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I didn’t mean for anything to happen with Johnny, hell I was not even supposed to be in the examination room with the eighteen-year-old boy. I was helping a friend and fellow nurse. I am a Surgical Nurse and should not have even been assisting a general practitioner doctor with a routine physical.Johnny was the last patient of the day and the office would be closing soon. Most of the staff had already left including the lab technicians so it was up to me to complete the young boy’s lab work. Johnny was just getting a routine physical he needed to play football for his high school. He was starting the high school football team’s summer practices in a week and had waited until the last moment to get his physical. The only people left in the office were the front staff and the one doctor.“I need a sample,” I told the boy as I handed him a urine sample cup. “Then we will draw some blood and you can be on your way.”Johnny smiled and took the cup. Damn, he sure had a charming smile. “Care to help?” he asked in a confident tone.I rolled my eyes, “Just go in there and leave the cup on the sample shelf in the bathroom when you are done,” I said and pointed at the door to the restroom. “And you can put your shirt on now.”“Why? Don’t you like it?” he asked and even had the gall to flex his muscles.Such arrogance on the boy, I thought. Maybe his bold flirtation could have been partly my fault. I was being unprofessional with him earlier and slightly flirting with him. Flirting just came naturally to me and well, I did have a thing for younger men. Younger men? At forty years of age, my thing for younger men was boys, not men.Yes, you read that correctly. I am forty-one years old currently but I met Johnny when I was forty. I like younger lovers. My last lover was nineteen but that ended a little over five months ago. He wanted to get serious and I was not the type of woman to get serious. I had serious when I was younger and even married for five years when in my twenties. It just didn’t suit me. I was faithful to my husband, but God knows I was tempted many times not to be.Oddly, we got divorced when I found out he was cheating on me. I was sure I would have been the one to commit infidelity first. We may have been able to work it out if we had tried, but honestly, I saw that as my escape from my marriage and to be able to leave with dignity and be the victim to our friends. I had not remarried or even had a serious, committed, monogamous relationship since. I had taken several lovers since, more than my share. I had no desire to be in a committed and monogamous relationship and I let my lovers know that before we got too involved with one another.My previous lover also got a little weird when I broke things off with him. I would not say it was stalking me and it was nothing that made me afraid of him or that he wanted to hurt me, but he was persistent in trying to become my lover again. He would leave notes and sometimes a single flower on my car while I was at work or text and call me constantly wanting to see me again.After I ended things with him I decided to take a break from dating and that break was lasting longer than I anticipated. That day in the examination room with Johnny, I had not had anything between my legs besides my sex toys in over five months.I don’t consider myself a cougar. A cougar is a predator who seeks out prey. I do not prey on younger men or women. I just happen to prefer my lovers to be younger.As I got older and once into my mid-thirties, I found it much easier to find lovers who were willing to not become serious and exclusive, let’s face it, not many eighteen to early twenties year old young men want to get serious with a woman in her thirties and now forties. That was fine by me and something I preferred. The rare times a young lover wanted to get serious and exclusive I broke things off.Johnny gave me that charming smile, one that I was sure got him plenty of dates from girls in his high school, and went into the bathroom. He didn’t put his shirt on.When the boy came out of the bathroom I had my surgical gloves on and was holding two small vials to collect the blood and the needle. Johnny sat back on the examination bed.“Hold out your arm, Johnny,” I told him.He shook his head. “Do we have to? I really don’t like needles,” he told me.“We need to draw some blood. If not then we can’t complete the physical and you won’t be able to play football,” I said.“Seriously, Gwen, I can’t handle needles. Can you just tell the doctor I am fine and have him give me a clean checkup?”“I can’t do that, darling,” I told him. The darling was not a term of affection, I am southern and that’s just natural to us. “Don’t worry, I stick good so it won’t be bad and I get it on the first try.”Johnny grinned, “I stick good also and also get it in on the first try.”I rolled my eyes again and was getting frustrated. I wanted to go home. I did smile however despite myself. That was a clever comment and I did walk into it.