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(with input by IrishLass and editing by LarryInSeattle)
When I woke up several hours later, the spot next to me was empty and I was afraid that once again Micki had left. Then I smelled the delicate aroma of a fresh pot of tea wafting in from the kitchen. An image of her standing by the stove, dressed in only an apron was all the incentive I needed to roll out of bed and make my way to the kitchen in seconds … but she wasn’t there. Once again, my fears took over until I heard her call out from the porch.
“Out here.”
I, quickly, poured myself a cup of tea and followed the sound of her voice. The sight that awaited me was enough to make even a dying man’s cock harden.
She was sitting on the porch dressed in nothing but one of my XXL shirts and a pair of moccasins. Her jade-green eyes seemed to twinkle when she looked at me.
“Hey handsome.”
“Hey, yourself,” I replied as my eyes traveled up and down the sight before me. The evening sunlight reflected off her auburn hair as it hung over her shoulders and the shirt she was wearing was unbuttoned except for the lowest button revealing the deep cleavage of her 32DDD breasts. A thin strip of cream-white skin, from her bikini, contrasted with the tawny shade of the rest of her suntanned body and it was obvious she wasn’t wearing anything else except the moccasins that seemed to highlight her long, tones legs.
“What’s wrong?” she asked innocently.
“Nothing … not a damn thing,” I replied as I sat down next to her and enjoyed the sunset.
And so the first six months slid by.
At first, everything was great. Our life was filled with joy, sex, happiness, sex, chores, sex, and the occasionally argument, followed by make-up sex. We even took time to get married by the local Justice of the Peace. But, slowly, reality got its ugly claws into our dream world as bills increased. After almost a year, I had to start going back into town every day, including Saturday, to work at the repair shop. Cars, trucks, boat engines, tractors, even a riding lawnmower were all waiting for my attention but each night when I got home she was waiting.
It wasn’t until we’d been together for almost a year and a half that I realized something was wrong. I came home early on a Saturday afternoon because a part hadn’t arrived to find a black Porsche parked in the driveway.
When I entered, the house was silent until I got closer to one of the guest bedrooms. That was when I began to hear sounds that I normally didn’t hear unless Micki and I were making love.
What I saw when I stepped into the doorway will be burned into my mind for the rest of my life. Micki was stretched out on the bed, nude. A stranger was standing at the side of the bed, his pants and briefs down around his ankles. His cock stood out straight in front of him, pointing at Micki’s tits, as his hand ran up and down its length. At the same time, Micki was plunging a dildo in and out of her pussy.
“That’s it, stud. Play with your cock. Mmmmmmm … so nice. Show me what you can do with it. Yessss … faster … faster. Give me a load of your man-cream all over my tits.”
My world went red in rage but turned to an almost blinding white when I saw the video camera set up across the room taping it all.
“WHAT THE FUCK!!!” I exploded as I grabbed the guy by his jacket and threw him to the ground all the while screaming at her. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?”
I didn’t even wait for her to answer before I spun on my heels and stomped across the room, grabbing the camera. When I was done, it was laying in dozens of little pieces on the floor.
The guy ran, the screeching of his tires the only evidence he’d been there. Micki jumped from the bed, still nude, “YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!” she yelled.
Shocked by her statement, I froze for a second before snarling, “Get out. Pack your fucking shit and get out!” I left her in the room as I went to the kitchen, filled a large glass of ‘shine’, and then walked out to the patio.
She showed up 15 minutes later by which time the ‘shine’ had helped calm my temper to the point that I could listen to what she had to say without wanting to strangle her.
“Before I go, I think you need to understand what it was that you just saw,” she paused. “I’ve been doing things like that for years. It wasn’t until I came to live with you that I stopped. It was the only way I could afford the things I wanted in life and in this case it was the only way I knew of to help with the finances here on the ranch. I hated seeing you working so hard while all I did was stay at home,” she continued, tears now running down her cheeks. “I’ll admit this isn’t the first time I’ve met with a client, though it s the first time I’ve ever had them here to the house, BUT I’ve never allowed them to touch me. I only allowed them to watch me and them cum on my tits. For an extra fee I’d record the ‘session’ so they could take it with them afterwards. Otherwise, I’d post it on an exclusive Porno website so others can pay to watch it.”
