, and that’s how it all came about.
There was some sort of boring thing going on in town that my parents wanted to go to. As far as I was concerned, you’d have to bring on the wild horses. Apparently the others of my age had much the same opinion, and then my mother had one of her brilliant ideas.
“Why don’t we all have dinner at our place, and then we can all go to town leaving the four younger ones here? We’ve got a decent games room here and there’s the TV and a few good DVD’s.”
The parents all thought this was a great idea, and the rest of us went along with it. We might as well hang out and be bored together in preference to each of us staying home bored and alone.
So that afternoon the other three families rocked up to our place. The oldies accumulated outside while we of the younger set headed for the games room and our own choice of music.
It occurs to me that you’re probably wondering who we are. First and foremost, there’s me, Trevor. Then, in order of arrival, Michael, Susan and Fiona. We were all around the same age, nineteen, give or take a few months.
So we were stuffing around in the games room, shooting a little pool, tried some darts, getting bored with computer games and not wanting to watch parent approved DVD’s. Typical behaviour, you’re thinking.
Among the board games in the room were two sets of Othello. Why two sets, I have no idea, especially as I don’t think anyone in my family has ever bothered to play it. However, all those counters they use gave me an idea.
I produced a pack of cards, suggesting that we play poker for a while, using the counters as chips. We settled down and play started. It was fairly even at first, and then I got a run of luck, and the chips started to slowly accumulate on my side of the table. Fiona was the first to lose all her chips and she was a bit grouchy about it.
I didn’t mind her being grouchy, but she should have stopped at that. The three of us had continued to play while Fiona watched, and then she stuck her foot in it.
“I think you’re cheating,” she suddenly announced, looking right at me.
I found that remarkably offensive. How could she just come out and accuse me like that, just because I was winning. They were only Othello counters, for Christ’s sake.
“I seriously resent that remark,” I told her coldly. “You’re going to have to either back it up or apologise.”
“Come on, Trevor,” said Mike, trying to soothe things over. “She’s just irritated because she lost all her chips.”
“I don’t care,” I said. “She’s casting aspersions upon my honour, and I find that I really resent it. Now she can either back it up or apologise.”
Fiona flushed. She wouldn’t look directly at me, but she did concede defeat.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I guess I was just annoyed.”
I was still on my high horse. Fiona was sitting next to me and in easy reach, so I pushed my chair back from the table, reached over and took her arm. Before any of them caught on to what was going on I had Fiona bent across my knee.
“I think a small penalty is called for before I accept your apology,” I announced.
Fiona was starting to wriggle but Mike and Susan were laughing. Before Fiona could stop me I’d flicked up her skirt and pulled her panties down, baring her bottom. I delivered a quick spank to said bottom, getting a yip of surprise out of her.
“Now are you really sorry?” I asked her.
“Yes,” she squealed. “Let me up.”
For some reason I had forgotten to remove my hand after it had landed on her bottom, and it was wandering around, getting acquainted.
“Should I accept her apology?” I asked the others. “Do you think she really means it?”
“I’m fairly sure she does,” giggled Susan, “but maybe another spank to make sure.”
I nodded and delivered another spank. Releasing Fiona she scrambled to her feet, hastily trying to pull up her panties.
“I didn’t mean to really insult you, you know?” she said. “I was just sounding off.”
“Well, I was insulted. There’s no way you could have spotted my cheating, and you shouldn’t accuse if you can’t prove.”
Now I got a really indignant look.
“Do you mean to sit there and tell me you were cheating?” demanded Fiona. “And you got upset because I called you on it? And you spanked me for it?”
“On your bare bottom,” I murmured. “You forgot the bare bottom bit. It’s a very nice bottom by the way. I’ll have to check it out again later. And the answer to all your questions is yes.”
Fiona just stared at me, mouth hanging open, while I dealt out the next hand. Michael looked at his hand and then looked suspiciously at me.
“If I play this for what it’s worth, I’ll lose everything, won’t canlı bahis I?” he observed.
“You’ve got a full house of aces and kings,” I pointed out. “It’s practically unbeatable.”
“Practically. What are you holding?”
“A royal flush in diamonds, ace high,” I admitted.
Mike laughed and shoved all his chips over to my pile.
