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Her day started out very typically. Morning shower, get dressed, drive to work. Her job as an facilities manager gave her ample opportunity to converse with people from all walks of life. She liked what she did most days and did it very well.
This day started off no differently, until she received a text from an old friend, inviting her to play a word game on her phone. Karen had fond memories of the time they spent together exploring each others bodies. They chatted about it as they played. Too bad she lived in another state. But chatting with her put Karen in a saucy mood.
Karen wound up flirting all day. With her coworkers, both male and female, with customers and even with complete strangers as she went about her day. Her morning chat with the old flame had been lingering on her mind all day, and that feeling of desire stayed with her, and Karen was never one to ignore those feelings.
Karen’s German/Indian heritage was an interesting mix of culture. Sure, there were other nationalities mixed in like most American’s, but she clung to the German/Indian heritage the most. Her short frame, large breasts, and good looks made her constantly having to rebuke suitors, most who were only interested in a one night stand. She was never really sure why she would turn them down so often, but she did.
However, today was different. She was horny with a capital H. She wanted sex, and she wasn’t going to be choosey. She allotted herself some personal time,and returned to the word game app her friend invited her to play. She decided to see who else might be out there, so she searched over the various opponents.
Having invited a few to play, she found most were willing to chat while playing. But it was more than chat she was looking for. She wanted action. Preferably in the physical form, however, with the right person, some mental stimulation could be nearly as good.
The chat was either mundane or instant show me your tits types. This was the world we live in now she would remind herself as she would quickly block them. Not having grown up with internet, social media, or online dating that so many of her co-workers took for granted, she tried to use it to the best of her abilities. One thing she did like was the easy access to online porn.
As her day went on, she kept her phone nearby. Any chance she had to chat and play she took advantage of. She came across a handsome man, mid forties she guessed. She sent a challenge to him for a game. At first there was no reply, but he eventually did. It was cordial at first, but he hinted at things. Very subtle, but they were there.
‘Nice photo’ his text said.
She replied.
‘You too. Wanna play?’
‘A game or …’
She liked that he flirted and she took the bait.
‘To start, then maybe…’ she replied once more.
‘Here’s to starting then’, bursa eskort bayan he responded.
Back and forth they played, chatting as they did. Something about him excited her and she had to break down and ask.
‘Where you from?’
‘Where am I from, or where do you want me to be?’ came his reply.
She took a chance.
‘I have a special place where you could be’
‘Intriguing. But I have expectations. You would have to do everything I say’
Her heart raced and her pussy ached. What could this handsome stranger want her to do. And why was she so willing? She knew why, she wanted sex and while the others always asked for tit shots, he didn’t. He didn’t come out and immediately say, ‘I wanna see your tits’.
‘Perhaps. What do you have in mind?’ she replied.
‘How long of a drive do you have from work until you get home?’
Odd question she thought, but replied anyway.
‘Depends on which way I go. Maybe as much as an hour, but forty minutes at least’
‘Have you ever drove and masturbated before?’
‘Seeing as you’re losing this game, I want you to drive home naked. While you’re driving, I want you to masturbate until you cum.’
Wow! She thought. She had never done that and all sorts of concerns popped into her head. Could she control herself enough to stay on the road. Could she expose herself to the public like that? That part was easy, yes she could. She let the thought linger before replying. Eventually she did.
‘Maybe. I’m afraid I might cause an accident’
‘That’s the thrill of it. Possibly being seen, knowing that those who drive past you don’t know what your doing. It’s like having a two way mirror. You can watch others and do what you like to yourself. If they see you, they’re sure to get a thrill too.’
He made it sound so hot. So provocative. So erotic. They texted back and forth the remainder of the day. When it was time to go home she almost couldn’t get to her car fast enough, but not before shooting him one last text.
‘What’s your email? I’ll send you a surprise’
Not very subtle, but she didn’t care at this point. She was hornier now than ever.
‘Kik.. if you have it, you can send there’
He provided his Kik name and she sent him a boob pic. Then she left the building and started her drive home.
On the way home she was thinking more and more about the conversation and what he said to do. The sun was just going down and as it slowly faded, Karen decided to play. She figured she had at least an hour ride home and could have some naughty fun.
Of course, she also knew to be cautious because of all the traffic. But it was kind of an exciting feeling as she contemplated what she was going to do and none of the other drivers would know. So She slid one arm out of her coat sleeve, bursa otele gelen eskort bayan and underneath her sweater.