“Get out. Go back to your Internet sex. I don’t ever wanna see you again.” I could tell from the look on her face that I’d hurt her almost as much as she’d hurt me
She, quietly, loaded her bags into her car and was gone in almost no time.
Afterwards, I went back into the house. It suddenly felt empty. Every trace of her was gone. Her clothes … gone. Her make-up … gone. Everything was gone with the exception of the lingering scent of her perfume on the pillowcase in our bedroom. She’d even cleaned up the disaster that I’ve caused in the guest bedroom.
By the next day, the ‘shine’ had worn off and my anger had evaporated. I felt dead inside. My mind was in a swirl. One side of my brain kept telling me I was right in what I’d done while the other side kept replaying her explanation. The day was sunny and warm yet I felt ‘gray’ and cold inside. I delved into work to keep from thinking about what had happened.
A week went by and then a month. I didn’t hear a thing from her. I got a divorce in absentia because I didn’t know where to send the paperwork.
More than a year went by and then I found a small note stuffed in my mailbox one afternoon. “Can we have a cup of coffee together?” was all it said. I knew instantly who it was from as well as where and when to be there. The following Friday, I hesitated until the last moment before jumping in my new truck and starting the 90 minute drive to the diner where she wanted to meet. The whole time, I battled within myself, going back and forth, “Idiot, what are you doing? I don’t care, I love her. She was fucking around on you. Actually, she wasn’t ‘fucking’. You’re going to get hurt again. Can it be any worse than I feel without her?” Time flew by until I pulled into the roadside diner where we’d gone on several of our get-away weekends.
Her car was there, looking much older than I’d remembered.
I felt suddenly afraid. “Do I really want to do this? What did she want? Did anything she want really matter after what she’d done?”, the questions spun through me head. If nothing else at least by meeting her I could get some closure, I decided as I got out of my truck.
Then I saw her, sitting in ‘our booth’ by the window. The sunlight was reflecting off her auburn hair and even at a distance it was if the sun had also broken through to all those ‘gray’ spots within me.
I watched as she turned towards me, almost as if in slow-motion. I saw her smile briefly before tears ran down her cheeks.
I never even got inside the diner before she burst through the door and threw her arms around my neck, hugging me.
“I’m so sorry. I … I fucked up. I need you … your help.”
My emotions plunged at her last words and I pushed her away. “What do you need? To have your car fixed again?” I asked, my voice thick with sarcasm.
She looked shocked by what I’d said. Then, slowly, a glimmer of understanding seemed to fill her eyes “What I mean is … shit … I fucked up again, didn’t I?” she muttered as she looked down at the ground. We stood there not saying a word until she looked back up, a small smile on her face.
“How about we get some coffee and then go someplace and talk?”
“I thought you wanted to meet here?”
“Yeah, well. I kinda made an ass of myself just now when I came running out here. Can we go somewhere else?”
I thought about it and then decided it might be worth it to at least find out what she’d been up to. “Hop in the truck,” I instructed. “I’ll go inside and get us a couple of coffees.”
When I came back out, I slid into the driver’s seat and drove to a lake I’d once fished at in the area. We didn’t say a word the whole trip. When we got to the lake, I threw a blanket in the back of the truck and took a seat, my back against the tailgate. She climbed into the other side and sat with her back against the cab.
“So what do you need?” I asked once again, my voice still filled with sarcasm and barely hidden pain.
“Your forgiveness,” she whispered.
“My what?”
“Your forgiveness,” she repeated. “Look, I fucked up and I know it. I wanted to be part of something … something real, and I was with you. The ranch, the chickens, you and me. It was all real but I saw it slowly melting away because of the money. You know I never went to college or anything like that. This,” he ran a hand up and down her body, “is all I’ve ever had going for me. So, I used it to get what I wanted. I’ve worked as a stripper, and in a soft-core ‘titty’ movie, but I’ve only fucked one guy for money and that was because he insisted on paying me. I became a slut to get everything I wanted. Money, jobs, and before you ask … boyfriends,” she hesitated, “but with you it was ‘different’. Yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard that one before. With you I could get what I wanted just by being me, by sharing what’s inside of me not just the outside. Altyazılı Porno I fell for you and I mean hard. That’s why I wanted to find some way to help financially. I saw you working so hard and you came home so tired some nights I’m surprised you didn’t fall asleep and get in a wreck driving home.”
