Unrestrained Ch. 01

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I want to send my thanks to Devin Rush who helped me so much in editing my work, caused in part by language barriers. Thanks for your time, your input, your patience.

This story is still in the works. I’ve never done anything this big before, I’d call it more like an odyssey… Hope you like it. Please, comment! Share the love ahah


Morning Love

‘Look, I know you’ve had a rough week, but we need you to go through this and sign, so we can approve payment.’

My secretary had just sauntered in my office. She held a stack of folders that I hadn’t expected until next month. My week had been insane in the first place; I sure didn’t need this to top it off. I felt like I had many years added on my shoulders, on top of the weight of a whole advertising empire. I looked around my impeccable office: the furniture was scarce and sterile, either white or made of steel. It felt like a morgue, except for the fireplace in the corner. Looking through the large glass panels, one would feel dizzy just by knowing you’re among the highest skyscrapers in New York. I looked down at my hands and they looked like they belonged to an old man. I thought I looked pretty handsome in my Kiton custom tailored suit, but I still felt like tearing the damn thing off.

Then I looked up at Joan, trying to figure out what she wanted of me. She stood there, in a red shirt and tight knitted wool miniskirt, at the ready. She was wearing very conservative jewelry and a classic hairdo, maintained good posture like the good assistant that she was. But to me, at that moment, she seemed like a towering, majestic red-headed seductress with a gaze of fire and a decadent hourglass figure. Her toned legs are perched proudly on her high heels. Her hips almost look scandalous, given the tightness of the skirt, and the shirt could hardly conceal the obvious abundance around the chest area. She gets people, mostly men, highly motivated around the office, and she makes it her job that their motivation is mostly aimed towards work matters. She truly is a sight to behold, a crucial teamplayer in the workplace.

Like I said, I did feel like I’ve had a rough week, but she sure got my spirits up, and I wanted her to help me with what she’s asking of me.

‘Why don’t you… stay around, Ms Holloway, and help me skim out what I need to know in all this.’ I mumbled.

Her hands joined together, she was already nodding, expecting I’d say that. She smiled.

‘You poor thing. Are you okay? Need some aspirin? Look, finance department up there is making a mess out of this, and I told them it wouldn’t help if they gave it to you now. You look so tired. Here, let me show you.’

She touched my knee as she said that. She started laying down different sections of the file on the coffee table as she turned around and bent over in slow motion. Her rump was two feet from my face, and the view came with a whiff of her spicy scent. It brought tears of joy to my eyes, and my lazy brain managed to send a signal to my groin.

‘They gave me a few guidelines as to which reports really are about the predictions of the new campaign, so most of them really are just for marketing research.’

I barely heard her say that, I was busy soaking in the view of this monumental posterior in front of me. From that angle, I could also see all the mass of her breasts stressing the fabric of her shirt. I imagined her heavyweight bra struggling to hold back all that flesh. As she moved the papers around, everything about her was jiggling about, making my eyes shake like a compass needle.

She turned around a few times to seek some sign of approval on my part, and as much as I tried to follow, she looked like she noticed that I was getting nervous and jittery. Her eyes eventually darted at my groin, and confirmed what I really had on my mind, with my hardening dick blatantly pushing up my trousers. Joan rested her knuckles on the table and shook her head slowly, sighing. She turned to me and smiled.

‘I can see you have other things on your mind.’

She stepped back, ran her hands down her ass and her thighs to adjust her skirt so she can sit next to me, like a lady. Then, without any further preamble, she went directly at my belt and unbuckled it.

‘Honey, you don’t have to do this.’ Joan said. ‘You’re the fricking C.E.O. of this company. Those clowns at finances are only doing what sex izle you’re telling them to do, not the other way around.’

I was almost drooling in anticipation. Her delicate hands were taking good care of unearthing my manhood, again, like the good assistant that she was. She unzipped my fly and my engorged cock sprang into view . She seized it and started stroking it lightly. It now had more breathing room and I felt it swelling even more in her tiny, manicured hands.

She was handling this professional ly. I started groaning as if I was half-asleep. Her soft hand felt so good on my shaft. I could feel the air conditioning on my tip, as it was starting to get wet with pre-cum.

‘You get to tell them what to do with your money, and when more… important things come in the way, you reschedule, baffle the whole department and make them think outside the box. That’s all. You’re in charge. And it’s whatever comes in the way that makes your company go round.’

I discerned a certain quiver in her tone of voice, which she did her best to keep as professional as possible. Although, her hands betrayed her good manners as she was pulling on her shirt, like she wanted to let off some steam herself. Her eyelids were fluttering, her large, generous chest was heaving and I could now see pure lust in her eyes.

‘So let me handle this for you, Mr. President .’

