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Erotic Exotic Ball – The Charity Booth
“Attention, Attention. The charity portion of tonight’s ball is starting. There are two donation areas, one on each side of the arena. This is a special event being sponsored by and depends upon the generous donations of our guests. Have you heard the term ‘Charity Fuck!’ Well, that is what we have tonight. Ladies, we need you to ‘Give a fuck’ for charity. For each fuck you give out a minimum of $200 will be earned for charity. Give out more and greatly increase the contribution.
Gentleman, can you find a better way to donate to a worthwhile cause? For each $100 dollars you will be allowed a ‘Charity Fuck’ of one of our volunteers for up to five minutes or until you climax. You know, when the lizard spits. A matching contribution of $100 will be made by Ladies, as a special incentive will double the value of each additional coupling you make. In other words, your second will be worth $300 ($100 from your donor and $200 from iBANK), your third $500 ($100 from your donor and $400 from iBANK), all the way up to your sixth for which iBank will match $2,500 for that fuck and all others. To encourage our gangbang queens; the tenth will receive a bonus of $10,000 as will the fifteenth fuck. After fifteen all will be worth $5000.
Trojan is donating all the condoms for this event and has thrown in a unique donation as well. Each used condom will be collected and emptied in a jar. For each ounce of sperm collected Trojan will make an additional donation of $5,000.
It’s already one am so we only have a few hours left to maximize these grants. Ladies, relieve your sexual tension for a good cause. Remember to look for our signs and “GIVE A FUCK FOR CHARITY!” Here is Nina Hartley to start us off.”
“We could go check that out.” Joan exclaims. “And Nancy, what was that you were saying about needing a good fuck?”
“That should be interesting.” Irene announces.
“I could sure use a good fucking!” Arlene proclaims.
“I wasn’t planning on fucking, just watching.” Nancy adds.
“Too each her own.” Arlene winks at Nancy. We have doubts about her real intentions.
“Well, should we go check it out?” Joan asks as she gets up.
“I’m game.” Irene agrees as she finds her little g-string and pulls it on. I laugh as she does and I am forced to explain. It just seems very strange to be “getting dressed” when all you have on is a miniscule piece of black over your pussy. She chides me equally well as I tuck my balls away into my sack and I place my cock in its holder. Nancy retrieves her panties as well.
“Joan what about you?” Irene asks
“I kind of like the naked pussy feel. I think I’ll just lose them here.” Joan responds with a smirk. So there we were walking back out through the adult toy store and into the crowd. The time alone had seemed even more special as we walked onto the concourse. The women again the center of attention. Arlene was still totally naked except for her body paint. She looked even more erotic since some of it had rubbed off. Her nipples and breasts were almost uncovered. Her shoulders and ass had been rubbed off, as had her inner thighs. Her pussy itself was stripped of paint. She obviously looked like someone who had been fucked.
Nancy was next. Still in her white camisole, her large tits bounced as she went. Now bottomless she walked on talking with Joan who was the model for sexual lust. She still wore her mask, as did everyone else, and her leather gloves and thigh high boots. She had thrown on her leather top but not tightened it up fully. Her breasts and nipples peeked out. She to was naked in the middle and her pussy still damp from my licking and her juices.
Irene, Cory and I followed closely behind. Irene is sexy as ever. Her long, dark brown nipples protrude proudly from her chest. From behind she looks naked; the little g-string wedged well into her crack. Only the narrowest of black fabric on her hips hints she may have anything on at all. From in front in looks like no more than a narrow patch of pubic hair. I look more the clown with my outfit, with my big black hard cock sticking up.
But, Cory is the sexiest by far. Her twin pigtails have started to come apart. She still looks in like she could be the sweat and innocent Little Bo-Beep. Until you notice cum stains on her semi-transparent top. Her socks are down around her ankles. She stops for a moment, “I think I left my panties behind?” We wait for her reaction, but she just shrugs her shoulders and moves on.
