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Barbara went about her morning routine. She stood at the sink, brushed her teeth, flossed, washed her face. She peered deep into the eyes of her own reflection and intoned her daily affirmation.
“You once were lost but now are saved. The poison is out; the ignorant slut is gone.”
She cocked a half smile and breathed out deeply. She visualized the poison in her bloodstream being mobilized to her lungs and exiting through her pursed lips. Today was Barbara’s first day as a counselor at Camp Clean. It was also two years to the day that Barbara had first set foot on campgrounds as a student.
Camp Clean was a summer Christian ministry devoted to cleansing sinners of their unnatural and impure impulses. Prior to her rebirth at the camp two years ago, Barbara had been a despicable chronic masturbator. In college she had stumbled upon what could happen with a pillow between her legs and a half hour of friction. By her second year she had a near-daily routine of sprinting to her apartment from campus, locking the door to her room, and passing every hour until dinner rubbing herself in any conceivable way. When her grades slipped her parents began to realize that she was not slaving away at coursework all day. One day her roommate knocked too softly to hear over her furious purring, cracked the door, and found her slavishly devoting herself to her loins. Her parents were quickly alerted to the deviancy.
This incident kicked of a family odyssey to help Barbara with her filthy addiction. Nothing seemed to work. The shame of her parents’ lectures only heightened her heights. Every possible implement for self-destruction was removed from her bedroom but she continued to find others: the bedpost, her electric toothbrush, a smuggled cucumber from the kitchen – and when all else failed, her infallible right hand. Eventually her parents realized that physical solutions could not answer their prayers, and they sought mental, emotional, and spiritual answers. After a half dozen failed therapists had washed out in their attempts to help Barbara, her parents broke down one night at Bible study with a group of families from their church. As conservative southern Baptists, they had held the secret close, not wanting others in the community to know. But eventually years of frustration boiled over into a moment of transparency.
They were relived to find that another God-fearing family had delt with similar issues with a son of theirs. They recommended Camp Clean. When Barbara was dropped off at camp two years ago, it had been years since she’d gone more than two or three days without touching herself. Since then, she hadn’t masturbated once. It was an honest-to-God miracle. The Christian teachings of camp had touched her spiritually, the methods resonated deeply. And now Barbara was thrilled to have been asked back as a counselor, to spread her learnings and successes with others.
Barbara had completed her college degree and was happily out in the workforce, a self sufficient adult. The camp headmaster felt that she could be an invaluable asset getting through to peers, others at a similar point in their lives. She was assigned as the lead instructor for a cabin of six boys, all on summer break from college. Barbara wanted to give these boys the gift she’d been given, a sendoff into adulthood and a life free from the constraints of self-harm.
She completed her morning routine and exited her cabin, walking down the path to Cabin 1, where her six pupils waited. Each cabin was rustic but spacious, housing three rooms: the bunk room, a traditional classroom with desks facing a chalkboard, and a communal bathroom. She strode directly into the classroom where all six were already seated quietly at desks, waiting for her. She’d already read the camp applications for each boy and was intimately familiar with their circumstances. All had a journey to camp similar to hers – families at their wits ends, exhausting seemingly every option before discovering Camp Clean. In the upper righthand corner of the chalkboard she wrote “Miss Barbara” and turned around to address the boys. She’d practiced her opening monologue for days leading up until now.
“Men and women are inherently pure. We were born pure and we grow up pure. But along the way something terrible has happened to everyone in this room. A poison now resides in your bodies and it is my job to get it out.”
She paused for dramatic effect.
“Adam and Eve, too, were pure when they entered the Garden of Eden. But a snake came to them, and that snake was Lucifer. The devil corrupted them; he corrupted the purity of God’s creation, and he has corrupted you. But it wasn’t because you ate the wrong apple. No, no, no. At some point in each of your lives, totally unaware, without knowing it, you were bitten by that snake devil. And he put poison in your bodies. And because of it every day you harm yourselves and soil your bodies with impurity of thoughts and actions.”
She felt like her preacher back home, ministering to those in need. The boys all sat in rapt attention. Menderes Escort A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead; she was working up a lather of exertion. She continued on, using many of the tips and tricks she’d learned in her counselor training, until the timid arm of one boy was raised.
