Mike’s Estranged Sister Pt. 03

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Big Tits

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18.

Thought that I’d go back and post another chapter on a series that people have been asking me to continue. Been a while since I’ve written these characters, so I hope I managed to keep them consistent.

As always comments and questions are encouraged. I hope you like it and I hope that I’ll have time for more stories in the future.


It had been almost a full month since Mike had moved in with his estranged sister Sarah, rekindled their old relationship, been found out by his niece Emily, confessed that she was also his daughter, and gotten Emily’s blessing to continue their relationship. In that time Mike and Sarah had found that decades of sexual need had been coming out in all manner of new ways. The brief relationship they’d had when they were younger had already proven them to both be kinky and willing to experiment, but this was a whole new territory for them. Every few days Emily came home with another toy or piece of lingerie, never the same thing twice. What had started off with vibrators and stockings had quickly progressed to leather restraints and ball gags. And Sarah wasn’t the only one pushing the kinkier side of things. She had caught him looking at an online store that made latex bodysuits and she just winked and told him to bookmark it.

The sex wasn’t always kinky, but it was practically constant, at least as long as Emily was out of the house. This was mostly because she had come home one afternoon from one of her college classes to find her mom tied up on the living room floor with a magic wand strapped to her thigh as her uncle fucked her face. “OH COME ON! AT LEAST PUT DOWN A FUCKING TOWEL!!”. Thankfully Emily was finding more and more excuses to stay out of the house.

Aside from the sex Mike had continued to look for work, but it turned out that between restaurants struggling to recover from the pandemic and his old boss going out of his way to ruin any references Mike might have had, that finding a new job was taking a lot longer than expected. Sarah had said repeatedly that Mike didn’t need to stress over it, but not working wasn’t sitting well with him. After another fruitless morning of sending out resumes and cover letters Mike decided he needed a break and that it was past time to actually use the pool in the backyard. Ten minutes later he got a refreshing blast of water to the face as he dove in.

Mike hadn’t had time to go swimming in years, but the exercise felt great. After a dozen laps Mike found himself getting winded and decided it was time for a break. As he climbed out of the pool to go dry off Emily walked out wearing a bikini. “Hey Mike. Thought I’d join you.” That was what she’d called him ever since she found out the truth of her mother and him. Just Mike. Not “Uncle Mike” or “Dad”. Just Mike. He tried not to let it bother him.

Mike shrugged and grabbed a towel “Honestly didn’t hear you get home. Feel free, I’m just enjoying the sunshine. I’m going to go fix some drinks, want anything?”

Emily smiled and laid her towel on the deck chair. “Non-alcoholic please.”

A few moments later Mike returned from the kitchen with a pitcher of Arnold Palmers. “It’s a nice afternoon for a drink, any reason in particular you’re not today?”

Emily poured a glass, gave it a quick taste and laid back down on the chair. “I’ve just got… a lot… on my mind. I don’t like to drink when I’m trying figure stuff out.”

Mike poured his own glass and joined his daughter on the chair next to hers. “Fair enough, though I personally find sometimes a little alcohol can help keep me from overthinking things.” Emily didn’t respond, so he just started applying sunscreen. After several moments Mike set the tube of cream down and broke the silence. “Do you want to… talk about it?”

Emily sighed. “I just… it’s about school and stuff and it’s a lot. And I don’t know how to say this without sounding like an ass, but you’re not really my dad. It’s not like you’ve been there for any of this stuff before now. Like this is something I just kinda have to figure out on my own y’know?”

Mike took a deep breath. “OK ow. Seriously though, I get it. I haven’t been around and you don’t need to suddenly start treating me differently. I’m not really trying to be ‘Dad’ here though, I just figured that maybe I could help… provide some perspective. I may not have gone to college, but I know a thing or two about making big decisions. If you don’t want to talk about it though I’ll drop it and we can just enjoy the sunshine.”

Emily took a gulp of her drink. “Alright, fair enough. I guess it’s just that I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m graduating in like, a month, and I have no clue what I’m going to do after that. I went to college pretty much because that’s what Mom wanted for me and now I’m about to have a degree and the thought of trying to go find a career is… terrifying.”

Mike sat up and faced Emily. “You’re not going to get a job antalya travesti in your field?”

Emily shrugged and shook her head. “It’s an English degree…” Mike grimaced and Emily shot him an offended look. “OK wow! Asshole.”

