College Chronicles Ep. 12

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Author’s Note:

This episode tends heavy on plot and character development, with a longer sex scene at the end. If you aren’t very invested in Sami’s story, you’d be better off skipping to the second half. If you do care about Sami’s story, this one is essential! It also requires a bit of willing suspension of disbelief.

I really hope you like it. Please keep letting me know what you enjoy and hope to see. If you give a bad review, please let me know where I went wrong (in a kind way).

As far as the sex: some reluctance, coercion, rough sex, and breath play.


Of everything that happened during Natalie’s ill-fated revenge, two really stuck with me; merging, worming their way deeper with each passed moment, hooking claws into my very essence.

It wasn’t the strange tingling across my body when Jaxx had revealed his gifts. It wasn’t the feeling of shame when he had chastened and pulled me to my feet, after I foolishly tried to thank him. It wasn’t the moment he saw me dressed up, or when Natalie first saw me and realized the trap. It wasn’t when he made me kiss her at either end, or when he made me watch while he violated all her holes, or even when he made me eat hot cum dripping from her abused asshole.

No. The first memory I couldn’t shake was the kiss. How he had so casually swept me off my feet, strong arms leaning me over gracefully like a dance partner. How iron his embrace had been; unbreakable but cradling. I desperately wanted to float in the warmth of his dominating aura again, to feel careless and transported like I did as his lips pressed to mine, when that thick tongue asserted its way into my mouth. Even his 5 o’clock shadow was a fond memory, made me stroke a hand across my cheek as I giggled and recalled the bristly, manly friction. He’d had me totally at his ravenous mercy, yet I’d never felt safer.

It was like when Cindy kissed me; but at once totally unlike it. Her tongue was active and irresistible, just like his. But with her, whether because she was a girl, insanely hot, or my deep growing feelings, it was uncomplicated. I wanted it.

With Jaxx, something was different; charged with terribly alluring danger. I hadn’t wanted or expected it– but he’d taken me anyway. Of course, that wasn’t new; Jaxx often ignored my opinions. But the kiss was different. Intimate, passionate… almost romantic. Why did I want romance from my bully roommate? I don’t know, but it had stolen my breath anyway. Thinking about it afterward, I felt permanently winded.

The second memory I couldn’t shake was the feeling of frustration– injustice– when he’d left. How his words had been dismissive, behavior so cold. I’d done everything perfectly, tried my absolute hardest for him, and he acted like he didn’t even notice. On top of that, he’d broken his word, never checked my butt plug. I felt silly for being mad that he hadn’t checked my asshole for a sex toy– and that only made me more frustrated, more resentful. A dangerous cycle that had me burning with impotent energy.

I was so split. Half of me wanted to text him when I woke up the morning after, not even knowing what I would say if I did. I wanted to know where he was… to be around him. I wanted my credit for how I’d betrayed Natalie.

The other half wanted to find a way to turn the tables. He was such a fucking asshole! He needed a taste of his own medicine– I wanted to do… something. All my thoughts of revenge were incoherent, chaotic swirling emotions rather than concrete ideas.

But I was fooling myself. I would never have the courage to plot against him like that. I wasn’t Natalie.


The morning after, Natalie wasn’t herself either. She woke up late, was much quieter than normal; distracted. A few times I caught her staring into space, deep in thought, totally ignoring what I was saying. I planned to go to at least afternoon classes, but she was taking the day off, and when we parted I watched her wander towards her room, not a single glance back in my direction.

I did feel bad for her changed demeanor and my role in it, along with her bruised ass and ego. But my opinions from the previous night lingered. She was such a hypocrite to Jaxx, had asked for what he’d given her. And surely it wasn’t so bad. She had cum so hard. Twice. She’d even begged for it, said shockingly filthy things. She would survive, just like I did.

I attended my classes feeling more pangs of desire for Jaxx than guilt over Nat. Most of the time I was daydreaming rather than taking notes, thinking about his strong, rough hands, imagining wearing a pretty dress while he dipped me again. Late in the day I let out a long dramatic sigh, then flushed, flustered and nervous, suddenly aware of being in a full classroom, a few people around me casting suspicious side-eye.

Avoiding their looks, I pulled out my phone and began idly swiping and tapping. Though I’d had no intention, with device in hand I suddenly thought of a solution for my pent up energy, shooting a text to Cindy.

Gym in half hour? Need 2 tell u abt last nite…

Her response pinged back near instantaneously.

