Queendom 04: Retirement Party

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Retirement Party

Elanor grazed her fingers along the rope impressions on her left hand. It still made her loins pulse while touching the marks that cut in too deep, the pain melding with pleasure. She stayed quiet the whole way back, not even meeting Bella’s gaze. Something about it felt a bit deeper than her usual silence. ‘Did she push too hard.? Didn’t seem like it at the time, not in the least. But now, looking at the Queen…’ Bella dwelled in the uncertainty of it the entire night. The next morning she received a scroll from the Queen informing she was unwell. Suggesting, it’ll be better if they took a day off or two. Bella knew it was well within her authority to reject the request.

‘Request, huh?’ She found it odd that upon reading a direct message from the ruling monarch, and her first instinct had become to call it a ‘request’.

It puzzled her deeply.

Leave Elanor, what was all this training doing to Bella? Sure, the Queen had to endure the humiliation of each task. But it’s not like she could be held responsible for any of it. By the imperial contract, the Queen technically had no choice but to play into whatever Bella tasked. But it also insulated her from any responsibility, at least legally. Bellatrix, on the other hand, had all the moral culpability if anything were to go wrong. It’s not that she didn’t know it beforehand. She just never expected for the weight of it to grow multifold, with each new task.

And that’s only half the problem. The other half was the sudden surge of pure power she felt in her blood, every time she had the Queen herself on her knees. Every time she heard her call Mistress, even if unwillingly or timidly. And especially, every time she got to witness the Queen blushing, realizing she had unwittingly creamed herself. She was busy with these thoughts for days on loop, tending to her herd, when she finally received the second message. She was to meet the Queen the next morning.

Finally, Bellatrix thought, walking in with a smile now on her face. A smile she didn’t know she had.

An odd face for a stoic, after all.



Elanor stood in the Imperial Library hall, examining the newly commissioned mural. It depicted ‘the Battle of Berg’, the final stand-off between men of Wolkenshire and Noxtra the sixth. It was a painstakingly detailed representation of the hundreds of men battling it out, with the dust and blood and horses and all the rest of the chaos. And in the foreground stood the famed General of Wolkenshire, strategizing from the cliff above, all the might of the men personified in his heroic stance and fearless eyes. The royal artist stood beside her explaining, in great detail what each stroke meant, and each color symbolized.

“It still amazes me..!” The Queen said. “How do you capture with such detail, the look in his face, the shine in his armor plate, even the folds of his..” She thankfully stopped herself from completing that thought.

“Oh my Queen.. What an eye for detail you have..! We use models to study the pose, multiple male models to capture the expression, the musculature. We have the portraits of the famed general so..” He went on and on about how the masterpiece was created. But none of it fell to her ears. Her eyes were fixed on the man up front.

‘Lord Stephanos Juxon, the general!’ There was something magnetic about the brush strokes, almost bringing it forth from the frame, bringing it to life, and closer. The artist had managed to capture the likeness pretty accurately, especially his famed piercing green eyes and high cheekbones. Even the minute threading of the armor plate was done to perfection. But the Queen saw none of those. Her eyes instead were fixed on the intimidating Lord’s pelvis. His clothes parted around the hips, and his pants looked a bit too tight for comfort.

And as she peered into it, Elanor could almost make out the impression of his penis, something that was a personal legend about the Lord. She could make out an erection even, the way his thick bulbous mushroom head pushed against the sheath, his whole member more than semi hard now, bulging against the tight fabric of the pants. The Queen wasn’t wondering about the symbolism of it. Whether the artist meant to capture his virile appetite for war, or his brave manhood, unwavering in front of the enemy. No, she didn’t wonder nor cared. From the moment she noticed, she was captivated by the pelvis alone, in its entirety.

She wondered whether she should kneel down for a closer look. ‘That’s one massive member..!! Much like Joaquin’s from last week.’ Elanor was genuinely surprised she recalled the now-ordained celibate’s name. She noticed that the cliff where the Lord stood had enough grass. Maybe she was to kneel before him on that cliff, the grass would cushion her knees. It’ll help her to keep kneeling longer, taking in his magnificence. Maybe she’ll get to feel his fingers circle her nape. Will he ejaculate on to her, much like Joaquin.? Will she taksim escort get to taste it proper this time? Maybe she’ll get to witness his member burst out of the thin pants. Oh! That would be wonderful..! Then, she may feel his grip tighten on her hair bun, as her wet lips close in on his erect head. And her tongue will get to..

