From Scared to Dared to Bared to Shared: The Next Semester 02

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Female Ejaculation

The story of the dart game and Sean’s punishment quickly circulated among all the college friends, and all of them took some satisfaction in learning of Kate’s cool revenge. When she got the chance, Cindy did ask, “Didn’t you want to get him naked without having to take off your clothes too?”

“That would have been fine, I guess, but I didn’t mind. He saw me naked on the beach before, and I knew that he was going to see me again only one more time, see what he can’t touch ever.”

Cindy nodded and said, “Right, from what I hear, touching was part of the show you guys put on. It must have driven Sean crazy to see Vick grab you and not get to do the same. You guys didn’t think of doing anything else with them there? You didn’t have sex with Jay or Vick or both at the same time, so I guess there was no way you were having sex with Sean or any other boys there.”

“No,” Kate laughed, “I guess I still have some limits. Not many, but some.”

“No matter,” said Cindy. “From what I hear, he was kind of little.”

“It’s not the little penis between his legs, it’s the little dick between his ears that bothers me.”

What the conversation also made apparent, though, was the fact that, despite the six couples having had occasions where they could see each other making love, and other occasions where they had gotten other people out of their clothes, none had crossed that line of having sex in front of someone new, much less having sex with someone else too.

That line had to wait for the warmer weather late in the semester, shortly before classes would end. Kate was back to visit Jay. Dot and Lilly were not along, and Amy was up in the city to see Vick. At dinner together in Lisa and Jack’s apartment, Jay and Kate, and Steve and Cindy were talking. Because it had been awhile since any couples had been able to make up a party, they were reviving past play by eating in the nude. Cindy was the last one to agree, but once she had her clothes off, everyone was at ease with the obvious flashing of erect penises and open labia, and no one objected when stray hands found their way over or into someone else’s private parts.

On this score, Cindy was in for an extra surprise. She overheard Lisa tell Kate, “You know, I trimmed my fingernails,” and she added a sly grin that Kate reciprocated saying, “Me too.”

“What’s the deal with the fingernails?” Cindy asked them.

“The better to do this,” Lisa replied, and she slipped a finger over Cindy’s clitoris and up into her vagina. Cindy was surprised as how easily Lisa entered her, and she understood the advantages of trimmed nails.

Later, Lisa was the one to observe, “You know, it’s pretty warm tonight, and tomorrow is supposed to get into the 80s. You think anyone is going to be at the beach?”

“Do we need someone else to be there?” Jack asked.

“It does add something to the experience,” Lisa replied. Then she laughed at herself. “What a pervert I am,” she said. “I have to have stranger around before I can go nude swimming.”

Kate added, “I know what you mean, though. It’s not necessary, but having them around does make it more of a challenge and more of a thrill.”

Cindy wasn’t sure what to think, not having been to the beach and not knowing whether strangers would intimidate her or turn her on. Steve kept quiet, but he liked the idea of others getting to see Cindy, not to mention himself. Whenever that guy across the hall saw her naked, he enjoyed it, and she did too.

In fact, Cindy must have been thinking about that guy at the same time, because she brought him up. She was changing the subject a bit when she said, “Remember my neighbor across the hall, the one who accidentally saw me naked a couple times?”

“Accidentally?” Jay teased.

“Well, yes. Okay, maybe at first. Anyway, the other day I was coming back from class and saw his door open.”

“Let me guess,” Jack said. “He was in there naked for you to see him accidentally.”

“Well, he did say that the door must have bounced open when he shut it behind him before, acting like he didn’t know it was open. And you’re right, he was naked. Very nicely so, I must say.”

“You go in and sit a while?” Lisa asked?

“Of course not. Just a look, that’s all.”

“Like to see more?” Jay asked. “If you come to the beach with us, you could see plenty.”

Cindy looked at Steve, almost as if getting his permission to say she’d like to see more nude boys. He told her, “I’m game if you are.”

Lisa said, “It’s settled then. Let’s go right after lunch when it should be nice and warm.”

Cindy laughed at herself and then explained to the others, “Here I am nude with you all for the umpteenth time, talking about seeing and being seen naked by my neighbor, and I’m wondering if I can handle a nude beach.”