Fiona, however, wanted to get back on her hobby horse.
“Hold on,” she said. “If you were really cheating, why get offended when I said you were, and why did you have to spank me.”
“You were impugning my honour,” I said in a dignified voice. “You had no proof and made what I considered an insulting suggestion. I had no choice but to defend myself against your wild accusations and demand atonement. Also, I wanted to check out that pretty little derriere of yours.”
Susan giggled. “I suspect, Fiona, that the last thing he said was the real reason. The rest was the excuse.”
I sighed. “How can you accuse me of such base behaviour, Susan,” I mourned. “I am terribly disappointed in you. Do you real think I’d pull down Fiona’s panties and beat her for a whim?”
Susan looked at me consideringly, then nodded.
“Yes, I do,”
I grinned.
“You’re right.”
“And my feelings didn’t enter in to it?” demanded Fiona. “What about my embarrassment and pain?”
“Pain?” I asked, disbelieving. I shook my head.
“Excuse me, but I need to check your claim,” I told her, and once more Fiona found herself being pulled over my knee.
I’ll give her this, she managed to wriggle a bit more this time, not that it helped as she was face down bottom up and bared in nothing flat.
“Really, Fiona,” I said, while my fingers roamed lightly across her bottom. “There’s not a mark to be seen. Where are the bruises from the brutal beating?”
“All right, so there’s no marks,” gabbled Fiona. “Now let me up.”
“In a moment,” I told her. “There’s no hurry. Mike, Susan, can you have a look and see that there are no marks.”
“I can do that,” Mike said, quite happy to stroll around the table and bear witness to the whiteness of Fiona’s bottom.
“I don’t see any marks,” observed Susan.
“What about the colour here,” said Mike, and his finger neatly slid through the gap at the top of Fiona’s legs and pressed against her pussy.”
There was a squeal from Fiona, a laugh from Susan and a reprimand from me.
“Really, Mike, that’s not part of her bottom. I’d have assumed that you knew your anatomy better than that.”
I gave Fiona’s bottom a friendly pat and set her back on her feet, where the hasty restoring of panties was performed again.
“Smile, Fiona,” said Susan. “It was just a joke.”
“Well you wouldn’t be smiling if it had been you,” grouched Susan.
“You just have to take these things in your stride,” said Susan, still laughing. “It wouldn’t have bothered me at all.”
In my opinion, people who make remarks like that should do so from a position of safety. Susan didn’t. She was standing right next to me.
Or she was until my arm went around her waist and pulled her forward.
To add to Susan’s bad luck, she was wearing shorts with a button at the side. It was the work of a moment to flick open that button and pull both shorts and panties down.
Now Fiona was laughing.
“Um, Susan, are you still laughing?” she asked.
From the word that Susan used, I’d have to say she wasn’t. I was shocked.
“Really, Susan, your language,” I gasped, giving her bottom a firm slap.
She used the word again, so I gave another quick spank. This time she just growled, so I let her rise. That’s when Susan found out the disadvantages of shorts to skirt. When Fiona stood up, her skirt naturally fell around her, covering her vital statistics. When Susan stood up, her shorts stayed where they were, revealing her vital statistics to my interested gaze.
“I do like the look of a freshly shaven pussy,” I murmured. “I didn’t actually get to see yours, Fiona. Would you care to show it to us now?”
Fiona was now giggling, Susan’s embarrassment having cheered her no end.
“Oh, I don’t think so,” she said. “If you missed seeing it before, that’s your hard luck.”
It was perhaps fortunate that things were interrupted at that stage by a call to dinner. We all traipsed out to where the table had been set up outside, the girls nudging each other and giggling, while Mike and I were probably grinning like loons. It looked like it could be an interesting evening once the older folk had departed.
The girls seemed to spend dinner giggling and talking to each other, casting occasional look in the direction of Mike and myself, usually followed by some more giggling.
After dinner we all chipped in to help tidy up, and then the parents shuffled off to their town entertainment. The four of us drifted back to the games room and I switched on the TV.
Susan suddenly spoke up.
“You sort of caught us by surprise before dinner, Trevor. Fiona kaçak iddaa and I would like to make it very clear that we have no intention of having sex with either of you. If we can’t get some sort of agreement on that, then Fiona and I will wander over to my place and spend the evening there.”