“I almost did,” I muttered.
“So I went back to what I’d always done,” she continued, almost as if ignoring my comment though I’d seen a look of fear wash over her face when I told her. “When you walked in on me that day I’d been doing ‘it’ for almost a month. Each time I’d put a notice on the Internet and then pick a new guy. I was never with the same guy more than just once and I NEVER let them do more than what you saw. I know it sounds weird, but I was trying to be ‘faithful’ to you even then. None of the guys ever got to even touch me. They got, well to be honest, they paid to jack off on my tits while I taped it. Then I put it on the Internet like I told you and more people paid to watch,” she finished and took a sip of her coffee.
“So, what’s that got to do with me? I assume you know we’re divorced so what you did or what you do really aren’t any of my concern.”
“Yeah, I heard,” her voice saddened. “Though I don’t blame you.”
“So WHAT IS IT YOU NEED?” I stressed.
“Your forgiveness, like I said and …,” she paused.
I could see her take a deep breath before continuing.
“A second chance.”
“A what?” I asked, unable to believe what I’d just heard.
“A second chance,” she hesitated. “I knew the moment you caught me that I’d destroyed and lost the most important thing in my life. I knew I should have come to you so we could have talked about my fears and concerns. I just … I’ve just been on my own for so long, I decided it was probably better if I took care of things myself instead of adding more to your pile. I realize now that I was wrong, WAY wrong. A couple should be able to talk to each other no matter what the problem. I was just too new at being part of ‘a couple’ and I fucked up.”
“Damn right you did,” I snarled though her explanation seemed to lessen the harshness on the tone. I sat there for what felt like forever thinking about what she’d said and what she’d asked. “But why now? It’s been almost a year?”
“Time for you to calm down. Time to let the pain of what I’d done lessen a little. Time for me to build up the courage to try and see you again. But mostly, time to … I don’t know … ‘forgive’ isn’t really the word I’d use but lessen my feelings of guilt. Like I said I fucked up and I know it. The question now is can you … can we, get past this and have a life together?”
“I don’t know,” I stuttered. “What happened that day will always be something we’ll remember. I just don’t know.”
“Would it make any difference if I told you I loved you and I could prove it?”
The words lifted my spirits for a second but the image of her and the guy quickly sent them crashing back down. “Love is a pretty easy word to fling around.”
“I know. That’s why I wanted to show you this,” she continued as lifted her left hand. There, on her ring finger, was the band I’d given her on our wedding day. “I NEVER took it off. Even after hearing that we were divorced. In the beginning, it was to punish myself for what I’d done and what I’d lost but after awhile it reminded me of how good I’d felt when I was with you. I think, or at least hope, we completed each other. I just know I’ve never felt that way with anyone else and I miss it. I want it … I want you back, if you’ll take me.”
All the pain and anger I had inside of me suddenly seemed to disappear as I watched her crawl towards me, ‘that look’ in her eyes.
“I love you,” she purred as she ran her fingertips softly along my lips.
The corners of my mouth turned upwards in a smile unlike anything I’d felt in months. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. I could feel her heart pounding against my chest.
She closed her eyes and tilted her head, her lips slightly parted.
My lips touched hers and I felt her tongue enter my mouth, exploring the warmth within. My tongue touched hers and we slowly, passionately kissed for what seemed like an eternity, breathing heavily as we held each other.
“This is where I belong,” she whispered, lovingly, as she snuggled against me.
Inside of me, a battle was waging. “Do I take her back? Do I take the risk? Or do I run back to my life on the ranch?”
In the mean time, she began to run her hand down my body. She started at my chin, slowly working her way down my neck and then onto my chest. In and instant, she had my shirt unbuttoned. She stopped kissing me and dropped her head, lightly flicking her tongue across my nipples, one at a time. I’d never felt anything like it before and they soon became harder than I thought possible.
After what seemed like forever, she left my nipples and returned to my mouth, once again placing her Brazzers lips against mine. We kissed long, hard, and passionately and sometimes even forgot to breathe from how intense the kiss had become.
Her hands took on a life of their own as they held me in one arm and the other hand continued exploring my body. Her feather-light fingertips traced my neck, shoulders, and chest once again as they moved lower. She knew exactly where to touch me to get the reaction that she was pleased with. All too soon, I was almost gasping against her face as her hand stopped just above my pants.
