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“So, you’re going to be gone all day today, Susie?” Stephanie Beasley asked. She was an ample woman in a black pair of slacks and yellow sweater; her plump face with red hair, blue eyes and dimpled smile greeted Susanna Cox as she peeked over the cubicle.
“Yes, Steffie, I’m going to be out all day.” Susie sat wearing a white silk blouse with a blue skirt. Beautifully made up and coiffed from an early morning trip to the salon, she smiled at her friend of three months. “Ya’ know, sometimes it’s like that: famine for a while, then feast.”
“You’d be the first girl feasting in this job,” Steffie smiled. “You’re the third person in this job this year, and the other two girls hated it with a passion. No priest wants to see someone from the diocesan paper. The bishop’s crazy thinking he can increase circulation the same way regular newspapers do. Your job’s impossible; I’ve said that all along.”
Susie looked off to the distance. “Well, maybe I’ve been blessed.”
“Blessed,” Steffie snorted. “God knows what it will take. How’s the family?”
“Terri’s got a cold. The boys are all right.”
“And your husband?”
“Same shit, different day? I can relate Susie, believe me, I can relate.” Steffie said, tossing her head.
“At least it’s security.”
“Yeah, right. No rent, no worries and no action.”
Susanna bent over her computer monitor and rechecked her emails. There was another one just this morning, after the two from yesterday setting up appointments for today. She hoped her neighbor didn’t see the text and wonder aloud what the reference to apples meant.
Steffie’s phone rang and she picked it up. Listening, she put her hand over the handset as she whispered to her departing neighbor. “Good luck today.”
“Thanks, Steffie.”
Susie could hardly keep her thoughts on her driving as she went through a red light in a bad neighborhood. The first parish on her schedule was a priest she’d never met before, but Fr. Christian Farnsworth assured her that Fr. Cody Miles was a good man she could trust. It had been years since she had an encounter like the one with Chris two days earlier.
The parish was in a bad neighborhood; Fr. Cody must be in the bishop’s bad graces if he ended up here. A small, walled parking lot gate barely accommodated Susie’s Suburban, and she breathed a sigh of relief as she maneuvered to a parking place.
“Yes,” the door intercom squawked as she pushed the button.
“I’m Susanna Cox, I have an appointment with Father Miles.”
A crackle and squeal, then a buzz. “Come in, Ms. Cox. Father is expecting you.”
Her senses tingled as she entered. The hallway had a faded glamour: with worn rugs and old wooden furniture, pictures of old saints on the walls, and unused sacramental vessels in small glass cabinets. A large man in a Roman Collar greeted her. “Mrs. Cox? I’m Father Cody Miles. Welcome to St. Brendan’s.”
“Thank you, Father. I think you know why I’m here.”
“Yes.” The man was in his late 40’s, a hundred pounds overweight, in a dark suit, black shoes and slick black hair parted in the middle. His chubby cheeks and full lips dominated his face, his brown eyes lounged in folds of fat. His hands were shaking as he limply shook hands with her. “Where should we go?”
“Your bursa escort office should be fine. Tell your secretary you’re not to be disturbed.”
“She’s not here today. Just somebody to answer the phones, she won’t leave the front office no matter what. The housekeeper’s not in until tomorrow. We’ll be undisturbed.” He licked his lips and his eyes darted around her.
They entered an office bigger than her boss had, with somewhat shabby furniture. A large leather couch dominated one end of the room. He flopped down, arms spread wide. “What’s next?”
“Well, you’re going to give me 100 names and I’m going to, to, polish your apple, so to speak.”
He licked his lips again. “Yes, yes, yes. Agreed. Are you gonna take your clothes off?”
She fidgeted. “No.” Taking a pair of black, elbow length gloves from her purse, she took her plain coat off and laid it on the chair next to the desk. “I will polish your apple. I am in charge here, and if you give me any trouble this will be my last visit. Be a good boy, and you’ll have this service twice a week this month. Chris will know if you’re rude to me, or bother me for more than you’ve entitled.”
“Oh, I understand, Ms. Cox, I understand. It’s been so long, that’s all. Pictures on the Internet are one thing, but, but, but. . .”
“Relax, Cody. Do as you’re told and you’ll get what you want.” He licked his lips again. “Will I get to see. . .you?”
“No, not much. It’s a bit warm in here, so I’ll take off my coat. You can let your imagination run wild about what’s under the wrapper.”
“Okay.” He spread himself out on the couch and waited for her. Delicately, she unzipped his fly and reached inside. It took a little fishing to find what she was looking for; she pulled his tiny, uncircumcised dick from his trousers already damp around the head.
“Here’s a little turtle, peeking his head out. Hi, little turtle. You’re looking friendly today.”
He was breathing heavily with the first touch of her gloved hand. She traced her fingertip around his foreskin, pulling it back and swirling her finger around the head, great drops of liquid escaped. Trembling, he moaned and his eyes rolled back. His three inches were rock hard, and she started pumping him, slowly at first, then speeding up. Five minutes later and he ejaculated with large moans and shaking through his entire body. The white goo landed on his black trousers, covering his left leg from his fly almost all the way to his knee.
None of the fluid landed on her gloves, so she let him settle himself untouched as she stripped them off. It took several moments before he recovered enough to speak. His first glance was sheepish; he looked away and darted glances at her as he built his courage to speak. “Oh, my. It’s been so long. That was. . heavenly. How did you learn to do that?”
She put her coat back on, replacing the gloves in her purse. “I was a good girl in high school and college. Wanted to keep my virginity for the right man. Well, I didn’t make it that far, but in the meantime, I was good at hand jobs and blow jobs.”
He sighed. “I wish I had enough for a blow job. 100 subscriptions is all I can afford.”