“Don’t feel bad,” Kate said. “Like I said, it’s a thrill, but it’s also a challenge. Being naked with so many others takes some nerve. I’m not that blasé about it myself.”

“But you’d recommend it,” Cindy observed.

“Yes,” Escort Kate laughed. “Besides, I don’t want to be the only naked girl there.”

Cindy was obligated after that, and the six of them set out the next afternoon with the temperatures rising through the mid-80s. They found the parking area was not crowded, and Kate immediately felt relieved not to see any yokels with Kodaks to watch her or any other girl. Down on the beach itself, no more than twenty people were there, so everyone could put some distance between themselves and anyone else. For the three couples, though, their spot on the beach was settled right away by meeting old acquaintances. Jay saw the two girls he talked to when meeting them in the hallways outside of classes, and close to those two, he saw Candy and recognized her three friends.

Kate recognized the two boys, one who didn’t mind standing on the inner tube nearly erect, and the other the guy who had been teased about his small penis. She also recognized the girl as the one who was a bit heavy set with the small breasts. Lisa and Jack, of course, recognized them too, but Cindy and Steve were new to this group and no so sure about the way Candy waved them all over to join her and her friends. As far as Cindy was concerned, she thought there were lots of other places that didn’t have so many people nearby. It didn’t help that all of this bunch were already nude.

Candy said, “Get your clothes off and then we can do introductions. Last time, I don’t think we did that. It’ll be better, though, to do it once everyone is naked, don’t you think?”

Jay and Kate wasted no time. Their sandals were kicked off, and he pulled his shirt overhead and pushed his shorts and underwear down in one quick movement. Kate did the same with her shorts and panties. It left her bottomless for a moment before she slipped out of her shirt, but she didn’t want the other boys looking at her in her panties, although she realized in her mind how silly that modesty was. With the two of them nude, Jack and Lisa raced to catch up, but Steve and Cindy were not as quick. Not only Jay and Jack, but the other boys were watching her closely. Even stranger to her, so were Candy and the two girls who were close by. Steve finally dropped his shorts and underpants, and Cindy had everyone’s attention. She got topless with little effort, but almost fell over by trying to get her shorts and panties down at once. Grabbing Jay’s arm to steady herself only brought more attention to her strip show.

It wasn’t over. Jack said to Cindy, “Better get sunscreen on,” and he began doing her back. Kate and Lisa were doing the same to Steve, so Jay took the sunscreen tube so he could help with Cindy. She was surprised to get her front done by him, standing there before this group she’d never met and letting Jay rub his hands over her breasts, stomach, and legs, all while Jack was covering her back and bottom. Of course, Steve was just as surprised to have Kate and Lisa decide that, if their guys were doing Cindy, they would share the task of covering him, including taking turns to protect his penis from the sun.

After that unexpected service, it had to be reciprocated, and Cindy and Steve shared the duties of making sure the others were protected from sunburn. Actually, if Cindy had been able to read minds, she would have known that Lisa and Kate were just as surprised and embarrassed to be touched this way in front of others. As for the boys, Jay and Jack didn’t plan it, so the three of them maybe were surprised at the spontaneous service, but they were pleased to let it happen and to let anyone watch.

Candy remarked, “You guys are quite the intimate bunch of friends. I guess being naked can do that to you. So meet some new friends. This is Bri,” she said pointing to the one other girl, “and these two are Evan and Seth,” the unashamed boy and the small penis respectively.

The six made their introductions, and Jay moved over to the other two girls to say hello there too. He didn’t know their names and, awkwardly, was making only small talk with them then. While standing there, he became conscious of the way they were looking up and could not talk to him without looking right past his penis too. After the sunscreen application by Cindy and Lisa, it was still a little longer than normal, but fortunately still flaccid. They were smiling, and one even said, “You know, from this angle, we can get a better look at your balls. Everyone thinks we want to see a penis, but no one ever thinks about the rest too.”

The other girl tried to cover the awkward moment by asking, “You all getting on the inner tube again. It was quite a nice show last time we saw you here.” And then she realized that she had only added to the awkwardness.

Kate came over by him, and she was immediately aware of the same feeling of standing over them and having her sex examined by the two girls. As for the others, Lisa, Jack, and Steve were stretched out next to the others, but Cindy sat down and drew her legs up to her chest. The posture partially covered her breasts, but the way her labia protruded between her legs would have embarrassed her more if she had known about it. Seth and Evan did not say anything, nor did Candy.

