Kissing Katarina Pt. 03

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Thank you once again to all my lovely readers for all the wonderful feedback on this story. Thanks once again to Kat for her encouragement and advice and to Jodie and all my other proof readers for their wonderful feedback.


When we got into the kitchen Kat was about to take her usual place at the breakfast island when I said, “Oh no, babe. This loaf has to be completely cooked by you. You have to set the oven to two twenty.”

She smiled, and went over to the oven, her crutches under her arms, and examined the control panel for a moment before setting the temperature and going back to sit down.

“Now we wait,” she said, “and thank you, Anna.”

I was a little confused, “For what, babe?”

“For not treating me like baby. You’re learning,” she giggled and blushed and I sat down next to her, taking her hands in mine and leaning forward to kiss her.

“Sorry, babe.”

“Sorry? Why sorry?”

“I’ve been a negligent girlfriend. I forgot to obey the instructions on your tee.”

She looked down at the ‘Kiss’ logo and laughed, “I think I need to get tee with ‘Jebi me, Anna!’ on it.”

I lifted her chin with my finger and looked into those beautiful green eyes and, smiling, said, “Articles, Kat. You need to get ‘a’ tee, babe.”

She giggled, “Yes. Articles. I will try harder. Can I drop articles in the bedroom though?”

I laughed, “Yes. Both sorts.”

She looked at me quizzically, “Both?”

“Articles of language and articles of clothing,” I said with a smile.

She spluttered, “Anna, honey, you are outrageous. I love you so much!”

The world stopped.

She dropped her head down and mumbled, “Fuck. Sorry. My stupid mouth.”

For a moment I didn’t know what to say but I knew how I felt. Once more I lifted her chin but she cast her eyes down.

“Kat. Look at me. Please?”

She looked up and blushed and started speaking, “Anna, I told you I say stupid…”

I stopped her with a brief kiss.

“Please Kat, for a moment, listen to me. I’ve told you you can never say anything to offend me. Do you really mean it? You love me?”

She blushed and said, “I… I think so. Only known you a day but feels like I knew you before. Always. Sorry. Not making sense.”

I smiled, “You are making perfect sense, Kat because I am pretty sure I am falling in love with you.”

“Really? You love me?”

I nodded, “Yep. Pretty sure I do.”

She smiled half ironically, “But not certain?”

I stared into her eyes, “Okay then. Kat, babe, I… love… you.”

I saw little tears starting to form in her eyes and felt my own eyes prickling as she looked back at me.

“Anna, honey…I love you, too.”

We wrapped our arms around each other and spent a beautiful time just kissing and repeating it over and over.

Eventually I pulled back and said, “Okay, my beautiful lover, we have to finish this bread. Get some more flour and just sprinkle it over the dough.”

She looked at her handiwork which, once more, had doubled in size, “It’s huge, Anna! Going to be too much just for you and me.”

“Well, maybe we can share half of it with your new neighbour, Liz. I know she always likes my homemade bread.”

She went to get a fistfull of flour to sprinkle and I stopped her hand, “No, babe. Just a little.”

I picked some up in my fingers and sprinkled it over the dough, “Like this. Do it a little at a time.”

This time she did it exactly as I had demonstrated and I said, “You’re a fast learner, Kat.”

She smiled, “I have a good teacher.”

“Right, that’s enough. Take the sharp knife and just put a five or six centimetre cross cut in the middle, not all the way through, just a cross.”

She picked up the knife and did an almost perfect cross in the middle. I checked the oven.

“Okay babe. The oven’s up to temperature. Just need to get it in. It needs to go in the middle shelf.”

She pushed the tray to the edge of the island nearest the oven, got up and went over, opening the door, reaching for the baking tray, sliding it on the middle shelf and closing the door.

She sat back down and I said, “Okay. We just have to wait about twenty five minutes to check it.”

She smiled up at me, “I didn’t know baking could be so much fun, Anna.”

“Oh it is. I’m glad you’re enjoying it as much as I do.”

She got a cheeky, crooked smile and said, “Well, yes. Baking part is okay. I just like all the ‘jebi me’ breaks more.”

She broke into a fit of giggles and I joined her, sitting next to her as we calmed down.

The next twenty five minutes were spent chatting, kissing and giggling and eventually I said, “Okay, babe. Time to check it. Let me get a wire rack for cooling.”