Mike laughed. “No no! I’m sorry. I wasn’t mocking your degree, I was…”

Emily shushed him. “It’s fine, I get it. The job options for the humanities are limited to say the least. But that’s kinda the problem. If I knew what I wanted to do for a living I probably would have picked a degree that would help me get there. But I don’t know what I want to do. Never have. Mom practically demanded that I go to school, said that she got lucky in real estate and that I needed something more stable, but she didn’t know what I should do either. Now my options are pretty much either go back to school and put myself in even more debt to get another degree I don’t know what I’ll do with or go find whatever job I can and just hope that I like it.”

Mike nodded thoughtfully. “Would you like my advice?” Emily shrugged. “Take a year off.” Emily looked up at her father. “I don’t know exactly what your mom’s financial situation is, but I’m pretty sure between the two of us we can figure out how to support you for a little while. She might not be happy about it, but I can back you up on this one. Also, I know that if I were in her position that I would want my daughter to take the time to figure out whatever it is that she actually has a passion for rather than get stuck in a career that she hates. I’d say take some time for yourself, maybe do some traveling… assuming this goddamn pandemic ever ends.”

Emily chuckled. “No offense Mike but I think spending a year having to tiptoe around you fucking my mom’s brains out would drive me up the goddamn wall. I get your point though, and it’s a good one. I’ll think about it. In the meantime, I’m going to get some sun.”

Emily picked up the sunscreen and started applying it. Reaching behind herself she untied her top and discarded it without a second thought. Mike stared dumbfoundedly at his daughter’s perky b-cup breasts marveling at how much she looked like a younger version of her mother. Aside from the vibrant blue-green hair, of course. Emily noticed Mike looking and grinned. “Geez, I know you’re a pervert but I’m just trying to avoid tan lines.” As if to emphasize her point she slipped her bottoms off as well before rubbing more cream across her clean shaven pussy. Emily set the chair back down flat and laid face down on her towel before turning casually to her father. “Can you get my back..?” Emily trailed off as she noticed a bulge forming in his swim trunks.

Mike noticed Emily’s gaze and shifted to try and cover up the erection. “Um, sorry. I didn’t mean to… um.”

Emily smiled and propped herself up on her elbows. “You didn’t mean to what? Get a hard on while looking at your naked neice? So it’s OK for you to bang your sister every chance you get but you get a little wood around me and suddenly that’s inappropriate?”

Mike looked away and cleared his throat. “It kinda is. I love your mom and I don’t want to hurt her.”

Emily’s smile softened. “Aww. I’m sorry. Don’t worry, I was just teasing. I don’t want to ruin what you’ve got. I haven’t ever seen Mom this happy if I’m being honest. It’s more than a little fucked up that you’re related and any time I remember that you’re actually my dad it gets seriously weird, but when I set those things aside I can see that you’re good for each other. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to call you dad, but I really do appreciate that you’re not trying to force it and for what it’s worth I’m glad you’re a part of our lives.” Mike smiled and turned back to Emily, wordlessly grabbing the sunscreen and rubbing it into her back. When he finished she sat up and kissed his cheek before gesturing towards his trunks. “You should take those off, don’t want tan lines do you?”

Mike chuckled and slipped his swim trunks off before he laid back down on the chair. He was just starting to drift off when he heard Sara open the door to the patio. “Well… I never thought I’d see this.” She said with a smirk. “Care to get dressed and help me bring in some groceries?” Mike hopped off the chair and started to pull his trunks back on when Sarah shook her head. “Not you, get up Em.” Emily rolled her eyes and walked off to the house without bothering to put her swimsuit on. As soon as the door closed behind her Sarah turned to Mike. “Did anything happen between you two?”

Mike’s eyes shot open wide. “NO! God no. She just wanted to talk about college and stuff and then she said… tanlines…” Mike trailed off realizing that Sarah was holding back her laughter.

“It’s fine. Seriously. She’s a younger version of me in a lot of ways. I’m a little surprised she hasn’t made a move yet.” Sarah stepped closer to her brother and slipped her hand into his swim trunks. “Are you trying to tell me you haven’t at least thought about it?”

Mike izmir travesti gasped as Sarah wrapped her fingers around his cock and gently stroked it. “I- I haven’t. I’m not going to cheat on you.”