Def! İzmir travesti Cant w8 😉

A light smile played across my lips. Cindy was going to find my story absolutely delicious. She didn’t see the appeal of Natalie, found mild humor in her antagonism of Jaxx, and the consequences. But more, she would love hearing about my reaction to the gifts she had picked out, how I’d felt dressed up, what I’d done to Natalie and myself. I knew she was going to drag all the gory details out of me so she could watch me blush and squirm under her scandalous interrogation. I knew it was useless to resist, but I would anyway, making her force it out of me, bit by bit, loving the attention and the naughtiness.

By the time class ended I could hardly wait to see her, basically skipping back to 001 to change. I dressed eagerly; going to the gym meant I got to wear Cindy’s fancy, fashion-tech gear. After the rousing success of their debut, she’d bought me way more than I would reasonably need, all in different colors. That day I wore my favorite pair, dark red, nearly crimson. I loved they way they hugged the curves of my body, made me feel so sleek and fit, soft in all the right places. I’d made my peace with the fact that the top was basically a sports bra, the bottoms just leggings that presented my ass like an Instagram thot. The thrill they provoked in public, especially on the walk to the gym, outweighed the anxiety that churned my stomach. Maybe that anxiety only heightened the effect further. Either way it got my blood flowing and my heart racing, apt preparation for a workout.

My hair had only just become long enough, so I’d put it up in a loose ponytail. I already loved it. Something about my exposed neck, the playful bob along with my head movements– maybe it was a mild fetish, a remnant of my confused sexuality, but it made feel so desirable. If I could, I would have fucked myself just like that.

Cindy was waiting outside the gym when I arrived, and we embraced before heading in chatting about nothing. The building was packed on weekday afternoons; heads swung in our wake as we walked up the central stairs, eyes burning with desire, caressing our shapely silhouettes, lingering on any exposed flesh. Meatheads, nerds, staff; men, boys, women… It seemed no one was immune to the temptation of watching us pass. Cindy easily ignored the eyes, used to leering audiences. I wasn’t, and accidentally met a few, shuddering when the looks didn’t relent, or even worse turned into lascivious smiles and winks from the more bold.

Finally on our preferred floor less surrounded by an audience, I was able to relax a little, helped along by Cindy’s playful ease. She was obsessed with some new TikTok trend, and made an impromptu warmup out of showing me the dance. She was a good teacher; patient and positive, with a sharp eye for detail. But I wasn’t as naturally graceful as her, and the dance was so flirty and suggestive that even attempting some of the moves made me falter, wrapped up in my own prudish anxiety. It didn’t matter; Cindy’s joy at my stumbling attempts was infectious, and soon we had worked up a brilliant sweat to match our smiles.

Then we had an unexpected interruption to our workout.

“Pretty sexy dancing, girls! Want to teach me?”

I hadn’t noticed him before, but a man had come over to lean against the wall behind us, not even pretending to be lifting or stretching as he watched. He was middle aged, with silvering hair and a short, wiry frame. His face creased with well used smile lines, but there was a sharpness to the expression that made my skin crawl. I didn’t know what to say, could feel myself panicking, sudden flush exacerbated by my already sweaty state. Thankfully, Cindy took care of us.

“I don’t know, grandpa, think you could keep up with us whippersnappers?”

Cindy’s tone was the kind of playful I knew to be wary of, and she tossed her auburn locks gracefully, not looking his direction. Then her claws cut through the thin veil.

“I don’t think so. We’d blow your heart up. Can men your age could even get hard anymore?”

His smile twisted in anger, and he spat his response like venom.

“You’ll find out over my knee, you little bitch. I’ll teach you some god damn manners.”

The grimace split slowly back to a toothy leer, and his eyes turned to me, lingering over my body.

“How about you, sweetheart? Want to come back to my house, show me some more of that dance?”

I was totally helpless, unable to defend myself against his predation, struck to silence by his horrible smile, how old he was. Cindy stepped in again.

“Not even in your dreams, old man. Fuck off. Now. Bye!”

Though he paused as if to press the issue, he thought better and walked off as Cindy waved, mumbling angrily under his breath. The danger had passed, and I met Cindy’s brilliant smile with an uneasy one as she redirected our conversation.

“What a fucking creep. Anywayssss… let’s go, it’s leg day, bitch!”

Ugh. I hated leg day. But I knew Cindy did too, and was faking her enthusiasm for my benefit. İzmir travestileri It worked, and the odd encounter and my other gripes were easily dismissed by her vivacious energy, the dancing green fire of her eyes. Soon we were passing off sets at a squat rack, when Cindy looped back to our intended topic.

