Chevy Van

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“Might as well drop you off first,” Mr. Walter explained to his son Todd as we headed toward the drug store where my friend worked part-time until school started again in the fall.

Todd nodded, accepting the reason his Dad was driving out to the mall instead of dropping me at my house first, but that was the first inkling I had that something was up. Mr. Walter had been acting a little weird all morning, but he was a bit odd sometimes anyway, like his son. Probably why Todd and me were such good friends, I supposed.

Now Todd was straightening out his dorky looking clip on tie and hopping out of the van on his way to work, and Todd’s Dad was looking at me in the rear view mirror.

“Want to hop up here?” Mr. Walter asked, and although I liked it better in the back of the customized van I slipped up and climbed into the passenger seat.

“No work for you today?” Mr. Walter asked.

“Tonight,” I replied. “5 to 11.”

“Oh, well in that case we can take a little ride,” Mr. Walter said.

I didn’t really want to take any ride, but Mr. Walter hadn’t asked, instead just heading out of town in his Chevy Van. He chatted about the weather and commented about the signs that we would pass, and before I knew it we were pulling into a rarely used area of a state park.

“Thatcher?” I asked as we drove down a side road that led to a deserted parking lot.

“Thought we could talk some, John,” Mr. Walter said, his face so moist with perspiration that his horn-rimmed glasses kept sliding down his nose. “Why don’t we – uh – go into the back?”


“I think it’s wonderful the way you and Todd get along so well,” Mr. Walter said after we went into the back of the van.

I sat on the bench seat in the back and was surprised when Mr. Walter sat right next to me, so close that our knees were almost touching.

“You’ve really helped Todd become more social,” Mr. Walter said, his hand coming to rest on my bare knee. “He’s come out of his shell quite a bit over the years, and you’ve been a big part of it.”

“I don’t know about that,” I said with doubt in my tone, because while Todd might be the king of all geeks, I wasn’t much different, and my already jittery feeling grew worse when Mr. Walter closed the curtains on the windows.

“Just so people don’t get the wrong idea, in case someone should come by,” Mr. Walter explained when he saw my expression change.

I’m not sure what impression someone would get if they saw a recreational van in a recreational area, but if they saw a couple of guys in a van and the curtains got drawn suddenly, that might get a lot more attention. Fortunately, the place was deserted, and we were so off the beaten path that I didn’t even know where we were, and I knew the place pretty well.

“Want a drink?” Mr. Walter said, pulling a beer out of the little fridge and handing it to me before I could decline.

“Wanted to talk to you about something,” Mr. Walter explained. “Away from Todd and everything. Although you’re both 18, in many ways you’re much older than he is. Do you know what I mean?”

“I guess,” I mumbled, taking a sip of beer under Mr. Walter’s watchful eye.

“Much more mature,” Mr. Walter said, and seeing his hand move up on my leg made me jump.

It was just a fatherly touch, I guess, but the way Mr. Walter’s hand was gently rubbing the hair on my thigh was bursa otele gelen escort strange.

“You see,” Mr. Walter said. “Last night, I saw you and Todd. What you were doing together.”

I dropped the can of beer at that point, apologizing as I ducked down to pick it up off the carpet before it went all over the place.

“It’s okay. No harm done,” Mr. Walter assured me, and as I got back up on the seat Todd’s father was brushing the beer off of my leg. “I didn’t mean to upset you, John.”

The fact that Mr. Walter had seen us was devastating, because we had always tried to keep that part of us hidden. It was bad enough that we were the class nerds and poster boys for nerds, but being gay on top of that would seal our fate forever.

“We don’t,” I started to say, but wilted under the look Mr. Walter was giving me over his glasses.

“How long have you two been lovers?”

“I dunno,” I answered. “A while.”

“I’m not going to say anything to anybody, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Mr. Walter said, his hand now gently kneading my thigh. “Not to Todd, and certainly not to his mother. She would never understand.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“She would never understand that men have needs – sometimes needs that a woman can’t satisfy,” Mr. Walter went on.