“Johnny, stop fooling around. I want to go home and the front staff wants to go home. Please just stick out your arm and we can get this over with quickly.”Johnny chuckled. “I don’t get it over with quickly,” he boasted.I blushed at that comment. He casino siteleri güvenilir was getting much more forward than before and his confidence and arrogance were growing more impressive. Confidence and arrogance in young men turned me on. Still, I had a long day and wanted to just go home and relax.“Fine,” I told him. “We just won’t be able to give you a completed physical so you can’t play football.”“Ok, wait,” he said as I turned my back to him. “I will let you.” I smiled and turned back around. “Only if you let me see your tits,” the boy said after I turned around.“I don’t think so,” I told him.Damn this boy was beyond arrogant. He was also getting turning me on. I still wasn’t going to show him my breasts.“How about you just lift your top and let me see you in your bra,” he suggested.I bit my lower lip and stared at Johnny for about thirty seconds. He was a good-looking young boy; he was more than good-looking. He was fucking hot! He was six foot two inches tall and not finished growing, and weighed one hundred and ninety pounds; I knew that based on his chart. Johnny had a nice swimmer build to his body and well-defined abs. He styled his sandy blonde hair to give it a messy appearance and his bangs swept down close to his blue eyes. I was sure many young girls in his high school chased after the boy. Johnny would have no problem getting into a girl’s pants.If I had met the eighteen-year-old boy away from work I may have been more open to his proposition and even invited him to my bed. But still, why was he flirting with me and wanting to see my breasts; a woman twenty-plus years his senior?I consider myself an attractive woman and have been told I was, but I was certainly not one of those petite, young, perfectly shaped-bodied cheerleader types I was sure Johnny was used to.I have small, faint freckles over the bridge of my nose and a few larger ones on my cheeks that makeup covered up, but I was not ashamed of my freckles. The freckles became darker and larger and more of a splattered pattern around my neck and over my breasts and stomach and some on my legs and butt cheeks. I had two dark large freckles on the left side of my vulva.My hair was naturally a dark brown color that I had highlighted sometimes. It is naturally curly and could be wild looking if I didn’t style it and use hair products on it to hold it down. That day in the examination room with Johnny, I wore my hair tight against my head and held it secure in the back with a blue rubber hair band. The only makeup I had on was a light neutral tone lipstick and mascara on my eyelashes.I rarely applied makeup when going to work anymore and when I did it was very light. I was forty years old and no longer saw the point in it. It was not because I was opposed to makeup and looking good; I had a variety of makeup routines based on what I may be doing or going. I just got over getting up earlier to put makeup on when I went to work.I stand five feet six inches tall in my bare feet and have a more voluptuous body type with a thicker waist and a more ample butt than those young skinny high school bitches I was sure Johnny was used to fucking. I am just kidding when I called them bitches, I am sure most are nice girls and I am certainly not jealous of them. I am sexually attracted to those types of girls myself as long as they are over eighteen and I have some advantages over those young girls for me to be jealous of themAs I mentioned, I consider myself an attractive woman and have been told I was and even without makeup I am attractive. I don’t have any self-conscious body issues and I like my body and my looks.Some of the advantages I mentioned are small ones. I own my own home and live alone. It’s a cute two-story, three-bedroom, and two-bathroom cottage-type house in a historic area of the city. It has a lovely large front porch and a nice courtyard back yard and garden in the back, flowers not vegetables. I like to garden. I got it for a great price and it needed some work.With the house being designated as a historical property, I was able to get some grants from the city, state, and federal government to help with the restorations. No, I didn’t do them myself. I don’t know the difference between an Allen wrench and a socket wrench. Hell, I even just impressed myself to check how to spell Allen when it comes to the wrench and I got it right.How is that an advantage? Well, my lovers are younger and a lot of them still lived at home with their parents and dated girls their age that were in the same living situation. With me, they didn’t have to sneak around, wait until their parents weren’t home or on vacation, or have to find a secluded location to drive to and have sex in the back seat of a car. Well, that could be exciting sometimes even when you did live alone. With me, they had a place to fuck me as much as they wanted and when they wanted.Other advantages I had over the younger girls they dated and had sex with or their steady girlfriends was that I rarely said no to them. I didn’t make up excuses that I was not in the mood or was not feeling well, etc. When my lovers wanted to fuck me, they did and I gave in rather easily to their desires and needs. güvenilir slot siteleri I also didn’t shy away from when they wanted to put their cock in my ass.There were other sexual things I let