“So, like, what the fuck happened last night? Jaxx gave you that big present, right? You know, I helped him with getting all that…”

She trailed off with a naughty, suggestive smile, and I had a feeling she knew exactly what happened, just wanted to hear it from me. I didn’t mind, really. Telling the story again was a small price to pay for Cindy’s sunshine smile, and I knew that it would be fun, with her teasing and jokes.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you! It was so, so much! Did you pick out the butterflies?”

“What butterflies?”

I took a step back and explained the full extent of his present; the products, the jewelery and the last cabinet full of sex toys. I told her how he made me wait, then showed me to the bathroom, loomed as I opened each drawer to greater and greater shock. She’d seemed a little surprised at first, but that was quickly replaced by her knowing smile, waiting for the punchline.

She found one when I said how I’d fallen to my knees for him, and that he’d brought me back to my feet and admonished me to pace myself. Her laugh was pure as a mountain stream, and I couldn’t help giggling at myself.

“Oooof. That’s rough… I’m surprised you didn’t just die right there.”

“Oh my godd Cin… He’s just… Just so… so…”

“You can say it! Jaxx is hot as fuck!”

“He’s… yeah…” The words floated from my lips dreamily, and I stared off into space, remembering his strong arms wrapping around me.

“Oh my god, you have such a crush on him! Should I be jealous?”

Her tone was joking, but an ignition behind her eyes warned me that I was in treacherous territory. I jumped to respond, a little squeaky in my rush to reassure her.

“N-no! Never!!”

But she was laughing softly, waving a hand to calm me as she spun herself underneath the squat bar and began another set. I stood watching for a few reps, admiring the definition of her muscles as they shifted underneath flawless skin. She had perfect form, and with a quick scan around the room I could tell multiple other gym-goers were also admiring the… depth she achieved in each lift. As she stood and reset the bar on the rack, I asked my burning question.

“So… You didn’t pick any earrings? Or rings or necklaces?”

“No, that was all him.”

This discovery only added to the confusing pileup of emotions inside me. Jaxx had chosen the most expensive, beautiful, flattering pieces by himself. Especially for me? Maybe. Overwhelmed, I poured my heart out between sets.

“I just… He… I can’t believe he… bought all that… for me? It’s just so much! I don’t… I feel like… I can’t… can’t… uhm…”

“Accept it?”

It was like Cindy had a map to my muddled emotional state, there to prompt me along whenever my steps faltered. I nodded mutely, and she scoffed, pushing me under the rack as spoke.

“Sami, I love you, but that’s so fucking stupid. Why wouldn’t you?”

She paused as I began my lift. We worked to tone, and even though it wasn’t heavy I felt the burn with each rep. When I replaced the bar, she spoke over my slight panting.

“You put up with SO much babe. From him. From me.” A guilty smile. “You deserve all that stuff. You should DEFINITELY keep it. Flaunt it! Hell, make him buy you more. He loves spending money. And I bet you look fucking hot, so it’s basically a gift for him anyway.”

Her logic dashed away all my objections, the implication of debt to Jaxx totally forgotten. She paused, and her sly smirk crept up on me.

“Want to know what I think?”

I blinked, a little confused. Wasn’t she already telling me? But humoring her, I nodded eagerly. She leaned in conspiratorially, and I matched her.

“You should make him take you shopping– spend a couple thousand, get things YOU like, not just his taste. Then make him take you out somewhere really nice… French maybe, or Italian. I bet he’d go real romantic for you, candlelight dinner, maybe even buy out the place for the night, if you play it right… then you could let him take you home, lay you down… and butt fuck you like a fancy little escort.”

All of a sudden her hand grabbed my ass hard, and like she’d told me a ghost story I jumped and yelped loudly, drawing the eyes of everyone in the immediate area. While Cindy laughed herself to tears at my expense, I burned crimson from the eyes I felt scanning me, and the way her little fantasy had made me hot and bothered. We both eventually recovered, and Cindy prompted me to continue.

“Okay, so what happened after you tried to give him head?”

I described his instructions, and the matter of fact, domineering way he’d ordered me around. I detailed what I could remember of the preparation, and when I’d described the whole look, she was clapping her hands Travesti izmir in excitement.

“Oh my god! You were like sexy goth-Sami! That sounds sooo hot! Fuck, can’t believe I didn’t see it!

I blushed slightly, but continued, describing my anxiety over the butt plug, not able to hold back how Jaxx had failed to follow through in his threat.