The women have fun on the way. Arlene barks at the cute guys, asking if they want to do a real dog. Nancy is waving at the crowd with her tits. Irene slinks along like cat woman while Cory makes sweat childlike faces to the crowd. She teases them, covering her boobs or pussy with her hands and making little “oh no!” motions. Joan is the favorite, snapping her whip and asking if anyone wants to lick her booties bursa escort or pussy.
We walk around the concourse and rediscover the charity area. There are three lines to get in. One is marked for “donors.” The others for “givers” and “viewers.” Needless to say, the line for the viewers was the longest followed closely by the givers. Arlene and Irene whispered together for a while and then surprised us. They disappeared into the “donors” door. Irene, Joan, Cory, Nancy and I stood dumbfounded until Arlene poked her head back out, “Just checking it out.”
We waited in the “viewer” line for another ten minutes before one of the organizers came out. He led us past the front of the line and into the “donation” area. The event has not yet started yet several other individuals had been taken to this area. The organizer explains that guests of a “donor” get special privileges. We looked at each other in amazement and then at the small auditorium constructed within the walkway of the Cow Palace.
Two raised platforms have been built around a center area. In the center are four small beds with slightly raised posts at one end. The first platform is five feet above the floor, giving a top-down view of the beds. The second is five feet higher than the first. Similar to the upper decks in a ballpark. A few more individuals are escorted to the first rail and then the crowd is let in.
The announcer comes out and explains the rules. First for the audience their will be no lewd gesturing or comments that are derogatory to the participants. These people are contributing to charity after all. Any misconduct will result in expulsion from the ball. Second, the maximum number of people allowed inside the viewing area is limited. If you leave you will need to go back through the line. Finally, people in the selected front row area have earned their spots through the contribution of their friends.
Then he explains the rules for the givers. Each will have up to five minutes or his first orgasm, after time is up they must leave. If they wish to participate further it will require another payment and time through the line. They are only allowed to fuck the participant vaginally. No fondling, including breasts and thighs, no genital foreplay (fingering) and no oral sex will be permitted. Any violation will result in expulsion.
With the rules set he introduced the first act. It was Nina Hartley the famous porn star. The show was kicked off as she gave two blowjobs and two fucks to members of her fan club for which she had donated the fee. Watching sex that close up was a real turn-on and I could feel myself getting hard within my costume. I was standing next to Nancy and Cory and could feel us pushing closer together. Nina quickly had all for men cumming and we were on to the next show.
The show got even better as the true amateurs showed up. Three ladies, one white and slightly overweight and two blacks, were led into the arena and proceed to mount the beds. They placed their legs on the post and the announcer let the first three contributors in. One came very quickly while another couldn’t get his equipment to work. An individual in the back row made a smart-ass comment regarding the impotence and was removed quickly, the organizer’s true to their word.
Two of the ladies left after their first fuck but one of the black women was game for a second try. The next two were let out and our mouths fell open. Arlene was led to the bed closest to us. As she walked by she winked and mouthed, “your next.” Which one of us she was talking to we did not know, although I didn’t think it could be me. We watched as she positioned herself doggy-style on the bed and placed her feet squarely against the post. They brought her a pillow for her head and led her suitor in.
The black woman was in the middle of her second fuck as a stout man with average size penis approached Arlene’s raised rear-end. He directed his cock into her and started to thrust. Arlene leaned back into him, intent on actually fucking the little guy. I realized she had not made eye contact or seen the person behind her, but was solely focused on the feeling of the penis plunging into her hole. She had wanted to get fucked and was.
The black woman finished off her second guy just as Arlene’s first contributor pulled out. I thought she was done but a second man was brought out and proceeded to fuck Arlene as the first had. None of us watching had been able to say anything. Arlene was taking her second stranger in the last five minutes. I hadn’t noticed as one of the organizers stopped in front of us.
