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Helga was furiously scribbling to keep up. It was the last period of the day and she was so tired. Health and Wellness class was important for the girls at Celestine Prep and she wanted to take good notes. The room was sweltering and her shirt was sticking to her. Everyone in the room could probably see her bra through her damp shirt, but nobody bothered her about that sort of thing. She was proud of her tits, they were soft mountains of chocolate brown.

She wriggled in her seat, trying to find a spot that was comfortable but not too comfortable, her massive ass making it easy as she always had a hard time fitting on the chairs at the academy. They were build for a more slender type and she always hung over the sides. Not that she was fat. She was plump, but she was a mouse. Her bodytype was pretty much determined from the start. The teacher was writing on the whiteboard and giving a lecture on sterility in the intersex population.

“So, as you can see by this chart, the majority of us Gifted have many desirable advantages that make is popular in many positions and fields. The world is changing and we are not simply trophy wives and sex workers.” Several girls in the class snickered. There was a rumor that Ms. Feliz was a prostitute before taking over the Health and Wellness professor job here. At the sound she looked over her shoulder and stared daggers at the sound. Those girls quickly found very interesting things to write on their notebooks. Ms. Feliz, a tall ebony colored siamese cat, was gorgeous but she had a mean streak and you never wanted to get on her bad side.

The lecture resumed and her memorized lesson started to sound drowning to Helga’s exhausted self. She was hot and sweaty, she didn’t get much sleep last night. It was hard for her to ever really feel satisfied with her condition, She could jerk off a dozen times in a half hour, absolutely drench the socks and towels she would use to contain her mess, and still need more. It was getting worse but she was too embarrassed to say anything to anyone. Technically Ms. Feliz would be someone she should go to but if people saw her speaking to the Health and Wellness professor, it would just start up another round of mocking her tiny dick.

The heat and the droning and the exhaustion started to take it’s toll and she slowly started to nod off. Her big circle-rim glasses slid down her nose and she dropped her pencil onto her notepad. If she was awake to think it, she would be glad she didn’t snore.

In her dreams she was watching herself. It was an odd sensation to do so, but she was no lucid dreamer so it was just something she accepted as real. She was at home, standing in the doorway to her bedroom. Her school uniform was strewn on the floor next to her desk and, while she couldn’t see the monitor, it had to be some sort of porn because she was leaned back in her computer chair, one leg draped over the armrest and her heel on the edge of the desk. Her white cotton panties were hanging from her ankle and she was masturbating. She watched herself switch from wriggling her fingers between her thighs to play with her pussy, pushing two fingers in before raising her hand up to suck on her juices before hefting up one of her huge tits and pinch roughly at the nipple. Her other hand was, of course, stroking her cock and she found herself enthralled as it seemed like it was getting bigger by the moment. Her balls were swelling, too, and soon her dream-self had to lift them up in her palm to get to her wet snatch again.

She had been watching long enough that her other self should have cum by now. She was a hair trigger at the best of times and with how deeply enthralled she seemed to be, she should have coated the wall by now. But instead, she was jerking herself with reckless abandon and instead of a climax, her cock was growing. Just a little, but soon it looked more in line with the heavy orbs she sported. She wasn’t four inches anymore, for sure. Without a ruler she couldn’t guess but it was at least a foot if she had to guess. About average for most of the girls at Celestine and she found herself staring with deep desire. She loved a lot of her body, but she would give anything to have a…”OW!{ She found herself saying, startling her otherself into looking up. She looked behind her and it looked like her tail had gotten caught in the space between the door and the frame.

The dream around her vanished immediately and she found herself jerked awake, sitting up straight and knocking her glasses onto the desk to clatter loudly. She also realized she had just squeaked very loudly and she felt something on her tail. She looked over her shoulder and saw a white and black striped hand gripping the end of her tail and twisting it. She couldn’t see well without her glasses, but she knew who sat behind her.

“Miss Swerter! Do you have something to add to this lecture, or do you think you’ve got it down good enough to go back to sleep?” The scowl on her face popped into kağıthane escort view as she hurriedly put her glasses back on, her big ears turning red in embarrassment. It wasn’t helped by the whole class laughing loudly at the situation. A bunch of eighteen year olds should be mature enough to keep quite, but not when it came to Helga. “Stay after class, Helga.” She said curtly, which raised a chorus of ooooohs and ooooos, and she could hear a voice behind her say “Limp-dick’s in trouble.”