“My Queen.!” The artist called her, woke her up essentially, from the beautiful lucid dream she was about to embark on. “Shall we move on to the next mural?” His humble voice enquired.

Elanor didn’t respond. But simply walked along, the artist and her entourage quickly following. To answer his question would have given away, the fact that her throat had dried, long back. And the only wetness she felt now dripped along her under thighs.

‘This is not good.’ Elanor thought. She finished the visit quickly and returned to the royal court. Bella must have reached by now.

They must talk. This can’t go unchecked.




“My Queen, you called for me.” Bellatrix bowed formally. This was the Monarch’s chamber, next to the royal court. Sure they could talk in privacy, but there were guards on vicinity. Meaning, Elanor wasn’t required to call her ‘Mistress’.

“Bella, please take a seat.” The Queen looked disturbed. “I’ll get straight to the point. Your methods continue to remain effective, surpassing all my expectations. But I’m afraid it’s bleeding into my work.”

“Could you elaborate a bit my Queen?” This was news to Bella. She had expected the Queen called her to apologize, for losing control of herself the last task. Not that it required an apology. But in case it aided with the shame of the situation, Bella having to witness it all.

“I’m not indecisive, or conflicted anymore. My mind’s playfully free to focus on the administrative tasks, with a truly open mind. A fresh perspective. But lately, it has turned way too playful. Like, when a guard walks in and reads me a parchment my thoughts wander. When the servant bends down next to me pouring me wine, my thoughts wander.. Even if I’m staring at a mere painting of a war, my thoughts..”

“You need to be specific my Queen..” Bella had no clue what bothered the Queen so much. “Wandered where? About what..?”

With great shame and an increasingly parched throat, Elanor managed to explain her situation, in the least words she could. How she struggled to look at even her lowest ranking guards now, without her gaze lapsing and peeking at their crotch. And how sometimes if she gets gripped by a pelvis, her eyes simply refused to look away. How she had to look up and around every time the officials convened, unless they were sitting around a table. About how even a mere painting got her to wet herself, just that morning.

“Well..” Bella had no idea how to respond, it’s not like her plate wasn’t full already. Not wanting to make everything her problem, she asked tactfully.

“What do you propose, my Queen?”

Elanor couldn’t wait to jump in. After all, she had toiled over the same thought for days now.

“Bella, I think we must have a solid delineation between the tasks and my life as a Queen. As much as the last task over performed, as it did. I still think it was a mistake to assign a task at day time. May be we should restrict the tasks to being strictly nocturnal.. It’d decrease the risk of discovery by tenfold, don’t you think?”

“Well my Queen. It’s not that I can’t see the rationale. But it defeats the purpose. The whole reason the last task worked so well, was the surprise element. Not the activity itself, but the time frame. Your body was not expecting such carnality at the peak hours of the day, like no self-respecting Queen should. The element of surprise, on all counts, is crucial to the task.”

The Queen nodded, her face still worried. She had a point.

“My Queen, If I may suggest an alternative.” Bella leaned in and continued.

“I was to submit the modified contract this week anyway, fine-tuning it to my findings so far. How about we including a clause that says, ‘Only one day-time task is permissible per month at most, and the employee can choose whether to exercise this right.’ That way we don’t go overboard, with your discomfort.”

“Oh Bella.. Even one… Is it really necessary?”

“My Queen, it doesn’t say one day-task per month. It says I may choose to include one every month. This way you’ll stay anticipating if the next one is a day-task, keeping yourself on edge. And I only have to exercise it, if I feel the usual tasks are getting a bit stale.”

Elanor wasn’t big on compromises, but she knew this was the best deal possible. After all, she wanted results, and was amazed by how effective the tasks turned out so far.

Another of her concerns suddenly popped, and Elanor asked.

“You have an impressive record as the most talented horse trainer, Bella. But surely, you are inexperienced when it comes to actual power. And it’s pitfalls. mecidiyeköy escort The complete control over the shame of the most powerful Imperial monarch can be intoxicating at times, don’t you think?”