Sarah leaned in and kissed his neck, letting her fingers drift gently across the ridge of his cockhead. “It’s not cheating if you have permission.” Without another word Sarah withdrew her hand from her brother’s swim trunks and sauntered back into the house, leaving him standing there, thoughts swimming through his head.

After the groceries were put away Mike got to work on dinner. Right as he was plating up a simple meal of spaghetti Sarah joined him in the kitchen. “Heard you gave Em some fatherly advice today.” Sarah picked up a plate. “You did good, don’t worry. Honestly I wish she had come to me first about all that, but I think you made the right call.”

After dinner Emily went off to her room to change into a pair of leggings and a crop top before heading out to her friend’s place. Sarah and Mike made a show of picking out a movie to watch but as soon as Emily left Sarah practically pounced on Mike, straddling him and shoving her tongue down his throat. Mike ran his hands up his sister’s back and unhooked her bra. Sarah moaned and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Anything you want tonight?”

Mike thought for a moment as he stroked his sister’s back before smiling to himself. “We haven’t made a video in a while.”

Sarah bit her lip and kissed his neck. “If I’m going to be on camera I’ll need a minute to get ready. Go ahead and get naked, I’ll be back soon.”

Mike grabbed a towel from the hall closet and stripped off his clothes before setting up his phone on a tripod next to the couch and hitting record. Mike laid out the towel and sat on the couch before leaning back and closing his eyes. Mike let images drift through his mind, gently stroking himself hard, remembering the first time he and Sarah had made a personal porno. They were still in their twenties and back then he didn’t have a smart phone so it had been on a shitty little digital camera, but he had kept the video all that time. Even though the video was poorly lit, low resolution and barely a minute long, watching his sister ass bounce on his cock until he pulled out and came on her tits never failed to make him cum.

Mike’s eyes snapped open when he heard the front door unlock. Emily walked in, distracted by her phone. “Plans changed-” She froze in her tracks as she saw Mike sitting on the couch, cock hard and at attention.

Emily held up her hands and mouthed an apology, about to turn and leave when they both heard Sarah coming down the stairs. “I hope you’re ready for me daddy!” Sarah came to the landing made up to look like… well like Emily. Sarah had done up her makeup in the more vibrant tones Emily usually wore and had put on some of Emily’s clothes. Sarah wore a skirt so short that Mike could clearly see that she wasn’t wearing panties as she had come down the stairs, and an old distressed t-shirt from a band he didn’t recognize. Admittedly Sarah was a size or so larger than her daughter, but she had managed to fit them all the same though it did stretch the shirt even more across her more ample chest. The kicker though was the neon blue wig. It wasn’t the same quite color or style, but it definitely gave the same impression.

Emily looked past her oblivious mother to lock eyes with Mike and wordlessly mouthed “What the fuck?”. Mike tried to object but Sarah quickly ran across the room to cut him off. “It’s OK daddy. I know you want me. I know you want to fuck your daughter’s tight little ass.” Sarah knelt on the floor in front of Mike and wrapped her fist around his cock, kissed his cockhead and began stroking it with the tip just barely touching her lips. After just a few strokes Sarah took her brother’s cock deep in her throat

Mike started to find his voice. “Sarah wait! Emily- UHNNG! No. You need to stop!”

Sarah groaned and licked his cock. “MMMMM YES! Call me Emily. Fuck me while you think of her.”

Emily slammed the front door to get her mother’s attention. “No. Seriously. You need to stop.” Sarah pulled her face away from Mike’s cock, finally noticing her daughter standing in the doorway. Emily took another step in the room. “What the actual fuck is this?! Like it’s not enough that you’re fucking constantly, all over the fucking house, but now you’re… what… role playing as ME?!” Emily gave an exasperated scream and leaned against the wall. “Is this like a thing for you two?”

Sarah sat back on her heels. “No, no it’s not like that. It was just kind of a spur of the moment thing.”

Emily shot an incredulous look at her mom. “You have a fucking wig. I don’t buy that.”

Sarah looked back and forth between Mike and Emily before she finally sighed and stood up. “I’m so sorry. I thought… I thought that… I don’t know. I just… Things with Mike were so… perfect. He makes me so happy, and not just the sex. I saw the way things were with you and your ex, he was a real piece of shit, and I just wanted you to be happy the way Mike and I are. I guess on some level I wanted you to know what it felt like. To have someone who loves you, and cares for you, who can make you feel the way I do. I just thought that I would need to get Mike on board and then… I don’t know how to explain it, but it made sense at the time.”