“Fair enough,” I replied. “We’re not allowed to seduce you or ravish you. That’s acceptable to me. Under protest, I might add, because you are both quite lovely to look at and it would be fun to seduce you, but if you’re saying no, then no it is.
Um, you do realise that this only applies to tonight? If I can seduce you later, I fully intend to. What say you, Mike?”
“I’ll go with what Trevor says. No seducing tonight. After that, you take your chances.”
The girls glanced at each other, and simultaneously nodded.
“OK. That’s settled. We’ll take our chances after tomorrow. We both know how to run when we have to.”
Now that the main point had been settled, there were a few minor queries that required answers.
“Ah, Trevor,” said Fiona. “When you said you’ll want to seduce us another time, which one are you talking about? Just so that we know when it’s time to start running.”
“Both of you, of course,” I said, smiling. “You’re both very attractive girls and I want to see a lot more of you.”
My eyes flicked over them as I spoke, making my meaning plain when I said I wanted to see more of them.
“OK,” said Susan. “I’ll add to my little black book, ‘Trevor, greedy and not likely to be faithful. Avoid.'”
“Good idea,” said Fiona. “I think I’ll do the same.”
I laughed. ‘My turn for questions. While seducing you is not allowed, what is?”
“What do you mean,” asked Fiona.
“As long as we don’t have any intentions of seducing you, how far can we go with a bit of play? For instance, is baring your bottom for a friendly spank out, or will that be permitted? Things like that are what I mean.”
Susan giggled. “Basically, what he’s asking for is are we willing to do a little bit of exhibitionism, and give a bit of a peep show at times?”
Fiona blushed, but also giggled in response.
The girls looked at each other and then Susan shrugged.
“Won’t hurt as long as we keep rule number one in mind,” she said. “It’ll let them see what they’re missing out on.”
Fiona nodded.
“We’ll play that as it comes,” said Susan. “But just remember, turn about is fair play.”
That didn’t worry me, and a glance at Mike showed it didn’t worry him.
“We’re schoolkids again,” I observed. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. We’ll see what happens. Anyone for a game of pool? We’ll pair up.”
“To make it fair, I think it should be one girl and one man on each side,” said Susan. “I’ll pair off with Trevor for the first round.”
“Right,” said Mike. “Come on, Fiona. Let’s kick butt.
To add an incentive to the game, why don’t we nominate a penalty shot, one per person for the game. Each of us can nominate a specific shot as a penalty shot for the person of the opposite sex on the other team. If they miss on their penalty shot, they have to remove one item of clothing. Socks and shoes don’t count.”
There was a bit of giggling from the girls, and then the game got under way. Everything went fine with no penalty shots nominated until I found myself with a shocking lie. I saw Mike, the bastard, nudge Fiona, nodding toward the cue ball. She looked puzzled for a moment and then grinned.
“Penalty shot” she called.
I missed it. How close, you’re wondering? I miscued and the ball when fucking nowhere. But my shirt did.
A short time later Mike called a penalty on Susan, and we were all taken aback when she pulled off what looked like an impossible shot. That includes Susan, because I saw the look of shock on her face when the cue ball curved, hit the cushion and rebounded to collect the ball she wanted.
Mike lost his shirt to an impossible situation which left us square and I was waiting for the right shot to call Fiona on. I finally called her on a long shot. On the face of it, it looked simple. Straight down the table to clip her target and pocket it.
Fiona looked at the shot, looked at me when I said it was her penalty shot and took another look at her long shot. She must have thought I was being kind and letting her have a freeby, but I was counting on her being over careful. She was. She took her time and then gently tapped the cue ball.
Too gently. I’d noticed that she had a habit of not hitting quite hard enough. She still connected well and accurately, but just a little too soft. This time the cue ball ground to a halt about one centimetre short of her target, leaving her staring at it in horror.
I kept my face straight and sympathetic, although I was rolling around laughing inside. Fiona didn’t take her eyes off me while she took of her blouse, glaring little daggers at me the whole time.
Tossing her blouse to the side she snapped at me.
“Stop laughing. kaçak bahis You deliberately jinxed that shot and you know it.”
I spread my hands, all injured innocence, but I couldn’t hold it. Geez I laughed.