She deliberately drove in the slow lane, allowing cars to pass her. Most went speeding by, some not as fast. Most were solo drivers and didn’t pay much attention, but some would give more than a cursory glance. She wondered what they were thinking, what they would do if they saw her naked flesh through her window as she drove.
Her nipples had already begun to feel taut and excited even though she hadn’t even touched one yet. Next, she rubbed her index finger over one tit. her cold hand felt good, her nipple getting hard through her bra. She took a deep breath and felt it swell up when she touched her bare skin.
She did the same to the other tit and she knew she had to let them out. At first she put a hand in one cup and pulled out her breast. The nipple hardened again as soon as it hit the cool air. Then she pulled out her other breast and pulled and tugged on each one. She let out a little moan, it felt nice.
She rubbed her nipple between couple of fingers then pinched it slightly and a little harder. She was liking it. Reaching over, she tugged on her other nipple and pinched it. Back and forth, from one nipple to the other, pinching harder each time and slapping them, which caused more moans as she was beginning to feel her pussy get wet.
She looked in her rearview mirror and saw the throngs of cars as they crept up on hers. Those that had passengers in them were either engaged in conversation with their driver or looking at their phone. Occasionally, they would look her way. She would just smile and continue to play with her tits.
She knew then she had to give her vagina a little attention too but wondered if she would be able to handle it and still drive. This was what he was talking about in his text. The thrill of rubbing her clit as cars drove by. She did get a second look as one car sped past, then slowed down momentarily for a second look before speeding off again.
She felt herself become wet at the thought of them seeing her naked breasts. She wanted them to be touched, sucked, squeezed. To have her nipples pulled and tugged. Just thinking about those things made her wetter still. She drove on. Remaining focused on the road, but it was getting harder.
Her nipples were feeling the cool crisp air, yet she was warm and getting hotter with each passing moment. She slide out of her coat completely. Now it was time to move her hand down to her pants, unzip them and slip her hand underneath the silk panties. She felt a little wet spot which got wetter by her touch.
Slowly and gently, she separated her pussy lips slightly with her thumb and middle finger, then rolled her index finger at the top of her pussy and gasped. bursa eve gelen escort Karen didn’t realize how wet she already was. She knew she better be careful because she was getting way too excited.
She drove on, thankful for the speedipass as she whizzed past the toll booth. She laughed a little thinking about what the attendant might think had she had to stop and pay. She pulled her pants down past her knees, giving her better access to her pussy.
As she continued out of the city, the traffic began to taper off, but she was becoming more and more excited with every stroke of her fingers. She watcher her rearview mirror and anytime someone drew close, she’d slow down just a little so that they would have to pass her. She then would look over to the driver and smile.
They might smile back or wave, but then would continue to drive off. Every car that passed made Karen rub her clit faster and harder. She found herself closing her eyes to focus on the sensations that her fingers were bringing. She knew she needed to get off the road.
There was a little park just up the road and she had to pull over. There were no cars so she pulled in a corner spot and began pinching her nipples and rubbing and fingering her wet pussy. The more vigorously she rubbed, the wetter she became. She was past the point of stopping.
As her fingers rubbed harder and faster, she couldn’t help but moan louder as it felt so damn good and so very naughty. Faster she rubbed, sliding her fingers up n down her pussy until she knew she was ready to cum.
Several cars had pulled in the share a ride lot. She snuck a peek to see if anyone was looking her way, not that it would matter. She just wanted to know how loud she could be when she came. Several men exited on car and Karen couldn’t help but stare. One looked exactly like the photo of the man she played the word game against.
Wishing it was, she closed her eyes and imagined her face in her chest, kissing, sucking and pulling on her nipples, before moving his way down her belly and straight to her soaking wet pussy. She opened them just in time to see him looking directly at her car. It was dark and she didn’t think he could see in, but she wanted him to see her. She sat up and stared back.
With one deep breath and loud gasp, she could feel herself release. Ahhhh that was amazing, she said silently as she laid her head back, took a few deep breaths and relaxed for a minute. Once calm, she put herself back together.
The men that were there moments ago had all left. so Karen did the same. The remaining drive home was short and fast. When she arrived, she opened up her garage door and drove in. She sat there and thought about that face once more.
She slid her pants down again and repeated her actions. The orgasm was even more intense than before as she bucked wildly against the palm of her hand, her fingers yet again finding that most sensitive spot. Raising her ass off the leather seat, she rubbed her clit to yet a third and fourth orgasm.
Once again she collected herself, and went inside her house. She never knew that the drive home could be so fulfilling and vowed more repeat performances.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32