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Father Christmas
Christmas was nearly upon us once again and Hubby had asked Vicky, my best friend, and I to help with the Christmas office party at his works. He wanted us to be Santa’s helpers, this meant Vicky and I dressing up in mini-skirted Santa costumes with black boots, putting on big smiles and helping Father Christmas give out presents to the staff.
Vicky and I had got down to the hotel early, Hubby showed us both to a room where we could get changed, and change back into our party dresses once we had done our Christmas duties.
Hubby left us to it and we were soon admiring ourselves in the mirror. I thought the costumes a little short, but Vicky thought we both looked great. In the room was a large sack with presents in, I bent over and had a little rummage in it. “I say Penny! Don’t bend down a lot with that costume on, your showing your bottom off.” Said Vicky from behind me. As Vicky was talking the door opened and a familiar voice said, “There’s a sight for sore eyes!” I turned my head and looked straight into the eyes of Metcalfe, Mr Oldcastle’s servant. Hubby also followed him in and both gazed at my behind.
“Stand up Penny you are showing all you’ve got!” Hubby eventually said, I jumped up, he then turned to Metcalfe, “You know what to do? Bring the presents down when we phone and these two ladies will help you out. Right I’d better get down stairs and you had better put your costume on.”
Metcalfe looked at me with a knowing smile but I put my finger to my lips to stop him saying something in front of Vicky, but she noticed and looked at me suspiciously.
Metcalfe went into the bathroom and got changed, and once we received the phone call we went down stairs and began to give out the presents to the staff. Once we had finished Vicky went upstairs to change while I talked and had a drink with Hubby and Mr Oldcastle.
After about twenty minutes Vicky joined us, she looked stunning in her little black dress.
“Pen hadn’t you better get changed” Hubby said.
I looked down at my little helpers attire, “I think your right. I won’t be long.” With that I went up to the room. As I walked up I noticed Metcalfe, still in his Father Christmas gear, on the stairs chatting to a couple of men. All watched me walk up the stairs with huge smiles, Metcalfe turned to the other men, and it was obvious that he was talking about me. As I yalova escort turned a corner I heard him say, loudly enough for me to hear, “Time to get changed. See you both at the bar.” With this I ran down the corridor to get the door of the room open. I sensed a “game”!
As I entered the room I saw Metcalfe walking down the corridor towards me. “Has Father Christmas got a present for me.” I smiled and went in.
“Have we been a good girl?” He replied as he entered and shut the door behind him.
I looked at him and shook my head, “No I haven’t.”
“Then bad girls do not get a present.” He said, I imagined there was a smile from under his beard.
“What do bad girls get?” I asked innocently, putting my finger to my mouth. He walked over to the door and locked it, he then turned back to me,” Bend over and you shall feel!” The smile I fancied had broadened.
I walked over to a chair and bent down holding on to the seat. The little costume had risen and I felt my white tights and panties tighten as they were put on view.
“When I saw you bent over that sack I knew that saucy backside belonged to you.” He said and walked over to me, his hand clasped one of my buttocks. I closed my eyes at his touch. “Yes I always know an old friend when I see one.” He carried on and began to rub my behind.
“Come on Father Christmas, I’ve been a bad girl rubbing my bottom is no punishment.” I huskily said. I heard him laugh; I turned my head to see him lift his arm. Slap! Slap! Slap! He began; I held my breath to stop myself shouting out. Slap! Slap! Slap! The noise of his hand on my behind was like music to my ears.
“Well then my little helper is your bum sore yet?” Santa said.
In reply I stuck my rear out more towards him.
“Obviously not!” I heard him gasp out; his hand pounded my backside more quickly. My backside was beginning to glow under his blows. This man was still very good! Slap! Slap! Slap! I wondered how long he could go on, but as if he had read my thoughts he stopped.
“Right stand up!” he commanded. I immediately stood straight. He held my arms and moved me to one side. He then sat down on the chair and looked at me.
“Stand in front of me!” he commanded, “And face away from me!” I did as he said. I felt his hand drift across my behind then lift the skirt. I heard him mutter something edirne escort as he sat and stared at my bottom. I must have been stood like that for a minute or two when once more his hand stroked my rear then grabbed at the flesh.
