The New Boy Ch. 15-16

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Debbie and her friends assembled in Debbie’s nicely furnished suburban finished and wood-paneled basement. A large leather couch faced the Sony 26-inch Trinitron tube TV and JVC VHS tape player setup.

“OK” says Debbie “what’s it gonna be first?”

Of course, porn was the consensus. The first question the friends had asked after leaving the store was whether Debbie got the porno, too. They were amazed at how quietly she had arranged it.

“OK ‘Keg Party’ it is. It comes recommended.”

“By that cute guy you were talking to in the store?”


“That guy watches porno? No way. Too innocent Deb.”

“All guys watch porn. Besides he said hadn’t seen it, but he said it got good reviews. But he works in a store that rents porno so I’d have to say yeah he watches it too.”

Debbie took the black plastic case out of the white plastic bag. She opened the tape case, withdrew the tape inside, inserted it into the machine, and hit ‘play’. The machine whirred to life.

Debbie and her friends had watched porn together before, ever since junior high school. It was a rite of passage that someone would smuggle a porno to one of their slumber parties. They didn’t have slumber parties anymore, but when they got together for girls’ night a porno might be involved. They always liked to joke about the guys or the girls in the movie. Who can’t get it up. Who has fake tits. That kind of thing.

The movie began. The opening scene was the guests assembling in a suburban backyard at night for a keg party under the rolling credits. The camera panned among small groups of guests talking and drinking beer.

Debbie recognized Skip immediately. Skip was talking to two girls in the shot. He was standing with a red solo beer cup in his hand while he spoke animatedly with a small plain girl and a goth girl. The camera was too far away to pick up his conversation. It continued to pan around the other groups of guests as the opening credits rolled.


The second time the camera panned to Skip, Debbie’s friend Beth said “Debbie, um isn’t that the guy from the video store??? Is he in this????”

“I honestly have no idea”.

“Where’s the remote – we gotta find out”. Beth grabbed the corded remote and fast forwarded the movie past the initial scene outside at the keg party. After a few minutes the movie cut to an interior living room scene where the party guests were assembled including Skip. The guests were playing a game.

Debbie and her friends watched as the people in the movie played ‘Seven Minutes in Heaven’. Skip and the plain girl from the backyard scene went into the closet together and closed the door behind them.

“Here we go!” said Beth’s friend Amanda.

The movie then cut to a shot inside of the closet with Skip and the plain girl talking amongst the closet coats. Debbie saw that her friends were transfixed on the TV in front of them. There was a palpable sense of surprise and curiosity in the room.

In the darkened room, Debbie and her friends leaned forward into the cold light of the TV and watched Skip make out with the plain girl, and awkwardly rub her floppy giant tits over her sweater in the small closet. For a moment they thought Keg Party was just a soft-core teenage titty movie. Probably Skip would just feel her up a little in the closet, until the Dean busted the party and threw everyone off campus. But then the plain girl got on her knees and unbuckled Skip’s kaçak bahis belt.

“No way. No way” said Beth.

The girl took Skip’s pants down and his thick cock sprang out in the girl’s face. Into her mouth it went immediately.

“OMG!” Amanda squealed. “Is this real??” said another friend.

Debbie knew it was real. That was Skip. That was Skip’s dick.

“Is what real? The sex or the dick?”

“The sex – is he getting…what?”

When Skip slid down the girl’s jeans and underwear and bent her over, they were flabbergasted. A closeup of Skip’s thick penis stroking in and out of the plain girl’s moist bush was filling up all 26″ of Trinitron in front of the girls.

In the scene, the other party guests began banging on the door, and Skip and the plain girl quickly pulled up their clothes and hurriedly exited the closet together to rejoin the party, their seven minutes in Heaven having expired.

Skip walked over to sit on the couch in the room between the plain girl and the goth girl, and watched other people spin to choose closet partners. Then another couple went into the closet. Debbie turned the sound down but let the movie continued in the background.

Helga said “That was pretty damn cool. Did you see the hammer on him?”

Debbie blushed.

