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“Fuck her. FUCK HER!”
Panda was flushed, red-faced, angry. The 18-year-old was flustered, frustrated and at the end of her rope. Her mother, Helen, had made a final ultimatum earlier that morning, before she left for work.
“Panda, this is it. This is my house, and I’m in charge. You will have no more guests, visitors, or anybody in this house ever again. If you do, your father and I will kick you out of this house, and you can do whatever you do on your own time.”
That fucking prude, Panda thought. Panda had been caught again, this time with two guys in her room. They had snuck in through the bedroom window. Panda had just begun playing with them – hadn’t even really started – when her mother heard their groans through the closed door, and had demanded entry. The two quickly got their pants up and made it out the window, but the damage was done.
This was the third time this had happened. The last time was with another girl; before that, her on-and-off boyfriend Charlie.
Panda was anything but a prude.
Panda didn’t begin having sex until she turned 18, but once she started she began going crazy. As Panda’s experience grew, she learned what worked and what didn’t, sex-wise. She discovered that the cliché that boys (and men) were controlled by their penises was startlingly true. In fact, she had learned that simply grabbing a man’s cock with her soft, supple yet powerful hands would almost always be effective in controlling them. She wasn’t shy – she would simply thrust her hands down the front of their pants, and begin massaging, pulling and jacking. Even a soft cock would quickly harden under her ministrations; in fact, the legs of her lovers (victims?) would go weak, along with their whole bodies soon afterwards. They would soon become helpless putty in her hands – not that they ever really wanted to resist. Panda even had a name for her little maneuver: “hijacking a cock.” Her oral skills with a penis were magnificent. She could feel with her lips and tongue when the subtle hardening of the cock meant orgasm was imminent, and would hold off (or quicken up) her sucking to either delay or bring about the inevitable explosion. She reveled in the feel and taste of cum; indeed she often craved it, and her cravings were always satisfied. And of course she fucked like a devil, pumping her little body atop the cocks she had mastered in order to give herself the delicious, multiple orgasms she so loved.
The rest of Panda’s body didn’t hurt with her seduction skills. She was at the top of her youthful beauty; her long blond hair cascaded over her shoulders; she had two voluptuous breasts, C-cups, almost Ds; a small, taught stomach; two shapely legs that went straight up into two beautifully-shaped ass hemispheres, separated by a half-inch wide ass crack; and most importantly, a pretty, pink, pouty pussy, crowned by a thatch of almond-colored pubic hair.
Panda had learned other things, too. She had mastered the art of talking dirty; the utterance of the most sexual, filthy language coming from her pretty red mouth made her fuck-partners go even wilder with lust. And the hot talk made her pleasure even wilder and her orgasms more powerful and intense.
During her senior year of high school, since turning 18, Panda had gone on a sexual bender that made her previous exploits seem tame in comparison. She had fucked two guys at a time, then three; she had her first lesbian experience, repeated many times subsequently (her oral and finger skills had transferred well, and now she had mad pussy-sucking skills, and the ability to drive her female partners into paroxysms of orgasm with practiced ease.) She had fucked a teacher – grabbing, masturbating and then mounting him in the classroom after school no less! – finding that her “cock hijacking” could work even with the most unsuspecting of victims. And now she enjoyed orgies most of all – fucking and sucking multiple cocks and pussies, sharing cum sucked from freshly-fucked pussies with female playmates. Lately, she had enjoyed seducing her male fuck-buddies into gay activities, insisting on sharing cocks (and cum) with them. Few would turn her down.
She was preparing to enjoy her first double-vaginal penetration with Brad and John when her mother so rudely interrupted. And that constituted the biggest problem in her sex-soaked world – she wasn’t free to enjoy whenever she wanted to. Sure, she could sneak boys and girls in when her parents and brother weren’t in (she had had a five man, three girl orgy just a week ago that way), but she would fuck every day, multiple times a day, if she could. That just wasn’t possible with her parents always monitoring her.
Which meant she had to leave. The fucks, she thought. Why can’t they just let me have my fun. It’s like they’ve never enjoyed sex at all.