“How did you see us?” I asked.

“Let’s just say that fathers have their ways,” Mr. Walter said. “When I saw my Todd performing fellatio on you – well that was certainly a shock.”

I nodded, swallowing hard as I blushed even more.

“Having seen you boys grow up all these years,” Mr. Walter continued, leaning into me as his hand kept kneading me thigh. “Seeing you go from being boys into fine young men has been a wonderful experience. But do you know what the biggest shock of all was, Johnny?”

“No,” I answered, blinking as the sweat rolled down my forehead and into my eyes, even though it wasn’t all that hot in the van.

“When I saw my Todd going down on you, I have to admit I was stunned,” Mr. Walter almost whispered to me, since he was right next to my ear. “I couldn’t get over how well endowed you are.”

I made a choking sound when I felt Mr. Walter’s hand leave my thigh and begin to grope around my lap, and although I wasn’t aroused it wasn’t hard to find.

Now it was Mr. Walter making a sound as he sucked his breath through his teeth when his hand grabbed my dick through the layers of clothing, caressing it through my shorts and underwear for a moment before he reached up and pulled down my zipper.

“Don’t be scared,” Mr. Walter said as I felt his hand on my underwear. “I would never hurt you.”

I was sitting upright on the bench seat, staring straight ahead at the blue curtain which hid the front of the van from where we were back there, and visa versa, while Mr. Walter massaged my flaccid cock though my briefs.

“Magnificent,” Mr. Walter said. “May I?”

Without waiting for an answer, Mr. Walter reached inside the fly of my underwear and coaxed my dick out of the opening. His slightly weathered fingers caressed my limp member, pulling on the rubbery tube as he kept breathing in through his teeth.

“Let me get these off for you,” Mr. Walter said, and realizing my state of mind as I sat in the back of the van in a public place, quickly assured me that bursa eve gelen eskort we were alone and safe, locking the doors before kneeling on the carpet and pulling my shorts and briefs off.

“That’s better,” Mr. Walter declared as he eased back onto the seat next to me and ran his fingers through the tuft of pubic hair above my dick before moving his hand back down to squeeze my balls.

“Mercy, you’re so well hung,” Mr. Walter exclaimed. “Todd – well, you obviously know he’s not as blessed as you are. I suppose I’m to blame for that, my genes and all. See?”

Mr. Walter had taken his dick out, and when I looked at his erection sticking out of his fly, I nearly fainted. Something about seeing your friend’s father with his dick out tends to jar your senses.

Mr. Walter’s dick was pale and thin, like Todd’s was, but unlike his son Mr. Walter was not circumcised, his foreskin having slid down partway to expose the pink acorn underneath it.

“Not even as long as Todd’s is, I’m afraid,” Mr. Walter said. “Here. Feel it.”

He brought my hand over to his dick, and when I felt the warm prong in my grasp I felt my own dick begin to get hard as I touched only the second dick besides my own.

“That’s it,” Mr. Walter said as we sat there stroking each other’s cocks. “That’s beautiful. I can feel the blood rushing through it. My word, you’re huge!”

22. That was the number Todd always used when he referred to the size of my dick. He claimed that 22 centimeters sounded more impressive than the 8 or so inches it was, but Mr. Walter seemed even more impressed than Todd was. Me? I was always embarrassed by the sight of my dick attached to my scrawny body, and would have preferred something more along the lines of my friend’s if given a choice.

Mr. Walter was now stroking my erection in earnest, looking to me from my reaction, and when I gave none he bent over and took me in his mouth. Down and down his lips went, taking nearly all of my cock in the first swoop, and then he pulled his lips back up even slower.

“I want to taste your cum,” Mr. Walter said, and his words made me shiver, because that was something that his son said to me all the time.

Mr. Walter got what he wanted, because he was such a skilled cock-sucker that my orgasm raced through my loins in a rush, and my cock spurted what seemed like an ungodly amount of cum into the throat of my friend’s father.