“He… He said he’d… uhm… check, but… And it’s… It’s not like I WANTED him too… But… I… He just…I had it in… It’s just so… He’s such a… fucking… dick!”

Cindy heard my frustration, but offered no response besides a knowing smile and a gesture to continue.

Finally I described the earrings that had so enchanted me, the diamond wings that I still couldn’t believe were actually mine, the slender golden butterfly bodies that looked lifelike enough to flutter away if I wasn’t careful.

I was never particularly materialistic. In high school I’d worn dark, non branded clothing, often bought secondhand. All of my technology had been at least a generation behind my peers, and I’d never owned a piece of jewelery, not even a watch. I’d hidden my jealousy behind scorn, and eventually started to believe my own lies.

But something about the butterflies… Describing them hit me in a way I didn’t think objects could. I’ve said I never had many friends. Even in my small group, I always felt like an optional third or fifth, with no best friend, a fact that had sometimes driven me to tears. It killed me knowing that there wasn’t a single person who, given the choice, would choose my company over anyone else’s. I wanted to be prioritized– I wanted to be the most important person to SOMEONE. It didn’t really matter who.

Maybe I wasn’t that to Jaxx. Definitely wasn’t that. But with those gorgeous, luxurious butterflies hanging from my lobes, it was easier to push aside reality and imagine that the value of the gift also represented much more. A promise that, if I squinted, looked tantalizingly real.

“Oh. THOSE butterflies…” Cindy’s response broke me out of my chain of thought. She was about to say more, but her expression dropped when her eyes darted over my shoulder. She turned away from me, speaking under her breath.

“Don’t look now, but we’ve got another admirer…”

“Wha?–” Against her instructions I spun, and immediately saw what she meant. A second interruption.

He was short and thin; scrawny, like weasel. His slightly gaunt face was marked on the cheeks with dark scar lines, and his eyes flitted about, taking in Cindy and I covetously. He didn’t look like the type you’d find in a gym, more from the dark back room of a board gaming and hobbies shop, with track suit bottoms and a ragged black t-shirt with fading star wars logo. As he got closer his thin lips spread to reveal yellowing teeth, the smile only confirming my initial comparison to a weasel.

Behind me, Cindy muttered again.

“He seems more like your type, why don’t you get rid of him.”

“My ty–What?” I spun back to her. I didn’t know what to say, how to get rid of someone. But Cindy’s eyes were calm, and she reassured me.

“Just be quick, polite, and clearly say no. You can do this. Remember: you’re wayy out of his league.”

And then he was speaking, and I turned to find him just a little too close, his voice nasally and dry.

“Greetings, gentlewomen! How are you today?”

“Uhm… I’m… we’re… good…” I was halting and timid, clearly uncomfortable already. He didn’t notice or didn’t care, bulling ahead with a strange affect to his speech and behavior, gesturing grandly.

“Nonsense. You’re not just good, you look absolutely ravishing! I’m sorry to interrupt your exertions, but I saw you two angels and just had to ask, perchance, if one of you might allow me to rendezvous with your own divine presences!” His lips peeled back to reveal a disturbingly wide smile; forced, unnatural.

I was unsettled by his strange way of speaking, how confidently he made a fool of himself. Was he playing a joke? Doing a bit? Was there something wrong with him? But he didn’t drop the stretched grin. I remembered Cindy’s advice, followed it exactly.

“Uhmm… No… Uhhh… Thank you…”

At my no, his face twisted into a spiteful sneer, and my late attempt at politeness didn’t soothe his bruised ego.

“Alright, FUCK you bitch. You aren’t even hot anyway, fatty!”

And just like that he turned and walked away, leaving me grasping for words, confused by the sudden switch, shocked by his appalling rudeness. I turned to find Cindy watching me, a wry, sad smile at my befuddled expression.

“Yeah… Sometimes they’re like that. Fucking weirdo. Seriously, just don’t listen to that salty virgin.”

We called an end to lifting, making our own rendezvous at another floor to get in some more cardio. On treadmills, between intervals, I told Cindy about Natalie’s arrival, her bitchy behavior, her ill-fated revenge plans. Cindy smiled the entire time, knowing without spoiler that Jaxx didn’t lose the upper hand for long. She laughed when I explained how Natalie had been tied up, how she had reacted to Jaxx suddenly calling me out. Then she needed to step off the machine when I told her about my forgotten shoes. It gave me the courage to admit to playing up my girliness for Jaxx, and she congratulated me, slapping my ass as she climbed back onto her track.

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