“A special lady asks you to do her a favor.” I looked around and she clarifies the request is for me. She points at the opening where the ladies have been coming out and I notice Irene standing in the shadows waving very shyly. “The lady has a fantasy she has wanted to fulfill and thinks tonight is a wonderful malatya escort opportunity. I understand you have been intimate with her before?” Nancy and Cory giggle as I nod in agreement and she continues, “The lady has always wanted to try a double or triple-penetration. In other words getting fucked in her ass, vagina and mouth at the same time. We are willing to give her the opportunity but we need to make sure someone see knows and trusts has her in the butt. We understand she has never had anal intercourse before and want to make sure we do not have an unfortunate incident. She has requested you since she feels you care for her. Is that so?” Of course I confirm I would never hurt Irene and agree to participate.
The table next to Arlene opens up and the announcer comes back on stage. The black woman is on her fourth guy and Arlene is finishing her third. “We have a special request tonight. A lady I am sure you will all recognize has a fantasy she wants fulfilled. Excuse us while we prepare for her.” I let go of Nancy and Cory, both of whom had snuggled with me tighter and tighter as we watched the show. I am led through the framing of the balcony and onto the floor. My g-string is dropped and I am asked to become hard.
Arlene has just been entered but she over hers this. She motions me forward and sucks my cock until it is hard, which does not take long. I am laid out on the table and the organizer places a condom on my cock. I lay back and look around, surprised to be greeted by several hundred faces staring back. The crowd falls silent as I hear the announcer, “I think you will all remember this lady. She had the starring role in our ‘Live Sex Act’ of the night. She has a fantasy to have all her holes filled. On the table is a friend of hers who will take her anal virginity. You heard that right. While I don’t expect we are seeing any virgins out her on the table tonight this will be her first anal penetration.” With that I felt the outside of my condom being lubricated by the host lady. Her hands feel wonderful as she strokes the lubricant over the condom.
Irene comes forward totally naked. She is helped up and over me until she is straddling my cock. I have a view of her back and ass as she is slowly lowered onto my cock. She is coached to relax and I feel my penis head start to separate her butt cheeks and find her ass. Irene lowers down and I push up against her sphincter. It feels great as she relaxes and my cock pushes into her, roughly ½ of its length embedded in her ass.
Irene leans back onto me, her back on my chest. I stay still and let her decided the depth of penetration and vigorousness of the anal fucking. Her head is in the crook of my chest as she turns her head and kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you for doing this for me.” She says. I tell her no problem and encourage her to look around. The site of all these people watching is making her hornier. The organizers check and Irene says she is ready.
My hands rub her stomach and chest as an unknown man takes a position behind Irene’s head. I can not see who it is that has just entered Irene’s pussy. I feel her body tense just a split second before I feel the cock entering her pussy. He starts to fuck her with moderate intensity. My cock only separated from his by the thin membrane that separates Irene’s ass from her vagina. His motion rocks her slightly but my main stimulus is from feeling his cock rubbing against mine inside Irene.
Her head is turned away from me and by the sounds I realize she is sucking on his cock. My hands reach up over her chest and fondle her tits. As the fucking gets more intense, and Irene’s body communicates more intensity I play with her nipples. The cock in her pussy stops, spasms and then is pulled out of her hole. Irene keeps sucking and in less than a minute I feel another cock enter her hole.
The new “fucker” is more intense and lasts longer. Irene is rocking to a new rhythm as I look over at Arlene. A smaller Asian man is working her pussy as she smiles at me. She is still getting fucked doggy-style and I can’t help but notice her breasts swaying under chest to the motion of his pounding.The person in her mouth was wearing a condom and has apparently cum. A third person is now in her cunt and working her hard. One of her hands has moved down between her legs, I would guess to play with her clit. Her head moves back to me and we lock in a french kiss. I tug on her long, special nipples hard as she begins to tense. “I’m going to cum.” She whispers a moment before her back arches.
I pull hard on her nipples as she bucks on top of me. My cock sliding more than before as she twitches on my cock. The person in her vagina hesitates and then resumes his intense fucking. Irene starts to scream out loud as wave after wave of orgasm sweeps her. Her head is embedded in my shoulder and her back fully of my chest and arched as she continues to scream in çanakkale escort pleasure. After roughly one minute she starts to subside.