Which made her think – were they that cold and unfeeling? After all, she was their daughter; she must have gotten her urges from somewhere. Wait a second, Panda surmised. Maybe this prude act is just bullshit. mardin escort Maybe, just maybe, they aren’t such stiffs after all.
Nobody was home. Her father, Steve, 47, was at work, as was her 45-year old mother. Her 19 her old brother, Mark, was at community college. She knew just what to investigate first.
I can’t believe I didn’t think of this earlier, Panda thought as she sought out her father’s tablet. Turning it on, she began searching the easily-findable history of websites he had visited. Of course there was nothing untoward there. He’s a little too smart for that, Panda thought. But not smart enough. When Panda had first really started fucking around, less than a year ago, she wanted to make sure her parents would never find traces of her browsing history on her tablet. She had investigated every possible way to crack open secret browsing history in order to defeat any sophisticated attempt to reveal the websites she visited.
It looked like she needn’t have spent the trouble. Her father was obviously not too sophisticated in hiding his tracks. With a few quick moves, Panda broke into his secret browsing history.
Bingo, she thought. There it was – all the websites he was secretly hiding from her mother.
There was porn all over the place.
The history revealed not just what sites were visited, but also the exact videos and photos that he had looked up. Panda began clicking on a few.
Holy shit, she thought. You’ve been a nasty boy.
This was no simple straight heterosexual fucking. She saw threesomes, foursomes and orgies; “babysitter” videos where mature adults seduced and fucked teens; and stepmother scenarios in which older women sucked and fucked their stepdaughter’s boyfriends, and then the stepdaughters themselves. But more incredibly, she saw videos she never in a million years expected her father to watch – a wealth of bisexual male material, in which men fucked women while being ass and mouthfucked themselves; and “family” videos of purported family members (including 18 year old blondes just like herself) being seduced and fucked by older women and men. One particular video, often watched according to the browser history, looked just like her family – a Russian quartet with a mother, father, son and daughter, all gloriously screwing each other.
Fuck, he must have masturbated a bucket of cum watching these, Panda thought. Obviously he isn’t getting shit from mom.
She was also thunderstruck by the fact that her father was also obviously into incest videos. For years she had also watched them, and read incest-related books, but she was certain she was alone with those feelings. She had certainly never believed that any of her family would be interested in that content as well.
On to Mark, Panda thought, as she went into her brother’s room and picked up his tablet. A few quick keystrokes later, and she had penetrated into his secret browsing history as well.
“Fuck,” Panda said under her breath. “Like father, like son.”
It was almost like a mirror image of what her father was interested in. Hundreds of family orgy videos, many of them featuring bisexual men, predominated. Some of them the same that her dad had watched. Had they compared notes? Impossible; she couldn’t believe that would be so. It must be a coincidence.
Mark had also read many of the same family incest books she had so enjoyed. Also, incredibly, he had recorded himself masturbating while watching the videos! It was the first time Panda had seen Mark’s penis since they were little kids; his naked body was attractive, she appraised, and his cock a good six inches, maybe seven. Mark had done a funny thing, recording himself on split screen while he watched what were clearly his favorite videos; of the ten that Panda quickly ran through, seven involved bisexual orgies, some with older partners.
Mark grunted and groaned through his jack-off sessions, but also spoke (softly, because he was at home), saying things like “fuck yeah, cock and pussy, so good” and “wanna suck that cock and that pussy.”
Watching his multiple ejaculations – his cock spasming and jetting beautiful ropes of cum onto his stomach, his mouth turned into a round O, his eyes rising up into his sockets, and a soft “unnghhhh” emerging from his mouth – Panda felt herself getting tingly and wet in her slit. She resisted feeling herself up, though.
Fuck, we’re all perverts! she thought.
The last video watched was this morning; Panda searched through Mark’s hamper and found yesterday’s socks. They were smeared with a substance that from smell she knew well – fresh semen. Mark had clearly rubbed one out before he left. She looked at today’s video: “Bisex Mature Teen Foursome” was the title.
Panda smiled and left to look for her last target – her mother’s tablet. But here she found disappointment. No matter how she searched, she found nothing. Which meant that either her mother knew better how to hide any illicit content she was downloading, marmaris escort or she just wasn’t that interested in porn. Panda thought it was probably the latter. Wait a second, she thought, looking at some of the conventional websites visited. The website had an item named “vib…” Clicking on it, she found that her mother had ordered a vibrator from Amazon. Well, at least she likes some stimulation, Panda reflected.