“Yes, Ms Feliz.” She said dejectedly, looking down. Of course, she wasn’t so limp now after that dream. It felt so real, it looked so real. She laid her hands in her lap. Not that anyone at Celestine cared about any of the girls getting hard. Popping a boner in class was about as momentous an occasion as needing a drink of water or a tissue. This was a preparatory academy, though so it would be improper to just take care of it in class. That’s what the hall passes were for. Everyone got one at the start of the week and got it punched if they had to duck out of class or come in late. Troughs in the bathrooms were there for the proper disposal so all that cum wouldn’t clog the plumbing. The troughs were on a separate line and were maintained meticulously by the students on rotation for custodial duty that week. It was honestly a source of pride, for most, helping their classmates deal with something they couldn’t get locked down, hormones raging in them even more than most, their biology different than the males and females in the world.

Gifted were a precious treasure and they were being raised to fill important roles in the world. Governments, businesses, schools, outreach programs…they all wanted a Celestine Girl as a liaison or mediator or representative. Aside from their ability to be a pleasurable way for two people to meet and come together (pun sometimes intended) towards a common goal with the guiding hands of one of the Gifted, Celestine Preparatory School for Gifted Girls trained them rigorously in accounting, technical writing, martial arts, and linguistics. They were all required to be fluent in at least three languages before graduation, their chosen ones determining where they would go after.

Helga, unfortunately, with her side project of leaving a mess for Jennifer every day this week, was all out of spaces on her hall pass. For the same reason of embarrassment, even though she could go and make her case for a pass with more stamps, she couldn’t go to Ms. Feliz or she would have to explain why she was relieving herself so often. It would end up with her having to talk about her lack of a refractory period and she didn’t know if that was good or bad, but she knew it was different. That might jeopardize her staying here, invalidate her scholarship.

The sparkling chime marking the end of the school day sounded and she sat squirming in her chair. Embarrassed and still rock hard, she waited until everyone had left the room but Ms. Feliz. The siamese walked up to her desk and looked down at her with glaring eyes, the last stragglers snickering at her as they walked out. Once it was just the two of them, her eyes softened and she sighed, crouching down so that she was eye level with the short mouse. Up close, Helga could see the whisps of grey at her temples. “Rough day, dear?” She put a hand on the mouse’s thigh and brushed against her stiff length. She blinked a bit in confusion, “Helga, why didn’t you just go to the restroom to freshen up?”

The mouse squeaked again, much quieter this time and she chewed on her bottom lip a bit as she found herself looking down the cleavage of her professor’s dress suit. The cat was crouching at the perfect spot for her to look and she stumbled over her words, “It…there was…..class was almost over…and I didn’t want to interrupt. I’m sorry, Ms. Feliz…”

“Karen. School is over, you can call me Karen. Do you need a ride home?” She asked as she stood up again, smiling down at her student. Helga was very bright and got in on an essay scholarship program for financially needy Gifted. She didn’t know the specifics, but she did know that Helga often had to take the bus.

“No, no, it’s ok. Idon’t want to keep you. I have…uhm…I want to take care of this and then I’ll be out in time for the last bus.” She looked down at the tent of her gray uniform skirt and slowly stood up, gathering up her books and cramming them in her backpack and running for the door, bouncing nicely as she ran.

“Such a sweet girl. I hope she gets some confidence soon or the other girls will eat her up.”

Helga stopped running once she was in the hall so she could put her hands over her crotch and try to hide herself to avoid more ridicule. Her arms pressed in on either side of her chest, making her already massive tits balloon out and stretch the already tight fabric of her sweat-dampened white blouse. She ducked into the bathroom and sighed happily when she saw there kaman escort was nobody there. Almost nobody stayed over at the Academy unless they had to so she had the room to herself which she was very glad for, her face turning from relief to rage at Jennifer Miller. Pulling on her tail like that. She was going to leave the stall extra messy for her today.

