Journey to the Ridge

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The afternoon was sweltering, the August day had reached upwards of 85 degrees – very hot for Western Pennsylvania. We drove past Uniontown, the windows up and the air-conditioning strong, looking forward to the new club. The only problem with the Mountain Retreat was that it was a long way from our home, nearly an hour and a half’s car ride. But around lunch time we decided to take a chance because both of us were horny, and we’d heard the club had a swimming pool conducive to naked swimming.

Driving down a country road we found the signpost that had been described to us, we turned up the blacktop drive pitted with years of use. Coming to a graveled parking lot on the top of the hill, we got our first impression. Before us we saw a ramshackle house, in need of maintenance. “What do you think?” Mary asked.

“We’ve driven a long way,” I observed, “and it’s pretty cheap.”

We trudged around the shack to find a small party going on the patio. As I remember, two of the men were rather large and could have used a trip to the gym more than the beer they were guzzling, but a couple of the girls were mildly cute. In the pool off to our left, two comely couples were lazing in the sun, as nude as we wanted to be. “You guys are new?” asked an old geezer. “Price is twenty-five bucks for the party. Make yourself at home.” We put our bottle of vodka on the picnic table.

Since no one seemed inclined to give us a tour we poked our heads into the house. It seemed more or less clean, although the paneling in the lower room seemed like a trip back to the 1950s. The bottom floor was an open design with a small dance floor, some couches and a hot tub off to the side. Mary looked into the water of the jacuzzi, found it to be sparkling. We climbed the stairs, found three or four austere rooms with mattresses but little else. The air was stifling in the early evening heat, air conditioning was unavailable.

But the major attraction for us was the swimming pool and we approached it. One young couple was cavorting in the pool, totally bare. Two other couples and one single man lazed on the grass, the only clothing worn was a pair of panties on a woman. We spread our beach towels on the lawn, Mary quickly pulled her floral sundress over her shoulders. This was one of my favorite things, to see men stare at my wife as she displayed her sexuality. She milked the situation, asking me to slather her with sun lotion as she stood. I went behind her and applied the lotion first to her back and shoulders, then reaching around I approached her small tits. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like him to do this to you?” I said under my breath.

The man I referred to was obvious, probably in his mid thirties, perhaps twenty years younger than us. He was lying on his side, staring at Mary from across the pool. He seemed perhaps six feet tall, and his schwantz hung to the ground, two or three sizes longer than my adequate organ. Through our sunglasses we could see the display of my wife’s semi-nudity was affecting him, it was growing more solid by the moment. “Maybe later,” Mary tittered. When her body was well oiled, she turned towards the spy, dropped her panties and revealed her bald mons, shaved just that noon for unfamiliar men to admire and touch.

She moved to the shallow end, I quickly disrobed and followed her. I swam a few laps in the tepid pool, Mary performed aerobics in the shallow end. “Would you like a drink?” I asked. Being used to nudist environs, I walked naked and dripping to the patio, mixed us both vodka’s and tonics. By the time I returned, Mary was in a conversation with a couple near enough to our own age, she introduced me to Michelle and Tim. Michelle was perhaps five foot five, 140 pounds. I admired the way her nipples grew out of her hefty breasts, they were crinkled. Was it because of the coolness of the water, or was she thinking lascivious thoughts? At any rate, we relaxed in the water, talked.

“You’re new here, aren’t you?” asked Tim. “We come up from Maryland a couple times a month, we love it here.”

“We’re from Pittsburgh,” Mary confessed. “We normally go up to DJs Island.”

“Is it as nice as they say it is?” Michelle asked.

We extolled the virtues of the club north of the city, how it looked like a light industrial plant from the outside, but on the inside it was sparkling and bright, constructed for the sole purpose of an upscale nightclub and sex party. We found this would be a source of much discussion during the evening, few people had travelled to the rather new and almost mythical shrine of swinging, they wanted to know if the journey was worth it.

“We’d love to go sometime, we’ve heard so much about it,” Michelle sighed, and Tim added, “But it’s a three hour Escort Sincan drive for us. Mountain Retreat is so much closer.”