“And just how well do you know him, Debbie???” asked Jane.

“He’s just my friend from the video store. We talk when I go in and rent. He gives me free rentals sometimes. Real nice guy.”

“And cute.”

“Yes, and cute.”

“You gonna get some of that?”

“I don’t know – this is a lot to take in.”

“Wait Wait Wait – Is that that the guy you were in the car with at the party? When you had cum in your hair?” They all laughed.

“Guilty as charged. But this is a surprise. He just told me it had good reviews – I think he was pranking me kinda, or telling me in his own way what he was up to maybe.”

“Does he have more scenes in this movie? Fast forward” said Amanda.

Beth fast forwarded through the rest of the closet scenes until she got to a shot of Skip outside by the keg talking to just the goth girl. Skip and the goth girl walked together into the house and up the stairs.

Looking for a vacant bedroom, the goth girl opened a hallway door. Inside that room were two people from the party having sex. Skip and the goth girl apologized and shut the door. The camera stayed on the couple having sex in the room.

Beth continued fast forwarding until she got to a scene with a shot of Skip and the goth girl entering another bedroom.

“OK here we go!!” said Jane.

Debbie and her friends watched the scene together, but no one made comments anymore. The girls watched with slightly opened mouths as Skip and the goth girl got up on the bed and Skip began to undress the goth girl.

“Devil horns in the pubes – nice touch! Is that for like extra goth evil or something?” Heather said breaking the silence, and the girls laughed.

After he undressed the goth girl, Skip undressed. The girls are taken by Skip as he disrobes.

“Whoa. Is he still hard from the closet or what?”

“No way to know. This scene might have been shot on a completely different day or in a different order. Shhhhhh.” Said Debbie.

As soon as Skip laid down on his back, the goth girl threw one leg over his hips. She licked her fingers and reached down to make sure she was wet, and then a closeup shot of her lowering herself slowly down Skip’s straining bedava bahis pole stopping only when Skip ran out of dick. The shot was exceedingly slow – and Debbie could remember feeling every inch of that slide in just the same way. All the girls shifted in their seats. The goth girl was now straddling Skip and riding him.

“I think he likes it. I think she likes it too.” Helga said.

The sex was hot. Debbie was turned on. Were any of her friends getting turned on too? If she were alone her hand would have been down her pants.

Even Debbie’s modest friends didn’t make a peep. They usually didn’t like the more explicit films they rented, preferring softcore adult movies and the like. But they were quiet now.

Skip and the goth girl switched into missionary position. Skip climbed on top of the girl and they continued to have sex. The camera shot is just a continuous closeup of Skip’s cock going in and out of the girl’s creatively shaved pussy. Skip was slick with her gushing fluids and rock hard.

Debbie could feel the wetness deep within her and pressed her thighs tightly together, looking innocent but putting pressure on her vulva as she watched. The pleasure was secret and delicious.

The camera angle switched to the girl’s face. Then to Skip’s face. He looked to be getting close.

The camera switched again to the closeup shot. Skip’s thrusts became more erratic and clumsy. “I’m gonna cum!” Skip pulled his squirting member out of the goth girl and shot a pool of semen on her stomach and pubes.

“Wow. Does he have any more scenes?” said Beth.

“I don’t know let’s find out.” Debbie reached for the corded remote to fast forward the movie. Before she could so, she saw Skip slip his dick back into the goth girl and continue stroking in and out.

Debbie and the rest had seen enough porn to know that when the guy comes, that’s the end of the scene. But this scene continued.

“Not sure this one is done yet.”

Skip’s dick had taken on a new fury. Not quite as hard as before, he rammed it into the goth girl. Although the camera shot was till the same, Skip was really going to town like a man possessed. Since this was a goth girl, maybe he was possessed?

After a minute or so of furious thrusting, Skip pulled it out again and stroked himself to a second orgasm and an addition to the shallow lake of cum on the goth girl’s stomach. The camera pulled back to show Skip collapse on the girl while they laughed and kissed, Skip completely out of breath.