them do and encouraged them to do to me that the younger girls may not be into. I can’t be 100% sure because I never asked, but I was pretty sure some things I enjoyed their girlfriends didn’t do. One thing was that I liked helping them explore the fantasies they may have, even the more kinky ones. I had my kinks I liked to introduce them to so why not help them play out theirs? I didn’t deal with mommy issues, however. I was not into that at all nor was I into submissive men. I don’t have motherly instincts and never wanted kids of my own.Now Johnny was unaware of all that and the fact I enjoyed younger men, so why was this very handsome boy with his great body being so bold and asking me to show him my breasts? Why would he be interested in a forty-year-old woman, yes attractive but still forty years old, when I was pretty damn sure he had no problem getting girls his age? I think there was more than one answer to those questions.Johnny was one of those young boys who were extremely good-looking and had a body that one could tell he had a vigorous workout routine to keep in shape and make it look as good and sexy as it did. He was most likely an only child and had been told his entire life how special he was by his parents, teachers at school, girls, etc. That gave him a large ego and confidence and a whole lot of arrogance.You could tell he was spoiled and got his way and could get away with murder just by using his good looks and charm. He was using all that on me right now; his good looks, his charm, his confidence, and his arrogance. I wouldn’t say it was working, but damn if I didn’t want to run my tongue over his abs and smooth chest, which only had one small patch of dark chest hairs on it. Right in the middle of his chest between his nipples.Another reason why he wanted to see my breasts was that I have fantastic breasts! They are thirty-eight DD cup size. They are tipped with flesh-colored areolas about the size of a half dollar and nipples that get large and pussy when erect. Even the top of my scrubs I was wearing could not hide the size and was tight across my chest.I looked over the boy’s body and decided to call his bluff. I thought he was bluffing and for all his arrogance he would not know what to do when an older woman called him out.“I’ll flash them, but just flash them and no touching,” I told him.“That’s, not fair,” he replied. “If I can’t touch them then let me see for longer.”“Okay, twenty seconds but no touching,” I told him.“If I can’t touch them, then a minute and you have to kiss me,” he countered.Johnny and I negotiated back and forth and we agreed to me showing him my breasts for twenty seconds, he got to touch them, and I had to kiss him. The kiss would be no tongue and no open mouth.Johnny got more than he originally asked for. I was not a good bargainer or haggler at all and got flustered and nervous when I had to negotiate. Years before when I went to Mexico, I was buying a souvenir from a street vendor and after a short period of haggling over the price, something the friend I went with told me I had to do, I ended up paying more than the original asking price. The man had finally said six dollars and I countered with, “Ten and no more”. He happily took the ten US dollars.I bit my lower lip, a habit I had when I was nervous, lifted my top, and then pulled my bra over my breasts. I was staring at Johnny’s face as he stared at my chest.“Fuck, they are so huge and fucking great,” he told me. “Damn look at those nipples. They’re fucking hard”I blushed at his comment because my nipples were indeed erect. “Okay, Johnny the twenty seconds starts now,” I told him.Johnny was grinning at me and reached out and roughly grabbed my breasts with his hands. He mashed them hard and I winced.“Not so hard,” I told him.“Fuck, Gwen, you have awesome tits and the freckles on them are sexy,” he complimented me and continued to squeeze them, ignoring my telling him not to do it so hard.I flinched and let out a faint gasp when his fingers touched my erect nipples and then a moan when he pinched my nipples. The moan turned into a louder squealing sound as Johnny’s fingers applied more pressure to my nipples and pinched them cruelly and mashed my breasts even harder.“Uhh…okay, oaky, uhh…that’s enough, Johnny” I gasped out. It hurt but turned me on also.Johnny pinched them even harder for about five more seconds and then pulled them until they could not stretch any longer and let go.“Oww, that hurt,” I whined. It did hurt but that type of hurt gave me pleasure and aroused me. The boy just chuckled at my distress.