I’d seen one in the pile of baking trays and fished it out, placing it on the island near the oven. I realised how, from Kat’s point of view, the kitchen was ergonomically designed so that no appliance was too far away from the island so that she could easily manage most of the movements required escort without having to walk far, if at all.

“Get the oven gloves, take it out and tap the bottom. If it sounds hollow, it’s ready. If not, put it back in and we’ll check again in five minutes.”

She opened the door, oven mitts on, and pulled it out, marvelling at the delicious aroma, colour and shape, with the deep cross in the top. It looked, to my eye, to be perfectly done. She turned it over and tapped it and, sure enough, there was that reassuring hollow sound.

“That sounds perfect babe. Just put it on the tray and we wait for it to cool. Well, done. You just made your first loaf of bread!”

A look of genuine pride crossed over her face as she placed it almost reverently on the cooling rack and sat back down.

“Well, it may taste horrible.”

I laughed, “No, babe. I know my bread making and you’ve made a perfect loaf. How about I make some sandwiches out of this and the walnut bread for a quick lunch when it’s cool enough?”

We passed the time happily enough. I looked through her reasonably well stocked fridge, apparently she’d made sure there was a grocery delivery the day she moved in, and picked out some mature cheddar cheese, spring onions and baby tomatoes and started assembling sandwiches from the walnut bread. Once her loaf was cool enough I cut two slices off and just put butter on them, handing one to Kat. We both took bites and savoured the still warm bread, with the butter melting into it deliciously. I watched as her eyes lit up at the taste.

“Oh wow, Anna, this is beautiful bread.”

I put my hand on hers and squeezed, “That’s because it was made with love. Lots of it.”

We ate the sandwiches I’d made with the walnut bread I’d given her the day before and Kat, now the baking expert, rated it ‘almost as good as my baking,’ which made me giggle.

Once we were finished I cleared everything into the dishwasher and Kat put it on. By this time the washing machine had finished, so we unloaded it into her drier and I went and stripped the cover off her bed, setting it up with another load and switching it on.

We essentially fell into a domestic routine, interspersed with lots of kisses and the occasional cheeky stroke of each other’s breasts or, in one incident, she lifted my tee and stroked my clit, sending delightful shocks through me, my reaction being to lean back against the island as she sat on her stool. I felt her mouth on my breast through the tee and she sucked on my nipple as she stroked. I felt my contractions starting, warming more and more, the need for release so strong.

“Oh god, Kat. I’m close… so close… fuck… yes… “

My legs were shaking, my thighs flexing and, as my orgasm hit, it spread out through me and I had to hold on to the edge of the island to stop myself from collapsing.

Once I had recovered sufficiently I flopped down on my stool and we kissed.

“Wow, Kat. Just wow. I haven’t had this many orgasms in one day in… I don’t know how long.”

She chuckled, “Well, um… let me say that… I often have quite a few in a day… on my own… if you understand?”

I suddenly had a guilty flashback to seeing her bringing herself to orgasm in the bath but that was joined by a delightful twinge in my pussy. It was a conflict in me that I would have to resolve at some point.

I blushed, partly in reaction to that memory and partly at what I was about to reveal.

“Well. Okay. I do that too. But sometimes I have to do work and that doesn’t help.”

She cocked her head and smiled, “I just realised. I don’t know what you do for a living.”

I swallowed, “I write. I’m an author.”

Her beautiful eyebrows shot up, “You make money this way?”

I nodded but worried what she might think, “Um. Yes… I write erotic novels.”

She grinned back at me and asked, “Can I read one? Will I be shocked? Find Out you’re really straight or something?”

I laughed, “Of course you can read one but I’m hoping I’ll keep you too busy for a little while.”

“Or maybe you read one to me? Make it a bedtime story.”

“You want me to stay the night?” I asked, suddenly realising I didn’t want to be away from her for a second.

“Yes. I do. Please Anna?”

The thought of staying all night and reading to her was truly exciting, “I’d love to, Kat and yes, I’d love to read you one of my stories, although I’m not sure it will help you get to sleep. Do you want me to go and get one now?”

She thought, “Promise you won’t stop by neighbour’s house and get distracted?”

I laughed, “Promise.”

I kissed her, put my shoes back on, kissed her again saying, “Love you!” as I left and my heart lifted as I heard her call out, “Love you too!”

I got home, got a copy of my latest book, and made it back without being waylaid for which I was grateful since I was somewhat conscious of the still slightly wet patch over my nipple where she had sucked earlier. I walked into the kitchen to find Kat, naked, sitting at the island, her tee folded bursa eve gelen escort and next to her.