That was classic Joan. She made no innuendo, didn’t use foul language or didn’t even state the obvious: she treated my boner like work, and she went at it like it was worth a million bucks. She finally untucked the shirt from her skirt and, not without some effort, lifted it high enough to grace me with the view of her massive bosom, compressed in a very conservative beige bra. The flesh was so bulged in it, spreading it even further across her chest, almost up to her chin . This truly was a sight for sore eyes: it sent another jolt up my cock, making my stomach clench. She surrendered and with a sigh, bent down and engulfed my glistening cock in her mouth, still stroking it. I shut my eyes and groaned out loud, half wanting to rest from this crazy week, but mostly wanting this blowjob to never end. I shook my head no, trying with all my might to hold back from shooting my load, trying to think of something else, trying to enjoy the moment.

Then, my senses started tricking me. I could hear simultaneous conversations at high speed in my head, a faint rustling of clothing next to me; wet and obscene sounds, reverberating with an eerie echo.

Then I…

I suddenly felt naked. My nipples felt hard, and it had nothing to do with the air conditioning. I frowned, and tried thinking of Joan, but she suddenly felt far away. I called out her name, but my voice barely made it out of my throat. Then I heard birds, faintly chirping. And I could smell coffee. I moaned out her name again. I frowned harder when I heard what seemed to be cartoon voices with generic sound effects, coming from a distant T.V. set. My eyes shot open wide.


I was no longer at the head of an empire, in a cold and sterile office. I was no longer Don Draper, being given oral sex from his secretary.

I was lying down in a bed. In my room, in my house, with you, my wife, Joanna, next to me. The kids were up, watching Saturday morning cartoons.

So this was all a dream, I thought. And what a dream… Though it didn’t feel too far from reality. Gracing me with the view of your glorious posterior, it seemed that you had kneeled and bent over me in order to give me oral sex while I was asleep and dreaming of this woman from a T.V. series I never really watched. From where your skimpy pink night gown with white stripes crawled up your body, unveiling your bare ass, you were pacing slowly up and down as, I assumed, you sucked my cock. Sensations were still a little hazy, but I was starting to feel the main details.

Did your gesture influence my dream, or did my dream provoke a solid morning erection, which you swiftly took advantage of, despite my slumber? I didn’t know yet.

You felt me waking up and looked at me, interrupting your little snack.

‘Good morning, honey.’

‘Good morning.’ I said with my rasp voice.

‘You were talking in your sleep again… Who’s Joan?’ You asked, grinning.

I was almost shocked at how erotic the sight was. Sensations were incredible, I was at loss for words. alt yazılı porno The skin of your delicious rear-end was basking in the soft glow of this early morning sunlight of october .

‘Oh… yeah, about that. You won’t… believe the dream I just had, honey,’ I stuttered.

You moaned in an inquisitive tone. I tried to gather my spirits and started rocking my hips, longing to get your mouth back around me. I hissed as I breathed in through my teeth, already struggling to keep calm under your treatment. I grabbed the cup of coffee that I assumed you brewed earlier and brought to me, and started caressing your ass with my right hand. Feeling that I was starting to participate, you put back my cock in your hot mouth.

‘I was a character in this TV show, you know, Mad Men? Probably not, I know, I’ve never really watched it myself. But anyway, this actress Christina Hendricks plays in it, and she’s my secretary. She came in my office to get me to sign a bunch of papers, but I couldn’t pay attention for the life of me. So she sat down next to me… and started doing the exact same thing as you’re doing now.’

At this, you peered at me, and I could tell you got curious. My penis plopped out of your mouth, and you asked:

‘Oh yeah? So… this girl. What does she look like?’

‘Well…’ I started stalling. ‘The show takes place in the 60’s. She’s a red head with big flashy earrings, her hair tied in a bun, bright red lipstick, you know, that kind of vintage look. I’ll show you some pictures.’

‘Is she sexy?’

‘Ohhhhh!’ I said, playing along. ‘Well, you could say she’s… very well endowed. I mean, her boobs are like torpedoes, she’s in a different league. And she has very curvy hips, with a big round ass.’

‘Funny you see her in your dreams. She must be the kind of girl you fantasize about, right? Would you prefer her body, or mine?’ You said between two mouthfuls, grinning.

You were just playing with me. You knew the answer to this, but you just wanted to hear it. I sipped some more coffee.

‘Well, in terms of size, it’s hard to compare her boobs to yours. But you, woman, are no dream, so I’d choose you over her any time. And your ass?’

I breathed in just at the thought of what I was about to say. I knew it’d make you go nuts.

‘Honey, you know your ass is the fruit of my fantasies, at the core of my deepest desires.

‘You love my big, round ass?’ you asked, as you wiggled it in response.

‘I… I love your ass so much, baby.’

I heard you chuckle and you wiggled it some more as I helped myself to a good grab of your cheeks, while you were getting really serious on my erection. I massaged it firmly, passionately, with my right hand, as best as I could. I went from your lower back, pressing down your hips with my palm, and caressed down you sexy curves all the way to your thighs. I put down my mug and seized each buttock with both hands, kneading them slowly, pushed them up and released them to watch their whole weight drop and stand together. You were squealing with glee. My long fingers were spread out, and they reached for your sex while still massaging your roundness. My pinky felt sucked into your folds and I noticed your sex was soaking wet. I just couldn’t believe how boiling it felt. Upon my touch, you sure picked up the pace.