“Now the kiss and you have to keep your tits out.” I nodded. “Also press them to my chest when you kiss me,” he told me. I again bit my lower lip as I nodded my head.Johnny spread his legs open and I took a step forward and got between his legs. I pressed my breasts to his naked chest and moved my face to his. Johnny moved forward slightly and my lips touched his lips. As we kissed chastely, I felt his right hand slide en iyi casino siteleri up my left side and then over my breast and once more he pinched my nipple. This time he didn’t pinch it hard and he started rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. I gasped out in pleasure and when my lips parted, Johnny stuck his tongue into my mouth.I didn’t stop him or pull away. Instead, I opened my mouth wider and ran my tongue over his as I pushed mine into his mouth. Johnny put his left hand on my butt and pulled me closer to him and I placed my arms around his lower neck. We started making out as he teased my nipple.Damn, the boy knew how to kiss. I highly enjoyed kissing and considered myself an expert on kissing and judging how others kissed. Sometimes I would make out with a person just to kiss them and nothing else. Like if I was at a club dancing with someone, a girl or boy, and had no intention of having sex with them, I would kiss them just to kiss. Yes, I know, it can be considered me being a tease, but I didn’t care.Things with Johnny were going too far, I knew that and I knew I should stop it. I didn’t stop it, however. It had been over five months since I kissed someone and I was enjoying it, maybe a little too much. I was about to stop it until the boy started kissing my neck, fondling my nipple harder, and squeezing my butt cheek.“I want to fuck you, Gwen,” Jonny told me. It was not him asking. He was telling me.“No, please, Johnny, not here. We have to stop.” I told him with little conviction in my voice.Johnny pulled his head back, put both of his hands on my butt, and looked at me. He was giving me such a charming, boyish smile. I placed my hands on his shoulders but didn’t pull away.“What do you mean, not here?” he asked in his arrogant tone.“I…nothing…I…I didn’t mean anything by it,” I stammered out.I should not have told him “not here”, but I was just caught up in the moment. As I mentioned, it had been over five months since I kissed someone and let them feel me up or had sex with someone. I was just lost in the moment, I told myself. That was a lie though and I knew it. I wanted him, but not there in the examination room. I wanted this hot and sexy eighteen-year-old boy to fuck my brains out.Johnny knew I was lying, I was sure of it, and his next actions confirmed what I thought. The boy ran his hands up to the small of my back and pulled me to him as he lowered his head. Johnny started to kiss, suck, and lick my breasts. I placed my hands on his head and started running them through his hair as I moaned in pleasure.“Not so much,” I told him as he started to suck my right breast in one spot just above the nipple. “You’ll leave a mark.”He didn’t stop. Instead brought his right hand to my left nipple and started pinching it with intense pressure and pulled on it, stretching it. I started gasping in short breaths. He was going to purposely leave a hickey on my breast. I let him.After he had marked me, Johnny took the nipple in his mouth, bit down on it hard, and caused me to cry out from the pleasurable pain of it. He held my nipple between his teeth for a moment while he continued to pinch my other nipple and mash my breast hard. I was moaning louder from the wonderful feeling of the cruel attention he was giving my breasts.Johnny took his mouth off my nipple but continued to pinch the other one. He looked up at me and grinned with arrogant, confidence. He knew he had me now.“Tell me what you meant by not here,” he said.“Ohh…baby….okay, okay,” I gasped out. “Just…just please stop for a moment, please, and I’ll tell you.”Johnny took his hand off my breast and put them back on my butt and held me tight to him as if he thought if let go of me I would run from the room. That might have been the right thing to do, but I was too far past that point.“I…we can’t do anything here. We shouldn’t be doing what we are doing,” I told him in a timid voice that was slightly husky from being aroused. I cleared my throat before I continued. “If, well, I was thinking if, well,” I was stammering and took a deep breath to calm myself. “Maybe if you want to you could come over to my house later tonight and we could hang out.”Johnny chuckled. “Hang out,” he mocked me. “So you do want me to fuck you,” it was not a question but a statement. He did sound surprised I invited him to my house.I bit my lower lip and nodded. Why deny it? Things were already going in that direction. “We can take our time and won’t be rushed,” I told him and gave him a seductive smile. “You can have me as many times as you want. We can do so much more than just a quickie.” I leaned down and kissed him hard and passionately for a few seconds and pulled my head back. “A lot more.”“Like what?” he asked.The boy didn’t sound as confident as before. Johnny didn’t realize when he asked to see my breasts that I would let him. What we did after was as much of a surprise to him as it was to me and now after I admitted I wanted him to fuck me he was losing his arrogance.“What can you imagine,” I teased him. I knew I had the upper hand now.Johnny looked me in the eyes, then my still exposed breasts, then in my eyes again, and then back to my breasts.“I have a good imagination,” he teased me back but with less arrogance than he had been showing.“So do I,” I said smiling at him.“What…what if…what if I want to do something else besides just fuck your pussy?” he asked and sounded timid.I tiled my head seductively. “Like what?” I asked.“I…what if I want to fuck you in your fat ass?” he blurted out. “I…I have never done that.”
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