Eventually she settles down and relaxes. The person in her cunt continues on for another thirty seconds until he cums. As he pulls out Irene relaxes back into me and I hug her. Slowly my cock eases out of her ass. This triggers another round of pleasure. After we are de-coupled Irene is helped off of the table and then I am. Irene is embarrassed by the applause she receives. The announcer happy to re-emphasize that is why she got the ‘Live Sex Act’ of the night award.
With a glove one of the assistants pulls the condom off before cleaning off my cock. I pass Arlene who is now getting ready for her sixth fuck. Several other gloved assistants are applying a lubricant to her pussy. The host leads me back to my spot and I pull myself back up among Cory, Joan and Nancy.
They are stunned and only Cory offers any comment, “Wow!”
Irene is led back and helped up to join us to another round of applause from the crowd. Her total contribution being four people, one orally and three vaginally, for a contribution to charity of $1,400. The organizer is with her and asks if she needs anything. I hold her around the waist and she replies “only a moment to recover.” The organizer stands close by as Joan and Nancy ask Irene about it.
She fills them in on the prep area that is through the doors. They have various toys and ‘people’ to help you get nice and wet before you come out. In her case they helped lube her ass for the penetration. Irene mentions they have two sections. This one out front for people that want to fuck in public and private booths in back for people that want to fuck in private.
She is glad she did it. “How many times do you get to live out a fantasy? And how many times can you do something like this in a really safe environment. The only thing I wasn’t sure about was doing it in public. I’m glad I did. Really glad! There is something erotic about doing something dirty in front of all these people. As I was getting fucked I’d look up and see these faces staring at me. It just made it that much more intense.” Irene concludes. “How about you?”
“I was stunned with proposition. Probably better I didn’t get to think about it. The first thing I noticed was how bright it seemed when you were down there. Or, more specifically, how hard it was to look up because you have to look past the lights. It wasn’t until I was on the bed with a full hard-on that I saw the crowd. It really turned me on thinking I was buck-naked with everyone looking. Then you came out and looked so sexy; so tentative yet lusty at the same time. Entering your ass was great. I got to see you come down on it, and then feel your ass rest on me, then your hair and the naked flesh of your back.
I was really surprised how it felt when the other guys screwed you. You can really feel them through your walls. I thought it would seem kind of gay but it didn’t. Your ass was so nice and tight. The thrusts of the guys in your pussy moved you enough to really stimulate me. And the feeling of their cocks rubbing up and down on mine was a lot like being masturbated. Seeing Arlene next door…all the fucking going on got me hot. And when you had your orgasms it just put everything over the top. A little more friction and I think I could of cum again!” I conclude.
Nancy asks Irene about her feeling during the acts. “It was great! I felt so full with him in there. And with the cock in my mouth and pussy I just felt like I was being ravished. I only saw the crowd for a brief moment before I was overcome. What I remember is the fullness of my cunt and ass, the tugging on my tits, the feel of his breath in my ear, the sounds of the crowd and warmth of the lights. If I had anymore energy I’d do it again!”
The organizer jumps on her chance. “Your always welcome back if you think you can handle some more. We’d love to have you? How about you other ladies?” She asks looking at Cory, Joan and Nancy. “In those outfits you’d be quite the hits!”
“You really would do it again?” Nancy asks Irene. She nods affirmative. “OK, I guess I’m in. But can I do it in private?” The host tries to talk her into the public session. With her physical attributes she would be a big hit…and generate more business. “Irene, did doing it out here make it better?”
“It did, I was reluctant at first. When you are standing in the shadows stark naked all you see is part of the railing and the people looking down at the activity you can’t see. You are aware of some of the cheering but really the sounds all merge together. What you are really aware of is your nudity and the fact that the reason you are nude is to go out in front of all these people, spread your legs and get fucked! It really is just getting fucked.
But, then that really starts to turn you on. You feel the air on your nipples and feel your pussy getting wet. I concentrated on it thinking of all those people looking at it when I spread. All those people anticipating what it would be like to be inside me…enjoying me. How it would feel to lay back and just let somebody pound away at me and how what I really wanted, since it was a stranger, was just for him to come up and fuck me hard.
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