Before long, Candy picked up the overheard suggestion and said, “Let’s get on the inner tube and see who can stand for the count.” She offered to include the two girls who mentioned the game to Jay, but they refused. Steve was game to join the rest, and Cindy went along to be with him and to get in the water and maybe feel less self-conscious.

As she quickly learned, this game was not the right way to feel less self-conscious, especially about being nude. Since she and Steve were new to the game, Candy proposed that they should get to go first. Cindy made Steve go before her, and once the idea was explained to him, he hoisted himself onto the inner tube and tried to stand. He didn’t succeed at first and in fact slipped a number of times. Each time, Cindy noticed how the girls all grabbed him and held or pushed him back onto the inner tube. She noticed, that is, that the girls, including Candy and Bri, freely touched his bottom and let their hands brush against his penis. Steve didn’t object and finally found his balance before jumping into the water. All of them were laughing and having a good time.

Her turn was next, and Cindy was aided by Jay and Jack onto the inner tube. She didn’t mind so much that they held her by her bottom as they did so. When she slipped to one side, though, Seth and Evan were the ones to catch her, and they got to grab her breasts in the process. Everyone was still laughing the whole time and laughing more when she slipped, so she went along with it again and again, slipping several times and getting groped each time. Even more surprising, Kate groped her breasts too. When she finally managed to steady herself and stand up, she was amazed at her accomplishment. Looking down at the others, she was amazed also at the view she realized she was giving them. Amazed, that is, that she didn’t care anymore about how much of her they could see. Still, she was relieved to be able to jump and submerge herself once more.

As the game included each of the others, the presumed rules about touching only got more and more relaxed. No one said anything, but Candy was the primary instigator, and she thought there were no limits because of the way she saw the three couples putting sunscreen on each other, not to mention the way Kate and Lisa were just as free in touching girls as well as boys. Candy had that realization at the same time she had Lisa’s fingers pinch one of her nipples. The three couples just went along with it, having instigated some of the play themselves. So, on Cindy’s next turn, she freely allowed Seth and Jack to grab her between her thighs and by her bottom in order to hoist her up onto the inner tube. When she slipped, she didn’t mind that Evan caught her and had one of her breasts in his hand and that Candy briefly had the other in her hand. After all, she had seen Lisa and Kate get most of the same treatment, and they seemed to be enjoying the play, just as Bri and Candy kept laughing whenever picked up or caught by Jay, Jack, or Steve.

Cindy also saw how the girls were getting to touch the boys. Candy may have tried a touch or two of one of the girls, but she was the most obvious with touching the boys. Kate too wasn’t shy about letting a hand “accidentally” touch a boy’s penis. In fact, even while in the water, the boys were coming to understand they weren’t off limits. Candy would make some remark, like, “What’s that bumping me? I know it isn’t Seth.” And then she would reach under the water and act like she was pushing a boy away. Actually, she was grabbing at the boy’s penis. She touched Jack and Steve briefly this way, but had more opportunity to enjoy playing with Jay.

Kate knew what was going on too, and she didn’t mind. On one of Evan’s turns, when he was getting on the inner tube, Kate gave him a push, reaching for the top of his thigh and letting her hand go between and touch his sac and the base of his penis. Standing up that time, Evan was again not shy about letting them all see that he was getting aroused.

So it was no problem to Kate when she realized that Jay was fully erect and that his turn was coming. Kate even mischievously stroked him more just before he was to get onto the inner tube. Similar to the last time, she looked at him and said, “Let them see it.”

With that encouragement, Jay boosted himself onto the inner tube. Setting his feet on either side, he began to get his balance, his erection pointing straight at Candy and Cindy. They were still laughing as always, but Candy then exclaimed, “Whoa, there’s the real Jay. You could use that thing to steer a sailboat.”

Jay laughed and managed to stand up without slipping once. While taking the count before jumping, the girls made the inner tube rotate so that he was turned toward those on the beach, including the two girls who had fixed their attention on the game the whole time. With Jay turned their way, they waved and applauded. Jay liked the experience, but he too was still relieved to be able to jump in the water and calm down a bit.