Looking down to hide her face, Debbie had a small orgasm while she clenched her thighs together. Seeing Skip cum a second time took the matter out of her hands.

“OK now wtf was that?” asked Helga.

“Don’t know – never seen that before” said Debbie.

“Can guys do that?” said Heather

“Evidently unless they cut two scenes together”, replied Debbie.

“No, looked like same scene. And like a minute apart???”

“Wow no wonder he does porn.” They all laughed.

“OK this is getting too weird. Let’s call it a night” said Debbie.

“Or do you just want to go back to that video store before it closes and get ya some?” Jane said.

“No, but I’m gonna call him. This is surreal.”

“Surreal good or surreal bad?”

“I have no idea.” But don’t say anything to anyone!” said Debbie.

As soon as her friends left, Debbie picked up the phone and dialed.


Skip answered the video store telephone kazandıran bahis siteleri at 11:22 p.m.

“Hello Pyramid Video, can I help you”


Skip chuckled as he recognizes Debbie’s voice.


“Skip. What in the actual fuck Skip!!!???!”

Skip can’t stop laughing. “It’s a long story”.

“Can I see you after you get off work tonight?”

“Yeah sure”

“OK meet me in the store parking lot when the store closes”


Skip closed up the store at midnight sharp. He was looking forward to the stir it was going to inevitably cause when eventually got out that he was in one of the movies in the store. Since he was quitting anyway to do movies full time with Ginger it didn’t matter.

Skip recognized Debbie’s light blue ’78 Camaro in the lot and walked over to it. Debbie was alone and reached over to unlock the passenger door and Skip got in.

Debbie sat there for a long time looking down with her hand on her head. She had no idea what to say. In fact, she had no idea how she felt about it. She was just shocked. Well, maybe not shocked. Surprised for sure. And it was fucking hot. But she was embarrassed in front of her friends. And she wanted to be in the movie too. Ugh, she shuddered.

Skip didn’t know what to say either. So much depended on what Debbie thought. But on the other hand it didn’t matter what Debbie thought. He was just having a little fun with her and it was his life, not hers.

“So that’s why I’ve been out of town a lot lately. I met Ginger, and we make movies together now. Keg Party was our first movie.”

“But Ginger’s not even in it.”

“Well not in this one. She’s still under exclusive contract with Vivid, so she can’t do her own projects just yet. She directed it and owns the production company. Well, she and a rich couple. I guess this is my way of letting everyone know. They’d find out eventually anyway. Did you watch it?”

“Yup. Yup. We all watched most of it. It took about 30 seconds after you appeared on screen for my friends to recognize you from the store.”

“You know what’s funny? I haven’t even seen it yet. If you didn’t come in I was gonna take that copy home, but I couldn’t resist slipping it to you when you did. So come on come on – how was it?”

“Well, there was a mixed reaction. Some of my friends are pretty prissy and would have objected no matter what porn we got, so you can’t count them. The rest had a good time watching it and gave like a running commentary. They were very complimentary in fact. They liked seeing a clean cut guy like you in those movies instead of the usual assortment of tattooed male wildebeests. I think they all want to date you now.”

“But what did you think?”

“It was kind of low budget. Looked pretty good though. Pretty good story for a gonzo movie. Nice house. And I like keg parties as you know. I thought you were clearly the best part of the movie. And I gotta ask…”

“I don’t know how I did it – I just did.”

“Was that in the script?”

“No. No one on set ever even heard of that before. Generally it’s ‘pop’, rest for a while, and go on to the next scene.”

“I know. That was something. Honestly, I got so hot watching you with those women that I came just watching it. That was the hottest movie I ever saw – not sure it it’s because I know you, that we did some of the things in the movie, that it took place at a freaking keg party, or that it was just a hot movie. Feel this…..” Debbie placed Skips hand lightly between her legs to feel the radiating heat..

“Wait wait wait. I gotta get back home to my guests. Talk again though right? I have so many questions!”

“You got it”. Skip kissed her cheek, and exited the car. Debbie drove quickly away.

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