“Yes,” she said pointing to him. She recognized Timothy from her bio packets.
“Um, I have a question.”
“Sure. Go ahead.”
“You see ma’am-“
“Please. It’s Miss Barbara.”
“Ok. You see Miss Barbara. There’s somethin’ sitting on my mind. You see, I grew up on a ranch, and I know snakes. We had rattlers all over. And you’re tellin’ us here that we’ve all been snake bit, right?”
“Yes, in a way.”
“I can see that. Yeah, I can see that. Like for the longest time I was fine, not foolin’ with myself and such. And one day that devil snake just jumped up and bit me between the legs. And I’ve had these urges ever since. And I know that poison you’ve been talkin’ about. I can feel that poison in me.”
“That’s great that you can recognize that, acknowledge it.”
“Uh huh, uh huh. Yeah but you see ma’am – I mean Miss Barbara. You see, people get snakebit on that ranch all the time. I mean, not really all the time, but it does happen. And we always do the same thing. Whenever it happens you gotta get someone else to suck the poison out. We suck out that snake poison, and things usually get better.”
A light ripple of laugher came from some of the other boys in the room. Timothy continued looking ahead earnestly, pleadingly searching Barbara’s eyes for help.
“What are you suggesting?”
“Well Miss Barbara I don’t right know. I just know you’re talking about snakes and poison, and all I know is that you gotta suck the poison up out of a snake bite.”
“Thank you for sharing. Now as I was saying…” Barbara continued on with her pre-planned lesson. The earnest focus amongst the boys never wavered, despite the interruption. The day’s lesson ended, and the boys moved on with the rest of their day. Barbara retreated to her cabin where she lesson-planned for the next day. She paused briefly for dinner and continued working until well past dark.
Barbara looked up from her desk and out the window. Across the path all the lights were off in Cabin 1. She walked over to check in, make sure everyone was in bed, everything ship shape. She opened the screen door slightly and stuck her head in – no lights, no sound, so signs of movement. All seemed right in the world. She was about to withdraw her head when some quiet pitter patter sound crept out of the darkness and caught her attention. She held her breath and listened more closely. She’d never heard anything like it.
She slithered her body through the open crack of the door and followed where her ears led. The sounds were coming from the communal restroom. Barbara pressed her ear to the door to hear better. It wasn’t enough; she leaned closer, and in doing so the door yielded to her applied pressure and her head emerged into the restroom. In an instant she registered an unmistakable image.
One of the boys stood in a corner of the communal shower, his back to the door. He wore a shirt, but his pants were around his ankles on the floor. She could not see the front of his body but knew immediately what was happening there: he was masturbating. The sound that had led her into the bathroom was the slapping of his fist as he drew his hand up and slammed it back down on the base of his penis – then repeated at a frequency she didn’t know was possible. With her ears now in the room itself, Barbara could hear more clearly the undertones of another series of sounds beneath the pounding of flesh. She detected the whimpers and sniffles of the boy crying.
Without thinking, she walked fully into the room. Standing more closely, she recognized the outline of this boy.
“Timothy? Timothy, what’s the matter?” Startled, he leaped into the air and turned around, his hands up as if she were the police and he was under arrest.
“Miss Barbara! Miss Barbara! Oh. Oh, I’m so sorry Miss Barbara. I… I…” He broke off briefly in sobs. “I couldn’t help myself. I promise I thought your lesson today was helpful. I thought this was the day I’d stop messin’ with myself. But I laid there in bed, and I felt the poison, and I couldn’t stop myself.”
Barbara didn’t know what to do. She was speechless. This situation certainly wasn’t in the Camp Clean Counselor Handbook. For the first time, she looked down, and her eyes took in Timothy’s manhood. She had never seen one in person, and she’d always wondered what it looked like. It stood out and up at an unnatural angle. She could almost feel its rigidity from across the room, like something straining from beneath its sheath to get out. There were coiled muscles ready for release. In fact, what a penis resembled the most to her in that moment was a snake, coiled and ready to strike. And a thought occurred to her. The snake that bit these boys wasn’t something external; Menderes Escort Bayan it had been there all along, only it had awoken at some point in their past. It didn’t come up, bite, inject poison, and move on. The snake was there, living between their legs, constantly infecting them with poison.