‘Mmmmmh, honey, this is insane! You’re totally wet!’ I said, breathing in.

‘I know!’ You groaned. ‘I’m feeling so slutty this morning. Oooooh!’

I told myself I needed to get busy and try to concentrate on not losing it. I went for your pussy again and started stroking your insides with two fingers. You definitely offered no resistance at all when I inserted their whole length, all the way down to my knuckles. You were completely slick with your juices. I went back, and forth, and back again, insisting on the forth, further inside you. I remained casual, trying not to think much of it, since this felt like some sort of preliminaries to me. Hearing you say that you felt slutty made my perverse mind come up with dirtier plans for you later today.

My fingers went back and forth some more, back and forth inside you. I had so much juice on my hand, it was running down to my elbow and I spread it all across your cheeks. Your mouth felt incredible on my shaft and I was getting afraid of not being able to go as far as I wanted.

‘Mmmmmmmh, altyazılı sex izle relax baby, don’t make me cum yet. Here, I have another surprise for you.’

That’s when I slowly drove four fingers inside your pussy, giving you time to get used to it and stretch out your muscles as needed. I heard you make a gurgling sound and you looked at me with a vein throbbing on your forehead, trying to get accustomed to this overwhelming sensation. Then, resolved, you bit your lip and asked for more. You rocked your hips against my hand to give me the pace.

‘I… feel so full. Hmmphh. Give it to me, baby.’

You were clearly distracted and you stroked my shaft absent-mindedly. Back and forth I went again, my fingers disappearing completely in you. You held your breath every time I went in. I took another sip of coffee and enjoyed the show. The bed was starting to creak and you bit your lip to hold in the urge of moaning in pleasure: we didn’t want the kids to hear us just yet.

You planted your hands on each side of me and looked at me with an air of determination and control, bouncing your eyebrows. It seemed like you were pushing further and further on my hand. I gave you a quizzical look, as if I wasn’t sure what you were challenging me to. So I took a wild guess, and positioned my thumb so that my whole hand would slip inside you. You felt the extra finger right away and closed your eyes, anticipating the pressure. Then, the knuckle of my thumb pushed the walls of your vagina, stretching it to unusual limits, but not like it was anything new, not after birthing three children. I felt like my hand was sinking into quicksand, though the texture was quite the opposite of sand: your silky flesh and your abundant juices were enough to admit it entirely. You turned red and the tendons of your neck tensed up, like you were pushing something really hard, but your expression was imploring me to carry on.

‘Is that what you had in mind when you said you were feeling slutty today?’ I asked.

No words came out of your mouth. You were too busy fighting back an urge to scream. I was all the way down to my wrist and I didn’t have much wiggle room, but I managed to get my hand moving. Slow and deliberate. It did require some strength: I felt like my hand was locked inside you, and my arm was tensed up to my shoulder so I can thrust it in and out.

The scene was surreal: I was staring at where my hand should be, watching over you like I was assisting my subject going through a phase in some weird incantation, while you were convulsing and rolling your eyes. The sound that managed to come out of you was your breathing that crescendoed so fast, it showed you were well on your way to a powerful orgasm. Your hips gained momentum as they were also moving against my hand. All that rocking made your plump breasts fall out of your top and dangle in front of me, like two ripe fruits.

Liquid was now gushing out and loud wet slapping noises could be heard in the room.

‘Oh my god, honey, it’s so much. I’m going to cum! You’re making me… Mmmmmmh!’

You thrashed on my hand some more, racing for that climax, then, after a final grunt, you drew yourself out of my grasp, collapsed your face on the bed and started fingering your clitoris frantically, while your pussy squirted in my face. I told myself I must have touched a pretty sensitive area for you to gush out like that. I was being graced with the fruit of your orgasm, blinded by hot streams of liquid, just splashing and splashing over me. It was in my hair, face, chest and all over the sheets. And you kept squirting and squirting.

You finally let out a scream that you just couldn’t hold in anymore, although it was somewhat muted down since you had your face stuffed in the mattress. Your whole body was twitching and shivering, covered in sweat. You were face down in the bed, coming back to reality. I, myself, was reconnecting with my surroundings. I saw this blurry mess in front of me, and I still could feel my aching erection, throbbing in the air, just dripping with pre-cum. I saw you breathing heavily on the bed, and I thought What next? as I gave you a little pat on the butt. You did good…

But we knew all too well what was next, when we heard tiny footsteps in the stairs. The kids! A true cold shower. Quick! You sat back up in the bed and adjusted your nightgown, putting back your boobs in place. We were fumbling for our clothes, or any way to cover up, as it seemed my boxers were on the floor. And then little Bobby walked in…

‘Mommy, I’m hungry. Can I…’

Then he looked completely flabbergasted. We must have looked like we just took a shower in bed.

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