Michelle and Tim explained the Mountain Retreat was more ‘country’ then we were used to. “Nice people here, though.” As the sun approached the horizon, we could see cars being parked and more couples showing up on the patio, the music got louder, more spirited. Michelle and Tim dried off and said they’d see us inside later.

Mary was enjoying the water, didn’t want to leave yet. She paddled around, I laid on the towel, contemplated the wonders of life and women, particularly the nymphs I could observe, of which the supply ebbed and flowed. I believe I got a chubby, unlike at nudist resorts we’d been to I didn’t try to disguise it. In fact, a couple of women smiled when they saw the effect they were having on me. Mary was in no hurry to leave the water, she stayed at least partially submerged until the sun had set and the gloaming set in. Eventually Mary left the pool and drip dried in the warm darkness, when she was ready I helped her into her panties and sundress, clothed myself.

In the house, the party was well in progress. I could see perhaps forty people, fairly mixed in gender. I was surprised as I was almost the only man in slacks, the others mainly wore shorts or bluejeans, more men wore t-shirts than polos. Some couples were dancing, others were standing or sitting, conversing. We fell into one conversation or another, mixing it up. Since we were new meat, we were popular. I certainly didn’t mind.

One couple we talked to was Candy and Dave. She was quite alluring, with thick black hair, red delectable lips and she was wearing a halter top that displayed engaging ta-tas. Honestly, I don’t remember much about Dave, other than he was on the taller side, which Mary likes, and didn’t have facial hair. We talked to them for ten or fifteen minutes, moved on. They were fairly close to our own ages, in the middle of the fifth decade.

A couple of hours passed. Mary and I had danced, then she partnered with at least a third of the men in the den, she’d ground her ass against more than one lap, including Dave’s, a few men had found what her petite tits felt like. The room was sticky and sultry, we often moved to the outside just to catch a breath of fresh air, then reentered the fray. I was beginning to think nothing was likely to happen, thought about taking Mary down to the pool and having sex with her on the lawn. A few minutes after eleven I went out to the patio to freshen our drinks, in the darkness I was joined by Candy, she put her hand on my arm.

“We like you guys,” she confided, and I saw no reason not to turn her towards me, kiss her. I remember she was a bit timid at first, but then her lips opened to me as if she’d made a decision. We kissed for perhaps two minutes, then broke.

“I think Mary likes Dave, too. Would you guys be interested in heading to a room?” I asked.

“I was sent out here to find out if that’d be something you two would like. There’s only one thing. We’re just soft-swap.” I knew what that meant, although we were full-swap from the very beginning we’d played with soft couples before, it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. I got a few more details out of Candy. “We’ve been doing this for three years now, mostly here. Dave and I have agreed this is a lot of fun, we just don’t want it to get too serious. We’ve seen some pretty wild orgies here, we don’t want people to think we’re too available. You know.”

That was never our problem, but we always thought people should do extra-marital sex in their own manner. As Candy and I talked, and kissed some more, I considered the opportunity. Candy was a real dish, and enthusiastic, very much my style. And it didn’t seem like anything else would be offered to us that night. “I think I’d like to go up to a room with you guys. Let me talk to Mary, let her know what’s happening.”

One more kiss, and Candy slipped out of my arms. I reentered the humid room, got Mary off to the side. She didn’t think about it long. “Candy’s really beautiful, I know you want a shot at her. And Dave’s okay too.” As with me, she wasn’t concerned about soft-swap; although Mary loved a nice, hard, unfamiliar cock in her, she was able to orgasm easily though foreplay.

We approached the other couple, smiled our assent, Candy took my hand and led me up the stairs. In a closet, she grabbed a fitted sheet and we found one of the rooms, a dim bulb hung in the overhead light. While Candy and I put the sheet on the bed, Mary and Dave got started by kissing against the closed door. The room was broiling, the single open window wasn’t allowing the cool outside air in, we didn’t care.