Emily crossed the room and sat on the other end of the couch from Mike. “But… I’m not *you*. I know you like to think we’re so alike, but we’re different people mom! Like it’s hard enough for me to accept everything that’s changed in the last month. I love you, you’re my mom, but this is fucked up.” Emily buried her head in her hands, a heavy silence falling over the room. She took a deep breath. “The worst part. The worst part of all this is that I still kinda want it.” Emily looked up, tears welling in her eyes as she caught her mother and father’s gaze. “I’ve been so fucking horny for the last month. My boyfriend broke up with me on spring break. You two have NOT been discreet. Add on school and I’m climbing the fucking walls over here. Even my tinder date tonight canceled. I *HATE* the fact that I’m even considering this, but goddamit I do want it.”

Sarah sat between Mike and her daughter, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I’m so sorry sweetie. I didn’t mean to put you in a position like this. We don’t have to do anything tonight.”

Emily wiped the wetness from her eyes. “No. It *has* to be tonight. I don’t know if I’m going to feel the same way tomorrow, but I know if I don’t take the chance to do this then I’ll always wonder. This is just *so many* kinds of fucked up, but I don’t want to be asking ‘what if?’ for the rest of my life y’know? And this isn’t romance OK? This is just… I don’t know, weird, hot, kinky, shit. I just need to get it out of my system. As long as Mike is on board then yeah… let’s do this.”

Mike nodded and smiled. “As- As long as you’re sure then yeah.”

Emily sighed, stood up and took off her top. “I’m as sure as I’m going to be. Just, give me a heads up before you try the freaky stuff OK?” Mike chuckled and guided his daughter to stand in front of him. Sarah started to say something but Emily cut her off. “No. I’m in a weird enough headspace as is. It’s strange enough that I’m about to fuck my mom’s boyfriend I’m just having to ignore the rest of that right now. I need you to stay quiet if I’m going to do this.” Sarah bit her lip and nodded, scooting to the other end of the couch, but not looking away.

Mike pulled Emily closer to him and kissed her bare stomach before sliding her bra up to expose her breasts. Kissing his way up her body Mike’s probing lips found Emily’s breast and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. Emily moaned and arched her back into him, her nerve endings on fire as she felt her father’s tongue tracing across her areola. With one hand he held her close and the other hand glided up to cup her free breast, gently pinching her nipple. As one nipple was gently pinched by his hand Mike bit lightly on the nipple in his mouth, increasing the suction which brought a gasping moan from his daughter. Encouraged he pinched, bit and sucked harder until the moan turned into a pained gasp. “Too hard!” Mike immediately let go and looked up at Emily’s eyes. “It’s OK. Just too much too quickly.” Mike nodded and brought his hand up to the back of Emily’s head, guiding it down to his for them to share a kiss.

Emily moaned into Mike’s mouth as their tongues darted between each other’s lips. Her hips sank down to straddle her father’s lap, feeling his hard cock press against the thin fabric of her leggings, pointing directly towards her pussy. A jolt ran through Emily’s body as her clit rubbed against his cockhead. Her hips jerked forward at the sensation, but Mike quickly slid his hand down her back to firmly press against her lower back, holding her in place. Emily’s breathing quickened as she humped against Mike more urgently, never breaking the kiss. Her hands flew behind her back to unclasp the bra which she flung across the room as soon as she had freed her arms. Finally as she leaned into Mike, feeling the bare skin of their chests press against each other Mike broke the kiss. “I think we should take this off too.” He said in a hoarse whisper.

“Yeah.” Emily responded, already breathing heavily. “Yeah. These need to go.” Emily stood up, turned around and bent over as she slid the leggings down presenting her full tight ass and glistening wet pussy to her father. Before she could stand back up Mike lunged forward and buried his tongue in her honey-sweet lips. “OH FFUCK! Holy Shit Yes!” Mike licked his daughter’s pussy in a mix of long, slow strokes and quick, darting lashes. Emily rocked her hips back into Mike’s face, burying it between her ass cheeks while she gripped her ankles for dear life. Reaching up Mike stroked Emily’s clit with his fingers as his tongue probed deeper into her pussy. Emily arched back to look at Mike but paused when she saw Sarah spread eagle on the other end of the couch, skirt hiked up around her waist and topless, four fingers deep into her pussy. “Fuck. That’s fucking hot.”

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