Bella understood well what she meant. It was a dilemma she herself had a hard time getting a grip on. Yet there was no way she could give a straight answer without compromising her authority. And the Queen’s utter subservience was crucial to the treatment, she knew now for sure. With a commanding voice she asked.

“Are you questioning my ability to handle the power bestowed upon? Are you doubting my control over myself.?”

“What do you think?” Elanor asked. Power play wasn’t new to a Princess.

“Well I think… Even in terms of power, the situation is extremely unique. And I’m not claiming to be perfect. But if I remember right, even Her Majesty had a hard time controlling oneself. Especially by the end, the last task.”

As the mere mention of it filled her cheeks with shame so red, Elanor had no immediate response. Bella continued.

“It’s an unprecedented circumstance my Queen. And even if I haven’t seen the likes of it in the rutting wild, I should know better. It’d be unwise of me to hold it against you.”

‘Wait, did she just..?’ Elanor’s muddled thoughts were interrupted again.

“I wouldn’t suspect your resilience, for what was clearly Clergyman Ishikawa’s conniving handiwork.”

“Right, it’s not me. It’s that man.. Ishikawa!! Him and his pervy fingers..”

Suppressing her smirk, Bella played along. “Quite right my Queen. Am I to assume that you prefer not to use the Clergyman’s services anymore?”

“Oh please no, Bella! I can’t, I don’t..” Elanor gasped for words in actual terror. “.. I don’t know how I’ll react, if I could deny even, anything he ask of me. I doubt he uses black magic on those ropes. I still miss them on my skin, you know? I don’t think there’s anything he can’t drive a woman to admitting, to succumbing…”

About that Bella had no doubt. That was a man with a lifetime dedicated to mastering eroticism. Elanor stood no chance if he was to go unrestricted.

Not her will, nor her chastity.

“Any other suggestions, Her Highness?” Bella asked, with her authority intact.

“Well, I need to be able to separate this character of mine, this persona who submits.. to you.. to endure these tasks. I need to separate her from the Queen Elanor, who toils every waking moment for her people. And I can’t do that when every time I see you, a voice deep within me can’t help but call ‘Mistress’.”

Bellatrix knew this was coming. She had always noticed how the Queen seemed to squirm visibly the first few times she had to call ‘Mistress’. Slowly her timidness will kick in, but after weeks, it still seemed an untamable part of her. That reluctance to give into the submissiveness on command.

“I’m sorry my Queen. But this can’t be a well negotiated contract. Your discomfort, your restrictions, even at negotiation, is by design. You know how..”

“I know, I know..” The Queen interjected. “The element of subservience, I know.. But it worked so well so far, I just don’t want it to turn counter-productive now.”

They both sat in silence, thinking separately. Then Bellatrix spoke.

“Okay, you’ll sign the amended contract tomorrow, and send it to be sealed. And I’m adding this one exception. No restrictions on actions, or speech till sundown, every working day. That includes honorifics. And no restrictions period, outside of already assigned tasks and current tasks. But you’ll lose some privileges in return.”

“So no more calling Mistress..?!” Elanor couldn’t help.

“Till sundown, yes. But once it gets dark, you are to wait for me in your room as usual. I will have complete control over your clothing, cleaning, etiquette, dinner. In fact, my any command goes within the bounds of your chamber, any day I choose to walk in. And you will call me Mistress, willingly, happily every time. Every night I come. And even a hint of discomfort or protest to accepting your subservience will result in punishments. And if I am to approve of this, you are to willingly revoke your panty privileges, from now on. And I want it specified in writing.”

Panty privileges.?! Elanor didn’t have time to take it all in. She wouldn’t understand fully what will be included in the list above. She didn’t even realize how much her flimsy underclothing helped in soaking up all her juices all day long. She had no clue she could be agreeing to a lifetime of sticky under thighs, sliding against the other with each step, with her pussy constantly leaking, reminiscing of the previous task. She was so used to the smell of her own juices, it barely registered to her now.

Even he absurdity of writing on an official Imperial Contract, the copy of which will be added to the Imperial records, explicitly stating that she will not be wearing panties form now on, somehow escaped her. It didn’t matter to her. beşiktaş escort She was the Ruling monarch of Wolkenshire!