She smiled and cupped his face. “I’m sorry, Cody. This is the best I can do for you. You bursa escort bayan want more?”
He shook his head. “All right. Something’s better than nothing.”
“You need to get your calendar out so we can make another appointment.”
Susie felt sorry for Cody as she pulled away from his parish. She could imagine the long years of isolation, through his seminary training, through his first years of priesthood, apart from the human race, on a pedestal he grew afraid to come off of. “Cody’s all right, but very inexperienced,” Chris told her on the phone the night before. “He wants it, but is very afraid. Keep him under control for now, let him in slowly. After he gets through the first visit, he’ll relax and loosen up with you and with others. He needs this.”
Fr. Francis Colby was her second call. His parish was on the fringe of the suburbs; she passed several neighborhoods under construction on the way. The church itself had a blocky look; perhaps it was built to be converted to a gymnasium at a future date. The rectory was a half mile away, and the Pastor opened the door wearing a purple bathrobe. “Mrs. Cox? Chris told me you were coming. Please, call me Frank.” His house had a new house smell as she entered; Frank was a short, thin man in his 60’s, with short grey hair, steely eyes, a fine moustache, and his face was lined around the mouth and on his forehead.
Shyly, she entered and sat primly on a chair in the entry room. It was indistinguishable from any other house in the area, although a bit worn around the edges
“D’ya want some coffee?” he asked.
“I don’t know.” She shifted nervously on her seat, perched at the edge of the worn chair.
“Oh, come on. We’re both adults, we’re here for a purpose, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be cordial with one another.” He ushered her from the entry room to a dining room typical of 80’s suburbia. With lithe movements, he started the coffeemaker.
“Are you having any?”
He chuckled and threw his head back. “Hey, I’m not a college student with a date rape drug. Okay, I’ll drink some first so you’ll know it’s all right. I’ll even pour two identical cups and let you choose. Good enough?”
She giggled and nodded her head. “A girl can’t be too careful.”
“Even around priests?”
“Especially around priests.”
“Good girl. Good head on your shoulders. I can tell we’re going to get along famously. Cream and sugar?”
“No, thanks.”
The coffeemaker chimed, and a light went out on the display panel. He poured two cups and offered both to her with a smile. She accepted one and sat at the table; he sat across from her. “How long have you worked for Digger?”
“Jeff Dinsdale. My brother went to seminary with him, well, St. Justin’s High School. Jeff’s been at the Chancery for years.”
“I’ve been working there for three months.”
“A thankless job trying to see all these priests who have no interest in selling their flocks the diocesan paper. Especially since it used to be free.”
He took a sip and looked deep into her eyes. “You are lovely, Susie, do you know that?”
Blushing, she said: “No, I don’t. I’m 33 years old, I’m 15 pounds heavier and four kids from my teenage figure. My tits are too small, escort bursa and my hips are too big; it takes 30 minutes in the morning in from of the mirror to look this good.”
Grinning, he regarded her over his cup. “You’re a goddess, Susie. I can read things from people, that’s what makes me a good priest, a good confessor. You ooze sex from every pore, and you must not be in range of any young studs, or you would be flat on your back as much as you wanted. Your husband is an idiot.”
A bird sang outside the window, and he paused to listen to it before continuing. “This is a great chance for you, Susie, not just in keeping your job. You love priests and want to make them happy. You will make many priests happy, Susie. I’m glad I’m one of your first clients.”
She took a sip. “Do you want to get started?”
He chuckled. “I’m not in a hurry; are you? Let me savor the anticipation. You’re going to jack me off until I shoot my sperm all over your lovely alabaster arms. It’s going to be so lovely I can hardly bear the thought.” He took a sip. “I have an 8 inch cock, you’ll be so glad to see it. If I have an 8 inch cock, will you take your blouse off for me?”
Startled, she said: “What? Eight inches? Oh. Yes. Gosh, I’d do more.”
“Maybe another time. If I can find a way to get some more money loose, if somebody makes a contribution to my discretionary fund that isn’t tracked by the Chancery or the parish Financial council.” Another sip. “I know, you have standards, you have to have standards. It’s all right, a hand job will be delightful.”
She drank another slug of dark brew and looked at him. His eyes were roving over her, before settling into a long, lustful gaze. “It’s been a long time since anybody’s looked at me like that.”
“Take off your blouse. Put on the gloves.”
“Here? Now?”
“Yes. Do it now, and jack me off right here, in broad daylight. Show me your lacy bra, touch me with your silky touch. The other houses around here are empty, waiting to be sold, there’ll be no witnesses.”
Standing up, Susie smiled at Frank and slowly removed her overcoat, revealing her silk blouse. His eyes traveled up and down the soft curves, and teasingly, she undid one button at a time, waiting for him to drink in each revelation before undoing another, offering him incremental glimpses of her milky white skin. When she undid the last button, she paused, pulling her blouse open slowly, revealing the lacy, white bra that encased her perky tits. His mouth began to salivate as she threw her upper garment aside and took the long black gloves from her purse.
“Let’s see what we have in here.” He turned away from the table to face her, and opened his robe to reveal his briefs. His genitalia made a large, oversized bulge in the white undergarment, and it released gladly as she pulled the briefs down. His cock was 8 inches long and thin, glistening at the head. “Oooh, that’s a sight for sore eyes.”
“Glad you like it, Carissima. Do what you’re here to do. Like me spray my load all over those lovely tits of yours.”
She smiled, and worked her magic. Her fingers were deft, persistent and relentless, and soon the egg white tribute landed on the alabaster white skin of her upper breasts, above their lacy confinement. His eyes rolled back into his head as he ejaculated, and when he recovered his senses, he touched her cheek and smiled.
“This may be the start of the beautiful friendship.”
She smiled back as the sperm lay on her skin, and his limp dick rested in her black, soft embrace.
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