Mr. Walter took it all effortlessly, and when my cock stopped ejaculating he did his best to empty my nuts, sucking eagerly on my deflating dick while he massaged my balls. I finally had to gently pry him off of me, and even after my dick left his mouth he kept licking and flicking the tip of my cock with his tongue while my cum trickled out of the corner of his mouth.


“You don’t have to,” Mr. Walter said, even though he was clearly hoping and expecting that I would reciprocate.

Mr. Walter had his pants off and his boxers were down around his ankles, and he was stroking his boner while waiting for me to get to work. He was right about his dick being even smaller than his son’s, because the erection that he was pointing toward me wasn’t much bigger than his thumb.

Todd was very self-conscious about the size of his equipment, and always gushed over my stuff. While I enjoyed the flattery bayan escort bursa and kind of liked the way he looked up to me like that, the fact was that it didn’t matter to me one way or the other.

Finally, I reached over and took Mr. Walter’s cock in my hand. The skin was hot to the touch, and dealing with a foreskin was totally new to me, so I was tentative at first, letting my lips move slowly up and down the slender tube.

Mr. Walter seemed delighted at what I was doing, and was so excited that he made me stop a couple of times so he wouldn’t cum, even having me stop jiggling his balls as well. He apologized for being so excited, but in the end he lost control anyway, spurting his musky load into my mouth while groaning loudly as he ran his hands through my hair.


“Does Todd like it when you – you know?” Mr. Walter asked.

I didn’t know, but when he finally got the words out I shook my head no.

“We never – I never,” I told Mr. Walter, who seemed amazed that all we ever did was go down on each other.

“Would you like to?” Mr. Walter asked. “You can. I would let you. In fact, I would love it if you did.”

That was how I found myself kneeling behind Mr. Walter, his pale white ass raised high and the puckered ring of his anus primed and glistening while I brought the head of my cock to that tiny portal.

I had wanted to do this, but Todd was too afraid so I never pressed for it. The though of taking another man anally had always intrigued me, and while I was reluctant at first when Mr. Walter suggested it, by the time I began to squeeze the head of my dick into him, I was more than ready.

“OH!” Mr. Walter cried out as I leaned hard into him, trying to force the puffy ridge of my glans into his tiny anus.


“No. Don’t stop!” Mr. Walter called out. “I want it. Don’t baby me either. Shove that big cock of yours into me hard.”

“AWW!” Mr. Walter yelled as the head of my dick popped inside of him, and when I lurched forward I impaled him with almost all of me, the force of which sent him face first into the van rug.

Mr. Walter wasn’t down for long, and was soon shoving back into me with each thrust I made, burying my entire manhood deep into his rectum. I grunted loud with each thrust, my balls flying forward and hitting the underside of his each time.

Mr. Walter squealed at one point when the rhythm of our coupling had grown impossibly fast and hard, almost violent in the way our bodies were meeting. Finally, I could take no more and emptied my load into his steamy hot cavity, filling his bowels with my seed before my dick went limp and slithered out of Mr. Walter.

I looked down and saw the gaping hole that remained for a moment afterward, with my cum gurgling out of his exposed anus as it slowly returned to normal, and then Mr. Walter rolled over and reached up for me.

“Hold me,” Mr. Walter asked, and I eased myself down onto him, our sweaty bodies embracing as he held me tightly.


“I hope this won’t change anything,” Mr. Walter said as he pulled up to my house. “I mean, about you and Todd, or the way you and I get along.”

“No,” I said, but I wasn’t sure.

The one thing I knew was that after getting into his father’s ass, I wanted Todd more than ever before, and if he wasn’t going to give it to me…

“Hope to see you again around the house then,” Mr. Walter said, reminding me of how this started.

“Will you be watching then too?” I asked.

“Does that bother you?” Mr. Walter asked, and smiled when I shook my head no.

“I’m glad,” Mr. Walter said. “Frankly, I find what goes on in Todd’s room a lot more exciting than what goes on in mine.”



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