Pandora’s Box

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This seemed like a good idea in the first place, but now I can feel that I’m transitioning from simply being uncomfortable to being painfully uncomfortable. How much further is it? How much longer will it be before I am able to stretch out my legs, at least? The vehicle slowed a little and then suddenly two quick jolts bomp-bomp, a breather of a pause and then two more bomp-bomp rocked me inside of this box. The vehicle sped up again. Thank goodness for the padding inside of here, otherwise that would have given me a few bruises! The vehicle slows again, bomp-bomp, bomp-bomp. My body is jolted again. For a brief moment I’m actually thankful that I’m semi-wedged inside of this thing, as I’m able to brace myself in anticipation of more to come. I can only guess we are travelling on a road with speed-bumps. I’m guessing a speed-restricted residential road, these have to be the kind you have to slow right down to drive over. We turn, we accelerate. No more speed bumps for now it seems – and my attention is brought back to the growing pain in my knees.

I think Mistress thought I was crazy when I pitched this idea. Well, bratty me would say that she brought this on herself! We were having a kink-free girls-night-in watching a movie, which we were completely ignoring, instead opting to share kink fantasies over a bottle of wine. Ok, on second thought, maybe she didn’t think I was crazy, but drunk instead! I remember the look on her face and the sweet chuckle she gave when I started to describe it. I blushed a deep red, almost matching the colour of the wine. I suppose I felt a little embarrassed, but come to think of it the look was not one of judgement but one of mischief. And it was that which caused me to blush. “Ok, ok…” she collected herself, placing her wine glass down for fear of spilling its contents with her chuckle.

“Run this by me again. One of your fantasies is to be bound up in a box and be transported somewhere without any idea where you are being taken?” I think I turned a deeper shade of red, but I definitely became a little breathless. When Mistress talks dirty kuşadası escort bayan with that swaying voice of hers, even if it’s just to parrot some crazy idea of mine, I get butterflies. “Well, pretty much!” I stuttered. “I guess is under the whole category of consenual non-consent kidnapping, which I’ve mentioned before the idea thrills me. Perhaps I’m thinking this is like a level below that?”

“Babe, you’re babbling. Cut to the chase – I’m interested!”

“Oh well, erm… Ok, so, I’m bound, gagged, blindfolded… hooded if you like… and climb into a box that’s big enough for me to curl up in. It can be padded out with…”

“Wait…” Mistress interrupted, “…that doesn’t sound very comfortable for you. What about your knees and your joints if you can’t stretch out?” Ah, yes, I’m not getting any younger but my legs, hamstrings and knees have always caused me discomfort from a very young age. Frustrating really, there are quite a few ways I’d love to contort my body but can’t because of it. But the question Mistress posed is a perfect example of her care and love for me. Don’t get me wrong, she’d gladly put me in many awkward positions and predicaments, but she is so considerate of my own well-being, even if I’m not sometimes!

“Yeah, that’s true… I thought about that.” I accepted, glancing down at the floor at the anticipation it would be a deal-breaker. “On most days I’m fine keeping my knees bent for a short while. I suppose if the box is big enough so I’m not jammed right in and can wiggle a little that would help”. I felt the need to reposition myself on the sofa, taking care not to spill any of my drink. Mistress instinctively knew what was going on and glanced down to my crotch. She picked up her wine and as she brought the glass up to her scarlet lips she locked her eyes onto mine. Taking a sip, and leaning back into the sofa she never took her eyes of me. I had to catch my breath again.

“I see thinking about this is making you wet, my dear.” she said with a silky voice, laced with a soft dominance. I’m so glad I was already kuşadası teen escort sitting down. “As always, I can’t guarantee anything, and when we talk about our fantasies we both understand that often the are just that… fantasies. Fun things to think about that we could pull-off to some extent. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up, babe.”

I guessing that chat was about two months ago, ish? Up until last week I never heard anything more and assumed it was just another fun evening sharing ‘what ifs’ and dreams. A number of ‘what ifs’ came to fruition to make this happen. What if we found a kinky friend or two to help out? What if we could get hold of a box big enough? What if…. well… it turns out there were folks more than keen to help out! And when one of those kinky friends has almost all the means and stuff to help out, then it suddenly became not just possible, but a totally ‘why not?’ doable. I have a knack of getting myself into all sorts of trouble. And now here I am, locked in a padded box. The gag in my mouth is kept firmly in place by the snug leather hood, locked and buckled tight so I was not only completely blind, but also partially deaf. I couldn’t make out what my Mistress and our friends were saying, only the odd burst of laughter.

Not only was the hood making it hard to hear, but the hood around my head, in contact with the side of the box through the padding was echoing the vibrations, clunks and movements of the vehicle. My arms are locked behind me in an armbinder, pulled downwards over my arse by a belt attached to the end, in between my legs and buckled onto the harness at the front. We decided not to strap my torso to my legs so I can wiggle a bit, but my legs and ankles were strapped tight, regardless. Fumbling around with my fingers, I checked I could still reach the personal alarm. The plan was if I was in any distress at any point, I’d press the button and make the alarm screech, at which point we’d find a safe place to pull over so I can be checked on. I’ve lost track of time, kuşadası anal escort but I’m guessing it’s been about 15 minutes since those speed bumps, and now over the past few minutes I grew increasingly agitated by my legs stiffing up and my knees aching. It’s not quite unbearable yet, but I reckon if we don’t stop in 5 or 10 minutes, I guess, then I’m going to have to press the alarm.

I was tempted to sound the alarm when the vehicle turned clearly onto an unpaved road. Although crawling along, we bounced up and down, jostling me more than any part of the journey so far. Where the hell are we? Am I being taken to somewhere off the beaten track? We’re doing this during a late-autumn afternoon into the evening so surely we can’t be unpacking me and doing whatever Mistress and her friends have planned outside? Or perhaps this is a gravel driveway to some place or someone’s house? Finally the vehicle came to a stop and I heard muffled sound of doors opening, but the shutting of which vibrated through the chassis and into my head. Then, silence. Where had they gone!? It’s ok, there is no way they would leave me in here. Would they? Without the rocking of the journey and the droning sound of our progress, I realised that I was exceptionally horny and wet. The nipples on the end of my strapped breasts were stiff and sensitive, my cock was poking out of my panties which I had made a complete mess of. Now that movement was more voluntary (albeit severely restricted) rather than involuntary by the movement of the vehicle, I was me rubbing myself against my container. I feel like I’m going to burst! I’m going to press the button, I can’t…

There was a click and and I felt cool air rush in through the gaps in-between the slats of wood that made up the box’s frame. The catches of the box lid were snapped and I felt a whoosh of cold air dash in, chilling me as it attacked every bead of sweat on my body.

“We are here, my dear.” It was my Mistress’ voice, that damn silky sexy soft dominant voice of hers. I felt her place a hand on my hood. “Oh my, what a mess you have made of my pillows! You’re going to have to make up for that you naughty girl!” I shivered for more than one reason.

“Right, we’re ready to get you out of that box. But that hood is staying on – you’re not going to have any idea where we’ve brought you. You’ve had your way having this crazy fantasy of yours fulfilled. Now it’s my turn!”

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