The pieces fell into place. Barbara knew exactly what she needed to do in that moment. Timothy’s metaphor about sucking the poison out had been partially right all along. But it wasn’t injected venom in the skin that had to be drawn out. She needed to draw the poison directly out of the snake. Then it would be defanged, unable to poison him any longer. Barbara locked eyes and stepped halfway across the room.
“Timothy, do you trust me?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Yes, Miss Barbara,” she corrected.
“Yes, Miss Barbara.”
“I know what to do, Timothy. I know how to fix you.”
“Oh praise God! What is it? Please tell me!”
“You’ve been right all along about the snake and the poison.” She stepped closer; his head nodded stupidly like a bobblehead doll. “That poison needs to be sucked out, just like at the ranch.” She dropped to her knees in front of him but kept her eyes trained on his. “I need you to trust me. I’m going to suck that poison right out of you. I’m gonna fix you, sweet boy.”
Barbara turned her gaze to the rigid cock inches from her face. It leered indecently at her, a drop of moisture leaking from the tip. She sized it up, wondering exactly how all this should work. Clearly that little hole in the tip was where the poison would come out. She figured the whole thing must work like some sort of overgrown straw. She opened wide, wrapped her lips around it, and sucked like she was trying to draw up a particularly thick milkshake. Nothing came out, but it did destabilize Timothy enough that he fell backwards and ended up bracing himself upright in the corner of the walls, his hands out to either side and his legs buckling slightly.
“Oh, oh my, Miss Barbara! I don’t know about this.”
“Just trust me, Timothy. I’m going to suck this demon right out your body if it’s the last thing I do. I’m going to help you.”
More slowly this time she opened her mouth and brought him inside. She collapsed her lips around him and began applying some suction pressure, but more gently now. She remembered the visual of what he was doing when she caught him touching himself – the back and forth movements he employed. Barbara began to mimic those with her mouth. She thought about it like a bland popsicle – sucking and slurping and moving her mouth up and down its length to get at the juice. Timothy was much more compliant with this method. His body relaxed.
The echoing sounds in the room had changed. The sharp slapping of flesh had been replaced by Barbara’s wet slurping noises, and Timothy’s pouting sobs were now low groans and moans. She would have thought it impossible, but Timothy’s cock stiffened to an even harder state within her mouth. She had coated him with enough saliva that her lips glided frictionlessly across his length. His hips were now moving in time with her mouth, thrusting slightly at first and more aggressively the longer she sucked. To keep him at bay she brought a hand up and grasped the base of his cock, holding him tighter the more he bucked.
“Oh. Oh my. Oh my miss Barbara. Miss Barbara, ma’am, something is happening.”
This is it, she thought. She was coaxing the poison right out. She applied more suction with her mouth, wondering what it would be like. What does the poison of Lucifer himself taste like? Incomprehensible sputtering noises began erupting from Timothy’s mouth. His legs vibrated and seemed unsteady. Then he let out a long, continuous groan, like muffled police siren, and Barbara’s mouth was filled full of unfamiliar tastes and sensations. She swallowed repeatedly as wave after wave of fluid filled her mouth. She quickened her pace and sucked harder; she couldn’t leave anything behind – for Timothy’s sake. The flood stopped but her pace continued. Eventually he tried to pull back, extracting himself.
“Oooh. It’s starting to get uncomfortable. I think that’s it Miss Barbara. I think you got it.” He sank to the floor, landing with the hard slap of his ass on the cold tiles below. His cock made a faint popping noise as it released itself from the suction of her mouth.
“You really think so? How do you feel? Do you feel different?”
“I feel drained Miss Barbara. I feel like I don’t ever need to touch that thing again. I feel like every urge has been evacuated from my body.” He sat there dumbfounded. “I feel cured.”
“I’m so happy to hear that. I’m so proud of you, Timothy. We did it.” Barbara was filled with pride, brimming with happiness. She felt like she could walk on water, turn water into wine, banish the devil from innocent young men. She stood up and turned to leave, but when she opened the door to the restroom, the other five boys were huddled around the door, listening in just how she had been Escort Menderes minutes before.
“What’s going on it there?” One asked.
“We heard a racket.” Another chimed in.
“Timothy, you look hurt. You ok, boy?”