Which led to the question, where was the dildo. After a little searching in the closet, Panda found a little box. Inside was the object of her quest. But there wasn’t just one vibrator, there were several, including a realistic 8-inch flesh colored cock. I haven’t seen any naked pictures of Dad, Panda thought, but I guess this means he’s lacking in the size department. It also meant that her mother did enjoy pleasing her pussy. Just not with her husband.
Panda sniffed the giant dong. A faint remnant of an odor she was well-acquainted with filled her nostrils. Pussy juice, she groaned. Fuckin’ love it so much…
What a perv she was! Sniffing her mother’s used dildo and her brother’s cumstained socks! Struck by a thought, she looked into her father’s hamper – but nothing semen stained could she find in there. Probably jacks off in the shower, she thought. Her parent’s shower had a handled sponge for backwashing; its round, tapered handle was about an inch think. What would you bet that Dad sticks that think up his ass while he masturbates to memories of bisex porn in the shower, Panda thought. Her pussy got even more tingly as the image popped into her head.
Time to think.
Her father was married, with two kids, and her brother had girlfriends. But damn, they seemed to love cock just as much as she did – although from everything she could find, they had never passed over from just fantasizing to actually doing something about it. Did her mother have lesbian feelings as well? Not from what she could find, but wasn’t it plausible she would have some of the same horniness that Panda seemed to have been born with? It seemed that her mom and dad weren’t having sex any more – her father was (she was sure) a chronic masturbator, addicted to bisex orgy porn, her mother pleasuring her clit using a variety of sex toys. And her brother was on the road to a lifetime of porn addiction as well, it seemed.
They appeared to be a family of perverted freaks. She wondered how many families, deep down, were the same… But only she had actually gone out and done anything. Probably because she was a hot, 18-year old girl, who could have anyone she wanted, and they weren’t. How sad.
What do I get out of this? Panda considered. Could I blackmail Dad into letting me stay and not complaining about my fucking? Maybe, she concluded, but that wouldn’t make Mom come along. Should I just show them all this, curse them for being hypocrites, and leave? But how would that help?
They’re all such perverts, just like me, that’s what’s so stupid about this, Panda thought.
Then Panda was struck by an idea. A wonderful, awful, naughty, disgusting idea. A spectacular, incredible, depraved, exciting idea. The best idea she’d ever had, by far.
Yesssss, she thought. They are perverts. Fucking perverts. And I should give them what they want…
For the second time that day, she was shocked she had never thought of this before.
Everyone wouldn’t be back until that evening. She had the entire day to plan out what to do that night.
“Oh my Goddddd…” she whispered to herself, as her hand began to massage her already-sopping pussy. But no, she snapped her hand back. She had to save all of her sexual energy for tonight.
One thing was certain – she planned to have the biggest orgasm of her life. She just hoped her plan would work to give her family the
same . . . .
* * *
It was five o’clock. Steve got home first, from a long day at the office. He was grumbling, tired and sweaty.
“Hi Panda,” he said as he saw his daughter in the hallway.
“Oh, hi, Daddy dearest” Panda said sweetly. She came up and gave him a light peck on the lips.
She’s in a good mood, he thought. After today’s fight with Helen, I’m surprised. He was kind of surprised that his daughter had turned out the way she had – the word “slut” didn’t enter his mind, but he was disappointed in her. Like all fathers with hot 18 year old daughters, his mind tried to shy away from the idea of her sexuality.
He decided to take a shower, disrobed, and began lathering up under the hot water. He was still in good shape for a man of 47 – reasonably good build, with (of course) somewhat of a beer gut, although it wasn’t too bad. His biggest disappointment in his body was his penis – only 5 3/4 inches in size when erect, completely “normal.” But disappointing to him. Was it disappointing to Helen as well?
For a moment, he considered starting a masturbation session. But it seemed too late in the day.
