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The Plague. No one knows how it started. The only thing everyone knows that it desolated the world’s human population and is continuing to do so. The Plague had wiped out the human races’ fertility rates so dramatically there were pregnancy laws. After the Plague had hit and started wiping out the rate of successful births, the Pregnancy Act (PA) was enforced: any woman over the age of 18 was required to get pregnant as fast as possible and as much as possible. The method could be the old fashioned way or by artificial insemination (AI) from a donor with high fertility numbers and successful birth rates. The government known simply as The Order would pay for the AI if needed for a female unable to get pregnant within a 6 month period of time. The Order would also pay for any medical costs, housing, and nutrition for the woman/couple-even if not married or engaged for marriage. There are fertility treatments and testing for all humans that have undergone puberty and started on a fertility plan to increase the chances of fertilization once the female has become of age.
This is the law, the way of life for civilization after the Plague. If you were a female and tried resisting the Pregnancy Act, there were consequences if you were caught. Whether you didn’t follow your fertility plan or try to become pregnant after turning 18, that’s when you were located and brought in for completing the steps for the fertility plan or AI if no positive pregnancy test hasn’t been reported within the 2 month period after your 18th birthday. If you didn’t take your vitamins or anything included in your fertility plan by the doctors you were then brought into a boarding situation and/or supervised for your specific fertility plan. This included blood tests to make sure that every human was following the Plan, male and sumo web tools female both. With women and their different cycles they were given the drug called Timer. This drug was specifically engineered to every female’s different cycle so that they never had their period on their birthday and instead they always had their peak ovulation time on their birthday and then this time frame was extended to last a week for optimal fertilization chances on their 18th birthday.
Due to the PA everyone has to have tests done for Sexual Diseases and Illnesses, and if you were a Carrier for the Plague then you were watched even closer and subjected to drug trials to see if the Carrier Gene could be wiped out and replaced with a sort of placebo Gene to make the body not pass it to offspring so there would be no chance of the Plague Genes in future generations. If your body did not take to the trial drugs and you had a chance of passing on the Plague Genes then you were given a sterility pill so that you could have no chance of becoming pregnant and reopening the gates for another Plague.
If there is a genetic gene that has a chance in any way to complicate the pregnancy term or the birth or survival rate of the baby, then it will be removed and replaced with a placebo gene. Similar to the way the Plague Genes are genetically altered not to be passed along with the trial drugs.
Part of the PA is that everyone is implanted with a chip that stores your medical information, criminal history, and personal information that can be scanned and also is used as a tracker. These chips are nano-sized and inserted into your bloodstream. They are virtually impossible to remove unless you had a full blood transplant by filtered blood. Even then, if anyone tried to do an unregistered full-blood transplant, and sumowebtools alarm was sent to the nearest police station and you were located, and brought in for supervision.
Each female is to remain a virgin until her 18th birthday so that the fertility plans and treatments work to the maximum level and to reduce the chances of a premature pregnancy occurring and the possible loss of a pregnancy going wrong and the female having complications later on in her future carrying terms/pregnancies.
Depending on funds and the plans for your 18th birthday party, there are special permits granted by the Order: these Pre-Party Permits (PPPs) are set in place for a fee that allowed the client to have an educational experience within the week before their scheduled party date. PPPs are hard to get due to the application fee associated with the application process and the time it took to get processed.
There were programs you could sign up for created by the Order. Some of these programs included:
Planners: these people specializes in 18th birthday parties for females. The client would be asked about how they would like their first time to go and what their specific fantasies are. The job of the Planner was to make everything run smoothly and perfectly to enhance the frequency of times the female will have sexual interactions during and after the party is over. The Order will have a set amount of funds set aside for each female to use for their party and all the costs. Anything over these funds will have to be provided by the family or by herself or by donations.
Sessions: having high ranking fertile men come to your place of residency at scheduled times. You could choose the looks, the personalities, and how many. These males were tested regularly and put on potency drugs to increase the chances of egg fertilizations. The Order will provide financial assistance depending on the different requests for each female. One male per session is fully paid for by the Order. Each male after the one for the same session, the female will receive a stipend for each additional male as long as it is in the same session. For example, the first male for one session is paid for, each additional male for the same session represents $50 stipend for the female, due to the increased chances of a successful fertilization. And if you are a male, you can submit an application and be put “on-call” so that you can be called in. This application will include what you like and are willing to do, your rate of success with successful births/fertilization rates, your physical description and measurements.
Artificial Insemination (AI): this is for a female who wants to control the certain aspects of the donor such as: physical appearances, specific genes, personality, or if they have not become pregnant by the 6 month term presented to them by the Order, they will be given a mandatory notice to come into a clinic and have AI preformed free of charge.
Private Dens: these business house opportunities for women and men who would love to enhance different situations and cravings for both men and women cliental. They are given their own rooms and allowed to pick their clients of pleasure. Potential employees are required to fill out applications and then upon hire are given a bonus and great birthing/medical benefits for women and medical benefits for men. Potential clients are also required to fill out applications for the employees to choose from. These Dens are required to pay taxes to fund the Order’s Pregnancy Act.
This is the Law. The Pregnancy Act is put in place to restore the human population. The goal is to have the human race off the endangered species level 5. Once the Level has decreased to Level 2 then the Pregnancy Act will be amended to go back to the Old Ways. The Ways of Freedom.
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