She shouldered open the stall door and hurried inside, this time pulling off all her clothes and tossing them aside. She didn’t need to be quiet or worry about going fast. She was going to enjoy this. She sat down on the toilet, legs spread wide. Her short cock, iron hard and slimy with pre stood straight up and she grabbed a condom from her bag. She ran out of colorful ones so it was just a plain translucent condom from the Wellness center. The school kept every form of contraceptive on hand, that was just common sense in a school for Gifted.

She quickly rolled it onto her dick and wrapped her hand around it. She scowled and pictured Jennifer in the stall, cleaning up her cum and the image made her length twitch in her hand. Just as she was starting, she heard footsteps. She bit down on her thumb to keep from cursing more than anything. She really needed this and now she would have to wait even longer. The footsteps were slow and kept going. She sat in silence, hand on dick, as the footsteps got closer and closer. They stopped and were shortly followed by a gentle tapping on the stall door.

She squeaked a little and stammered as she pulled her thumb free. “Uh. Uh. Occupied! I’m in here!” and yelped loudly as a loud bang sounded, the stall door swinging inward and just barely missing her knees. Standing in the opening was Jennifer Miller, wearing boots and a jumpsuit, the material denim and sporting the Celestine Academy symbol and the word ‘Custodial’ stitched under it.

The zebra girl, already much taller than Helga was with them both standing up, towered over her. She looked furious, though the valley girl accent she had made it just a little hard to take her completely seriously. The way she stood made up for the accent though, “You. Fucking. Bitch.” She snarled. Before Helga could react, Jennifer had lifted up her cellphone and snapped several pictures, the flash blinding her a bit. She hadn’t even let go of her dick.

“J-Jennifer! What are you doing! Stop!” She finally thought to let go of herself, looking back at the angry zebra just in time to get slapped in the face. She gasped and yelled “HEY!” and raised a hand to her cheek. Jennifer did something on her phone and she heard the whooshing sound of email sending.

“Blackmailing you. I already have pictures of your cute stunt every single day this week. That coupled with the ones I just took and you’re going to be in big trouble. You might even lose your precious poor girl scholarship. Then maybe you’ll stop being so stuck up.” She chuckled, shaking her head. Helga looked back wide eyed and shook her head too.

“No, please, you can’t. I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have done it! I’ll do anything.”

“Yes, you will. I have plans for you, bitch. But first.” The zebra girl unzipped her jumpsuitand shrugged it off her shoulders. She was wearing a black tanktop underneath that was stretched tightly over a pair of large tits, but nowhere near as massive as Helga’s. She kept unzipping until she could reach in and, tugging down her panties, pulled out a jet black equine cock, the balls plopping free as well. She sinched the waistband on her jump suit and gripped her dick at the base, the glans flaring open as a thick line of pre started to dribble free onto Helga’s knee.

“If you are decent enough, I won’t send those photos to the headmaster. Yet. I still probably will, but this grants you a reprieve.” She firmly tapped the head of her cock against the mouse’s cheek. She looked down and nodded to Helga’s tits, “I want to start there.”

“I…I’ve never…I’m…I’m a virgin…” Jennifer laughed out loud at Helga’s stammering protest.

“Oh shit, really? Of course you are.” She stepped forward and pushed on Helga’s shoulder, coaxing her to lay back against the back of the toilet as she got in closer. “Don’t worry, I’m not a fucking sicko like you. I won’t pop your cherry.” And with that pronouncement, she slapped her fat log of meat between those tits, smearing her pre around all over, getting the mouse’s fur wet. “Help me out or this is absolutely going to not be enough to delay me sending those pictures.”

Helga didn’t understand for a second then nodded quickly. She pressed her elbows up against her tits and wrapped them around Jennifer’s cock, the jet black pole disappearing inside the warm tunnel she makes. The heavy orbs, oblong and hanging low, were visible, as was the flared head peeking out the top of her cleavage. Despite the situation, she felt her own length twitch unseen beneath them as she watched that head slide towards her face. She squinted her eyes and tried kapaklı escort to look away but a hand came down on her head and grabbed her hair, “SUCK IT! You got great tits, limp-dick, but you think that’s gonna be enough? And you better not make a mess because I’m not cleaning this stall when we’re done.”