I took in the delicious sight and said, “Oh, I lost my ‘kiss’ instruction.”

She looked up and smiled, “No, is still there,” she said, pointing at the logo, which was indeed on top, “and I did say I wanted to be naked with you all the time, and you said okay if we’re not baking or have visitors.” She pretended to look behind me, “Hello? Anybody there?”

I laughed and walked up to her, putting the book down, taking her face in my hands and kissing her passionately. I felt her respond, her arms going around my waist. I felt a desperate need once again.

I pulled back and just said, “I don’t know how you do it, babe, but you seem to have me permanently turned on.”

She looked into my eyes and smiled and did something that made my pussy cramp with a delightful thrill. She opened her legs slightly and spread her lips, showing how wet she was, her clit clearly visible, her entrance closing down and opening in a slow rhythm.

“Seems you have same effect on me, honey. Now, why do you still have tee shirt on? House rules, remember?”

I smiled as she lifted the hem up and I took it from there myself, revealing my breasts one at a time, in a sort of slow strip. I finally lifted it over my head, carefully folded it and laid it next to hers on the marble top.

“Come on then babe,” I said, “How about an early night?”

She looked at the clock on her wall and, with a mischievous grin on her face, said, “Well, it is still quite early, but I don’t think I could eat dinner with my naked Anna here. What happened? Did I wear you out? Do you need to sleep, honey?”

I laughed, picked up the book, and said, “Not for a little while yet, babe. And I couldn’t eat either, unless it’s you on the menu.”

She laughed delightfully and I added, “There are a couple of things I have to do and both of them involve you and me.”

She raised an eyebrow, took her glasses off, putting them carefully on the counter, and stood up. She took her crutches and we walked through to the bedroom once more.

I sat on the bed and Kat sat next to me, laying her crutches on the floor.

“So what are couple of things you need to do, Anna?”

I smiled, “Okay, babe,” I said, “Can you sit up on the bed, with your back on the headboard, knees bent, feet on the bed?”

She looked worried, “Um. It’s not the best position for me, Anna.”

I was suddenly aware I might have asked her to do something that would hurt, “Oh Kat. I’m sorry. That’s not a comfortable position for you?”

She swallowed, “Um, well. It doesn’t hurt. Just… looks awkward.”

I smiled and kissed her, “We’re not letting your weird legs get in between our love now are we?”

She laughed a little and looked down again, “I… I will try. Do it. For you.”

She scooted up on the bed, finally coming to rest with her gorgeous bum on the pillows, her back against the headboard and her knees tucked up a little. Her legs formed that marked ‘X’ shape from the knees down, spreading out and with her feet turned more markedly towards each other.

I smiled, pulled myself up next to her and said, “Well that looks fine to me, babe.”

She blushed, “Really? You’re okay with look?

I knew she was nervous. The dropped article was a big giveaway.

I kissed her, “Want to know something? I think your legs are lovely whichever position they’re in. Now, let me see…”

I moved around so that I was sitting in the lotus at her feet, facing her. I took her right foot in my hands and slowly started massaging it, starting at the ankle and slowly working down, my thumbs on the tops of her feet, my fingers curled around and under, making rhythmic squeezes at each stage, alternating between left and right, and finally to her toes which, for the first time, I noticed had a pale blue varnish on them. It was looking a little chipped so I made a mental note to add a manicure and pedicure to my list of Kat treats. I took each toe in turn, starting with the little one, and stroked up each with my thumb and forefinger, first on the top and bottom, next on either side.

As I was doing this all I heard from Kat were soft moans. Nothing particularly coherent, just ‘Oh’ and ‘Mmm’ noises at each stage.

I looked up as I finished her big toe and smiled. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be in some different world. A gentle smile on her lips.

“Okay babe?”

She slowly opened her eyes and stared at me, “Oh god yes, Anna. You… have done your thing.”

“My thing?” I asked, wondering what I had done.

I started on her other foot, repeating the massage.

She moaned but managed to say, “Well, two things really. First thing is, you made me really wet again.”

I smiled, “Well, that’s a good thing. For both of us,” I said, now working on the ball of her left foot, “I’m now a lot wetter than when I started massaging your feet.”

This was true. Just the act of giving görükle escort her a foot massage, seeing the pleasure it gave her, was giving me alerts from down below and up top. My nipples were really hard and tingles were everywhere.