“Last chance to say no,” she whispered in my ear as she pressed her chest against mine.
A groan from deep within my chest was the only answer she got as she slid her hand lower, brushing across the growing bulge in the front of my pants.
“So hot and hard,” she crooned. I can feel it pulsating in your pants.”
“If you’re not careful you’re gonna feel more than that,” I warned.
“Not yet, baby,” she sighed as she slowly undid my pants, freeing my cock, with one hand while she continued to plant little kisses across my body. “Mmmmmmm, no underwear.”
“I didn’t expect this to happen,” I moaned.
“I hoped it would,” she sighed as she slid her hand down past my cock so she could rake the insides of my thighs.
“Oh fuck.”
“You like that?” she asked as she cupped my balls, all the while pressing her forearm against the side of my cock. Then, she pulled her hand up around my cock and looked into my eyes. “Let me taste you, let me wrap my lips around your hard, luscious cock.”
Instinctively, I raised my hips upwards. “Do it, darlin’. Suck my cock.”
She, slowly and teasingly, pulled my pants down, looking into my eyes as she did so. Her eyes screaming out of her desire, a longing to taste and explore every inch of me. She kissed my lips one more time, long and deep, before moving down my body and taking my throbbing cock into her mouth. She ran her tongue over the tip of my cock, tasting the small drops of pre-cum that had begun to form.
“Mmmmmm, you taste so good,” she moaned as she parted her lips and took the full length of my cock into her wet mouth. The tight, warm wetness igniting my desires to soar even higher.
Without even thinking about it, I began to thrust into her mouth, deeper and deeper, trying to give her every inch of the cock that she seemed to crave so much.
She sucked my cock for what seemed like forever, sometimes taking it all the way down her throat and sometimes running just her tongue around the shaft. It seemed that she wanted to swallow every inch of my cock that she could. And all the time that she was sucking me feel herself getting wetter and wetter, her juices slowly trickling down her inner thighs.
“Lay down,” she pleaded.
I obliged as she turned herself around, placing her pussy directly above my head.
Her reactions were almost immediate, ranging from nearly choking on my cock to a wide smile on her face as she felt my finger sliding into her.
“Sorry for the calluses,” I mumbled.
“So good,” she moaned loudly as I slid a second finger into her.
She pulled my cock from her mouth and arched her back as her pussy tightened around my fingers. “FUCKKKKKKKK … CUMMMMMMIIINNGGGGGG,” she wailed while at the same time lowering herself further onto my fingers, sending more and more of her sweet pussy juices down my hand.
Her body trembled above me for several minutes before she mumbled, “Need you … need you,” and dropped her head back onto my cock. She began to suck on it like a starving beast. “Wanna taste you. Want your cum. Wanna feel it in my mouth and down my throat into my belly.”
I stopped fingering her for a moment, taking my cum-soaked hand and placing it against my mouth. “God you taste so fucking sweet,” I said to her before returning two fingers into her sopping wet pussy, pounding into her pussy harder and faster as I felt myself about to cum into her sucking mouth. “Gonna cum,” I warned as my cock bulged and throbbed in her mouth.
Instead of pulling away, as I thought she might, she plunged my cock deep into her and was rewarded. “Cummmiinnggggg,” I groaned as strand after strand of my cum exploded from the tip of my cock into her mouth and down her throat.
“Hmmmmmm,” she hummed as she savored the taste of my cum.
As I lay there shaking from my orgasm, she pulled herself off of my hand and took it into her cum-filled mouth, sucking her juice from my fingers.
“Mmmmmm, I do taste good, don’t I?” she asked, playfully. As she sucked on my fingers she got up on her knees and straddled me, placing her legs around me and gently lowering herself to where her dripping pussy was barely even touching the tip of my still hard cock. The tip touched her pussy lips very gently, which only drove her even more wild. Her juices began to flow once again, and even dripped some onto my throbbing cock.
“Baby, I can’t wait any longer,” she said, passionately. “I need to make love to you.”
It took every ounce of my willpower to reply. “I agree BUT this place is known as a hang-out for the local kids so the cops check it a couple of times a night and I’m not sure either of us wanna end the night in jail.”
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