She bowed to no one. And she had no mistress.

Not when the sun shone at least.



Later that week.

It was almost five thirty in the evening, when Bellatrix walked through the Castle corridors. She had just finished her weekly meeting with the servants. Over fifty permanent staff, from messengers, to gardeners, to chefs and washers, to chamber maids. Men and women! Even if they were the hospitality staff, these people took extreme pride in their contribution to the Kingdom. If she were to oversee their activities, just a royal decree wasn’t enough.

Bella knew she had to earn their respect. And on a deeper level, she understood these men. They were hardworking daily laborers of simple tastes and needs, and a little cheering up went a long way for them. So in the meeting, when Tabitha mentioned six of the senior members were retiring this month, Bellatrix saw an opportunity. She announced that a small ‘send off’ celebratory dinner will be held for the retiring staff tonight, and put Tabitha in charge of the program. From the previous encounters, Bella knew this was right up her wheelhouse. Remembering her appointment with the Queen, Bella concluded the meeting and rushed to her chambers.

As her steps maintained the steady pace, Bella’s mind wandered around the observations so far. The Queen reported significant regulation of mood since they started, with her ability to maintain peace of mind increasing tenfold following the last task. Even with the recent amends to the contract, she fundamentally considered the tasks a necessity. Her behavior had stayed constant while performing them, from a sudden apprehension at the beginning, to varying degrees of participation from passivity to overindulgence.

And of course.! Her proclivity to surprise all, including herself, by managing to get debased than ever required.

Concluding with that signature regret of hers, and contemplation on their journey back. The Queen would simply remain silent, her gaze fixed on the horizon, and Bella would just let her be. Reflecting upon her actions, any revelatory instances, and her emotional status afterward. Elanor would submit a detailed report later, which were reliably positive, and increasingly asking to push the limits. Since it was an imperial contract, it was necessary they kept strict reports of the activities, although they used aliases to protect their identity. The documents were sealed later.

Bellatrix was surprised by how far Elanor was willing to push as long as it stayed within the pre-set rules. That’s one thing that amazed her about her Queen.

Her rigid adherence to the rules.

Apparently she had shared a special bond with her father, her Papa. The elder sister Vera was always a headache for King Ribert of Vankenbraum, and not just because of her libertine attitude. She had always been unruly, and her mother made sure she grew into a brat, just like herself. On the other hand, Princess Elanor was respectful and wise in her behavior. And the King made sure to give her all due attention and education. He instilled in her at an early age, how things would fall apart without rules. It doesn’t matter if it’s for the subjects or the King.

A rule is a rule. The one rule, that ruled over them all.

Bellatrix found this aspect and adherence of the Queen, to an almost fault, quite admirable, compared to the usual backstabbing royalties who’d bend the rules at whim. At the same time, how bizarre their last outing escalated to, hadn’t escaped her. Especially how close the Queen came to giving an actual blowjob, that too to a celibate clergyman. She realized it wasn’t any repressed urge, but a true expression from her psyche. Something she would have naturally done had she been with King Barthomius.

As Bella passed the corridor leading to the Royal Library of Records, she made a mental not to check the archives once her meeting was over. It may take a few hours, but she needed to have a better understanding of the royal definitions of terms like ‘rules’, ‘contractual obligation’ and of course ‘chastity’. She will need to be able to defend her ideas, especially if she were to convince the Queen of the next task. It would prevent the Queen from backtracking if the legal grounds were solid.



Elanor appeared calm and composed, but it was hard to miss that glimmer in her eyes. ‘God, she is looking forward to it?!’ Bellatrix made a mental note. ‘This means the original plan wouldn’t suffice for today. She needs some escalation.’

Elanor spoke, “So, what would it be this weekend?”

Bellatrix, “We’ll get there. But first, I visited Adriana today. She told me you never missed a class, and had improved radically in last week alone. Guess the last task provided you with that necessary push, to march past shame.”

“Lady Adriana is kind.” Elanor replied, her voice timid and cheeks blushing, unfitting a Queen, “I merely follow her instructions.”

“No, she was deeply impressed with your classical education in dance. And pleasing her, eliciting the emotion you expect of her, apparently makes you move more seductively.”

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