“Get over my knee. That tasty arse of yours needs an airing!” He said.
I turned to face him, looking him in the eye I lifted my tiny skirt then slowly positioned myself over his knee. I felt his hand move to the hem of the skirt and pull it up higher. His hand smoothed my bottom down; he then grasped my knickers and tights together and tugged them down to my knees. I had to lift myself slightly so he could get them down. My bottom was now exposed to his fiery glare. I noticed that all was quiet except for his excited breathing, his hand traced around my behind, and then he carried on. Slap! Slap! Slap!
I was a bit uncomfortable on his knee so I began to wriggle to sort myself out. Metcalfe must of thought I was trying to escape because he laughed “There’s no escape from my punishment my girl! This pert backside of yours needs my hand!” Slap! Slap! Slap!
In the end I stopped and just savoured the experience. His hand went from my left cheek to my right, dead centre then back to the left. My bum was on fire, in my mind I could see it glow.
Metcalfe was getting very excited as my bum was slapped he was saying things like “Jesus” and “Yes! Yes! Yes!” As his excitement grew the speed of his hand increased!
I began to get carried away as I felt my behind melt in his hand, “Come on! Wallop it! Turn my arse as red as your costume Santa!”
Slap! Slap! Slap! “You naughty girl! Red is it! This backside will look like a sunset when I’m finished!” His hand was flying up and down in frenzy I just wailed in the pleasure and the pain.
In the end his hand began to slow down, “I’ll have to stop for a minute. You’re wearing me out!” I looked around at him a bit disappointed. Sensing I was disgruntled he added, “Meanwhile you can get your gear off! I want to see you naked like at Oldcastle’s house!”
With a big smile I got up, then turned and sat on his knee. I reached down and took off my boots. Metcalfe nodded with approval. After the boots were off I tugged my tights and knickers down which were around my knees, I then stood up in front of him and slowly began to peel off erzurum escort the costume. His eyes followed my hands as it unzipped and pulled down the dress. With the dress off I was left in just my bra. He licked his lips and pointed to it. I put my hands behind my back and undid it. Gradually I let the bra slip over my shoulders until I was completely naked.
“Put your hands on your head and stand straight.” I immediately did as he said. He then got up and walked around me, staring at my nudity “Well my girl it seems my strength has come back! I think you had better go over to that bed and kneel on it. Bottom in the air if you please.”
I skipped over to the bed, knelt on the top, and stuck my bum straight out at him. I could hear him shuffling behind me when I heard him say, “Let’s see if Father Christmas can give you something else. Well this is my lucky day! This will do nicely!”
I turned my head to see him lift a pair of plimsolls from his bag; I quickly buried my head in the bed sheets. Thwack! I screamed in pleasure, the bed muffled the noise. The sound made Metcalfe increase the speed of his hand.
“Get it out! Scream to your heart’s content! This arse of yours is going to suffer!” he excitedly said as he pounded my backside. Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! My bottom was burning at his touch, I did think the poor thing would melt!
“Go on girl! This pert backside was made for this!” Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
“Beat it! I’ve been so naughty. My arse needs your discipline!” I managed to squeal out as the shoe left its mark on my behind again.
“Right my girl!” he said, “I think that’s enough of that for today!” I thought that this was the end. I turned my head to see him take his false beard off. He grinned at me and then lowered his face to my behind. His lips touched one of my cheeks then the other, his hands grabbed my hips and he buried his face into me, kissing and licking. My hands grasped the bed sheets tightly as I wailed in ecstasy.
Soon it was over and he went onto the bathroom to get changed. I also got quickly changed and made myself up.
As I walked down the stairs of the hotel I noticed Vicky and Hubby talking.
“Where you’ve been?” Questioned Vicky with a knowing smile.
“Well I got changed and helped father Christmas with some extra chores.” I replied.
“What getting drunk.” Said Hubby sarcastically, “I could smell the drink on him when he was dealing out the presents.”
“No. I gave him some tips on what to do with naughty girls.” I winked at Hubby, “And after this party I think we will have to discuss them.”
Vicky looked at me, shook her head and smiled. Hubby slapped my tender rear, “You’re on!”
The end.
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