Barbara stepped out into the assembled pack, taking control of the conversation. “It’s alright, boys. Timothy is just fine. In fact, he’s better than fine. He’s fixed, cured of the devil’s poison. And he’s got me to thank for it.” She cocked an eyebrow up and affected a smug smile. She was very pleased with herself.
“I’ll tell you how.” Timothy had picked himself up and appeared behind her, his deflated cock swinging gently between his legs. “It was like I said, what with sucking the snake venom out and all. Miss Barbara just sucked that poison right out the tip. And I can feel it now! I’m cured!” A few of the other boys exchanged glances and knowing smiles.
“Well, I sure would like some of that cure.”
“Me too. The class was helpful today and all, but it sure would be nice to just be cured once and for all.”
“Miss Barbara, what do you say? Can you help the rest of us out? We could really use your help.”
“Yeah!” A stifled laugh was covered with a brief coughing fit.
“Oh boys, I’m so glad you asked. I want to share this miracle with you all.” She walked through them, parting the sea of stiffening cocks as she passed, and ushered them back into the bunk room. “Now, now, how do we get this done with so many of you.” She stood in the middle of the room as they again gather around her, encircling. She dropped again to her knees, as this had seemed to work well with Timothy. Barbara was eye-level now with a row of bulging drawers. “Well, I suppose y’all should just take them all out.”
Each boy then dropped what they were wearing and saluted Barbara with five painfully erect cocks. She picked the middle one, reached behind and grabbed a bear butt cheek, and pulled him into her waiting mouth.
“Whoa-we!” He called out. After her success with Timothy, this time she went in with confidence. She knew just how to suck every drop out. She took every inch of him into her mouth, her lips coming to rest against his pelvis. She withdrew her lips to the very tip and then launched back down again, delighting in the repetitive bobbing motion. She held his full length within her mouth, and held it a bit longer, and held it even longer. She delighted in the ticklish sensation of his cock head straining for more in the back of her throat.
From both sides of her peripheral vision she noticed the other boys crowding around, packing in closer. Their snakes were all right there – close and ripe for the picking. She couldn’t resist the convenience and used her free hands to grasp the cocks on either side of her. There she knelt, now furiously bobbing her mouth on one while her hands stroked two more, and two additional unattended dicks were right there as well, waiting for their turns. She thrilled in the efficiency – sucking on one cock while getting the next two ready, so that she could drain them in minutes (or maybe seconds!) when their time came.
Barbara felt a familiar stiffening of the cock in her mouth. She knew what was coming next and she greeted it as much suction as her mouth could apply. It exploded violently across her tongue, filling her mouth with a volume that seemed impossible to come from a prick that size. But there it was all the same, a real mouthful. The snake got this boy real bad, she thought. He’s got three times the poison as Timothy.
As she drew the last drop down into the deep recesses of her stomach, Barbara was caught off guard by what transpired next. Perhaps she had gotten too excited by the possibility of curing her second boy of the night and lost track of how aggressively her fists were pumping. Or perhaps the boy in her right hand was rather stimulated by the sight of his bunkmate ejaculating into the mouth of their teacher. But whatever the cause, he let loose a stream of cum that dribbled right down her forearm and came to rest in a pool in the crook of her elbow.
Barbara immediately recognized her mistake. She released the boy on her left, lest he too shoot prematurely, and brought her open mouth to the side just in time to catch a second burst of semen from the boy currently releasing his poison. She wasn’t sure whether it had to be literally sucked out or just emptied by her in any way, but to be on the safe side she wrapped her lips around the ridge of his head and coaxed the remainder of his flood into her oral receptacle. Even when he was done, she kept suckling, eventually dropping him to his knees from the unbearable sensitivity. Then she brought the pit of her right elbow to her mouth and slurped up the puddle of cum there and traced her tongue up the length of her arm and made sure to clean her skin of the rest.
Without a word, Barbara then lunged for the boy on her left. His shaft glistened with his own moisture as he waited patiently for the return of her touch. He got more than he bargained for. Barbara was desperate to not repeat her mistake. She would make sure that these last three would release directly into her mouth. Only then could she ensure that she was sucking out every vile remnant. She was sucking the very soul of Satan out these boys through their flesh straws.
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