“Really? Even with…”

I stopped her by saying, “Forget about your feet babe. They are beautiful. Oh, and one big benefit for me…”

She moaned as I started on her toes.


“Yes, babe. Because your calves are open I get to see your beautiful pussy and I can see how excited you are and that is a beautiful sight. So, what was the second thing?”

I’d finished with her left foot and went back to her right, repeating the pattern.

She sighed but finally managed to say, “Making me not so worried about my legs. You did it from start.”

I decided to leave the dropped article. There is a time and a place for everything.

I smiled up at her, her eyes closed once more. I noticed how her nipples were incredibly stiff and I so wanted to just go and kiss her but also wanted to give her as much as possible. I could see the obvious pleasure she was getting from my massage.

“God, Anna, I want your touch on me,” she breathed out in almost a whisper.

I carried on the massage with just my left hand on her right foot and I let my right hand wander through the gap in her calves and stroked a finger around her entrance, circling it.

She moaned, “Oh fuck. You are putting me in heaven.”

I said nothing but felt how ready she was. I slid my middle and ring fingers into her. I could feel her walls, very wet and pulsing slowly on me, gripping and loosening. I curled my fingers up, finding the spot that I now knew so well. I carried on with the massage, concentrating on linking the rhythm of my left hand with the rhythm of my fingers inside her. She was so wet and open that I felt she could take a little more. I drew out and added my index finger. I pushed back in and felt her open up, slowly but surely. I now added my thumb, stroking and brushing it over her engorged clit. I saw her hands gripping the pillows on either side of her and felt her start to shake, the compressions inside her now coming more strongly and frequently. I started faster movements of my fingers in her and my thumb on her, but kept the slow foot massage going. She was so wet that there was a distinct sloshing sound as my fingers went in and out of her.

Her voice started wobbling as her orgasm hit her. I felt her cunt walls clamping down hard on my fingers and she cried out, “Oh fuck, how… fuck… fuck… I’m going to… shit! Fuck!”

She crunched up, leaning forward against her thighs as the orgasm hit. I felt her wetness suddenly increase dramatically, a small flood coming out onto the palm of my hand. I could feel her contractions continuing so I didn’t stop, I just slowed down a little, keeping her on that edge all the time, extending her orgasm. It rolled on and on but towards the end I felt her hand go between her legs and grip mine.

Her breath was short, taking short ins and fast outs, “Okay… stop for moment.”

I stopped all my movements and felt her begin to relax inside. I slowly withdrew my fingers, watching her beautiful pussy, glistening as my fingers emerged. She didn’t close up immediately and I saw her entrance, pink and wet, still contracting and opening.

I whispered, “Beautiful, babe.”

She blinked her eyes open, smiled a dreamy smile, and said, “Yes, it was.”

“Well, the whole of you is beautiful, and giving you such pleasure is beautiful, but I was talking about your pussy at this particular moment.”

“You like?” She managed to croak out.

“I do,” I said, “very much.”

“She is all yours.”

I moved around so that I was sitting on her left side. I brought my soaked fingers up and put them in my mouth. I tasted her and moaned.

“You taste wonderful Kat. I’ll never tire of your taste. Try?”

I placed my fingers on her lips and she took them in and sucked. This sent new waves through me.

“My honey,” she said and smiled.

“It is and I love being your honey,” I said, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. Loving how her taste was there with us.

She looked into my eyes as I pulled back.

She got a thoughtful look on her face, “Um, Anna…”

“Yes, babe?”

“Is it okay if we try something?”

“Of course, babe. What is it you want to try?”

She blushed, “Um… don’t know how it will work but I’d love you to be on all fours. Like doggy style.”

I felt an enormous rush inside me. Just the thought pushed me closer to the edge.

“You mean, like, with the dildo?”

She shook her head, “No. Can’t do that. Can’t kneel. Just I want to see you like that. Is it weird?”

I giggled, “No, babe, it’s not weird, and I would do anything for you. I love being in that position. It’s like I am completely on display to you. Giving myself to you.”

I gave her a kiss and turned over, putting my head on one side on the end of the bed and my bum up in the air, knees on the bed, slightly parted, showing myself to her.

“Like this?” I said.

I felt her fingers gently stroke over my bottom and moaned softly. I loved that I couldn’t see what she was doing, I could only experience it. I couldn’t anticipate what would happen from visual cues.

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