Candy Sincan Escort and I laid on the bed, she whipped off her halter top, revealing nicely formed C-sized breasts. She wanted me to suck on her nipples, hard, when I did she pulled all my clothes off me, palmed my penis. Shy, she wasn’t. We rolled around, I got my hands inside her elastic shorts, found her slit was as moist as the air in the room. She pulled her shorts off, we clenched again.

Candy wanted to taste my dick. This was always an issue with soft-swap couples, did ‘penetration’ include penises in mouths, tongues in vaginas? With some, yes, with others, no. Candy made it clear by her actions that blow jobs were kosher.

While she sucked on me, I inspected the progress Mary and Dave were making. Both of them were unclothed and next to us on the bed, Mary was on her back, Dave’s head was between her legs, she was yelping for the first time of the night.

I controlled the spasms of my rod, while Candy’s service was good it wasn’t in Mary’s league. I had no desire to come in her mouth, assuming that was permitted. We scooted around, it was my turn to eat at her pussy. I found Candy had a full, thick, noir bush, perhaps it had never been shaved it was so wild. I attacked the wet and yielding breach with my tongue. I found Candy’s clit was small and disguised between her thick lips, I pulled at the skin with my fingers, exposed the button. When I licked at it, I felt Candy shiver. As I sucked on it, Candy moaned. And when I combined my tongue with a finger thrusting inside her crevice, Candy’s moans became loud and vigorous. I was able to keep her on the crest for a full few minutes, she bucked, finally she pushed me away, having had enough for the moment.

I looked over. Mary was on her side, Dave had his penis in her mouth, slowly fucking it. Candy grabbed at me, got me to climb up on top of her, my mouth against hers, my chest covering her full breasts. Her legs were open, my cock was at the entrance to her pearly gate. I knew if I was less than true to my word, it would be easy push, there was nothing to stop me from penetrating her. And from the way she kissed me, the way she moved her hips, I wasn’t sure Candy would object if I did. But I’d given my word, my ass stayed quiet.

We heard Mary’s voice. “Do you want to come in my mouth?”

I never heard Dave’s response, if there was one. Perhaps he was willing to go ahead and release, which would have been fine with me, no matter how or if I would finish with Candy. But Candy said, quickly, “Dave, I want to have sex with Adam. Would that be okay?”

A hushed male voice responded, trembling in its seriousness. “You sure?”

“I want it bad,” she replied.

“All right,” Dave agreed.

“Do you guys have condoms?” Candy asked, “We’ve never needed them before.”

It took a few minutes, Mary got a strip out of her purse, Dave and I both sheathed ourselves. I remember Dave looked me in the eye, an uncertain expression hinting at the timidity he must have been feeling, but when it was rolled on he grabbed at my wife, pulled her onto her knees and pointed his dick at Mary’s pussy.

Candy hadn’t moved much, she beckoned me on top of her, I held myself up on my hands and knees. Candy’s hand slipped over her belly, grasped my penis, rubbed it along her slit, between the lips of her vagina. I watched her face as I slowly pushed, her eyes were shining, her mouth smiled as she was filled with my manhood.

On the bed next to us, the other couple was squirming in rapid movements, I heard Mary’s eeks of joy. Candy and I were more composed, less hurried. My thrusts were measured, lazy. I still watched her face, her eyes were closed, her lips curled in elation. I saw her mouth open, she panted; I’m not sure if she had a second orgasm or not, but she later whispered to me she totally enjoyed the experience of getting screwed by a another man’s hard penis.

I looked over to the other man and woman, now Mary was on her back, her feet in the air, Dave was between her open legs and I heard her scream and Dave’s groan explode in unison.

Candy drew my face in for a prolonged kiss, I felt my toes curl, I covered her and let my loins burst. We writhed in our pleasure, she held me tight as I spewed.

While we were screwing, I was too intent on Candy’s body to concern myself with minor things. But now that I was lying on top of her and we were regaining our right minds, I sensed I was perspiring from my armpits, forehead and every other pore on my body. Candy was just as wet as I was, and I have no doubt Mary and Dave were oozing with sweat.

And yet, we all wanted a few more minutes to soak in the aftermath. Candy cuddled Sincan Escort Bayan against me, whispering her thanks, receiving mine in return.