Trapping Fiona that way was probably a bad move on my part. She played before I did, so I was always at the table waiting while she took her shot. Oh, man, that was some cleavage that she was showing now that her blouse was gone. I was lucky to even see the damn balls, let alone hit them, with that distraction there.
And don’t think she didn’t know it. Whenever I lined up for a shot Fiona would be hovering across the table from me, so I was looking down my cue, across the cue ball, down the table, past my target ball, into that cleavage. My game deteriorated somewhat.
Susan and I won the first game, but only just. We switched partners for the second game, which Susan and Mike won, but it cost Susan her blouse and Mike his trousers. It cost me a monumental distraction as Susan emulated Fiona’s tactics, using her cleavage to sabotage my game, and it cost Fiona her skirt. I made my penalty shot.
The third game, men versus women. The men won, despite really unfair tactics used by the women. Oddly enough we all made our penalty shots except Susan, who was now playing without shorts. Watching those girls bend over to take a shot was ruinous to our concentration. Either we were staring down a cleavage or looking at a pussy covered by a scanty bit of nothing while the girls twitched their bottoms with every step they took.
I don’t know about Mike, but I sure had an erection, hopefully concealed by my trousers. If Mike didn’t have one, then he was either gay or an eunuch.
If we played again and either of the girls lost a penalty shot they’d be effectively nude. Not wanting to pressure them unduly, I suggested that maybe we should change to some other game, or maybe watch a movie. Susan and Fiona would have none of it. They wanted a final round, double or nothing. If they missed their penalties they’d take off their underwear, on the understanding they could get dressed again as soon as the game was over. If they scored their penalty shot they could get dressed at once.
Same applied to us. If we missed, we’d have to strip and finish the game starkers.
So we started the last game, with Susan acting as my partner and Mike’s distraction. I was lucky. Fiona misread the table and gave me a penalty on what I considered a sure thing, and I so demonstrated.
Susan didn’t misread the table. She trapped Mike with an impossible lie and laughed as he stripped. Quite a nice blush he had too.
I had my shot and called the set up a penalty for Fiona. She took one look at the table, threw a baleful look my way and tried to work out an angle that wouldn’t leave her stripped. Her concentration was not helped by Susan warning her that Mike was standing next to her, so she might want to check which pole she grabbed.
Scarlet faced, she blew her shot, and reluctantly ditched her panties and bra. A very nice figure, and she didn’t shave cleanly. There was a nice little streak of fur, pointing downwards.
Susan really was a good player, and when Mike called her penalty, she managed to get out of it. Very smugly she grabbed her shorts and shirt and put them on.
Susan and I won again, but as soon as the game was over Fiona dived for her clothes, dressing in zero seconds flat. Mike also dressed, but took a little longer.
With us all dressed, I suddenly remembered a game I’d spotted in my parents room one day. My father had hastily shoved it into a drawer, but I saw enough to know what it was. Telling the others to hold on, I raced upstairs to my parent’s room. Sure enough, there it was, still in the same drawer.
I grabbed it and returned to the games room.
I held up my prize.
“Anyone game for a round of Sexual Pursuit?” I asked.
The others gathered around to check out the game.
“Oh, god, look at these penalties,” gasped Fiona. “Would we really have to do these?”
“They’re the rules. Are we a goer or shall we find something else?
The girls spent some time checking the various penalties. For girls there were items requesting they remove an article of clothing. Some named, some non-specific. There were also a range of other little sexual peccadillos that they might have to do, but nothing that mentioned full intercourse.
The men’s penalties were somewhat similar, but slanted towards the male. The girls giggled their way through these, but again didn’t notice anything about full intercourse.
Fiona looked at Susan who looked back.
“I’m game if you are,” Fiona muttered.
“That’s what I was thinking,” agreed Susan. “Let’s do it.”
I shuffled the penalty cards and placed them on the board. It was blatantly obvious that the girls hadn’t learned anything from the poker lesson I’d given them earlier. Mike had. I saw him watching my hands carefully, but I still don’t think he saw me slip the missing penalties back into the deck.
“Not wanting to pressure either of you into doing something you don’t want to, might I suggest a get out penalty?” I suggested. “If you come to a penalty you really don’t want to do, you can opt out and get a spanking from your opposite number.”
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