Seth went next, and when he managed to stand, everyone saw he was erect too, but only between four and five inches. Candy and Bri were humming, and after a moment, they all recognized the tune as “Is That All There Is?” Seth pretended to be insulted before jumping off and then dunking Bri when he returned.

When Bri took her turn next, Seth and Evan both grabbed her breasts whenever she slipped their way. Seth commented, “Sorry, did I touch your boob? I couldn’t tell.”

Bri answered, “I’ll have you know my bust size is 38.”

“Yeah, and 34 not counting your boobs,” Seth replied.

Bri was quick to get back at him, saying, “Four inches difference, you say? Isn’t that an inch or two more than your hard-on?”

Steve and Cindy were unfamiliar with this kind of teasing, but they soon knew it was part of the fun. If they didn’t join in, they laughed as much as anyone else. And Cindy made sure that Steve had a full erection before his next turn, proud to show off her boyfriend to the others. No teasing for him either.

Back on the beach after more than hour of such play, all of them needed a fresh slathering of sunscreen, and the duties were shared randomly. Cindy found herself in the hands of Evan and Jack, while Kate was getting touched all over by Seth and Steve. Candy made sure she got to put it on Jay and quickly handed him the bottle so he would be the one doing her. Bri and Lisa took advantage of the disorder to get their hands on every boy, at least briefly, and they in turn were covered head to foot by every boy’s slippery hands.

The lot of them lolled on the beach for a while, and Cindy had no problem joining the other girls in letting her legs casually apart. When someone suggested getting dinner soon, Candy said, “You all should come to our party tonight. It’s pretty clear that you’re one of us, ready to party with the wildest.”

Kate, Lisa, and Cindy all agreed that they needed to get cleaned up first. Candy said, “Me too, but around eight, maybe after you’ve eaten a bit, you’ll all come?”

It was settled, and on the way back to their car, Cindy asked, “Do you think everyone will be nude at the party too?”

“Nothing we haven’t done before,” was Jack’s reply. No one had a sure answer, though, but all the boys thought the idea sounded good. Kate and Lisa didn’t say so out loud, but even they thought the idea sounded like fun. In her mind, Kate was thinking she’d had Jay all to herself for a while, and after that afternoon, she was ready for more sharing. She only wondered how far the sharing would go.

Of course, some of the sharing happened as soon as they returned to the apartment building. Cindy and Steve were headed to her place, but the others talked them into coming up to Lisa and Jack’s. Once there, the clothes came off again, and the showers followed. Like the sunscreen duties, everyone had two people to wash them. Kate pulled Jack and Steve in with her, and she stayed in the shower to help Lisa do Steve and then help Cindy do Jack. The rotation went on until all of them were clean and highly aroused. The boys all were stroked into erections without being allowed to come, and the girls were all caressed and probed. The difference was that the girls all eventually came from the fingers inside them.

Getting dressed and going out to eat was next on the agenda, and after dinner, they could go on to Candy’s place for the party. She shared her small house with Bri and another girl who was not in town that weekend. She and Bri had Seth and Evan there, of course, and the crowd otherwise included no one that Jay and the others recognized. And they should have been able to find someone recognizable in that number of people.

Cindy and the other two girls noticed right away that everyone was fully dressed. At least, they were fully dressed in the sense of having tops and bottoms on. Like them, some of the girls were not wearing bras. Shorts and light blouses were the common style for the girls, shorts and t-shirts for the boys. Otherwise, the most common accessory was a glass or bottle in the hand. A few had joints instead, so everyone was happy and getting happier.

The group mixed in well, enjoying the conversation and the music. They got drinks and sat on the floor with whoever. Kate and Cindy drew their legs up to keep their feet out of people’s way in the crowded room. Kate especially, because of her small breasts, was giving guys a peek whenever her blouse gaped, and now, she and Cindy were putting on another kind of show.

“You know,” Jay told them, “your shorts are pretty narrow between your legs. When you pull up your knees like that, some, shall I say, delicate skin shows next to the shorts, even a bit of pinker skin on the edges.” Cindy was embarrassed at first, but with Steve’s encouragement and his assurance that no hair was showing, she stayed that way. Kate only smiled at Jay, willing to tease him and any other boy who managed to see.

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