He and Helen hadn’t nevşehir escort had sex in two years. She was always too tired, he was always too tired. And he had to admit, the advent of easy to watch porn, ubiquitous and always available on his tablet (while he was in the office and Helen was asleep) had to be part of the problem. Although from early on he always loved women, he had always had some homosexual thoughts and feelings; when he first watched porn, he loved not just seeing the wet pussies of the performers, but the large cocks as well. And he had always loved cumshots. But then again, most men do – look at what’s popular on any porn website.
Over the last two years, however, his interest in bisex porn had exploded. He would watch the videos late at night, then take a shower while Helen slept. He had trained his asshole to take in almost the entire length of the shower sponge handle, while he stroked himself to ecstasy. He would squeeze his cock before orgasm, harvesting as much pre-cum as possible, and would suck it off his fingers, swallowing all of it. He fantasized about fucking Helen while getting fucked up the ass; of he and Helen sharing a stranger’s cock, both of them sucking lovingly on the head, the shaft, the balls; of fucking a row of people on their knees, both women and men, while Helen cheered him on and joined in.
Such fantasies would bring him to orgasms of such intensity he would sometimes feel like he was fainting, muffling his groans so Helen would not hear (although sometimes a sharp “ohhhhh” would escape his mouth.) He had always had powerful orgasms that produced copious amounts of creamy semen, multiple streams shooting feet from the tip of his cock.
He sometimes wished that Helen would find out about his fantasy addictions. That maybe she would even like them! Perhaps even join in them . . . But of course that was impossible. She was far too prim and proper, far too conventional; she would leave him if she knew what he really liked.
More darkly, he had recently discovered incest porn. So taboo, so wrong, but so sweet to think about. Although he didn’t fantasize about his own family members, of course.
All of it was just fantasy. Harmless fantasy. He would never act on any of it.
He left the shower.
* * *
Helen came home, annoyed as usual. Annoyed at work, annoyed at life, annoyed at herself. She seemed so uptight recently, so ready to scream at anything.
It didn’t help that her sex life was dead. Helen was traditional; she required her man to lead her, to initiate. Steve had always been inadequate in that department. The one time that he had whined “you never start anything,” she turned away from him, disgusted.
Still, she missed sex. Two years ago she had done something naughty, something she had never done before. She purchased a vibrator; a sturdy, non-sexual looking one, but a vibrator nonetheless. The first time she used it, buzzing her pussy while Steve was in the shower, she experienced one of the most powerful orgasms of her life. She had never been a “talker” or “screamer” during sex, but that time she uttered a small “yelp.” Luckily no one heard. Or perhaps not so lucky. Deep down she wished Steve had heard her, that he would somehow discover her vibrator. Maybe that would get him interested in her again? Other vibrators followed; she shuddered to think what would happen when Steve eventually opened the box in the closet, especially the big 8-inch real dildo that had given her the most powerful orgasm of her life, just two months ago. But it was exciting to think about someone finding out about it, too…
Helen also felt less sexual because of the state of her body. She was a 45 year old women, who had had two kids. When she looked in the mirror, she saw large, drooping breasts with huge areolas; a big stomach; and an oversized ass. Her dark pubic hair was not trimmed and went all over the insides of her thighs. She thought no one would be very sexually interested in her.
Helen sometimes had bizarre sexual dreams, ones with strange men, sometimes even with other women. They disturbed her. She suppressed thinking about them. But she had to admit, when she woke up, that her pussy was sure wet when she had those dreams…
She went into the kitchen, and started dinner.
* * *
Mark came home from school. He was horny. Again.
Mark was horny all the time. Of course he was; he was a 19 year old boy.
Since turning 18, he had had sex with two girls in his life. Short little affairs that were OK. But not enough for him.
But Mark was perverted in a way that was a secret to everyone. Even Panda had not discovered the depths of his depravity in her searches that morning.
He fucking loved incest. Loved stories about incest, about moms fucking sons, dads fucking daughters. And, he had to admit, he had a major gay side. He loved the idea of sucking a cock. Of fucking a male ass. But he had never acted on any of it. He didn’t identify as gay, didn’t want a boyfriend, didn’t like interior decorating or design or whatever the fags liked.
Inevitably, his bisexuality melded into his love of incest. His fantasies and porn now revolved around whole families fucking – sons fucking not just mothers, but fathers as well.
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