Helga squeaked as she felt her hair tugged and she opened her mouth wide, little pink tongue stuck out to receive her punishment. She had two front teeth that were just barely buck-toother. A classic mouse thing, and she often thought it made her look cute. There was nothing cute about that fat zebra-cock sliding roughly past her lips. She grunted in surprise, expected at least a little lead up but she felt herself sinking further and further down that length. She tried sliding her tongue over the belly of Jennifer’s cock, mimicking videos she had seen and stories she had read, but she’d never actually done it so she didn’t know if she was doing it right.

A very slight moan from the zebra hinted that she was doing something at least a little right. She swirled her tongue around and tried to work up some saliva to add to the salty pre that was filling her mouth. Just when she felt like she couldn’t take anymore, she felt that length start to slide back. With an audible pop, her lips were pulled free from that length and she looked up in confusion at the zebra, about to ask if that was it before the length was plunged forward again, this time harder and slamming into the back of her throat. She made a muted gagging sound but even if she was going to demean herself into throwing up, she couldn’t with that massive fuckstick blocking her throat.

This was the start of her very first blowjob and it was not going to be gentle or loving. She felt another hand on her head and Jennifer rocked forwards and back, working further down her throat. Her hands dropped to her side and the zebra pulled her hair again, “Don’t you dare drop those tits. It’s the only thing I like about you.” And she quickly pressed them around the zebra’s cock. Jennifer moaned louder at the warm softness wrapped around her shaft, at least the part that wasn’t working deeper into Helga’s throat.

Eventually, though, she was deep enough that the only way she could tunnel into that throat would be to stop the titjob and she wasn’t about to do that. Not going as deep as she wanted to to punish the mouse, she started pulling Helga’s head forward to meet her thrusts, a rough rhythm starting that quickened in pace quickly. Helga was being overwhelmed with this, barely breathing through her nose, her cock harder than she ever thought it could get. The more Jennifer fucked her throat, the easier it was getting and she found herself not hating it. Then she found herself enjoying it.

Then just as she was trying to decide if she was crazy for this feeling, this enjoyment, she heard Jennifer start panting, her rhythm starting to falter a bit even as she went faster. “FUCK.I’M CLOSE…Don’t…UNGH…you waste it…..” She arched her back and held Helga’s face as tight to her as she could, and Helga’s jaw was forced even wider from the swell of that cock unleashing it’s load. She didn’t see them in her position, but those heavy balls, hanging low, rose up and tightened, thick ropes throbbing through that horsecock, the glans swelling in her throat as all that cum swelled the underside, urethra standing out like an iron cord and Helga groaned loudly as it waa dumped directly into her stomach. It was like someone had dumped a gallon of milk into her stomach all in one go. It didn’t stop. She started to panic, scrambling around but unable to move from under that grip. Her stomach swelled. She went from plump to fat to looking pregnant with twins before the zebra suddenly pulled out, thick trails of cum and spit keeping her cock connected to that mouth for a minute before she quickly grabbed her length, stepped back, and stroked her length a few more times, the last few jets splattering all over Helga’s naked form. A hot rope of cum landed on her rigid cock and her eyes went wide as the feeling of her own climax washed over her. She groaned loudly and arched her back, her own cock erupting and starting to fill the condom.

Jennifer wiped her cock on the mouse’s tits and didn’t even say a word as she walked away and out of the bathroom. Helga was left to her own throes of passion and she had never cum like this before. Her climaxes were intense but they were quick. A few jets and she was ready for another. This was the first time in her life it just kept going.

She grabbed her tits and savagely clamped down on her nipples, tugging on them as she rose out this new sensation. The condom filled more and more, looking ready to burst, which it soon did. But not the way it would just being overfilled. She’d seen that before. This condom tore at the base and her eyes went wide as she panted her way through her confusing orgasm, watching as her stomach slowly started to deflate and her cock started to thicken and lengthen. Her balls swelled until she could feel the cold water of the toilet under her and a moment later she passed out. She was completely covered in her own cum as well as her bully’s and this new twist was enough for her exhaustion to completely overtake her.

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