not wanting to screw a million, or a million, &amp

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not wanting to screw a million, or a million, &ampdear to whomsoever it may concern: i being of the person of i myself who chooses to remain anonymous, & whereas i have quite a few, well actually more than quite a few pornographic social-media website-address accounts, & that is including one with ‘chaturbate’, or something similar to it, wishes to inform some, or such of anybody, &/or everybody being of whom could possibly still be more, or less addicted to pornography as i myself am, or was whereas now i myself, or that being of the person of my same self however said am now in some, or such recovery for this one particular addiction being as it is that of the same of the said in question, &/or being of the aforementioned, previous, or prior mentioned that i myself am no longer trying to think to purposely, or abscent-mindedly search that being of the world wide web for practically if not possibly any, &/or every kind, sort, or type of pornographic material being of which exploits that being of the intimate private-parts, or the intimacy, sensuality, or sexuality of born, & raised female persons as in women being of whatsoever races, &/or likewise from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences(with that being of the exception of any persons being of whom have both of the two sexual private-parts, &/or lesbians being of whom although are to be still possibly considered as born, & raised female persons of women, but then nevertheless yet do not want to interact with their male rival-counterparts in any kind, sort, or type of an intimate, sensual, or sexual way being that because they themselves are, or is into female persons representing the same sex, well so i myself say regardless of whether, or not i myself am speaking that being of some, or of such quality/ies, & quantity/ies of the proper, correct, standard illegal bahis english grammar being of the american dialect, but then that being of the fact of the matter is for those being of whom are among themselves being of the latter are only into going down upon one another as well as bringing their private-parts being of the same of vaginas together with other females’, or women’s vaginas), don’t go there, don’t even try it, &/or don’t even think it as i myself am not into any kind, sort, or type of ‘k**die-porn’ as i myself am quite, or very much like so allergic to ‘the-can’, ‘the-big-house’, or j-a-i-l as ‘sheldon’, or ‘leonard’ from the television show comedy for that being of the one called by it’s title of ‘the big bang theory’ would say, well maybe the jewish male character within that one particular television show comedy may be, or is, no, i’m just k**ding, well hopefully he himself isn’t like the democratic presidential couple being of the clintons may be like similar to kavanaugh, well it is suppose to be more, much more than rumor that they themselves have secret card-carrying-memberships to the other part of ‘disneyland’, if you know what i mean, read between the lines, &/or fill in the blanks, & also possible, &/or potential secret card-carrying-memberships to ‘pizzagate’, ‘cometpingpong’, &/or etcetera being of which are, or is of the likes of secret-societies that specializes in that being of the human-trafficking, &/or m*****ation of c***dren, & you know like hollywood, california movie, television, & music industries are, or is heavily addicted to r****g, or m*****ing c***dren who become, or be budding celebrities, & no offense is meant to be possibly directed against any persons of victims, or prey being of any past, present, or future sexual-assault, or **** victims, anyway though, & as i myself would like to possibly illegal bahis siteleri conclude some, or such matters like say, or how you say like here, & now with that being of this last note of interest seeing how certain particular proverbial neighbors-from-hell male characters being of the likes of their kind, sort, or type of public-nuisances of problem-neighbors of riff-raff, or of those being of whom are, or is of persons of characters being of the rank, & file of the-criminal-element/s are, or is, or could be possibly bothering with that being of my apartment door once again as these sociopaths, &/or psychopaths being of likewise sadists, not to mention cowardly-bullies, &/or terrorist-wannabes usually attempt to do so upon that being of quite a regular daily, &/or nightly basis be i myself here within that being of the confines for the atmosphere of my place of residence of a unit’s atmosphere of an apartment, or not, & whereas i myself would just like to say in conclusion, &/or as well, or all the same state for that being of the record as a believer who is trying to think to get right with the God of mine own understanding once again that if any of you all being among yourselves of my fellow voyaguers being of whatsoever races, & likewise from whatsoever walks of life do not witness, or to employ that being of the usage/s of a better, much better word, notice that being of my person posting anything else upon this one particular social-media website-address being of a rather pornographic nature then it would only be that because it is just as i myself have said as i am one being of whom is a part of the fellowship of saints(not including the religious, or spiritual impostors of wolves-in-sheep’s-clothing of some, or of such closet-devil-worshippers of religious-church-hypocrites being of the likes of some, or of such false-brethen, canlı bahis siteleri false-prophets, &/or anti-christs being of whom make up the majority of church-goers being of whatsoever religious denominations, &/or likewise being of whatsoever races, &/or from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences, &/or being of the old, & young alike being of whom are among themselves in addition permit me being of that of the person of i myself to say as they themselves are, or is of both of the two sexual genders), & neither, or nor do i myself still want to possibly engage in foreplay, &/or literal, or actual sexual-intercourse, or try to do so with that being of the born, & raised female persons of the many different races of women from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences being of whom are, or is among they themselves who represent the opposite sex being of from a million, to a million, & a half of them over a time-frame-period of from six years, six months, & six weeks, to seven years, seven months, & seven weeks whereas i would spend different time-frame-periods of minutes with the many different women within that same line of thought, &/or sense of the word, well so i myself wish, or am hoping that that being of which i myself have said has registered within that being of the minds of each, &/or everyone of you all as i am now trying to save myself for any future marriage proposals, or propositions being of which i myself may receive from any future fiancees among themselves being of whom represented the opposite sex being of whom may likewise parlay with that being of the concept of monogamy as well as i myself, & especially seeing how i myself am not some kind, sort, or type of a, excuse my language, &/or pardon my french, & as i play that being of the part of the-devil’s-advocate, &/or as the lesser of two evils being of a prodigal-son, r****t prick s.o.b. bastard moonlighting as a male voyaguer jag-off character, & as i myself do not believe that men should attempt to sexually-assault, or **** women, & c***dren

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