“This was our first time,” Candy announced to the room.

“Why haven’t we done this before?” Dave questioned.

We all sat on the edge of the bed, sweltering. Dave and Candy reached for their clothes. “Listen,” Candy begged, “would you mind not telling anyone we went all the way? We don’t want the others here thinking we’re open game yet.”

“Of course not,” Mary and I agreed. And, dear reader, until you read these words, no one in the world has known Mary and I made love with Dave and Candy that night.

It was much too hot to linger in the airless chamber, the stillness forced Dave and Candy out the door as soon as they were dressed. We exchanged contact information before they left, we all wanted to get together again.

Mary and I didn’t loiter either, Mary simply put her panties on, I followed suit and we fled from the still heat in the room. Down below there were no dancers, although two couples were fucking by the jacuzzi. On the patio there were not more than eight people conversing and drinking, the parking lot had only a dozen cars left. We walked out onto the lawn, the cool air bathed us. The evening stars shone above us, the moon had set hours earlier. Mary spread our towels on the grass, we laid, cooling, catching our breath, no one within thirty yards of us. “Swim?” I asked.


Again we both disrobed, glided into the still water of the pool. For five minutes, Mary and I quietly discussed the encounter with Dave and Candy.

“Were you surprised?”

“I could feel she wanted me,” I said. “I was on top of her, she had her legs wide open, I was ready to screw her. How about Dave?”

“He never gave me the impression he wanted to make love. When I was giving him the blow job, he wasn’t very enthusiastic. Then when they said they wanted it, he put me in doggy, like he didn’t want to see my face or something.”

“Maybe he wanted you like that so he could watch Candy.”

“Maybe. Was Candy good?”

“She was nice,” I admitted. “She seemed to want it slow. You and Dave were really going at it.”

“He almost threw me on the bed, couldn’t wait to get me in missionary. He was pretty rough, not that I minded.”

I sat on the side of the pool, Mary approached me in the water, fondled my dick. I could tell she was still in the mood. “Should we find you a guy?” I offered. This was typical behavior for us at DJs, after we satisfied ourselves by swapping with a couple or participating in an orgy, Mary sometimes wanted more. Towards closing she might find a single guy who’d been admiring her through the evening, invite him into a room, have a nightcap while I watched on.

“No, I’d just as soon have you,” she begged me, I knew exactly what she wanted. I scooted her into water not quite waist deep for me. Mary literally flowed to me, I squatted and licked at her sex, tasting the plastic residue of the rubber Dave used. I know Mary’s body as well as the lines on a well used map, she was whimpering just a few moments later. “Now,” she implored and I stood and entered her. I found that with her floating on her back I was able to hold her waist, penetrate and screw her effectively. She was worried about her face going below the surface so I backed her up against the edge, she could hold onto it while we fucked. It didn’t take much, her loud eeks filled the night air, a few people got up from the patio to investigate the phenomenon.

We went on for at least ten or twelve minutes, at last Mary gave up the ghost. I let her loose to sink in the pool, she hugged me with heart pounding and dry gasps. “What can I do for you,” she asked, realizing I hadn’t come a second time.

“Nothing, I’m fine. I’m just all used up.”

After lying on our towels and drip drying, we decided to dress and depart. It was well after midnight and we still had an hour and a half car ride home. As we drove down the ridge to the main road, I thought of my second LifeStyle virgin, a most unexpected surprise. A half hour later, when we were doing 75 MPH on the freeway, I asked, “So, what did you think? Should we come back?”

“I don’t know, DJs is so much nicer. Maybe someday, if it’s warm enough to swim.”


This is an absolutely true story, to the best of my memory. Only the names have been changed. We haven’t been to the Mountain Retreat since they changed management and have apparently upgraded the facilities. We hear it’s pretty nice now, and called ‘Party at Scouts.’ The pictures on the website seem much more attractive than the facility seemed when we visited it around 2007. If you’ve been there, please leave your review in the comments.

Speaking of which, feedback is a marvelous thing. Won’t you please take a second to write a comment, telling me what you liked or what you think I could do better. I promise you, it will make my day!

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